She Quit the Air Bag

Chapter 37 - Neglected Second Daughter (5)

The house was silent for a while, and the breathing between people could be clearly heard.

When her sister said those words, Ning Chuqiu subconsciously looked at Father Ning.

Father Ning has a lot of power at home, and even she rarely gets a word of praise from her father, let alone her sister.

Regarding the decision made by Ning’s father, from childhood to adulthood, the whole family has not said a word, the so-called consultation is just another expression of notification.

She was worried that Father Ning would get angry with her sister.

Sure enough, Father Ning’s breathing became thicker. The hand he put on the table seemed to be relaxed, but the blue veins on it had already appeared, and the dark face also revealed a faint red.

His eyes widened and he looked at Ning Chuxia, the daughter who was always docile and obedient, but now an incredible tenacity appeared.

Father Ning’s heart was mixed with five flavors. Ning Chuxia did this to show that he didn’t believe in him and his wife.

“Could it be that our family is too old to let our daughter sell her hair to study?” An angry question was asked unconsciously. Father Ning was startled, but he didn’t turn his head back, although he realized what he said This is not appropriate, but it is impossible to take it back.

Ning’s father’s remarks made the already awkward atmosphere even more wonderful. Teacher He pursed her lips, and her face was already difficult to maintain peace. She tried hard to tell herself that she was an outsider, and such mixing would embarrass Ning Chuxia. , But the anger in my heart still can’t be suppressed.

Ning’s mother smoothed things out, but there was also a bit of accusation: “You child, why do you have to ask me and your father about everything? How can you be so self-assured and sell your hair.”

This complaint is also from the heart. Ning Chuxia’s behavior makes it hard to be a mother, but on the other hand, the feeling of being provoked by the family authority, not being respected by the children, and not being taken seriously makes her feel uneasy. She couldn’t bear it, especially because it was none other than Ning Chuxia who did all this.

Whose child would do this?

Ning Chuxia lowered her eyebrows and pleaded with her eyes, and her voice was neither too high nor too low: “Did you not tell my parents last time? My sister is not in good health, but she did well in exams. My brother is a male and he has to study. I know the burden on the family is heavy.”

Teacher He reacted and tried to squeeze a smile: “Chuxia, look, I forgot to tell you, you are so talented, you can get the first place in the joint entrance exam this time! Only one Yes, you have won glory for the school and the town! Because of your success, the principal has praised me for being a good teacher.”

She also meant to remind the Ning family that no matter what, she, an “outsider”, was also there. If she was like this to Chuxia even when outsiders were there, what else could you expect?

To her and everyone’s surprise, Ning Chuxia didn’t have much joy on her face when she heard the news.

How could it be such a reaction? Teacher He doesn’t understand, shouldn’t this make her very happy? Why does Ning Chuxia seem as if this matter has no effect on her? Shouldn’t it be that if you do well in the exam, you will have a good chance of studying?

Ning Chuchun, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said, “Dad, I’ve thought about it, I’m not very good at reading, and going to middle school for two more years is a waste of money. I come back to help with my work, and I can do a lot of things, I… I Don’t miss it.”

This decision is actually difficult to make, but Ning Chuchun has been thinking about it for a while.

It was only recently that Ning Chuchun “suddenly” found out that he, the elder brother, had never assumed the responsibility of being an elder brother, a fact that he had selectively ignored over the years.

Besides taking care of his two younger sisters on weekdays, what did he do? It seems that most of the time, he is just enjoying special treatment and ignoring Ning Chuxia’s sacrifice. Just like now, he is obviously the one who did the worst in the test. read.

“What nonsense?” Ning’s mother frowned. “Of course you have to study. If you don’t send you to study, I won’t be able to explain to your grandfather in the future when your dad and I enter the field!”

In her heart, her son’s inexplicable speech, what does this child know? If he can get a diploma from junior high school, he may find a way to find a job in the city. Even if he can’t, it will be of great benefit to go back to the village. Don’t talk about what to do in the village in the far future, just find someone close. I have a junior high school diploma, and I can also choose a little bit in finding a daughter-in-law.

They are so worried as parents, how can this child not understand?

“I didn’t do well in the test.” Ning Chuchun tried to convince his mother, “I really can’t do this well…”

“There’s nothing to discuss.” Father Ning frowned, “I said you want to study, you have to go.”

Ning Chuqiu, who also kept silent all the time, couldn’t hold back: “Mom and Dad, sister did well in the exam this time, so I won’t go to read it.”

It was a difficult decision to make. For Ning Chuqiu, it was also a precious opportunity, but she was a little ashamed looking at her sister’s short hair.

How much will she take advantage of her sister? And this time, she herself was useless, she didn’t take the exam well, and she didn’t pass the exam for her sister.

Ning’s mother still retorted: “You child, what are you thinking about? Didn’t your teacher also say it? You study hard, and there is still a lot of hope for you to get a junior secondary school in the future. How good is it to be assigned a job in the future?”

The words she blurted out made the atmosphere of the whole room even more condensed.

Ning Chuqiu and Ning Chuchun subconsciously looked at Ning Chuxia, and after meeting her always calm eyes, they quickly retracted their gazes, watching the floor did not lift for a long time.

What Ning’s mother said was nothing more than confirming everything Ning Chuxia said before.

No matter how good Ning Chuxia was in the exam, even if she got the first place in the joint entrance exam this time, she was still the backup option for Ning’s father and Ning’s mother.

It has always been so.

Compared with the hot tears on Ning Chuxia’s face that day, the calm at this moment can burn the hearts of Ning Chuchun and Ning Chuqiu more.

The mask was lifted red and fruity, revealing the cruel truth underneath.

The grades don’t matter, the situation doesn’t matter, it matters who.

There is fairness, but it just doesn’t take effect in Ning Chuxia.

Father Ning also realized this, and he felt the pain of being torn off his face.

He has always thought that his bowl of water is level, and that as a parent, as an elder, naturally he must know how to balance.

The way of balance is not simple fairness, but to **** the strong and help the weak, and to combine various conditions and distribute them roughly evenly.

Father Ning thought he was doing well, but now he found out that he was just using this so-called fairness to cover up his preferences and imbalances.

He didn’t speak for a long time, and Teacher He next to him couldn’t stand it any longer.

Teacher He now understands why Ning Chuxia had those eyes just now.

For Ning Chuxia, it might be more painful to pass the exam, right? If she failed in the test, she could still lie to herself. This was because her grades were a little worse, so she was given up. But the more she passed the test, the more it proved that all the previous inferences and self-comforts were false. “She doesn’t deserve it”.

Just like at the beginning, she didn’t even look for a reason and used lots to designate her father.

Teacher He said with a smile: “Actually, I had an idea before, and I never said it.” She pulled Ning Chuxia directly and held the child’s hand.

Even though it was summer, the child’s hands were cold.

“This child in Chuxia is the best child I have been teaching for so many years.” She looked at Ning Chuxia lovingly, “As you all know, I came from an educated youth who went to the countryside, and I have no relatives here, so I gave birth. My son, I look at Chu Xia, and the more I look at it, the more I close my eyes, I wonder, how about we recognize a godfather?”

Ning’s father and Ning’s mother looked at Teacher He in shock. They had just been immersed in that kind of embarrassment. They didn’t expect Teacher He to throw such a bomb.

Teacher He said carefully: “Don’t worry, I’m not robbing you for a child, I really think this child has a fate with me, I think so, this child will definitely have a scholarship in early summer, my family, the conditions are also still available. She is well-off, when she is studying, if she is short of money, I will help out a little, and I also have a house in this town. Whether she wants to study in the town or go to the county or city, she can stay at my house when she is tired. “

She was very worried about Ning’s father and mother’s rejection, and went on to make a patch: “If you are worried that I will pay more, then I will wait until the early summer to work, and I will pay it back slowly. In fact, this idea has been in my heart for a long time, and I have nothing to say. I’m afraid that I will come to the door at this time, but I will make you think that I am trying to recognize the relatives because of the child’s prospects.”

Father Ning frowned: “The money for studying in Chuxia… We will pay.” He was just too shocked. Since Ning Chuxia did well in the test, they are not vicious parents. They will always pay for this child when they grit their teeth.

In fact, he was angry, Chu Xia, this child… What should he say?

“I know, I just really want to recognize Chu Xia, the goddaughter.” Teacher He is sincere, “My family and I don’t plan to regenerate. I discussed it with him before, and he agreed, but he was afraid of affecting the child before the exam. , never came to the door.”

She made this decision for a long time. Although her husband was a little hesitant, he later found out about the character of the child in Chu Xia, and he agreed with confidence.

Teacher He now only regrets that she didn’t say it earlier. If she said it earlier, the child would have been so hard during this time, and even sold her hair. Until now, she still misses Ning Chuxia’s haircut.

They were talking here when someone came outside the door.

This time it was the captain who appeared. He ran very fast and pushed the door directly in. When he entered the room, the person was still panting heavily. News, great news!”

Just like entering his own yard, he took a ladle of water from the tank, poured some on his hands and drank it, and eased his dry throat: “The town commune called me! It said that your family is in early summer, this time I did very well in the test, the first class was good, it was…”

He thought for a while: “What the first place in the six-city joint entrance examination!”

There are not many educated youths assigned to them in the local area. Due to the small number of them, they basically became a family directly in the local area. Even a college student in the village has never been seen. Although this is only a small entrance exam, it is enough to make him proud.

There were other village captains and him before. They said that the Fengshui of Xingzi Village was not good, and their children couldn’t read. He couldn’t argue with that at that time, but now he can finally raise his eyebrows. Although it’s hard to say in the future, at least they Children of the village, that’s the number one in several counties!

The captain was in a very good mood: “The commune said that there will be awards, but I don’t know what the awards will be.”

After he finished talking to himself, he noticed that Ning Chuxia was standing next to him. He knew all the children in the village. Naturally, he saw Ning Chuxia at a glance.

How did this kid get his hair cut like this? Could this be the new trendy hairstyle in town? But he didn’t see it in town.

“Why did Chu Xia’s hair look like this?” he asked, and after sizing it up, he didn’t think it was right.

The scattered money on the table, the strange expressions of the Ning family, and the raw faces sitting next to them.

Father Ning really felt heartbroken. The questions asked by the captain were questions that ordinary people would ask, but at this time, it was particularly embarrassing.

For the first time, he felt that the captain really didn’t know how to read people’s eyes.

Mother Ning made an excuse: “The weather is hot, and I’m afraid of heat in early summer.”

The captain couldn’t help but look at Ning Chuqiu who was behind. Ning Chuqiu’s hair was not of good quality, but he had been taking care of it very carefully. His hair was over his shoulders, divided into two halves, tied in a braid and placed on both sides.

This is all a family, and one of them has cut off all their hair because of the heat, while the other continues to have long hair? Moreover, several women in his family are more than happy to cherish their hair and buy a bottle of hair oil for a long time, which is really strange.

Of course Father Ning saw the captain’s eyes, but he could only pretend he didn’t see it: “This is Chu Xia’s homeroom teacher, Mr. He, she came down from the town and told us about it.”

“You already know it, so I won’t tell you about it.” The captain joked, “If my kid could be so successful, I would have run around the village long ago, so that everyone would know that our family’s ancestral tombs are smoking green smoke. , out of a promising child!”

He put his hands behind his back and prepared to go out: “I’ll tell you when I go to work in the afternoon, and the village will also give you rewards, but our village is poor and can’t give anything, so we will spread some food from the public center.” Before he was about to leave, he stretched out his hand and touched it. Ning Chuxia’s head, let alone, the hair is short, and it feels very comfortable.

“Chuxia, you have to study hard, try to get good grades in the test later, and get a junior college! Maybe our village will be famous for you!” Shaking his silly son.

This is a hand stained with joy and culture. If it weren’t for superstitions now, he would have wanted his son to come and stay with Ning Chuxia for two days.

The captain walked all the way, and he could still hear him humming, and everyone could hear how good he was.

Seeing that the person had left, Teacher He continued to look at Father Ning and Mother Ning with eager pleading eyes: “What I said before…”

Father Ning glanced at his wife. The tacit understanding between the two came into play at this time, saving the trouble of negotiating. Although they felt that Teacher He’s behavior of acknowledging that he wanted to help out the tuition fee was a bit embarrassing for them, it was true. , which is a good thing.

They have no reason to refuse, and if they refuse, the second daughter may really treat them as vicious parents.

Father Ning felt the same bitterness in his heart as in his mouth. He didn’t know how he had come to this point. He would rather Ning Chuxia cry and make trouble that day.

Instead of calmly accepting her fate at the moment, everything she did was to struggle with herself under the condition that her parents would never support her. How could this not make being a parent sad?

“Okay, but Mr. He, we are determined not to let you pay for this money.”

Hearing this, Teacher He smiled happily. She held Ning Chuxia’s hand tightly: “That’s great. I’ll go and ask about the customs of this godfather tomorrow, and I’ll ask my family to prepare.”

Ning Chuxia, who was being pulled by her, was stunned for a moment, then looked at her with a serene smile.

This smile is very shallow, but at the same time, I really want to make a hole in the hearts of the Ning family.

During this holiday, the Ning family was in the limelight in the entire Xingzi Village and even the town.

This is the first time that the Central Primary School has a name in the children’s primary school or even in the urban area. The school naturally has to promote it. Although it can’t be extravagant, the banner that has not been put down from the public results to the freshmen enrollment is completely leaked. The principal’s thought.

The same goes for the other side of the commune. Due to various reasons, they are “underachievers” in education. In the past two years, the culture of advocating education has begun to rise. Naturally, it must be a typical example of vigorous propaganda.

The Ning family followed Ning Chuxia a lot.

The village praised to go to the stage, the school praised to go to the stage, the town commendation still has to go up, every time you have to wear a big red flower, go to the stage and interact with the leaders. Of course, in most cases, Ning’s father and Ning’s mother both rejected them. I didn’t help my daughter read anything, and I didn’t have a face to say how I helped my daughter.

However, an “interesting incident” also happened during this period. People may be born with a mentality of obeying authority. Ning Chuxia came to the stage and received a lot of awards. Her extremely short hair also attracted everyone’s attention.

I don’t know which parent started to spread this saying that the reason why Ning Chuxia was able to pass the test was that the strong man cut his hair by breaking his wrist.

Although Ning Chuxia tried to explain that she cut her hair after the exam, she still couldn’t stand the trend of everyone following the trend. Among the previous long hair and student head styles, “excellent hair” has also emerged. There is no conclusion, in short, it is cut short, boys are shaved, and girls are based on male hair.

But fortunately, according to Ning Chuxia’s observation, this trend basically did not affect too many girls – otherwise, she would feel like the dean of the later generations who forced others to cut their hair with scissors, but there are still many boys who don’t know if it is Hence the super short shaved head.

Most of the awards Ning Chuxia received were awarded. The sum of the money was enough to study for two years. With the help of Mr. He, she finally decided to go to Longxin in H County to study for junior high school. Good conditions, free tuition and stipends, and also allowed Ning Chuxia to live in the house of an unmarried female teacher. As long as you only need to pay 80 cents of food and accommodation every month, after a year, the stipend will not be spent, of course. , There are also conditions, that is, Ning Chuxia must keep her grades stable. Teacher He was a little hesitant, but Ning Chuxia was very confident, so she helped.

Before leaving, Ning Chuxia and Teacher He also had a formal ceremony, and now the two are officially married.

Ning Chuxia doesn’t need to spend money, and naturally it won’t affect the Ning family’s expenses. Teacher He is particularly happy to be able to marry Ning Chuxia smoothly. He also helped to find a teacher for Ning Chuchun and Ning Chuqiu.

This whole holiday, busy and abundant, finally it’s time to leave.

At the age of long body, Ning Chuxia’s clothes did not fit well, but fortunately, most of the clothes were made with a margin, and they were kept inside. As long as the stitches were removed, it was enough.

If it is not even enough, there is a solution, that is to add a piece of fabric, although it is ugly, but it can always be worn.

Ning’s mother specially went to pull a piece of cloth and made new clothes for Ning Chuxia. She had seen the luggage that Ning Chuxia packed herself, and the clothes inside were really old. She remembered that she had not helped Ning Chuxia make a few things in the past few years. set of clothes.

In this matter, Ning Chuqiu was treated the same, except for a new winter padded jacket. As soon as she froze, she would have a high fever, so she bought her new winter clothes at that time.

Now that I want to go out to study, I always have to be decent.

There is no direct bus to the county seat. You have to get to the town before noon, and then wait in the town for the bus to go to the county.

Teacher He told Ning Chuxia to tell Ning’s family in advance that she would wait for Ning Chuxia in the town, and then accompany Ning Chuxia to the county. Click Ning Chuxia.

The Ning family naturally agreed, but they really couldn’t send Ning Chuxia. If they wanted to send Ning Chuxia to the county, they might not be able to catch the car coming back. But if the family wanted to live in the county Last night, it was not realistic.

Ning Chuxia got up like every day before. Last night, Ning Chuqiu, who was sleeping next to her, cried until midnight, and she couldn’t fall asleep.

Of course, Ning Chuqiu didn’t want to disturb Ning Chuxia to rest. She thought she was biting herself and crying without making a sound would not be noticed, but she didn’t know that she was sleeping on the same bed, and even the vibrations from her body will be transmitted to the side.

When he woke up, Ning Chuqiu had three or four layers of eyelids.

The word county is very far away when you hear it. It costs money to take a car. Ning Chuxia can only come back once a month after birth. The three brothers and sisters who have not been separated since birth, the first time they separated, it was very long.

Not to mention the already emotional Ning Chuqiu, even Ning Chuchun didn’t fall asleep all night.

Ning Chuxia bowed his head and drank porridge. This morning, it was fried wild vegetables with clear porridge.

Stir-frying takes oil, and the family seldom cooks stir-fry even at noon. This meal is a rare and rich one.

After she drank two mouthfuls of porridge, she saw the looming poached egg, with its yellow and reddish egg yolk, lying at the bottom of the bowl.

Ning Chuxia raised her head and saw Ning’s mother’s eyes quickly averted. She didn’t ask, but just ate quietly.

This seems to be the “special” you get for the first time.

In the past, everyone else had it, but she didn’t; but today she has it, and no one else has it.

After eating, Ning Chuxia didn’t stop doing housework because she wanted to leave. She put away the bowl, and when she saw her sister was about to stop her, she quickened her pace and started cleaning when she entered the kitchen.

Halfway through the wash, Ning Chuxia heard footsteps behind her.

The footsteps were a little quieter, sounding like a grown man.

She finished washing the dishes calmly, splashed dirty water and stood up, and as soon as she turned around, she met Father Ning who was looking at this complicated expression.


Father Ning watched her set the bowl, and took out a blue square cloth from her pocket. The cloth was quite old, and the edges were whitened, but it was not dirty. The blue square cloth was folded into a square, bulging. It’s like wrapping something.

Father Ning shoved the cloth bag directly into Ning Chuxia’s hands, and turned around to leave.

“Dad, what is this?”

Father Ning was stopped, and his right hand was habitually clicked. When he was anxious, he remembered the cigarette: “It’s nothing, you commend the money you received.” Yes, there’s no reason for us, it’s not like your mother and I can’t work, so why don’t you pay for it.”

In recognition of the money received, the daughter paid it every time. According to “tradition”, this money should be handed over to the public. But Ning’s father and Ning’s mother had discussed it, and neither of them wanted to use the money to subsidize the family.

Of course, they made up a few more dollars to go in. The family conditions were not very good, so they could only pay for their second daughter’s tuition fees, and put the same amount of money as the other two children’s tuition fees. Can’t do it either, but it doesn’t need to be said.

“In the future, don’t go to sell your hair, the girl’s family, there is no reason to sell your hair, it’s not good-looking.” Father Ning paused, and there was something that kept lingering in his heart, but he still didn’t say, “Go to the county seat, Study hard and don’t cause trouble.”

Seeing the disappearing back of Ning’s father, Ning Chuxia slightly opened the cloth bag and glanced at it, then put it in her pocket. She has a good mental arithmetic ability. After a rough estimate, she knew that Ning’s father and Ning’s mother had added money in.

Ning’s father and Ning’s mother both took leave with the brigade in the morning, and they were ready to go out when it arrived. Ning Chuxia was about to go into the house to get her luggage, when they bumped into Ning Chuchun who came out with her luggage.

Ning Chuchun was silent as always. He didn’t even look at Ning Chuxia. He just stood at the door with his luggage on his back, clutching the strap tightly with his hands and exerting all his strength, no matter how he looked, it didn’t look like he was about to let go.

The three brothers and sisters usually went to school together, but this time they walked faster than before.

Like a flash of God, it came to an end.

Teacher He had already dragged her husband to wait at the intersection. As soon as she saw the Ning family, she came over. Teacher He’s husband, Li Guisheng, took the luggage from Ning Chuchun without waiting for his wife to speak.

Wait for the car to arrive.

Ning Chuqiu hugged Ning Chuxia. People who love to cry always cry at any time. She burst into tears and whimpered, “You must come back in a month.”


“My brother and I, my parents will miss you.”

“I know.”

Ning Chuqiu cried so hard that her voice was so low that she couldn’t make out what she said. It was vaguely vague that Ning Chuxia always felt that there was a very small apology mixed in with it.

When the car arrived, there were already a lot of people in the back of this pickup to the county seat. The driver honked the horn, and Teacher He hurriedly apologized: “I have to get on the car, this car is in a hurry.”

Father Ning nodded and said, “Don’t bother Teacher He too much when you go, just study hard.”

It only took enough time to say a word. As soon as the door behind Pidou was opened, the three of them sat up, and the rope was tied by the side, and the car started.

The humming engine sound, and the dust raised by the friction of the wheels on the ground made it impossible to even see the people in the car. After a while, the car was far away.

Ning Chuqiu looked at the distant, blurred figure of her sister with tears in her eyes.

She realized again that her sister had indeed left.

She even felt that her sister was like a bird leaving its nest. It raised its wings and flew up, circling, and might build a nest elsewhere in the future and would never come back.

“Go home.” Father Ning was the first to turn around. He seemed to walk forward indifferently. The sand raised by the wheel just got into his eyes, and the corners of his eyes were a little red.

Not everyone who leaves home looks back.

Especially, those who are no longer at home.

Ning Chuxia didn’t look back, she just looked at the road ahead that wasn’t so pretty amid the bumps. She wanted to move forward and move forward again.

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