She Quit the Air Bag

Chapter 28 - Children are all white-eyed wolves (Part 1)

The rapid development of cities often brings about repeated reconstructions and changes in the city center.

H City is such a city. The old city center is crowded and crowded. For a long time, the area radiating from the center has maintained a high price for every inch of land. It is already congested here, and even building roads may cause traffic jams. The so-called demolition and reconstruction has become an impossible problem. Although many people are reluctant to give up, the relocation has finally begun. The new district is full of high-rise buildings, and the roads are wider than the old city, which is full of modern atmosphere.

Residents living in the old city still maintain the slightly slower pace of the past and live a repetitive life.

Ning Chuxia opened her eyes on such a morning.

When she woke up, she felt a little sore, and she sat up from the bed. The curtains at the window facing the bed had been drawn, and the blue light-shielding film was attached to the outside, so she couldn’t see the sky outside, but it was clearly lit.

She looked at the environment of this room, and she already had some guesses in her heart.

The room is not really big, the table opposite the bed is huge, the bookcase next to it is full of books, and the TV in the middle of the table has traces of years, it is an old-fashioned and bulky TV, and it is also covered with a layer of lace cloth to prevent dust. , In Ning Chuxia’s own world, such TV sets have been replaced by thin and light new TV sets many years ago.

It seemed that someone was going to work downstairs. Occasionally, the sound of the motorcycle anti-theft bell could be heard, and even a slightly loud voice could be heard clearly.

Needless to say, the soundproofing of the house does not seem to be very good, and the floor is not expected to be high.

While it was still very quiet at this time, Ning Chuxia chose to receive the memory. She was already experienced in the face of the influx of memories, and she quietly let many pictures disrupt and reorganize in the memory, the expression on Ning Chuxia’s face. It also became obscure.

This original body can really be described as poor.

She worked hard all her life, but she didn’t get the slightest good. In the end, she ended up with such an ending, and she was immersed in pain, regret and confusion until she died.

This world is the same as the previous world, both belong to the modern world of parallel time and space, and the development trajectory is similar.

The original body is an ordinary person living in such a world.

The original is a child born in difficult times. Her parents were from the countryside. At that time, the conditions in the village were not very good. In the initial stage of her life, she lived very hard. She had less food and clothing but also shared housework for her family.

This difficult childhood had a great influence on her character formation. Like most of the people around her, she followed customs, respected traditions in her thinking, believed in family authority, was willing to sacrifice and retreat, and focused on her family rather than herself. , This kind of character, in fact, did not seem to be bad at the time, but later, it made her enter the hard second half of her life.

The original body during the growth period encountered the turning point of the country’s economic opening and take-off. She was fortunate to catch up with this east wind and was favored by the policy.

She had suffered hardships when she was a child, but she did not think that studying was hard work. She cherished the opportunity to receive education. She worked hard to study, and finally became one of the few college students in the village. At that time, there were not many college students. The state encouraged education, and many schools not only did not accept it Tuition fees are also subsidized. It was because of this favorable policy that he successfully completed school. After graduation, he was assigned to the local area and earned an iron job.

Under the arrangement of her parents, she married her husband, who also held an iron rice bowl, and began to run her own small family.

Yuan herself can endure hardship, she has always maintained a grateful attitude and considers herself a lucky person.

Although the husband is not handsome, he is honest and attaches great importance to the family. The young couple are very frugal. They bought a large apartment together when they divided the unit, which is the one that Ning Chuxia lived in when she woke up.

This community was built as a joint venture for employees by a dozen surrounding government departments and several factories with good efficiency. Later, it was expanded several times. There are vegetable markets, kindergartens and primary schools in the community. It is a supporting facility in the old city of H City. Complete neighborhood.

In the fourth year of marriage, the original body was pregnant, and family planning was strictly controlled. Even if they have a rural household registration, they can only have one child.

Back then, the custom of favoring sons over daughters was the mainstream in a small county like H City. Although her husband and her family did not explicitly say that, she was still a little stressed. After ten months of pregnancy, she was relieved that she gave birth to a twin.

The birth of the dragon and the phoenix in the H city is a good thing. This part of the original body’s memory is shrouded in light. At that time, she was very grateful for life, so that she could have double the happiness.

The husband named his son and daughter according to the characters on the family tree. The first son was named Wang Jingyu, and the later daughter was named Wang Jingya.

In fact, the patriarchal idea that the original body received was more of “have a man”, she was relieved to have a son, but she didn’t feel that it would bring her son to the sky because of this.

The original body and her husband have reached a consensus on this. She and her husband both hold their children in the same hands. The conditions of the husband and wife are not too bad, and they have given their children as much treatment as possible.

No matter what kind of children’s palace, cram school, or toy food and drink, as long as the requirements are not excessive, there is no dissatisfaction.

Hara used to think about the future with her husband. They trained their children to become talents and saved some money for the children. When the children start a family, the two of them are expected to retire. With their pensions, they can live in this house with peace of mind. Live the day of the two and enjoy the evening.

how good?

Unfortunately, only the first half of this fantasy was barely realized.

Both the original body and her husband have received higher education, and they value their children’s education very much. University.

His son, Wang Jingyu, studied accounting. After graduation, he returned to his hometown and joined a large-scale foreign company as a financial officer. If he does things properly, he can be considered a good person. If he follows the steps, he should be able to be promoted.

Daughter Wang Jingya studied normal school. After graduation, she entered a high school in her hometown as a history teacher with a stable income.

When the two children returned to their hometown, colleagues around Hara told her that this was the time when she and her husband were enjoying themselves. Although Hara waved her hand and said nothing when polite, she really thought the same thing in her heart.

My husband has always had a vision. He was not satisfied with a stable job and a high income. He liked studying the economy very much. He caught up with Dongfeng in the market and made some money through stocks. Later, he quit in time and only made some stable investments. There’s already a lot of money here.

He likes to make a fortune in silence, and he doesn’t want to cause more trouble, so he is not allowed to speak out, even a pair of children don’t know much about the family’s economic situation, just think that their parents live on dead wages.

Now that the children’s jobs are settled, it’s time to worry about starting a family.

Yuanshen and her husband still followed their previous habits and asked people around them to help introduce them, and wanted to find a local partner who knew the basics for their children.

The two are still immersed in their own thoughts, but they did not expect that their actions would make their children unhappy. The perspective of parents is completely different from that of children. The so-called family background, relatives and friends are not in their consideration. .

Although there was some hesitation, Yuan Shen and her husband still let the children call the shots, but this obedience laid the groundwork for the next huge conflict.

The object that the two children were looking for, one did not fall to the ground and trampled all the thunder points of the original body and her husband.

It doesn’t matter that the girl Wang Jingyu is looking for is not highly educated. She hopes that after the two get married, she will stay at home and be a full-time housewife, but the problem is that Wang Jingyu’s salary is enough to support the couple.

Wang Jingya is looking for a teacher who used to be in the same school. She just quit her job this year and started an off-campus tutoring agency. She is tall and handsome, but she is divorced and has a son. The reason for the divorce is only emotional discord. .

Seeing the result, the couple looked at each other in dismay, and couldn’t agree immediately. For their son, they planned to persuade their future daughter-in-law. For their daughter, they felt that at least they had to find out why the wife in front of the other party was divorced.

But just after they said these words, they immediately detonated a pair of children. The two of them were furious and had a fierce conflict with the original husband and wife. Attitude promised them.

But this is just the beginning.

Dowry, meeting, wedding, RV…

Nothing can be without conflict. The couple feels that their children have suddenly become strangers. The two are so selfish that they only consider their own interests and refuse to give in to each other.

The happy family of four in the past is just an illusion. When they have their own small family, for them, their parents and compatriots who are connected by blood are all enemies competing for interests.

Yuanshen and her husband hope that a bowl of water will be level and that they will treat their children fairly and at the same time leave some pension funds for the couple, so as not to drag their children down in the future.

There is a saying that all double standards in the world are actually “single standards” in the final analysis, but they are only judged based on their own interests.

The brothers and sisters argued against each other, and always found a reason to say they wanted more money.

Wang Jingyu said that the younger sister was the water splashed by the married daughter. In the future, the couple will rely on him for the old age, and the grandson will follow his parents’ surname. Of course, he deserves a little more.

Wang Jingya said that giving more to her brother is patriarchal. When she gets married to someone else’s family, she always needs a little property. If the marriage does not go well in the future, at least she has a place to live, and her brother is a man, so she should take more responsibility and be good. Hard work, more points to her.

The two of them are not going backwards. Both of them are still alive, and they have already progressed to the part of dividing the inheritance.

Hara suffered a lot from this incident. Fortunately, her husband has always been strong, and he has a neat solution to his children. He helped them both pay the down payment for the house and the wedding, but he just said that he had no money to control them.

Because of this turmoil, the husband was extremely disappointed with the children, and he no longer had any expectations. However, the original body was not as firm as the husband. She hesitated in her heart, and still thought about the children, but this feeling probably failed to convey to the children. heart.

Since they got married, these two children have hardly ever returned home, and they have come back occasionally because they are basically asking for something.

If everything goes on like this, the worst result is that the original body and her husband will support each other until they grow old, and the children will live their own lives.

Unforeseen circumstances and good fortune can happen to people. The original husband found something wrong in the routine physical examination at the beginning of each year. After further examination, he was diagnosed with cancer.

It may be that the body’s immunity is weakened with age, and the husband’s cancer has progressed rapidly and spread continuously after the diagnosis.

Hara accompanied her husband to seek medical treatment everywhere, from the city to the provincial capital, and then from the provincial capital to the best cancer hospital in the country.

But a lot of things don’t work unless you work hard. Even though you will get a physical examination next year, you will find out this year if you have nothing to do last year, and you are willing to spend money to seek the best medical help, but it will not help.

At the same time as her husband’s body deteriorated sharply, the original body also became haggard. After all, she was almost 60 years old. How could she have such abundant energy and healthy body to wait for her husband without rest.

In fact, as early as when the husband was diagnosed with cancer, the husband and wife discussed it and told their children about it. Of course, the children showed concern and worry, but when it came to spending money, they became dumb.

The son said that he is now supporting the family by himself, so he can ask for leave, but once he is fired, it will be difficult to find a similar job. The wife is free, but the wife’s parents are not in good health. At most, she can come to help for two days. It can be done, and she still has to prepare for pregnancy, and she may already have it now. If there is something wrong with taking care of the child, he “believes” that parents will not feel well.

The daughter seems to be well-founded. She said that she is bringing a second-year high school student and is about to go to a third-year high school. On weekdays, she has to go to a tutoring agency to help her husband with the students. Her husband’s son has just started elementary school this year, so she has to help with homework. If you go, the whole house won’t work.

The two also said that if the father was willing to receive treatment locally, they would definitely take shifts to take care of it-but there were also preconditions, and it had to be fair. One day for the elder brother and one day for the younger sister, no matter who had more or less.

As for the money? This is even more difficult. Both of them said that they are repaying the mortgage, their careers are still starting, and they have no savings at all, but they are still willing to give some money for their parents. Just like the logic of leaving others, they should pay attention to fairness. In total, one person pays 1,000 a month, which adds up to 2,000 to subsidize the parents to hire a nanny.

People are always vulnerable when they are sick. The former tough husband was slapped by the behavior of his children. He refused to let his wife ask for it, and the original body was alone with her husband.

Seeing that her husband had deteriorated like this, she really couldn’t take good care of her, so she called her children again. This time, the children heard that her husband had deteriorated like this, and finally they were willing to leave.

They each took a one-week vacation and flew over. Seeing how vulnerable their always-strong father was, it seemed that they knew what it meant to be soft-hearted, but the soft-hearted didn’t last long. I took a piece of paper and planned to do a shift in the remaining days, and no one was allowed to watch for a minute less.

A week later, the children flew back apologetically, and when the children left on the front foot, the husband on the back foot held the original body’s hand.

When he was at his most vulnerable, his expectations for his children were completely shattered. Now that he knows it, he knows that his family will die sooner or later, and the only thing he worries about is his wife.

The husband was sighing at that time, he knew that even so, the wife still couldn’t let go of the two children. Rather than blaming the children’s behavior, the wife would blame herself more. Are you not aware of your child’s problems and failing to educate them properly?

For such a point of view, the husband is noncommittal.

This is also a human being. Some people are bullied to kill, and some people endure when they are bullied. Really don’t say anything, it’s all education. Looking at these two children, he probably was born more selfish than others.

Her husband’s speech was not coherent, but he also explained clearly what should be explained.

The money he made back then was not a small amount. Although he spent a lot of money on the treatment this time, there was still a lot left.

The husband’s attitude is very clear. He will not give any more money to his children. When they got married before, they had already shared their property. Now, he hopes to use the remaining money to ensure his wife’s pension.

The husband is serious and sincere, and he has always been the head of the family. He knows too much how much his wife cares about the family, and he also knows that the children’s white-eyed wolf shows that his wife did not say anything, but he is more sad than anyone else.

He can’t even take good care of his seriously ill children, let alone his wife’s retirement.

He urged the children not to let the children know about this money. It doesn’t matter whether the wife is looking for a second spring or she wants to go to a nursing home in the future. As long as she takes good care of herself and holds the money in her hand, she will always have nothing in the future. Not afraid.

Taking advantage of his last strength, the husband reiterated that he hoped that his wife would not be coaxed by the children. These two children are really different.

Until his death, the thing he worried about the most was his wife, but everything that happened after that was really not much different from what he expected.

Yuanshen listened to her husband’s words and didn’t tell her children about the money. Before her death, her husband asked her to go to the bank to transfer all the money to her account, so she would not need to do a will and notarization when she was able to be known by the children.

Sure enough, as soon as the husband left, the two children began to quarrel with the distribution of the inheritance. According to the husband’s instructions, the original body divided the cash in hand into three equal parts, and then sent the children away, but she did not know, Her paper tiger style is so weak in the eyes of her children who are familiar with her personality.

After her husband left, the original body was very lonely. For her, it was equivalent to so many years that she had painstakingly maintained her home. She was often in a daze when she was alone at home, but the silence did not last long.

The husband miscalculated a little, even if there is no savings, there is still a house that can sell for a lot of money, and the original body, isn’t this a person who can be used?

Then the original body was wrapped into the request storm of Wang Jingyu and Wang Jingya.

The son was the first to go to the door, looking at his mother eagerly, only saying that his wife was pregnant and needed someone to take care of him, he coaxed a few words, and the original body agreed.

She thought she was there to take care of her daughter-in-law and future grandson or granddaughter, but she didn’t expect that she was being used as a nanny.

After arriving at the house, she cooked and cleaned. She had to do everything. She was exhausted. She was too tired several times. The words could only be endured.

Finally, the daughter-in-law took care of the confinement. The daughter-in-law’s mother came. There was no place to rest in the house. The son changed his face and sent her back. Only then did he go home and the daughter came again.

The daughter came with anger. She was very angry with her mother’s “eccentric eyes”. Why didn’t she take care of her brother’s children? no!

Although the original body tried to explain that it was her daughter-in-law’s pregnancy, her daughter didn’t listen. She brought her stepson over and lost it at home, saying that she was going to take advantage of the summer vacation to spend two months with her husband on their honeymoon. The mother of the child takes care of her.

Yuanshen was tired, she wanted to refuse, but her daughter sneered, saying that she only had a brother in her heart, and now she refused, which meant that she would not even have a honeymoon.

Yuanshen was taken aback by this logic, refused to speak, and then his daughter left.

The daughter’s stepson is really overbearing and full of energy. After two months of hard work, the original body was taken care of and couldn’t breathe, and his chest was tight.

After that, the two sons and daughters appeared in turns like a bar, and the original body was exhausted.

She sometimes felt that she was like an old scalper in her hometown when she was a child. She started ploughing the land as soon as she was whipped, but if she wanted to refuse, she felt that she could not stand.

There seems to be nothing wrong with what the son and daughter said. The parents of other families can help take care of the children and help with the housework, why can’t she? In my impression, my grandmother also took care of her when she was a child.

In fact, it’s not too tiring to say, and the children are right, this family has to support each other and help each other. She, a mother, can’t just give up when the child is struggling, right?

Yuan Shen said this, and she became more and more convinced. She didn’t notice at that time that the parents of the daughter-in-law and the son-in-law were almost invisible in all the hard things, and they had to work tirelessly. She is the only one.

Even when her husband passed away, her original body, who could still maintain a little temperament, became old due to hard work and exhaustion. In less than three years, the whole person was out of shape.

At that time, the daughter was also pregnant, and the grandson reached the age of kindergarten. The two children faced the economic crisis almost at the same time.

On the one hand, the daughter had a severe reaction during pregnancy and needed to rest, while the Education Bureau strictly enforced off-campus make-up classes, and the son-in-law’s tutoring institution was shut down, causing great financial pressure.

On the other hand, the performance of the son’s company is not good. The promised year-end bonus has not been issued. However, after the grandson is born, he has applied for courses such as early childhood education. reluctantly.

Then, it’s time to reach out.

The two reached out to their mother at the same time, and they especially “actively” gave advice, hoping that the mother would sell the house.

Where will you live after the house is sold? There is another way of saying this.

The daughter said that in this pension matter, which family is in the son’s house, if they live with her, they will be laughed at.

The son said that his house is not big and there is no free room, and the mother can come, and then he will be responsible for taking his grandson to and from school to share the housework.

When the son said this, the daughter felt that she was at a disadvantage again, and also said that she could send her stepson to Wang Jingyu. She paid 300 to 200 yuan for accommodation, and the mother paid for the food.

She thought very beautifully, Wang Jingyu was immediately angry, and the two began to tear apart in front of the original body, turning over old accounts, anyway, they said that the other party must have taken advantage of it, and even began to accuse the original body and her husband for not helping much On them, make them work harder than others.

Then… Yuanshen chose to pay, she didn’t sell the house, and made a poor excuse for a pension. In short, she divided some of it first and dealt with it.

But as long as the house is still there, Wang Jingyu and Wang Jingya are always reluctant to let go.

They began to perform fancy looking for a reason**.

“Mom, if your grandson wants to learn a specialty, you have to subsidize it, right? I’m going to let him learn a piano. Now piano teachers are paid according to the class time, and they have to pay a lot for one class, and they have to buy a new piano. You Let’s see how much you pay.”

“Your grandson is about to be born, and now you can’t even afford a confinement sister-in-law. My brother asked you to take care of the child again. Why don’t you think about what I should do? Okay, he is always more important, then you always Do you want to pay the confinement lady?”

“Mom, you said that this child is old. I drive to and commute every day to pick up the child, and it’s too hard. As a result, the car is old and always has problems. I think it’s time to change one. You support me a little bit. I will pay the mortgage myself.”

“You bought a car for Wang Jingyu? You also said that you didn’t pay any money, you just paid a down payment, right? Then why don’t you see that your daughter is still driving a car? Yes, I’ll change it too. Car, you can give me some too.”

Yuanshen has always believed in the principle that a bowl of water should be level, but as time passed, she became more and more confused.

She is now like a busy teapot, adding a little to this end and adding a little to the other end, and it is finally balanced, and new demands appear.

The husband kept a lot of money, and the original body didn’t spend much money. She was spending so much money, and the two children suddenly felt that something was wrong.

The two of them were really in tune with each other. They didn’t say a word to the other party, and they made a quick calculation. They both guessed that the original body must have hidden a lot of money.

Ordinarily, this is normal. After all, no one stipulates that parents have to show their passbooks to their children, right?

But both of them were feeling indignant.

They felt that their lives were so reluctant and exhausted that their parents refused to support them. Since their parents had money, they would have helped them buy their RVs and the rest of the money would be used as a deposit for them. , their wages can’t be used to save, how can they be so nervous?

People’s ** is endless, they have long regarded this money as their own money.

For them, this is not the mother’s own savings, but the mother “stole” their money and hid it.

This stealing is bad enough, what if the mother relents and gives the other party the money that belongs to him/her?

no! The money must be taken out.

The two discussed it with their spouses, and the drama kicked off.

This time, what they want is not just the deposit, but also the division of the house together. As for the mother, what will happen after that? It’s okay, they can always give the mother a place to live. Can’t the mother help take care of the child when she comes?

So they each wrote a complete set of scripts that are reasonable and reasonable, and everything is ready to play and sing, and it officially begins.

Wang Jingya was the first to appear. She hugged her stepson and began to sell miserably. She said that her stepson had congenital leukemia. Although she was a stepmother, she could not see the child die. The family was about to sell the property to treat the child. There is no living expenses, does the original body have to help?

Yuan felt a little tangled in her body and mind. On the one hand, she felt that something was wrong, but she couldn’t say what was wrong.

Although this step-grandson is not related by blood, he can’t ignore it, but if he spends money on medical treatment, wouldn’t his grandson and daughter have to live as well?

She asked how much her daughter needed, but she didn’t expect her to ask for 2.3 million.

Yuan Shen felt that this was wrong. Back then, she accompanied her husband to treat illnesses, and the two of them couldn’t even spend this amount on the hospitalization and medicine. Could it be that her daughter didn’t have any savings at all?

She asked suspiciously, and her daughter started to cry again, saying that the husband she was looking for was too unreliable. The tutoring agency had been shut down before, so he wanted to invest in other businesses. Not only did the family run out of money, but also The house was mortgaged, and she said that the two million yuan was less. If her mother refused to give it, she would have to live on the street, and her stepson would have to let her fend for herself.

The daughter was crying pitifully, and said that she regretted that she didn’t listen to her parents and looked for a partner, but now that the child is so old, and the two have a deep relationship, she couldn’t leave, she could only stay with her until the end.

The original body naturally wanted to pay, but the current funds she had spent so far left only 500,000 yuan, and if the house she lived in was sold in a hurry, it would barely sell for 2 million or even Not yet.

But the original body can’t really do the thing about selling the house. This family has all the memories of her and her husband. If the house is gone, she feels that this family is completely broken up.

Although the daughter took the initiative to promise to support her in retirement this time, perhaps because of the deep memory of the past and her husband’s previous instructions, the original body always felt that the so-called retirement guarantee was not reliable.

That night, she didn’t fall asleep, and the next day, she met her son who suddenly came to the door.

The son doesn’t look good, his hair is a little messy, and his beard is very awkward.

She was so worried that she hurriedly asked her son what happened. His son hesitated and sat down on the sofa.

The son said he made a big mistake!

Hearing this, Yuanshen was heartbroken, and hurriedly grabbed his son’s hand.

“You said, what’s the situation?”

The son told her that his in-laws had been ill before – Hara knew about this situation, because at that time, the in-laws were hospitalized in turns, and Hara went to his son’s house to be a live-in nanny, and even the soup sent to the in-laws was It was cooked in the original body, and I almost went to the hospital to take care of people.

At that time, his salary was deducted for running back and forth between the hospital and home. His son has always had the habit of applying for a credit card – that is to say, he holds N cards, in an infinite loop. When this card expires, he swipes another card. The amount will be repaid, and when the other one expires, the other one will be swiped. As long as the calculation is done properly, the total amount is equivalent to the amount of money that can be spent.

As a result, he might have been too busy during that time, plus he had swiped a lot of money to pay for medical bills. He couldn’t pay off his card, and he had to pay back hundreds of thousands. This happened suddenly. He happened to be in the company and misappropriated it. public funds.

The original body was anxious and angry, and just wanted to pay for her son immediately, but she didn’t expect her son to tell her that this was only the first time. , once caught, he must be imprisoned. The key colleague, who is also in finance with him, found out about this and asked him to ask him for 150,000 yuan as a cover fee.

Unless it is solved by selling the house, but the son’s house is in arrears, and now selling it is equivalent to losing a lot, and it will only be in the early 100s, but there is still a hole of 600,000 to 700,000 that can’t be filled. Woolen cloth! Moreover, if the house is sold, the couple will have nothing, and they can only rent a house to live.

It’s hard to do things now, and the original body murmured what happened to his daughter.

One is that her son has to sell the house if she does not pay, and the other is that her son-in-law’s untrustworthy house is sold and his stepson is sick. She burns the two ends, but there is no way to satisfy both of them at the same time.

As soon as he heard this, his son became angry. He accused the original body of not thinking about him at all. He might be in prison, and he was still thinking about his daughter.

Isn’t it just that my sister has a bankrupt husband? Get a divorce! But he is different.

Unable to make a decision, the children began to “help” her.

The old and young take turns, and the parents-in-law of the two families come to guide them, giving various examples of the situations around them. The son-in-law’s parents said that in most families, only daughters are filial and obedient. When they get old, few sons can take good care of others The daughter-in-law’s parents said that the son is a relative, and the grandson is also relative. The daughter and grandson are one generation apart. Even if they don’t say this, isn’t the son’s situation more serious?

Then the children came to sell miserably. Both the grandson and grandson were wearing ill-fitting clothes.

Of course, it was me who appeared at the finale. The two jumped in front of their mother in various ways, using all their moves.

The daughter turned to the old account and said that when she was in the hobby class, her brother studied oil painting and she studied calligraphy.

The son said that he originally wanted to study abroad in high school, but his sister insisted that he wanted to go too. How could he not support it?

The daughter also said that at the time of the marriage, she knew that her parents gave 35w to her brother but only 30w to her, and said how fair she was.

The son laughed. He mocked his sister for not mentioning that she had 100 tables of guests back then, but he only had 50 tables?

In fact, these accounts have to be pursued, and they are almost equal, but they will only see that they suffer.

The two quarreled to the end, the old hatred and the new hatred directly fought, the original body failed to persuade the fight, fell and fainted directly.

When she woke up, she heard that her children had been arrested for a fight and made a record. She had no choice but to wait for the children to come back, and then confessed all the property she had now, saying that she really didn’t know who to go first, so she could only take it. What should be sold is sold, one person and one half.

She didn’t notice that when she said this, the children’s eyes were bright. After the original body dragged the sick body to deal with the property, she hurriedly transferred the money to the children.

None of them took the initiative to invite the original body to live at home, the original body hesitantly spoke, and all they got were sneers.

The original body is guilty, but she has no choice, she only has so much money, and how can she choose between her children?

Yuanshen had no other choice, so she found a nursing home run by a village in the city around H city to live in. The fee for an elderly person like her who can take care of herself but just find a place to stay is not high.

The life in the nursing home is naturally not as pleasant as at home. The original body, who has not waited for the children to visit, has always felt that it was his actions that hurt the children’s hearts.

She was actually quite confused. She always felt that she didn’t owe her child, and it was indeed fair to treat her child, but why did it still end up like this?

Her guilt ended on that day, when she met an elderly neighbor across from her son’s house in the nursing home. The other’s child was not very filial. This was famous in the place where her son lived.

The two had met before and quickly became familiar with each other. Then the old man clapped her hand and said, “You said that we both have the same disease and pity each other, and the child is very unfilial.”

Yuan Shen was stunned for a moment, and she defended her son a few words in the suspicious eyes of the other party.

The old man was confused: “Your son has cheated you of money, why do you still speak for him?”

The original body just heard from the old man that all the ways his son used to ask her for money were lies, even the last time he was in prison. The reason why the old man knew it was because of her daughter-in-law and the old man’s daughter-in-law We often talk about “stupid elders” together.

Yuanshen shook her hands and called her son. What she was most distressed about was not that her son lied to her, but that her son refused to give up a little for money, knowing that his sister was exhausted.

The son on the phone laughed directly when he heard this: “No, do you think Wang Jingya is really short of money? Mom, wake up, I’ll just tell you that, I lied to you, so does she, what kind of leukemia loan? , it’s all bluffing you.”

After the phone call, the original body became ill.

She was taken to the hospital, and the people in the nursing home planned to help her inform her family, but she refused.

She has had expectations for her children all her life, even when her husband is gone, and her money and house are gone. Now she has no expectations, but her life has come to an end.

On her deathbed, many fragments flashed before her eyes.

Children who used to hug each other humbly

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