She Quit the Air Bag

Chapter 16 - Good Girlfriend and Good Husband (Part 16)

This night was long and difficult for some people.

Wu Heya didn’t dare to look at her phone until she got home. She didn’t go to work today, but she felt exhausted. Even though she was so tired, she still couldn’t feel sleepy.

Finally, she mustered up the courage, and she picked up the phone.

To her surprise, the phone was clean and there was not even a single message scolding her.

She originally thought that Sui Zui and Qian Zhuo would help Ning Chuxia send messages to scold her. Could it be that Ning Chuxia didn’t let her?

It’s unlikely that Ning Chuxia just mentioned this.

As for Kou Junsheng’s failure to send her a message, Wu Heya had expected it a long time ago. Everyone was unprepared for what happened tonight. Kou Junsheng was upset. She also understood that, of course, it was always a little sad, but She doesn’t mind taking the initiative. Now that Ning Chuxia has completely withdrawn, she can always have a chance.

Wu Heya hesitated to open the chat box with Ning Chuxia.

The chat records still remained at Ning Chuxia asking her if she was there, and the last one was an emoji of a little girl spinning in circles, cute and energetic.

Wu Heya didn’t plan to send a message to Ning Chuxia, what’s the use of sending a message? She couldn’t do things like begging Ning Chuxia for forgiveness and begging for forgiveness, and she didn’t feel that she had made a big mistake.

She poked nervously at Ning Chuxia’s head, her eyes closed, and her face turned pale when she saw the blank space and a gray line.

Did Ning Chuxia block her Moments from watching, or… delete her?

No matter which one it is, it is a desperate option for Wu and Ya, because it means that Ning Chuxia has already done everything regardless of the past.

Wu Heya sat up, and she opened the Moments of Sui Zui and Qian Zhuo again. Sure enough, she couldn’t see their Moments anymore.

How to do?

Wu Heya thought about it and found a high school classmate in the address book.

— “Are you busy? Can I ask you a favor?”

When she needed it, she began to regret it. She used to be arrogant and arrogant, and felt that those classmates were useless. She couldn’t even find a few people who also had Ning Chuxia’s WeChat friends.

– “?”

Wu Heya pondered her words and entered them carefully.

— “Can you help me take a screenshot of Chu Xia’s Moments? /Smiley, we had a fight over some trivial matter, she blocked me, I see why she is angry, coax her, don’t tell Chu Xia.”

After sending it out, Wu Heya felt a little regretful, and it seemed that she explained too much, but she didn’t explain it, and she was afraid that the other party would ask Ning Chuxia.

She held the phone tightly and waited anxiously.



The first thing the other party sent was the ellipsis. When Wu Heya didn’t want to understand, the screenshot came. She looked at the words and pictures on the screenshot, and her face became red with excessive excitement.

Wu Heya was very angry, what is the difference between Ning Chuxia and directly saying that she and Kou Junsheng cheated? This is her **, why did it have to be exposed to so many people, and her photo was posted!

How could she do this to her?

This is simply a violation of her personal rights!

But no matter how angry she was, she couldn’t do anything.

Wu Heya was in a trance and tried her best to restore her peace. She said thank you to the classmate who helped with the screenshot, but unexpectedly, the message failed to be sent.

Looking at the sentence “You are not his (her) friend” on the top, Wu Heya couldn’t laugh much. She remembered something and turned to the screenshot just sent.

Sure enough, she didn’t notice that the person who took the screenshot just liked this circle of friends, and Wu and Ya were very impressed by the many names that juxtaposed with her.

They all know.

Sitting on the bed with her knees in her arms, she murmured to comfort herself, isn’t it the unimportant person who knows? It does not matter.

After thinking about it for a long time, Wu Heya still sent the screenshot to Kou Junsheng, but Kou Junsheng probably fell asleep after cleaning and did not reply to her message.

In fact, of course Kou Junsheng saw the news of Wu Heya, but what if he saw it?

Don’t even look at what time it was when she sent the photo, which was so different from the time on the photo, that everyone who should have seen it saw it, so why don’t you hide your ears and think that Ning Chuxia deleted it and everyone didn’t see it?

Just treat him like a broken jar, Kou Junsheng has more things to worry about.

Kou Junsheng probably counted the property at hand. His father left before Ning Chuxia got married, so his inheritance could be preserved, but due to the depreciation of money over the years, the real value was the house he was living in. Others Most of them were put into the company by Kou Junsheng.

The problem lies in the company. Kou Junsheng is very optimistic about the company’s prospects. It is absolutely impossible for him to distribute the company to Ning Chuxia, but it is not easy for Kou Junsheng to come up with the property corresponding to the current value of the company. thing.

In addition, the subsequent expansion of the company also requires investment. If he does not have a certain amount of liquidity on hand, it is likely that his shares will be diluted.

Divorce is a light-hearted word, but it is really fatal to deal with it.

After he finished the calculation, he was completely awake. He racked his brains and wrote several pages of apology in the memo. He was sincere, and recalled the sweet past of the two. Kou Junsheng watched it himself. He was a little moved. He firmly believed that this would definitely impress Ning Chuxia.

It’s just that after the news was sent, it was like a rock sinking into the sea. He sent several more messages, and even tentatively made a WeChat call, but he didn’t get through.

The only good thing is that Ning Chuxia should have only blocked his Moments, not deleted her.

Does this mean that she still has him in her heart and can’t completely give up?

Of course, people also have to be prepared. Although it was already midnight, Kou Junsheng still sent a message to a few friends to ask if they knew any reliable divorce lawyers there.

Their company has a long-term cooperation law firm, but the other party specializes in economic cases, and he specializes in this field, and he still wants to find a better lawyer.

After planning like this, the sky outside began to light up, Kou Junsheng was half-leaning on the bed, and fell asleep in a daze.

When he woke up again, his ears were full of non-stop phone ringing, and he suffered from a severe headache due to lack of sleep. Kou Junsheng picked up his phone and glanced at it. The caller was an unfamiliar number he had never seen before.

Looking at the time again, it was only 7:20. He remembered that when he was about to fall asleep, he vaguely looked at the time and it was already early 6:00.

Although he couldn’t recognize who the number was, he would not have called so early for advertisements, loans, or fraudulent calls. After hearing what was said on the other end of the phone, Kou Junsheng’s face turned green.

Kou’s mother always got up early. She didn’t get a good rest last night, and she got up when she heard the movement outside.

When she opened the door, she felt a little guilty. Last night, she hesitated a little bit whether she should clean up the house before going to bed, but there were too many things, and she couldn’t clean it up.

“Junsheng, why did you get up so early?” Kou’s mother was surprised. Although it was Monday, her son always went to bed after eight o’clock.

Kou Junsheng: “The moving company that Ning Chuxia called out is here.”

The person who called him was not Ning Chuxia, but Ning Chuxia’s deputy store manager.

She was in charge of helping to pack Ning Chuxia’s clothes. Along with her were the workers who helped carry the things, and the hotel and flower shop staff who were supposed to come later to clear the dishes and arrange them.

Kou Junsheng didn’t expect Ning Chuxia to be so anxious. He couldn’t wait for work time. He didn’t want to open the door, but the deputy store manager said that she took the key from Ning Chuxia. If Kou Junsheng didn’t want to open it, she would You can ask the property to accompany you and videotape the whole process, and organize it on the premise that no other things have been moved.

Speaking of this, of course Kou Junsheng had to come over to open the door. When the property came to the door, he couldn’t afford to lose face.

After the door was opened, the deputy store manager who came in politely asked Mama Kou and Kou Junsheng good morning. She was polite, but there was no respect in her eyes.

“Junsheng, what are you going to move in the early summer?” Kou’s mother grabbed her son’s sleeve, “you have to watch, don’t let her take other things.”

This divorce is a divorce, why do you still bring something to move?

The deputy store manager naturally heard this, and she shook her phone with a funny look: “Auntie, don’t worry, we will videotape the whole process, and we will never take any more stitches from your family.” She remembered Ning Chuxia’s instructions and looked at him again. Kou Junsheng, “Mr. Kou, Sister Chuxia asked me to confirm with you.”


“She will take all the clothes, bags, and accessories that she owns at home. Sister Chuxia doesn’t want her belongings to be touched by others. Of course, she also indicated that she can sell it at a second-hand price. If you are worried, Mr. Kou , she’ll mail you the list and **** later.”

Who is this other person referring to? Kou Junsheng understood, his face darkened. Does Kou Junsheng look like someone who can give away second-hand items? Does Ning Chuxia despise Wu Heya or does he despise him?

Kou’s mother is a little sensitive: “This is the money that Junsheng spent.”

Kou Junsheng frowned, and he could feel the vague disdain of the other party: “Take it all.” He stopped his mother who was still trying to speak.

He was clear in his heart that Ning Chuxia didn’t have many luxury goods. After all, she didn’t have that spending habit, and he rarely thought of buying these for Ning Chuxia.

The luxury items that Ning Chuxia has now are basically bought after she went out to open a store to support the scene. Kou Junsheng knows these accounts, and it is estimated that it is more limited than what he sent to Wu and Yana.

There is no need to worry about these.

Kou’s mother did something wrong last night, and now she is staying calm. With her sharp eyes, she is constantly looking at these people and will never let them take more.


“Aren’t you taking the **** with you?” Mama Kou looked dissatisfied, she really didn’t take what she should have, but she took what she shouldn’t.

The staff of the hotel only took away the plates they sent, and the food scraps and tableware on the table were not under their management; the same as those who came to move the table, they lifted the tablecloth from below and moved the whole table to another table. Then I took the whole set of clean tables and chairs away, but the staff of the flower shop were more reliable and didn’t leave too much garbage on the balcony.

Kou Junsheng pulled his mother: “Mom, it’s not their job, I’ll find the cleaning staff later.” He had a headache, he never bothered about it.

The deputy store manager seems to be working a lot, and his hands and feet are very quick. After only a while in the two rooms, he has almost packed his things.

Kou Junsheng was a little surprised that Ning Chuxia’s things were only packed in three 24-inch suitcases and one duffel bag, which was much less than he thought.

Has she only had so much for so long? Recalling the past, Kou Junsheng could not remember whether Ning Chuxia often bought clothes. After all, he never bothered about it.

“What are you doing?” Kou Junsheng frowned.

The deputy store manager was instructing someone to take down the wedding photos behind the sofa, while the worker next to her was holding the wedding photos and photo albums that were originally hanging in the master bedroom.

“Sister Chu Xia said she didn’t want her photo to stay here.” The deputy store manager was polite, “Don’t worry, we won’t take your things.”

She did what she said. She took out a pair of scissors out of nowhere. With a professional technique, she cut open the photo just taken out of the frame. Her movements were fast but delicate. Even Kou Junsheng in the photo Ning Chuxia’s hands were completely cut out, and one finger fell.

“Mr. Kou, this can be returned to you. Sister Chu Xia said that she can take away the half of her.” The deputy store manager was attentive, and asked people to put the remaining half of the photo back into the frame, and plan to hang it again. wall.

Kou Junsheng stared at all this in a stunned manner, his face ashen.

Ning Chuxia despised him so much? So disgusted that you don’t even want to pretend to take all the photos away, and cut them out?

As for?

Kou Junsheng saw that the store manager was still revising the photos in the album, and he couldn’t stand it any longer: “You take them all, and throw them all away.”

Although the other party is completing the work, but this is simply humiliation, it is better to lose it all.

The deputy store manager also pondered for a while before accepting it “reluctantly”.

“We’ve all packed up, so let’s go first. By the way, Mr. Kou, please answer the phone later. Sister Chuxia has something to call you, otherwise she may have to send someone to your company.”

The deputy store manager left such a sentence before he was about to leave, and Kou Junsheng was speechless.

Is this threatening him? In the past, she had to be careful to ask him for his opinion even when she was going to the company, but now she said it like that.

“Junsheng, then you have to remember to call someone to clean the house.” Kou’s mother hurriedly took the opportunity to tug at her son’s sleeve, “There is also a nanny, so hurry up and call one, Mom is really old and can’t do that much work anymore. “

She was used to having a nanny, how could she endure it without a nanny?

Kou Junsheng didn’t know whether his headache was caused by his mother or insomnia.

How can there be so many things?

It was not clear where the nanny was going to find him. He had a hunch that the house would be in chaos.

The call came, but it was still an unfamiliar call.

Kou Junsheng just wanted to hang up immediately if the deputy store manager hadn’t said something, and he answered the phone with dissatisfaction.

“Hello, Mr. Kou, I am a lawyer appointed by Miss Ning Chuxia. My client asks me to discuss divorce matters with you…”

At eight o’clock in the morning, it was a lively time, and it was hard not to let people see such a group of people getting off the elevator, especially when there were only two of them that were cut from the middle, leaving only the bridegroom’s wedding photos.

Although the people who took the elevator tried their best to restrain themselves, they couldn’t help but look there. People with sharp eyes could recognize Kou Junsheng. After all, after living in the community for a long time, they occasionally did activities or said a few words in the owner group.

It’s a pity that this group of people parked on the first floor. They are going to park in the basement, but it doesn’t matter. This kind of gossip always spreads very quickly.

Grandma Li happened to be complaining about the natural gas in the hall and the building management. She heard the movement, subconsciously looked at it, and saw the photo of Kou Junsheng at a glance.

Her heart was itching and she was so curious that she couldn’t help but lean over to ask.

“Little girl, why don’t you want such a good photo?” Grandma Li looked kindly, “Which family is this going to move? Is the house for sale?”

“No.” The deputy store manager had seen Ning Chuxia’s Moments, she knew that Ning Chuxia was wronged, and she didn’t want to help Kou Junsheng to hide it, “My boss got divorced and wanted to move out, and the rest of the family still lives there. of.”

Grandma Li was stunned for a moment, the big news, but there was no news about it: “Your boss is in early summer, right? What’s wrong with her, didn’t she just have her birthday at home yesterday? I know her, we used to talk a lot! “

Last night, Grandma Wu called and chatted with her, saying that Ning Chuxia was pitiful, and her mother-in-law would be nagging her on her birthday, so she could only come to someone else for help.

“Mr. Kou Junsheng has someone outside, and my boss has decided to get a divorce.” The deputy store manager heard that he was an acquaintance of the boss and didn’t mind explaining it kindly. After speaking, Grandma Li had nothing to ask, so she took the people out. .

Grandma Li clutched her chest, this is really big news, this family is mean mother-in-law bullying daughter-in-law, the son of the wolf-hearted and arrogant is cheating on the outside, and it is really the son of a mouse who can punch holes, they are all just as bad!

Through the glass door, she saw the deputy store manager who had gone out rudely threw the two large photo frames into the trash can opposite the door. The photo frames were too big to fit in, and Kou Junsheng’s face was exposed.

She spat, it’s called garbage collection, early summer is such a good child to take care of the family and let her mother-in-law not cherish it. Does this have to be a **** to be satisfied?

She has to tell Grandma Wu about them!

The result of not resting last night was directly reflected on her face. It took Wu Heya a long time to make up today to make herself look radiant.

When she was preparing to go out, she subconsciously changed her bag. When she found out what she had done, she was stunned for a while, and then picked up the brand that she had been carrying recently. bag.

Why should she be guilty? What’s wrong with her? It’s all done, nothing to be afraid of.

Wu Heya also put on the diamond necklace, looking at herself in the mirror with jewels, she smiled as usual.

That’s it, she won, it shouldn’t be like losing a battle.

Wu Heya joined the company like every day before, but maybe it was her illusion?

Why did she feel that as soon as she walked in, several people who were chatting together just now separated?

Is she sensitive?

Ning Chuxia didn’t know anyone in her company, so it would take time to pass it on.

Wu Heya was putting away the things and preparing for work, when they saw a colleague approaching with a cup.

“Xiao Wu, your diamond necklace is so beautiful, where did you buy it? How much? I have one that is a lot worse than yours. It’s very expensive. It costs 40,000 to 50,000 yuan. You’re wearing half a down payment. on the neck.”

Wu Heya didn’t think it was right, although colleagues in the company liked gossip: “I bought it at the counter on the first floor of the old shopping mall. It’s almost as much as you say.”

Hearing this, someone on the other side came over: “Xiao Wu, you are too rich recently, and you have such a good bag and such a good necklace, then you have to find a golden tortoise-in-law, what the **** is it? Only when will you be willing to introduce us to know each other.”

“Yeah, Xiao Wu, don’t worry about it. We are all people with objects. We are just curious. After all, we also want to meet such a rich man with a lot of money.”

“It’s not time yet. After a while, I will have the opportunity to introduce you to each other.” She was a little annoyed. In fact, she had encountered such problems before. At that time, she was more proud, and she could see the eyes of other people. Envy and jealousy, but she is sensitive now and always feels that they have an unspoken meaning.

“When it’s time to go to work, let’s stop chatting, it will be bad if the manager sees it.” Wu Heya tried to end the topic.

Out of nowhere came a sneer.

“When will it be time? Do we have to wait for the divorce to be completed?”

“That’s not it. If you introduce it to us now, don’t be accused of bigamy.”

Wu Heya was stunned for a moment, and then heard loud laughter next to her.

How did the news spread so quickly? Was it made by Ning Chuxia?

“It’s normal to like to show off, but how can some people show off everything?” The colleague sneered, “If I were you, would you be ashamed of others boasting? I think this money is dirty.”

Another colleague also echoed: “Being the mistress of others is not something that ordinary people can do. To be the mistress of a best friend, you have to be able to be patient. This usually doesn’t have a conscience, and you can be proud of other people’s husbands every day. The gift you received is thick with steel bars, right?”

“Yeah, how many vicious criminals still know what friendship and kinship are, but some people don’t even have this basic emotion of being a human being. When others treat her with heart and soul, she has to stab her in the back. A person’s knife is really cold and poisonous.”

Their industry has changed a lot, and there are always such a few cheaters every year, but it’s really rare to cheat on a good friend.

Rabbits don’t eat grass at the edge of the nest. This is the one who picks up the people around her, or is the best friend who cares for her. Who can do this?

Who would want to cooperate with such a person? In the company, except for the few people who are alone on weekdays, they have been talking about this since last night.

Wu Heya is usually high-profile and arrogant. It was said that many people paid attention to finding a rich man, but most of them were a little sour at the time, but at that time, no one thought that Wu Heya was really a capable person.

Wu Heya wanted to defend herself, but she couldn’t do it.

Is she going to say she didn’t do it? But she clearly did.

Wu Heya knew that at times like this, the more she could not panic, it would be bad if she said something that was used as a trick, she could wait.

Isn’t it just being said a few words?

“Wu Heya, the manager is looking for you.” The voice of the executive passing by made a group of people dispersed and returned to their workstations.

Wu Heya tidied up her collar and went to the office with her notebook. She guessed that the manager might want her to report on her previous work.

But after entering the office, she was struck by lightning.

Wu Heya was asked by the manager to transfer.

The circle of Q City is not too big. In fact, the manager knew about this matter earlier than the employees, but he did not know who the party was at the time, and he listened to it as a joke until he went to work in the morning, when his wife who was an administrator in the company told him took him.

The manager knew the news because he saw it from the company’s senior customer group. Looking at the situation, it was obvious that it was in a sarcastic tone. In addition, in the two groups he managed, there were people who criticized Wu Heya. After thinking about it, he decided to let Wu Heya transfer to the back office. Her business ability is not so good that the manager is willing to help her take risks.

Wu Heya bit her lip and walked out. The notice of transfer will come out next week. She didn’t want people to see her jokes.

She can’t say “no” anymore. This job is her greatest strength all the time. It allows her to remain proud in front of Ning Chuxia, and it also allows her to look different in front of Kou Junsheng.

She used to feel proudly that she was better than Chuxia in every way, and even gifts deserved better than Chuxia, but now, this sense of superiority has been shattered.

Just after returning to the station, she received a WeChat message from Kou Junsheng.

– “Heya, pack up everything I gave you at night and calculate the price.”

– “I feel sorry for you.”

The grievances that Wu Heya had just given birth to suddenly had an outlet, and her hand subconsciously grasped, like a drowning person grabbing the driftwood.

She must get Kou Junsheng, no matter what angle she thinks about it.

She paid too much price for him. The sunk cost was too great for Wu Heya to bear. When the “loss” had reached the limit that could ruin the family, she couldn’t stop the loss and could only sink the boat.

As long as she can be with Kou Junsheng, she will still be the enviable Wu Heya.

She will be a better internal helper than Ning Chuxia in the future, helping Kou Junsheng’s career to take off. She has a man and money, and even if Ning Chuxia really got money through divorce, she will slowly lose it, because she is not worthy of money. .

Although she has lost so much in her career, there must be other ways. As Mrs. Kou, she may be able to return to her position or even get a promotion because of the investment; if she doesn’t want to come back, she can go out. Kou Junsheng is quite generous in this aspect of starting a business; or she can go to Kou Junsheng’s company to help him.

Thinking of this, Wu Heya’s mood has become calm.

What Ning Chuxia can bring her is just some rumors, a temporary loss. In the long run, she has not lost anything but gained more. As long as she can hold Kou Junsheng tightly, of course, Wu Heya also believes in herself. , won’t be so stupid, and abandoned like Ning Chuxia.

At that time, Ning Chuxia will be the one who regrets it.

Wu Heya carefully considered her reply, she had to take every next step steadily, and she couldn’t let Kou Junsheng have even the slightest opinion on her.

– “I understand, so what do you do? I know you care about your company, but it’s not good. I sold my house, right?”

— “Don’t tire yourself out, I don’t know if she will listen to me when I apologize to Chu Xia? Everyone in the company knows it, but it doesn’t matter, I don’t regret it.”

She thought about it and decided to adjust her strategy at any time. With her understanding of men and Ning Chuxia’s failure experience, she knew Kou Junsheng well.

Ning Chuxia’s past few days have been truly magical.

She goes to bed early and gets up early, and devotes herself to work every day—although some people think that she is using work to numb herself, trying to use busyness to make herself forget her sadness, but she has a clear mind.

Before that, she had to take precautions against Kou Junsheng. If Kou Junsheng suddenly turned his head and felt that this store was a good business that could make money, she would have to start all over again.

Now that the lawyer has almost talked with Kou Junsheng, and every penny earned is her own, she naturally does her best, and has already made a plan for traveling and learning advanced technology in the future.

“Chuxia, let’s go with you.” Qian Zhuo and Sui Zui came early in the morning, “We are both idlers and have a lot of time.”

After five days of negotiation, with two more weekends in between, Ning Chuxia was unwilling to delay even a minute, and chose to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau with Kou Junsheng for divorce on Monday morning.

“You guys.” Ning Chuxia smiled at them and agreed to their kindness.

Getting into the car, Sui Zui couldn’t help but say, “Why don’t you wear red, what a day it is today, let’s dress festively!”

Although Ning Chuxia’s white dress shows her elegance and gentleness, Sui Zui still thinks red is suitable.

Ning Chuxia smiled without saying a word.

Of course she had to wear a white dress, because she was “widowed” and the man had long been buried in her heart.

Qian Zhuogang sent a message to a friend, asking him to prepare something.

She really couldn’t help feudal superstition. She prepared all the brazier pomelo leaves, hoping that Ning Chuxia would not encounter bad people again in the future.

They made an early appointment and there were still plenty of spots in the parking lot.

“Fuck.” Qian Zhuo cursed in a low voice, his fists clenched, Kou Junsheng was standing with Wu Heya in the place of the stone lion at the entrance of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

There’s no end to this disgusting person, isn’t it?

Sui Zui also saw it, she subconsciously wanted to block Ning Chuxia’s sight, but unfortunately she was too thin and couldn’t block the two of them.

“They’re all here.” Ning Chuxia soothed the two of them, “It’s said that you want to be happy today?”

Okay, in order for the divorce to go smoothly today, both of them have to endure it.

They met at the door, the group tacitly distanced themselves, and Wu Heya followed Kou Junsheng closely, expressionless.

Yes, she came here on purpose, didn’t Ning Chuxia want to ruin her life? She wanted to let Ning Chuxia witness her entering a new life with her own eyes.

Kou Junsheng’s mood was complicated. This week should be the most embarrassing and painful week in his life.

He deliberately avoided his former friends, although no one came to him to ask, but he knew that they probably knew about it, and Kou Junsheng did not dare to ask to what extent.

In the company, many employees also heard about this. He and Zhang He were so embarrassed that they didn’t even speak. Mrs. Zhang came here once, and she raised her eyebrows at him coldly, and deliberately told him to ask Zhang He. Stay away from him, don’t learn badly.

And if he came back home, he would have to face Kou’s mother alone. Kou Junsheng felt that he had returned to adolescence every day. There was a father who stopped him before, but now he can only try to listen.

This love is too heavy.

There is also the unresolved babysitter problem. The agency near the community, when he reported his home address, said that he could not provide services. Kou Junsheng had to go to other babysitter agencies, but the babysitter he introduced still failed to communicate with Kou. Mom is in harmony.

While listening to Kou’s mother’s accusations against the nanny, he had to pay extra money to hire someone, and on the other hand, he often had to face a quality of life that was completely incomparable to before when he returned home.

This is not all that he has encountered. You must know that he has almost no rest time every day. The lawyer in Ning Chuxia is professional and dedicated. He can squat him five or six times a day. Although the lawyer he hired at a high price is still professional enough It was hard, but Kou Junsheng couldn’t bear it because he did something wrong, and he couldn’t take it anymore.

He couldn’t trust the lawyer like Ning Chuxia did. He accompanied him all the time every day. The sound of money flowing away always echoed in his ears. In the end, Ning Chuxia shared 62% of the joint property of the husband and wife, and now Kou Junsheng has the money Funds are almost gone, extremely embarrassing.

But he had no choice, Ning Chuxia didn’t give him time to do any tricks at all.

Kou Junsheng originally planned to drag Ning Chuxia, but Ning Chuxia decided to go straight to apply for property preservation and sue. In addition, the company continued to develop, and if it dragged on for half a year, maybe the property would be divided into shares. Kou Junsheng Under the coercion of interests, I gave up the idea of ​​continuing to default

Under such pressure, the only one who can give her relaxation and warmth is Wu Heya.

In the past few days, Kou Junsheng even made excuses with Kou’s mother not to go home, and went directly to Wu and Ya’s house. This adversity shows the truth. Compared with Ning Chuxia, who would have wanted to let him go out with nothing if not for the law, it was Wu. Heya, even in times of crisis, is willing to accompany him.

Last night Kou Junsheng bumped into Wu Heya wiping tears in the toilet.

He looked at Wu Heya’s mobile phone and saw the chat records of many people scolding her.

This is also mixed with a message from Wu Heya’s suitor. The other party thinks that Wu Heya made the wrong choice. Kou Junsheng will not be complicated to her at all, and asks Wu Heya if he wants to be with him.

Kou Junsheng thought about it a lot at that moment. Now that the matter has come to this point, he doesn’t need to care about other people’s gossip. Even if he is estranged from Wu and Ya, others will say it.

Besides, he would go crazy without a mistress in the house.

Kou Junsheng’s decision was made quickly. He made a simple marriage proposal to Wu and Ya. The two had already decided to get married after receiving the divorce certificate today.

Ning Chuxia and Kou Junsheng sat at the window together, while Sui Zui and the others sat on the bench behind and waited.

Kou Junsheng suddenly said, “You will regret it.”

Although he looked at the staff, Ning Chuxia knew who he was speaking to.

“Really? What a pity, you can’t tell fortunes.”

“Then wait and see.” Kou Junsheng sneered, his last affection for Ning Chuxia was worn away by her step by step.

If Ning Chuxia knew how to take a step back, Kou Junsheng wouldn’t mind extending a helping hand when she would one day eat the mountains and the sky.

But now? If he doesn’t step on it at that time, he will be considered kind.

What Ning Chuxia has now is the wealth he earned with his own hands. If the money is gone, as long as others are still there, he can make more money, but what about Ning Chuxia? Everything she has comes from him, without him, she has nothing.

“I’m looking forward to it.” Ning Chuxia smiled lightly, “You have to do what you say.”

The staff has already reviewed the documents. The couples they have seen even fight in the Civil Affairs Bureau. They are just sarcastic with each other, which is normal.

Seeing that all this was about to end, Ning Chuxia felt relaxed: “By the way, it looks like you are going to be the groom before you become your ex-husband today.”

“So what?” Kou Junsheng’s face was cold, was Ning Chuxia jealous? But he prefers to be with Wu Heya.

“I wish you a long life from the bottom of my heart.”

But it’s just duplicity, Kou Junsheng ignored it, I’m afraid I will wipe my tears when I go back?

The divorce certificate was processed faster than expected. When she got the certificate, Ning Chuxia finally felt relieved.

Kou Junsheng saw Ning Chuxia’s smile from the corner of his eye, but he had already decided that it must be a forced smile.

The two men stood up and were about to go back, but Wu Heya had already rushed over and grabbed Kou Junsheng’s hand.

Looking at her provocative eyes, Ning Chuxia didn’t have too many mood swings except that she was worthless: “I heard that you are getting married today.”

“Yes, He Junsheng.”

Sui Zui and Qian Zhuo, who were walking a little slower, glared at Wu Heya when they heard this.

“You must be together forever, but don’t let me down.” Ning Chuxia was always smiling, and she didn’t look back after she finished speaking.

“You also wish them happiness!” Sui Zui was really reluctant to scold, “They should have a bad life in this life.”

How can you be so stupid?

Ning Chuxia said lightly: “I know Wu Heya and Kou Junsheng both think I ruined their lives, but from today onwards, their lives will be ruined by their own hands.”

“Kou Junsheng felt that he was less passionate and impulsive when he was with me. I was not attractive to him, and the happy life that Wu Heya wanted was the life that originally belonged to me.” Ning Chuxia’s smile contained a bit of sarcasm.

“So they were

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