She Quit the Air Bag

chapter 108.1 - 2

Even the teacher of Ning Chuxia was filled with righteous indignation. Although Ren Zhengyin may not know about this incident, the couple felt that they were using his name, and what if he knew it at the time? ?

But she never thought that this incident directly ignited Ning Xinxin’s anger. She felt that her parents were on her sister’s side, not hers.

“Is it more important that my sister’s happiness is more important than my happiness?” She vented her grievances on the phone, “You are just trying to make up for her, and now treat her as a more important child, obviously this matter has nothing to do with Zheng Yin It’s irrelevant! But I have to be held responsible for such a trivial matter!”

She cried so hard that she hung up the phone directly. Later, Ning’s father and Ning’s mother quarreled with her on the phone for several rounds, but they failed to convince each other. Ning Xinxin and Ren Zhengyin have been together until now.

This year’s Mid-Autumn Festival, Ning Xinxin had promised to return to China, but she probably saw the news about Ning Chuxia and felt wronged again, so she decided not to come back temporarily. Know what her daughter decided not to come back.

“Husband, why do you think we made things like this?” Ning’s mother laughed self-deprecatingly.

How enviable they are in front of outsiders.

The eldest daughter holds the most advanced chip technology patents in her hands and wins glory for the country. She will be interviewed every now and then.

As for the second daughter, now she is also in a foreign band, and she is decent and elegant.

But the sadness inside, only the couple themselves know.

Father Ning looked at his wife, the flesh on his cheeks twitched slightly: “I only think of one word, karma.”

The way he treats his parents, the children treat him as well.

Did the father of that year also sit at home with Chu Xia countless times and wait for the family to have a quiet meal?

That’s how it felt.

Ning’s mother smiled bitterly: “I think of another sentence, the one who is favored is always fearless.”

Back then, she and her husband didn’t rely on her father-in-law’s love for Quan Quan’s beloved son, so that they didn’t feel guilty for not going back several times for so many years.

The unloved early summer has never been loved and will not return love.

What about Xinxin, who is also favored? Willingness to the end.

Xue Zhengyi did not expect that he would become the school principal one day before he retired.

He was standing in the shade at the moment watching the link sent to him by the school publicist in the middle of the night, and he was waiting for the host to call him up to give the opening speech.

The two links, one after the other, are interviews of Ning Chuxia and Shen Fangyun by well-known domestic newspapers and magazines.

Xue Zhengyi was a little strange when he saw the link, not to mention Ning Chuxia, Shen Fangyun, a student he had taught mathematics for two years, he still knew a little bit, this child didn’t like to be exposed to the public’s eyes, he only liked to be with others Exchange your work.

But after clicking on it, Xue Zhengyi understood that Lin Xiaomei’s name in the interviewer was impressive, and he was a little emotional, the friendship of these children has endured for a long time.

Xue Zhengyi has taught books for so many years, which can be said to be full of peaches and plums, but among so many students, he was most impressed by Ning Chuxia’s class.

The child he had no intention of protecting back then became the pride of the school and started his legendary road from the first grade.

In the year of the college entrance examination, she entered the best school in the country with the first grade in the province, and based on the school, she signed many seniors and sisters and established Longxia Chip. In fact, when the company was first established, it was not. It is optimistic that the development of domestic chips has been stagnant, and many domestic chip manufacturers will even directly import chips and then process them as domestic products.

But this is not optimistic, but she was quickly slapped in the face. Ning Chuxia started to improve the lithography machine and moved forward step by step. The domestic chips have been innovated in her hands. Now the chips produced by Longxia chips are well-deserved. Being in the forefront of the world is just because she has always only supplied domestic companies and has been criticized overseas. However, she has always maintained an humbly accepting attitude and a tenacious attitude of life and death.

And Shen Fangyun, who was the best friend of Ning Chuxia back then, was also a memorable child. Although his development direction seemed a little unprofessional to the teachers, he was still able to walk out a path.

He is now the most famous figure in the domestic comics industry. Several of his comics have been translated into multiple languages ​​and sold abroad, and have been adapted into animation, film and television and games one after another.

Now when it comes to the name Yunxia Kitchen, there are no young people in China who don’t know it.

The public knows that these two people who can’t fight each other according to their careers are actually classmates of the year. Bo’s style of painting is chaotic.

You must know that on weekdays, Shen Fangyun’s Weibo are all shared line drafts. He is taciturn and doesn’t say a word except for drawing; while Ning Chuxia’s Weibo is all about finance and technology, and she often writes by herself. Analysis of articles, often a small paper of several thousand words.

When it comes to the story of two people getting to know each other, the version is slightly different. Shen Fangyun claimed that he was a “fool” who was hated by many people back then, and Ning Chuxia was his first comic fan and friend.

Ning Chuxia’s version is that she had just moved from her hometown to a big city and was not popular in the class. Shen Fangyun made her her first friend.

But no matter what, the two are important and special friends to each other.

In addition, the two have another important thing in common, which is their opposition to school violence.

Because of her achievements, Ning Chuxia became a representative who could make proposals at a young age, and the first suggestion she made was about punishment for school violence, and she invested funds to deal with students who were physically and mentally injured by school violence. treat.

In Shen Fangyun’s cartoons, there will always be characters who are victims of school violence. He also cooperated with relevant departments to draw several short cartoon works to express different forms of school violence.

The two work together in a two-pronged approach, one in law and society, and the other in culture, conveying values ​​to everyone in their own way.

After the two became more and more famous, some of the classmates of the year couldn’t help but broke the news for the sake of popularity. Among them, there were even a few who kept photos of the year. As soon as they were exposed, they went directly to the hot search. This is how everyone understood. , Why did the two of them oppose campus violence so clearly? This time the hot search exposure has once again made many people reflect on the existence of invisible violence in their lives.

It is precisely because of this hot search that a lawsuit has also been involved.

At that time, Ning Xinxin was already a well-known Internet celebrity, and Ren Zhengyin also had a very popular online account. The two were called fairy CPs by many netizens because they often shared their love life.

Whether it is a pure love that started in high school, or a well-matched white, rich, beautiful, tall, rich and handsome CP, they are all enviable enough. The romantic life of petty bourgeoisie after the two settled abroad is even more eye-catching.

But who would have thought that there was still a victim of school bullying lying among the two?

As soon as the incident was exposed at that time, it attracted a lot of scolding from netizens. They felt that the love between two people was built on the basis of other people’s scars, which was really hateful.

Of course, in order to avoid accidental injury, they also turned the attention of a few people in a circle. After confirming that they were not related to each other, Ning Xinxin and Ren Zhengyin also mentioned several times in Weibo that “the little quarrel with Ning Xinxin’s sister was a little bit. As a result, the two were opposed by Ning’s father and Ning’s mother.” They immediately attacked.

After all, as long as they think about Ning Chuxia’s position, they will frown.

“I was left at home by my parents and ignored it. After I brought it back, I was bullied on campus because I didn’t fit in with the group. Then I managed to escape my own sister and the perpetrator of the school bullying. Hello, are you okay? Your sister didn’t do anything. I’m sorry. your business?”

“Big brother, when people bully others, you turn a blind eye to the rain and you have nothing to lose. In the end, you run after other people’s sisters and get their sisters to turn their backs.”

“Where did you come from to say a little bit of discord? Seeing your fans say that your parents are biased, it’s cool when your sister is stingy, right? Why don’t you talk about it specifically?”

Later, these two quite profitable accounts both stopped updating, and some overseas Chinese broke the news on the Internet. Ning Xinxin and Ren Zhengyin had a big fight because of this incident.

Xue Zhengyi first scanned the interview with Shen Fangyun. Shen Fangyun answered the question very sincerely. It mentioned the bullying he encountered back then, and also thanked the kind teachers and classmates he met after the class, and let him clear the shadows.

What he opened later was the one by Ning Chuxia, and Shen Fangyun quickly saw the part that the propagandists wanted him to read.

“I have always been very grateful to Teacher Xue who helped me back then. In fact, I also thought about what would happen if Teacher Xue chose to cover them up? After all, I was not substantially hurt in this incident.”

“I’m very grateful to him for upholding the justice in my heart and for re-establishing my trust. Everyone is so bad, isn’t it? It’s just that I’m less fortunate than others, and I have met some people who are not so good.”

Xue Zhengyi couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth when he saw this. In fact, until now, Ning Chuxia will give him gifts every year. The gifts are not expensive and are local specialties, otherwise Xue Zhengyi would not receive them.

In fact, what he did was just a matter of his own accord.

“Principal Xue, it’s your turn.” The process was about to arrive at Xue Zhengyi, and the dean behind him also reminded him.

Xue Zhengyi tidied up his clothes a little, and went to the stage as soon as the host asked the principal to deliver the opening speech.

When adjusting the height of the microphone, he could clearly see the faces of many students below, especially the freshmen standing at the front, who were still a little immature. Although he was not interested in this kind of speech, he still looked at it curiously. the principal of this school.

In fact, the manuscript of this speech was “inherited” from the previous principal. There are six copies in total. Even students who have been in this school since the first day of junior high are guaranteed not to hear the same version.

He had already memorized the draft, and he blurted it out. Immediately at the end, he wished the students good grades on campus, but Xue Zhengyi involuntarily changed his speech.

“Although grades are important, I hope you will become people with justice in mind, live frankly, and will not be ashamed of yourself when you look back.”

Ning Chuxia did not live long in this world.

However, as a workaholic, she has created a career that is enough to satisfy her.

Before her deadline is approaching, the level of domestic technology is no longer restricted by foreign countries, and it will not easily affect the overall domestic situation for the ban of other countries.

And the anti-violence actions she and Shen Fangyun have fought for their entire lives have finally brought changes to the world. What they have achieved is not only to reduce bullying, but also to let more people understand that there are various forms of violence.

In the past, when a bullying incident was exposed, there were always strange comments in the comments. Some people would ask the person concerned to reflect on themselves first; some people would think that the person concerned was too vulnerable; , Occasionally there is one, and it will be quickly overwhelmed by netizens.

She moved forward tirelessly and paid little attention to the things around her, but even so, Ning Chuxia still practiced the basic responsibilities of being a child and caring for the two of them. Whether she is willing or not, it is said that the development of the company cannot be separated from her as the backbone.

The only thing that surprised Ning Chuxia was Ning Xinxin in this life. If Ning Chuxia has done more than the previous Ning father and Ning mother, she is not as good as the previous Ning father and Ning mother.

Ning Xinxin seldom returned to China, and she communicated with her parents several times with resentment. She had no idea where she came from and decided that her parents were partial to Ning Chuxia, so she would have all kinds of conflicts with her, and even miraculously came to the conclusion. After she came to the conclusion of “Since you care about her more, you should stay with her!”, after Ning’s father and Ning’s mother passed away, she returned home in a hurry and found that her parents had donated all their property to a fund for helping left-behind children. , and was so angry that he threw his sleeves away and never returned to China.

At that time, Ning Xinxin was like a changed person, with resentment on her face all day long. Her former beauty had long been worn away by such hatred and turned sharp and mean.

However, she and Ren Zhengyin, who were supposed to be good lovers in the world, became a pair of grudges. They complained about each other all day long, but they were always separated, as if they had to pull each other no matter how hard their life was.

Ning Chuxia later accidentally met Ning Xinxin when she was attending a summit abroad. At that time, she resigned from the orchestra and was playing in the restaurant.

Ning Chuxia didn’t call her, just listened to her music, all the spiritual energy that once flowed in the music disappeared, except for the craftsmanship, it was sullen.

She didn’t pay attention to Ning Xinxin anymore, she guessed Ning Xinxin’s ending, people who always live in hatred will not be happy.

When Ning Chuxia was dying, he handed over his death to Shen Fangyun.

Ning Chuxia’s feelings for Shen Fangyun did not go beyond friends. They were the most tacit confidants and could hear the voices of each other’s souls.

Ning Chuxia, who closed her eyes, bid farewell to this world. After she left, Shen Fangyun made one of the few decisions in her life that went against the wishes of her friends.

He officially changed the name of Yunshang Kitchen, which had been in use for decades, to Shen Fangyun, and informed the public that Ning Chuxia had helped his work in these years.

He, who was also very old at that time, also left soon after his death. In the collection of works published after his death, many of his original creation manuscripts were made public. This is how people know that in Shen Fangyun’s works in this life, In almost every work, there are characters based on Ning Chuxia.

The Valkyrie who stepped on the waves, the indomitable sun queen, the scale witch who can weigh the importance of the soul… They all have a common core, that is, unchanging kindness and justice.

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