She Quit the Air Bag

Chapter 157 - Perfect Lover and Bad Original Spouse (12)

As soon as the news came out, it wasn’t just the students of City A University who felt very happy. Netizens who had been following this incident couldn’t help but be happy.

Speaking of which, the schools that have had scandals in the past two years have been one after another. When the frequency is high, it even gives people the feeling that the industry is taking jujube pills, as if they are engaged in some kind of college scandal competition.

Netizens are actually not unreasonable. They all know that a university is small in scale, from teachers to students to staff. If you add it up, there are thousands of individuals, and even more than 10,000. This forest is big and natural. There are all kinds of birds, everyone knows it.

But what they couldn’t figure out was why the school didn’t deal with it when they encountered something. The anger was accumulating, and every time it was about to be forgotten, it would rekindle because of a sudden incident.

It’s okay if you don’t deal with it, then you have to let them scold the school, right? But there are still people who say that you can’t scold the school, the school is a good school, but there are problems with individual teachers/classmates/leaders.

It is precisely because of these as the control group that it seems that City A University has made a decisive decision this time. However, because the school has been procrastinating for so long before making a decision, and even has a faint meaning of safeguarding Ko Chi Zhuo, netizens did not praise the school. Meaning, just silently “queuing up” under this official statement Weibo.

“Come on, come, put incense sticks on the former Professor Gao and then go/candles.”

“Innocent and good teacher, talented Professor Gao, free VIP seat, Professor Gao, you didn’t speak up before and you were a turtle with a shrunken head. It’s just right, and now you don’t need to speak up.”

“One bow, Professor He Gao is not a professor; two bows, Professor Xie Gao let his ex-wife live free; three bows…”

In addition to the netizens who were moved by the wind, Ning Chuxia also punched in on time.

She calmly added a retweet to this Weibo: “Every day with laughter and laughter, today is a day to celebrate, let me order a “Good Day” for someone.”

After reposting the Weibo, Ning Chuxia looked at the computer in front of her. The temperature of the coffee on the table was just right, and it was not too cold to enter directly. One sip of coffee into the stomach refreshed the mind.

The layout of her computer screen is now divided into two parts, one half is the WeChat chat page, and the other half is the Weibo just opened.

The chat page that opens is a small group of three people who have been chatting hot recently, and just below this small group, there is another small group whose chat records are also being refreshed every day.

After roughly browsing the information that had just been swiped in the group, Ning Chuxia casually opened the document sent by others in the group, and nodded with satisfaction after reading it—

“Okay, I’m quite satisfied with these candidates. Let’s arrange an interview. If it’s suitable, you can take the job directly.”

Those who know a little about this industry will probably immediately come up with two words – headhunting, yes, the small group of Ning Chuxia is the boss of the headhunting company and the docking personnel in charge of the waybill.

The most annoying thing in the world must be your enemy stepping on your corpse.

Ning Chuxia knew that her account was famous for stepping on “Kochi Zhuo’s body”, and she also knew that Kochi Zhuo would not be too happy when she saw that her account was active, so she had to manage this account well, by the way Being able to reach out to others and use my own painful experience to sound the alarm for others – this is also one of the wishes of the original soul.

At that time, if more people could tell her that it was not shameful to have an unhappy marriage, and told her that it was not that she did not do well enough, but that she would have a bad marriage when she met a man like Ko Chi Takashi, then she probably would not leave. to the final desperation.

But no one told her that.

When “almost” everyone around her was praising Kochi Taku, how could she have any other choice besides blaming herself? In the end, I blew out my own light in the self-blame day after day.

At that time, she failed to meet that light, so she made herself the light.

Not to mention the other perks of being in the business.

One is the flexibility of time. Ning Chuxia doesn’t think being a single parent is a terrible thing, but there is one thing, that is, Ning Jin is fortunate to get less love than other children, so what she can do as a mother is easy. It is to let children feel enough love. Regular work usually conflicts with study and vacation time. Parents also have their own careers. Choosing such a relatively free job is a surefire way.

The second is the requirements of parents and society. Although Ning Chuxia can be a white rich beauty who has nothing to do, it feels a little bit escaping from society in front of outsiders, not to mention that Ning Chuxia is a firm person who has his own career party.

For various reasons, it becomes an inevitable choice to run your own account, and to make such an account, having a team is the most important thing.

It sounds beautiful to fight alone, but in the long run, the quality of the account is difficult to guarantee.

Recruiting people by yourself is a troublesome and time-wasting thing after all. Ning Chuxia didn’t plan to take this kind of work on herself at all. Things that can be solved with money will of course be solved with money.

The salary offered by Ning Chuxia is not low, the company benefits are all available, and all the headhunters who are looking for are cooperating with the parent company. The parents are generous bosses, and they give money quickly. In the headhunting industry, the reputation has always been very good, although Ning Chuxia has always been well received. The company is a start-up, but several companies she approached were very optimistic, and helped her dig a lot of high-quality resumes.

Now just waiting for the interviews one by one, her small studio can officially set sail, and by the way, add fuel to the fire of someone’s marriage that is coming to an end, and let the fire burn more vigorously.

Ning Chuxia opened another group chat. The information in this group chat was relatively professional, and the English word abbreviations jumped one after another.

Ning Chuxia swept through it with one eye and ten lines, and made a neat judgment based on her professional knowledge, and then said boldly: “Yes, I voted in Ning Chuxia.”

As soon as the news came out, the group chat seemed to be frozen at zero degrees for a moment. No one sent a message for a long time. As soon as the ice was broken, it was all screen-swiping. Notice the age gap.

Ning Chuxia smiled and rolled her eyes. The people she invested in were carefully selected by her. Even if they couldn’t get enough income, it would definitely not be a loss.

After dealing with the news that should be handled, Ning Chuxia heard the movement outside the door. The sound was not loud, but her door was half-closed, so there was no sound insulation. It was obviously a part-time worker who went to the special class downstairs. Ning Jinxing was brought back.

Thinking of the children outside, Ning Chuxia just swiped Weibo casually. Not to her surprise, the retweet she just posted attracted a lot of monsters.

She will check the IP before every reply these days, but she really found Yu Mishuang’s trumpet among these people, but she looked at Ning Chuxia, who was obviously a passerby who was still promoting their tolerant heart scriptures. I just want to wave my hand and say I don’t deserve it.

Ning Chuxia didn’t take any anger when she saw the news, and just replied with ease.

“I have to forgive people and forgive them. I don’t understand how to be satisfied with a blogger? To be honest, I think Professor Kochi Zhuo’s punishment is enough. Are you still not satisfied when you ruined his career? The Lord wants to destroy others.”

—— “Confused behavior award, no one thinks that with the advancement of technology in contemporary society, I have some brain wave manipulation function that can control the two of them to fall in love. One is cold and violent, the other is rumors on the Internet, and finally we have to get married and come together?”

—— “Stop, think about it with your brain that may not exist, whether I destroyed him or he destroyed him, I don’t even know that I have such a powerful ability.”

“Am I the only one who thinks this punishment is too heavy? As far as I know, the teaching level of this high professor is very good. I feel that this behavior of denying academic level because of morality is really low level.”

——”It is recommended to renew the nine-year compulsory education. Haven’t you heard the word teacher educating people? Teacher morality is also a teacher’s professional quality, but don’t overestimate my personal ability. The school expelled him just because he was a teacher and Students are only in love and marriage. If you want your future child to meet a teacher who will love and marry your child, you can continue to call for it. I think most people are not interested in this (that is, if you are not married, you are very capable. Teachers also let their students break the law).”

“It’s scary. An example of marrying the wrong wife ruined my life. I wouldn’t dare to marry a wife like a blogger anyway. This attitude of wanting to cut grass and roots is really scary. How can you be so cold-blooded about your pillow.”

——”Ah, I’m sorry, who are you? I thought about it and I didn’t let you marry me? As for the high-level adjective cold-blooded, I’ll give it back to you. I think I’m rather unlucky to meet such a husband. If you If you like it, you can also pursue Kochi Zhuo, I think you are quite a match for him.”

“Is the times going backwards? They are all adults, so how can they be attacked and spread rumors after a divorce? And what about a teacher-student relationship? It’s not a minor being seduced by a teacher, but an adult. , How can people who have their own judgments be punished?”

——”I think the times are progressing too fast, or if I changed it, no one would run into other people’s yards to sing like you before. I don’t know when I attacked and spread rumors, I was accurate from beginning to end. Attack, one said the other party made rumors (there is a verdict), and the other said what kind of man my ex-husband is (as evidenced by the screenshot of the chat record transfer).”

There are many other similar comments, large and small, and some people even directly attacked Ning Chuxia for being divorced and psychologically distorted.

Ning Chuxia was very indifferent to this, and just chose to publish the video that had been prepared before, and then went out happily and watched the animal world with his son.

This video will be reposted in two days and it is estimated that the effect will be better.

“Mom, drink water.” Yu Mishuang had just crept out of the study, then walked around and poured a glass of water for Gao’s mother.

Mother Gao is watching TV series in the living room, but it is strange that she can still listen to the opera on her mobile phone while watching TV series.

In the TV series is a drama from the Republic of China. These days, Yu Mi-shuang has been shocked by the level of bloodshed, and almost every episode has Xi Zi covering his heart, roaring and tearing his lungs, love-hate relationship. Entanglement, blood love entanglements are endless.

The play Yu Mishuang did not study and could not appreciate it.

At this moment, the voice of the supporting actress on TV overlapped with the sound from the loudspeaker on the old man’s mobile phone because the child was gone, and it actually gave Yu Mi Shuang a suona funeral feeling. of the kind.

Yu Mi Shuang was sure that his movements definitely attracted Gao’s mother’s attention, but even so, Gao’s mother didn’t give a look, just sat there and watched TV intently.

The raised hand was sore, Yu Mi Shuang didn’t insist any longer, and returned to the room with drooping brows and eyes.

Although reciting ten thousand times of sincerity is the best way to open up, but her heart is not made of steel, how can she not be depressed?

Especially when I was treated coldly in Kochi Drona just now…

The house rented by Kochi Zhuo is a large flat, and the area is very large. The size of the single room is quite amazing, but Yu Minshuang sits on the bed with his legs and feels full of loneliness.

It is obvious that Professor Gao’s home is also her home, but why can’t she feel that kind of home?

The screen of the mobile phone lying on the bed lighted up, and seeing the intimate notes displayed on it, Yu Mishuang immediately picked up the mobile phone, his eyes full of anticipation, and immediately unlocked and opened WeChat.

The one who sent the message was Kochi Taku, who had been in the study. He first sent a picture of a corner of the bookcase, and then followed a question mark.

Yu Mi Shuang’s expectations were swept away, and her mind was blank for a moment before she realized: “Is there something I can’t find?”

She picked up the phone and wanted to go to the study, not to mention how panicked she was.

A few days ago, she arrived for the first time, so she didn’t dare to mess with things. If she hadn’t found out that Kochi Zhuo was angry because she didn’t clean up the study, she would not have realized that she had done anything wrong.

Only then did she realize that when the other party was angry, she actually had some complaints against Kochi Taku in her heart. After all, Kochi Taku hadn’t even told her to tell her, so how could she dare to mess with it?

But thinking of Professor Gao losing her job for herself, she felt guilty.

She took the initiative to tell Ko Chi Zhuo that she could drop out of school, but Ko Chi Zhuo did not agree. This attitude was entirely for her consideration, which made Yu Mi Shuang not angry at all, but blamed herself for her ignorance.

It would be the best if Professor Fire Gao’s mood could be improved upon her.

Before reaching the door, the news came again.

“[Picture].” The picture sent this time is the whole picture of the bookcase that is slightly larger than the one just now.

“It’s all messed up and can’t be found.”

Yu Mi Shuang was as anxious as a headless fly, but he didn’t know how to explain it.

She… She really didn’t mess it up on purpose, but didn’t she put it neatly according to the size of the book?

A full set of books and tomes are placed on the top layer of the wardrobe. The most convenient place in the middle is for more commonly used books, and the lower part is used for some thin and light journals that need to be arranged well to stand firm. If it is Compared with the order that was sent before, it was messed up, but the problem was that the original books had no regularity at all.

“I’m sorry, I’m going to collect it now. You tell me in what order, I’ll rearrange it!”

She was so sad that she was about to cry, and felt that she was always doing something wrong. At this time, she was eager to be coaxed by her lover, but what she was waiting for was an indifferent and simple period.

“Forget it, let’s talk about it, now I’m busy don’t come here.”

All his hands were on the handle at the door and pressed down. Yu Mi Shuang slowly released his hand and returned to the bed with his phone.

Kochi Zhuo must think she is wrong, why can’t she even keep a closet?

Yu Mishuang has been the little princess in her family since she was a child. She will be praised by relatives and friends she knows when she goes out, but everything she encounters after entering Gao’s house is one difficulty after another that she has never encountered in her long life.

“I’m sorry, don’t you get angry? I really don’t know how to accept it. I’m too stupid.”

“I know you’ve been busy with patents and research recently. I won’t bother you. I’ll go in and clean up later.”

With a blank face, he threw out the words of assurance one after another, but there was no answer from the other end.

Yu Mishuang slumped down on the bed, only to realize that he started shedding tears without realizing it.

It was just lying down directly from the sitting position that she felt the soreness all over her body.

Although it sounds like a giant baby, it is true that every time she came home during the winter and summer vacations, her family would not take the initiative to let her do housework. They would only say that she should study hard and take a lot of rest while she was home. Going to help my mother, doing things that I can do, such as washing dishes and vegetables, I have also mastered the ability to do housework.

In Yu Mi Shuang’s view, doing housework is just an ordinary day-to-day life.

You must know that her mother still works every 9 to 5, doesn’t she still keep the house clean inside and out? Not to mention her mother, but to say her aunt and aunt, it is basically the same.

What’s the point of doing this?

But as soon as she entered Gao’s house, she was shocked.

She never imagined that the effort of sweeping and mopping the floor would sometimes disappear within an hour or two.

There are three people in the Gao family even with her. Although the bathing is done every day in the summer, the summer clothes don’t add up too much, and there is a washing machine nearby to help, so it should be easy to solve.

But it takes half an hour just to throw the washed clothes flat and hang them on the hanger, not counting the effort of taking them back and folding them for storage.

Besides breakfast, lunch and dinner every day, the simplest breakfast has to be busy for at least ten minutes, and lunch and dinner are more.

It was only then that Yu Mi Shuang discovered that she used to think that her mother’s idea that she could bring out a pot of dishes “in half an hour” when she got home was really tooyoungtoosimple!

Not to mention that the half hour is the efficiency of my mother’s skilled worker, it is amazing to say that the neglected work before and after is an amazing thing. Buying vegetables is a hurdle. A troublesome meal; after cooking the food, brushing the pot and cleaning the stove, there is still a lot of work. If you add this before and after, it will be gone for another two or three hours.

Yu Mishuang was not depressed because of all the emotions. She thought that she was struggling because she was not familiar enough, but what really frustrated her was when she coquettishly wanted to ask Kochi Taku for some comfort, but Kochi Taku did not. He just turned around and said that he was tired and wanted to rest. After a while, there was a long breath that was obviously sleepy.

Yu Mi Shuang didn’t understand where the sadness at that moment came from. After thinking about it, she could only attribute it to being hypocritical and acting, and then told herself that she should grow up and stop being so childish.

Turning slightly sideways, Yu Mi Shuang could almost hear the sound of the bones on his body.

She touched Ning Chuxia’s account again, she really wanted to slap herself.

She really deserved it. She knew that Kochi Zhuo had no job now, and Ning Chuxia’s smug look was ugly, but she couldn’t help but click.

The homepage that was opened, Ning Chuxia, just updated a video, which looks like a Vlog, called [Before Divorce/Post Divorce].

Yu Mioshuang already had a hunch that he would never be happy when he clicked it, but after struggling, the video started to play automatically because of the wifi network.

The first thing that appeared in the video was the sound of tapping on the keyboard. Along with this sound, one after another white words fell on the black screen. All Ning Chuxia posted were comments from netizens.

——”Divorce is good for a while, but regrets it afterwards. I’ll give you the blogger. You must regret missing such a good ex-husband.”

—— “Blogger, you still haven’t woken up, don’t you think that the next man will be better if you leave this man? Shouldn’t it be to tune and teach him to change him instead of divorce?”

——“Do you really think that a person’s life will be better after a divorce?”

Then on the screen was Ning Chuxia sitting on the soft chair by the window. She was wearing a simple dress, and the sun fell on her face, making her contours halo.

“I saw the concern of many netizens for me, and after thinking about it, I prepared this life record that is not a vlog. Of course, I believe that there are many people in the world who have a happy and sweet life after marriage, but unfortunately, this happy and sweet life is not belong to me.”

Ning Chuxia showed his daily life in the form of a map on the other side of the screen, and also attached the timeline of the year as evidence.

The dense arrangement of matters on it is enough to take one’s breath away, and anyone can see the lengthy working hours.

“You don’t have to tell me that my efficiency is too slow, my limit is like this, I can’t change it, what you see is only my 365-day daily life.” Ning Chuxia, who reappeared in front of the screen, was very calm, “And what I did These routines are unrecognized routines. The average person can get a salary after being scolded by the leader for a few mistakes at work. As a housewife, doing these things well will only be said that you don’t know how to manage a house, let alone pay. He will also praise that your husband is very capable and can support you to rest at home.”

“I don’t know if you’ve heard that saying? Hang a carrot in front of the donkey, and you don’t need to feed it, it can keep pulling the mill down, and you will be dismissed as clumsy. And what I do is the work of the donkey. , repetitive mechanical work, never seeing intangible rewards, and having to be told a few words are not good enough.”

Seeing this Yu Mi Shuang’s heart twitched.

“Of course, this was before the divorce.” The bgm in the background also became lighter, and a day of leisurely life of Ning Chuxia appeared accelerated in the picture.

Sleep until seven o’clock and wake up naturally, accompany my son downstairs for a morning run or walk, go around to the supermarket next to the community to buy some food and buy a breakfast, and walk all the way to my parents’ house to have breakfast with my parents.

After the meal, I said goodbye to my parents, and went home to sit in a comfortable chair and started work, while my son watched TV or read books obediently not far away.

At eleven o’clock, Auntie came in on time and started cleaning and preparing for lunch. After the meal, mother and son enjoyed a happy nap. In the afternoon, mother and son took their own training classes for self-improvement. She practiced yoga in the yoga studio. She would go home and continue to work before her son ended, and then waited for her aunt to pick up her son to continue preparing dinner.

After dinner, I called my parents and the four of them to walk downstairs twice. Going upstairs is a happy parent-child time. The mother and son will play some puzzle games or watch a short video together. After that, when Ning Jinxing starts to feel sleepy, they will It is a time that can be freely arranged by Ning Chuxia.

“Of course, according to each person’s situation, the time arrangement will also vary greatly. I never advocate impulsive divorce, and I never think that divorce is the solution to all problems, but I only know when your marriage is bad. At a certain point, there’s a 90 percent chance that the divorce will get better.”

“Even though I don’t have so many people to help me now, I can change from working under people and being picked on by others to working for myself. At least I can decide how much work I do, and I won’t disrespect my labor accusations. Own.”

The footage of the last day flashed across the screen like a marquee.

“You want to ask me how my life was after the divorce?”

“Then I can only tell you, it’s cool, I only regret that I didn’t divorce sooner.”

When the video is over, it automatically jumps to another place.

Yu Mi Shuang just stared at the phone screen in a trance.

She had many times, even after being sued, insisted that Ning Chuxia was a person full of lies.

But now, she can’t seem to control her shaking.

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