She Quit the Air Bag

Chapter 33 - Neglected Second Daughter (1)

The sun went down, and the sky gradually became darker.

The sounds of animals were mixed with the voices of people talking, and it was time to go home from work.

The room that had been dark all the time finally lit up, but it was limited to the main room. A kerosene lamp was placed on a deeply textured wooden table, just enough to illuminate the room.

From the corner of the main room is the kitchen, and now the stove is filled with firewood, and the flame inside is burning vigorously, transferring heat to the pot on top.

In the past few years, the local food harvest has been good, and the food and money have been distributed. However, the Ning family has a lot of expenses, so they still maintain the habit of having a light dinner.

Mother Ning is watching the fire. There is mostly rice soup in the pot, and there are only a few grains of rice, but there are quite a lot of sweet potatoes that have just been harvested. Tonight, I cut two and cooked them together. Now the pot has a slightly scattered yellow color, which is vaguely sweet. The taste is mixed with the aroma of rice wafting out.

“Have the kids come back?” She glanced at the main room. Father Ning was sitting on a chair smoking a cigarette. He didn’t know what he was thinking. The smell of inferior tobacco made people annoyed, but if he didn’t smoke, it seemed even more annoying.

“I haven’t come back, it’s almost time.” Father Ning glanced at the sky and knew the time in his heart.

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, and this was finished, and people came.

The three children entered the house from the outside together without making any noise. When the whole family arrived, it was time for dinner.

Mother Ning felt a little relieved when her children came back. Two days ago, the village said that in recent days in this county, there have been rumors that someone is robbing children on the side of the road, and she is still a little uneasy.

But after a while, she realized something was wrong, and she glanced at her second daughter: “Chu Xia, why didn’t you come to help?”

Ning’s mother looked up and down Ning Chuxia subconsciously, and when she confirmed that it was not a bad health, her expression was not very good: “I’ve been busy with work until now, and you don’t understand when you come to help.”

Ning Chuqiu, who was already sitting opposite his father, hurriedly stood up: “Mom, let me come.”

She is thin and thin, standing up more than a head smaller than Ning Chuxia, with fair complexion, she doesn’t look healthy no matter what.

“What are you doing here?” Mother Ning didn’t answer, “You don’t have the strength to work, you can’t even hold a hot one.” Although it was a scolding, there was a taste of love and pity in her words.

Sitting there, Ning Chuchun, who had been motionless, was a little embarrassed. He glanced left and right. Ning Chuxia stood there blankly, as if in a trance. Seeing Ning Chuxia silently walked into the kitchen and started to work, she felt relieved.

The second sister is really strange today. She was fine on the way home just now. Why can’t she hold her back when she came back, and made her mother unhappy. You must not let the younger sister go to work, right?

Outside the house, Father Ning has already started to ask about his children’s studies. He doesn’t read much, that is, he has just graduated from a literacy class, but every time he listens to what his children have learned, he feels very relieved and feels that the money is not wasted. .

Ning Chuxia lowered her head and ordered dinner for the family.

It looks easy to cook, water and rice are put into the pot, but these days it is not as convenient as later generations. It depends on the heat, and the porridge needs to be stirred. The sweet potato skin is also directly peeled with the only one in the family, and it is leaned against the stove. , the heat of the firewood and the boiling steam of the rice soup in the pot are enough to make people sweat in the cold winter and twelfth lunar month, not to mention the hot days now.

Dividing meals is learned. Previously, it was Grandma Ning who was in charge of this. After she passed away, it fell to Ning’s mother. Now, Ning’s mother knew that her daughter was obedient, so she also gave this work to her daughter.

The first two bowls were naturally owned by Ning’s father and Ning’s mother. The spoon had to sink down, stir a little, and put the most rice grains and sweet potatoes, because the two of them had to work for the next day. If they didn’t eat enough, their bodies would collapse.

The third bowl belonged to the eldest brother Ning Chuchun. Although he was only two years older than the two younger sisters, half the eldest son ate the poor old man. He was the age of a long body, so naturally he couldn’t be harsh.

The fourth bowl is for the younger sister Ning Chuqiu. She and Ning Chuxia were born, and the two came to the world one after the other, but maybe Ning Chuxia was too domineering in her mother’s womb. Like a kitten that can’t be kept alive, it is small next to Ning Chuxia. Over the past ten years, the Ning family has become accustomed to taking care of Ning Chuqiu’s life. Everything at home must be close to Ning Chuqiu first.

As for the last part, only the rice soup and the untraceable rice grains were left, which of course belonged to Ning Chuxia.

Ning Chuxia silently poured the rice soup into the bowl. The iron pots and spoons in the village were surprisingly heavy, and when they were picked up, their hands trembled. But for Ning Chuxia’s thin arms, it has long been a part of daily life. Able to pour soup into bowls steadily.

She put these bowls on the table one by one. The children’s meat was tender, and most of them were afraid of being hot. Like Ning Chuqiu, every time they touched the edge of the bowl, the fingers would curl up, and it took a while to relax.

And she has rough skin and thick flesh, and has long been afraid of being hot—perhaps to be precise, she is still afraid of being hot, but her tolerance is high, because the pain caused by heat transfer is within the tolerance range.

Just like all the grievances encountered, it still hurts, but after a long time, it seems to be acceptable.

Naturally, she won’t get any compliments for doing these things. She did what she should do, and she didn’t get scolded for doing it well.

After all the work is completed, the family starts to eat. The Ning family’s dining table is generally not used for chatting. In recent years, the conditions have been slightly better, but in the past few years, every family was very nervous about eating. It is eaten whole, and then there is something to talk about.

Drinking the rice soup, Ning Chuxia also started sorting out the memories she had received before.

The body she entered this time didn’t actually have a lot of resentment left behind. She didn’t even feel that her life was miserable, only that it was the life of an ordinary person.

And the original body left, only countless grievances and grievances, layer upon layer, endless.

In her life, she perfectly interprets a life of neglect and abandonment.

The Ning family is an ordinary family living in Xingzi Village, farming for a living. The so-called three generations of poor peasants are probably the Ning family.

Ning’s father and Ning’s mother are considered diligent and honest, but due to the age, they have not been able to save too much money. They were famined in their early years, and then they built a house. Savings is strange, but they have toughness in their bones and continue to work diligently. In recent years, the harvest has been good, and one after another, they have some money, and they can send their three children to primary school.

When it comes to children, the Ning family has three children. The eldest son, Ning Chuchun, is tall and has a good temperament.

When I was a child, I was the most hardworking and responsible one in the family. My brother was a boy, and it was customary in the village to let boys do housework. My sister was weak and weak, so everything fell on her.

Yuanshen has been puzzled since she was a child. Why did she do so much without being praised by her parents, while her brothers and sisters only occasionally did a favor, or even a disservice, and they would be praised by her parents.

Is it wrong to work?

The environment where her parents are the gods is not enough for her to come up with an answer. She can only blame herself for the fault, and she does more and more in order to hope that she will be taken seriously.

There is no primary school in Xingzi Village. The only primary school in the surrounding area is in the town. The cost in the town is naturally higher than that in the village. The fee is 2 yuan per semester. Although it is sometimes refunded, it is generally at least 1.5 yuan.

Ning’s father and Ning’s mother were very smug at the beginning. They had money and sent their three children together. However, when the tuition started to be paid, there was no brake. After a year, the children would have to spend at least 6 yuan to study. This is not to mention the problem of bringing meals on weekdays, and the children cannot help.

But this effort always pays off. If nothing else, the youngest daughter, Ning Chuqiu, is really good at studying, and Ning Chuchun is a little bit worse, but the teacher also said that he is a steady and steady way. Daughter, they will hesitate for a long time and say “okay”, but they can’t remember the details.

There is also a reason for this. Every time they routinely ask about their grades, the second daughter is always there to help them. In addition, the second daughter is not as smart as the younger daughter. She often talks to them, and of course they don’t remember it well.

In fact, the original’s grades are not bad, only slightly lower than the younger sister, far older than the elder brother, but she is timid and inferior, always self-doubting, worse than the younger sister in the exam, and every time she looks at her parents enviously Complimenting my sister, secretly encouraging myself to work harder, not daring to use this achievement to show merit to my parents.

If it is said that before elementary school, what Yuan Shi encountered was only an uneven attitude, but in the following life, she was abandoned at almost every turning point in her life.

When it came to the choice of middle school and technical secondary school, the tuition fees were much higher. At the same time, it was enough to support three children to go to school, which was enough to make the Ning family, who was only a laborer, hurt, not to mention that Ning’s parents and Ning’s mother were still thinking about saving money for the children in the future They’re getting married.

And now, it’s time to start making choices.

For a long time after that, the original body was dazed and painful.

Of course she knew what it meant to be given up every time, but watching her parents persuade with a sigh, she flinched.

“Your little sister has good grades. When the time comes, she will go to a technical secondary school and will directly cover the allocation. She is weak and it is not easy to return to the village to work. She can go to a good unit in the future. Go to a good school, you should take a look first, you know the conditions at home.”

“Your little sister is a scholar. Don’t get married so early. Your brother likes a girl’s family, and it happens that her brother is also looking for a partner. She is a talented person and is very suitable for you.”

Yuanshen returned home after graduating from elementary school and helped with the work at home. When he got old, he married his sister-in-law’s younger brother under the arrangement of his parents.

After she got married, she was also the daughter of the family, and moved things to the house from time to time. Of course, she also knew how to take care of her small family, so that the small family would not be affected, but she still ate a lot of her sister-in-law and her husband. White eyes.

Later, when the economy opened up, my brother took his sister-in-law to the city. She and her husband wanted to follow along to make some money, but her parents came to persuade her, saying that she was gone too. Who will take care of them in the future?

The original remains.

It was a long time later that she learned that her parents came to persuade her not only for her own retirement, but also for her brother and sister-in-law’s encouragement. Her in-laws also hoped that her son would go outside and her daughter would stay to take care of her, but this was not the case. Is there a contradiction? She stepped back first, and “everyone is happy”.

The original body has always felt that everyone’s life is not the same, maybe some people are working hard in this life, like her, they are destined to be busy all the time.

I can’t make too much money, but I have a lot to do. In-laws, parents, children, and husbands, she is like a spinning top and never stops. When others blame her, she always bows her head and smiles. ear out.

She heard that her brother and sister-in-law had established themselves in the city and didn’t make much money, but they were able to live a steady life in the city.

The only girl in the family, a secondary school student, married into the city, and later moved to the next province with her husband. It was not easy to communicate, but she lived a good life.

The son heard that his mother gave up going to the city, but he couldn’t help saying that his mother was short-sighted. If he had an urban hukou and could go to high school in the city, he would never see the present world; Complaining, he didn’t want to spend the rest of his life digging food in the soil, but now his sister can’t come back, and his parents are holding on to him, for fear that if he leaves, the old couple will die alone.

My parents are getting older and have more geriatric diseases, especially my father. After a stroke, people are not able to take care of themselves.

When the couple was dying of serious illness, the elder brother and younger sister who had never returned to the village finally came back. They were out of tune with the people in the village. They had an urban vibe, and they were quite critical of the environment in which they grew up.

Hara stayed with his parents, just looking at the eyes of his parents when his brother and sister came in.

They hadn’t been so excited for a long time, and they were laughing hard, shouting their good grandson, good son and good daughter, contented.

The original only remembers that this winter is very cold, and all the previous persistence of the parents seems to have been put down when the beloved children come back. They passed away suddenly. The night before their death, they were still showing off their achievements with the old village chief of the same village. child.

The elder brother and younger sister will leave when their parents are buried in the soil. Before leaving, they hated the iron and told the original body that she couldn’t be so self-motivated, and she also had to look at the outside world. .

The original body just wiped the sweat and smiled honestly and honestly: “Yes, I know.”

Then, just like many years ago, standing at the head of the village, looking at Li people without looking back.

There is no need to say what happened later. She has lived in this village all her life, her son is good enough, went outside, started a family and started a family. After thinking about it several times, she did not agree to take her away.

Her roots are here, and the graves of her parents, in-laws and husbands are here. If she leaves, who will sweep their graves and pull the grass out of their graves on weekdays?

And… she has dragged down her son for half of her life, and she can’t drag her down any more.

Before her death, Yuan Shen thought of many, many things in bed. She blinked her eyes and was always happy. She cried even though she was scolded and shed tears.

Who will love me?

[Main quest: Stop being a daughter who has no sense of existence. 】

[Side mission 1: Get the approval and care of parents, siblings. 】

[Second mission: look at the vast world. 】

After eating, Father Ning put down his bowl and coughed lightly, “I have something to say.”

Ning Chuxia knew that the first choice had come.

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