She Quit the Air Bag

Chapter 54 - After Stealing the Dragon and Turning the Phoenix (Part 2)

Although it was said that the weather was bad today and it was sultry for a whole afternoon, in the evening, the breeze came, the temperature was just right, and it was very refreshing.

The French restaurant located at the top of the high-rise building in the city center of s has been rated as a Michelin restaurant this year, and its popularity has soared. You must make an appointment to eat.

“Xinhan, why did you come so early?” Bai Minmin walked over in a good mood and directly held her boyfriend’s hand.

The Bai family is a wealthy family rooted in S City, and it is naturally more deeply ingrained than the “foreign family” Tang family.

Back then, Bai Minmin and Tang Xinhan went to study in the United States together, but they were not in the same school. They met in high school and only got together when they were about to graduate from college.

Later, Bai Minmin’s mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. She originally planned to continue the postgraduate entrance examination. She stopped her studies and returned to China. She decided to stay by her mother’s side. Tang Xinhan, who had been with Bai Minmin for a while, also chose to give up her studies. , accompanied my girlfriend back to the country.

His girlfriend-focused measures touched the hearts of Bai Minmin and Bai’s mother. The two people’s relationship that was not stable at the beginning also began to stabilize, and Bai’s mother also regarded Tang Xinhan as a future son-in-law candidate. .

It’s just that Papa Bai has always criticized Tang Xinhan quite a bit.

Although he was also moved, Tang Xinhan took his daughter very seriously, but he could not help feeling that Tang Xinhan really didn’t understand the importance of things.

Bai’s father is a hard worker. He can’t understand Tang Xinhan who has been in love with his daughter for a month. How can he ignore his daughter’s studies? Although his studies may not be important, he can’t help much when he comes back. If it weren’t for the Tang family’s good conditions, he would have felt that Tang Xinhan Sima Zhao’s heart was well known to all passersby.

What’s more, Dad Bai has no discriminatory thoughts. He has already made a will. If he stretches his legs one day, the family’s property will definitely belong to his daughter.

It’s just that Bai Minmin really doesn’t like doing business. It’s not that she doesn’t like it, but she’s just not willing to take responsibility. If she is asked to open a small company, she can always manage it with a dash of interest. The decision would affect the livelihoods of tens of thousands of people, and Bai Minmin couldn’t stand it.

It is a good way to hire a professional manager, but it also requires an heir who will not be fooled. Minmin has a straightforward temperament and is always uncertain about these.

Then what kind of person the future son-in-law is is very important. In Bai’s father’s opinion, Tang Xinhan is completely inferior to his father, Tang Haizheng. It can’t be balanced, let alone adding a Bai Shi.

So far, Papa Bai still hasn’t let go of Tang Xinhan’s and Bai Minmin’s marriage, but recently, seeing Tang Xinhan’s kindness to his daughter, he has begun to waver.

Tang Xinhan looked at Bai Minmin’s gentle smile: “I just arrived not long ago, I thought you would take a while.”

“I finished my workout early. I met an interesting person at the gym today. After stretching, I chatted with her in the gym again.” Bai Minmin replied casually.

She recalled the girl she met at the gym in the afternoon. What first caught her attention was the girl’s good-looking muscle lines. Even when she exerted strength, she would never have large muscles.

You must know that the coaches in the gym are mainly muscular men. What Bai Minmin is most worried about is that she will come to such a strong arm or thigh at a glance.

The girl took the initiative to talk to her, and Bai Minmin happily chatted with her. After this chat, there was a kind of hit-and-run feeling.

Many of Bai Minmin’s friends are still studying abroad, or have already entered marriages one after another, and the common topics are less, and they are also drifting away. Tang Xinhan has since entered the Tang family, and she is always busy at work during the day. Don’t bother, I’m a little bored sometimes.

“What kind of person?” Tang Xinhan warned in his heart.

Seeing Tang Xinhan’s expression, Bai Minmin chuckled: “What do you think? Of course it’s a girl, she’s a very beautiful girl. If we get to know each other, I’ll introduce you to you.”

She thinks her boyfriend’s attitude is a bit funny, isn’t she jealous?

Bai Minmin has always had some regrets in her heart. She didn’t have much love experience. After breaking up with her predecessor, she had been hurt for a long time before she came together with Tang Xinhan.

The psychological shadow left by her ex was too heavy, and she can still recall the never-ending quarrels and conflicts during their love affair.

After being with Tang Xinhan, she felt a completely different peaceful love. Tang Xinhan tolerated her everywhere and never said a single harsh word to her. Even if Bai’s father opposed such a thing, Tang Xinhan never showed any dissatisfaction.

All the friends she knew told her that she had found a good person, but for some reason, Bai Minmin always felt that something was missing.

She sometimes even suddenly felt that Tang Xinhan didn’t seem to care about her as much as he showed, but this kind of thought usually disappeared in a flash. I have spoken to my friends twice, and they also said that she is in the midst of happiness and does not know happiness.

Did she really think too much?

Tang Xinhan was very jealous whenever there was someone else beside her.

Hearing that it was a girl, Tang Xinhan also felt relieved. He didn’t ask any further questions, but said casually, “That’s not bad. Didn’t you say that you feel lonely without friends recently? You can get along with each other more.”

“I think so too, Xiao Xia is very interesting.” Bai Minmin smiled and rolled her eyes, “But look at it again and spend more time with each other before you know if it is suitable for you to be friends.”

Hearing the words “Xiao Xia”, Tang Xinhan subconsciously moved.

He was very helpless in his heart, he was really “Ning Chuxia ptsd”, and after that year, whenever he heard these three words, his heart would be confused every time.

He sometimes felt that his reaction was too sensitive. They were no longer of the same class, and what if they met? It’s all over long ago.

Xiaoxia? Tang Xinhan thought about it for a while. It seemed that there was only one wealthy businessman in S City that he knew with the surname Xia. His family was much worse than the Tang family, let alone compared with the Bai family. Make a friend, it shouldn’t matter.

“Why are you in a daze? This dish is pretty good, let’s try it.” Bai Minmin pointed to the dish on the plate. She was very dissatisfied with Tang Xinhan’s distracted attitude while eating. I won’t watch until after dinner.

Bai Minmin watched her boyfriend bow his head gently and started to eat, but she was distracted by the state official’s setting on fire.

Speaking of which, she forgot to ask, what was Chu Xia’s last name? I have to send WeChat to ask later, or else the relationship will be familiar by then, and I only know how embarrassing it is to call others Xia Xia and Xiao Xia!

“Mr. Tang, thank you for taking me home.” Ning Chuxia greeted him politely. He had already arrived at the roadside, and his expression was very polite.

“No need.” Tang Haizheng was in a good mood, and he was still sitting in the car watching Ning Chuxia’s admiration for the younger generation, “Chuxia, you sleep here every day now? I have a small villa under my name, and I will have it delivered tomorrow. I’ll give you the key, and you can go to sleep!”

He prides himself on being an art collector, but what is more constant is his identity as a businessman.

Tonight I took Ning Chuxia to a friend’s party to show off.

This network is wealth. Others will laugh at him for being stupid, saying that he is taking advantage of him. He clearly doesn’t know any art, and he is swollen and fat to fund some artist.

This is not the first time Tang Haizheng has heard this, but every time he hears it, he finds it funny.

Where do these people know what is long-term investment? For the few paintings he bought in H City, the painter himself is now the vice president of the provincial art association. You may not be able to buy the paintings even if you multiply them by nearly 100 times at the price of that year.

Not to mention that the circles of these cultural people are different from theirs. Sometimes they can’t do things, but they can always find a turning point there.

The acquisition deal that Tang Group finally negotiated five years ago was led by Tang Haizheng looking for an artist he knew to take the lead, and the chairman of the S City Chamber of Commerce helped lead the way. Both parties took a step back to solve it.

Compared with the benefits he can get from it, what is he paying for?

If you say that investing in other young artists is called gambling stones, if you haven’t wiped it off, you don’t know if there will be jade in it, and what kind and color it is, then Ning Chuxia, it has already been mined, and it needs to be mined immediately. The imperial green carved by the master.

“No need.” Ning Chuxia chuckled, “Mr. Tang, my senior brother has a vacant house here, but he hasn’t slept in a long time. He asked someone to clean it, and it will be cleaned up tomorrow, and I will go there to rest until tomorrow. .”

When Ning Chuxia mentioned the word “senior brother”, Tang Haizheng couldn’t help but light up.

Ning Chuxia is not only powerful in person, but also has a senior brother! His teacher is a master-level figure, and the people who worship him are either those who are full of talent like Ning Chuxia, or those who are related at home.

Tang Haizheng was able to name several people who were in the same family as Ning Chuxia, and now have a high status in society.

Seeing the light flashing in Tang Haizheng’s eyes, Ning Chuxia felt amused.

In the last life, the one who defeated the original body was actually Tang Haizheng.

After all, the only person who didn’t know anything about the whole thing back then was Tang Haizheng himself.

The original wants to have a “home”, she wants to prove that she is not thrown away, not a child no one wants.

But she would never have thought that for Tang Haizheng, blood relationship is really not a particularly important thing. His anger is because his always docile wife deceived him, and because he has spent so many years of resource investment and cultivated his son in vain.

As for the original? He hasn’t raised him for a day, so how many feelings can he have because of the identity of “daughter”? What kind of blood is connected, it is a bluffing thing, anyway, Tang Haizheng has never felt this way.

Tang Haizheng even wanted to give money to cut with his daughter. Although Yuanshen would benefit the Tang family if he found a good partner, he also had to look at Yuanshen’s level. She had no long skills and poor education. He is not generous, and he is always timid, so don’t find him a humiliating son-in-law.

Fortunately, he is not young, so there is still time to re-train the trumpet. As for his daughter, he will not treat him badly, give some money to let the child live a good life, isn’t that great? With money, what do you want?

However, what he wanted was not money.

Tang Haizheng’s actions, for her, can almost be directly equated with “you have been abandoned again”, which also makes her completely lose all the life-saving straws she has managed to grasp to the Tang family. expect.

When Ning Chuxia read the original body’s memory at the time, it became clear that Tang Haizheng was definitely a man who put his interests first. He lived a very realistic life, and to some extent he was cold-blooded. The more useful you were, the more he loved you. It doesn’t help him, that’s fine, it’s not bad, but it definitely doesn’t get any warm care.

“Speaking of which, you have several brothers and I have met once.” Tang Haizheng laughed loudly. Although it was strange to chat alone in the car, he could not wait to let Ning Chuxia come in again at this time. Take a seat.

Ning Chuxia wrote a blank check without hesitation: “Next time my brothers come, I will introduce you.”

Tang Haizheng was even more happy. With a small calculation in his heart, he quickly asked: “By the way, Chu Xia, I want to buy two of your paintings…”

He knew Ning Chuxia because a painter he sponsored was painting in the studio upstairs of Ning Chuxia’s gallery, and they met through his help.

At that time, Tang Haizheng realized the opportunity. He did his part and immediately showed his artifact. A pair of Chinese paintings by Senior Brother Ning Chuxia, which he bought at a high price, became the origin of the common topic between the two. The two were once fellow villagers, and they became closer and closer.

If it weren’t for Tang Haizheng being cautious, he would even want to recognize Ning Chuxia as a godfather for fear that this idea would be abrupt and overstepped.

Ning Chuxia frowned deliberately and said, “All my paintings have been sent to the auction house, Mr. Tang, you know, the auction house that my senior brother and I invested in has only just started, and I’m offering paintings regularly, and I really can’t squeeze it out…”

She believed that Mr. Tang must know each other.

As soon as Tang Haizheng heard this, he smiled: “I understand! It’s okay, it’s not in a hurry.”

He has already begun to calculate the liquidity at hand. This Ning Chuxia painting is not cheap in the market, and anyone who pays attention to the collection market can see the room for growth in the price of her works, and will not easily sell it.

With his prudence, it must be a two-pronged approach, first consider buying or exchanging from other collectors, if not, it can only be auctioned.

This is going to cost a lot of money, Tang Haizheng is a little bit painful, but what is this pain? The key is the long-term benefits afterward.

You don’t throw the bait, you still plan to let the fish hook? Simply dreaming.

Tang Haizheng looked at Ning Chuxia again: “By the way, in Chuxia you said that your senior brother is coming soon?”

When they were just at the dinner table, they also talked about some business matters during the interval between collections. Among them, they mentioned a technology that was newly developed recently. Several people were very optimistic about it, but the patent was not in their hands, and they had the patent. The company has always been very cautious in external cooperation, and there is no business cooperation or unfamiliar manufacturers even entry tickets.

Ning Chuxia, who was also eating, seemed to have no intention of saying, “The company you mentioned sounds familiar to me.”

When everyone looked at her, she said slowly: “It seems to be a company under my brother’s name.”

As an aristocratic artist, of course she continued to eat indifferently after casually mentioning it. Money is something outside her body!

However, people who have been attracted by her will not give up. Tang Haizheng immediately asked: “Your senior brother, how is your relationship with you?”

Ning Chuxia was immediately amused: “Of course my brother and I have a good relationship. He is going to visit the city a in a few days, and he also said that he wants to stop by the city s to see me.”

As soon as these words came out, several wealthy businessmen who were sitting and eating at the same time had their own thoughts. Among them, Tang Haizheng was the least anxious. Compared with others, he had already walked dozens of steps, only Ning Chuxia recommended , and then bring the works of Ning Chuxia and their senior brothers, the probability of knocking on the door will be greatly improved.

Ning Chuxia pondered for a moment, then suddenly realized: “You mean Senior Brother Gu? Yes, he will come.”

Flying over the city of S by plane counts, right?

Open the window and look down at S City, isn’t it also a kind of “seeing”?

Tang Haizheng felt more relieved when he heard Ning Chuxia’s answer. He looked at Ning Chuxia with concern: “Chuxia, go and rest, I’ll go back now.”

He really felt that Ning Chuxia was her lucky star now.

To make a full play, Tang Haizheng just closed the door as he watched Ning Chuxia disappear from the hotel door.

The driver Xiao Wang has been with him for more than 20 years. From the h city to the s city, Tang Haizheng never thought of changing the driver. As soon as the car started, he couldn’t help chatting with Xiao Wang.

“Little Wang, what do you think Ning Chuxia’s parents think? I’m afraid they are mentally ill.” Tang Haizheng shook his head.

Xiao Wang didn’t quite understand what happened to Ning Chuxia, and doubts appeared in his eyes.

Tang Haizheng remembered that he hadn’t told Xiao Wang, and patted his head: “Look, I’m so old, people are stupid.”

Tang Haizheng repeated the story of abandoning Ning Chuxia as his biological parents and being bullied by his adoptive parents. After he finished speaking, he began to express his emotions.

“Ning Chuxia’s adoptive parents are indeed too clueless. Even if they don’t know who the master is, wouldn’t they ask? If you think about it with your toes, you know that if you can learn from the master, then you don’t need to think about the future.” Ning Chuxia’s adoptive parents, Tang Haizheng, sneered, this is no brainer to sum up, “Her parents, in order to pay tuition and travel expenses, do not let her go to study, you see now, she is only in her twenties, a year younger. It is said that you can earn millions, which is the least.”

Xiao Wang couldn’t hold back his breath after hearing Tang Haizheng’s words: “If you know this, you will definitely regret it!”

Tang Hai is a generous boss, and his salary has never been stingy over the years, but even so, the sum of the money Xiao Wang has saved in his life is not as much as that of Ning Chuxia in a year or two.

As long as he substitutes himself into the Ning family’s parents, he will feel extremely regretful. If this is him, he will not be able to sleep for days and nights.

“Isn’t that right?” Tang Haizheng likes the feeling of telling stories to others, “Besides her biological parents, how much do you think it will cost to raise a child? From childhood to adulthood, Ning Chuxia can earn as much as a year. Isn’t it? It’s not that the child has any innate problems and will lose it if he loses it.”

Tang Hai is a man who prefers sons to daughters, but he would never say that to the outside world.

Even in the company, he asks the trade union to organize Women’s Day every year to eliminate gender discrimination against employees. This is called political correctness.

But you want him to raise a daughter as his heir and give the Tang family’s property to others? It’s better to kill him! Therefore, in Tang Haizheng’s view, Bai Minmin’s father was a little stupid.

He has worked hard for so many years, and now it seems that this property has to follow the surname of Tang. If he was President Bai, he would have felt that fighting was boring.

Tang Haizheng smiled again: “How would you feel if his biological parents knew that the child they lost was so promising?”

He said it was a pity, but in his heart he secretly said several times that it was a good loss!

Tang Haizheng naturally saw that Ning Chuxia’s attitude towards him was too close, and later learned about Ning Chuxia’s life experience, he also understood why Ning Chuxia’s attitude towards him was wrong.

He took advantage of this, of course he was very proud, but he could only feel good in his heart. It’s always bad to say it.

Xiao Wang responded cooperatively: “I guess I regret it as well. Some people in our village sent the child away, and then the child went to recognize the child when he was born.”

As he was about to pass the neighborhood in front, Xiao Wang hurriedly asked, “Mr. Tang, are you going there tonight?”

One word, Tang Haizheng understood: “I won’t go, I won’t go tonight, I’m tired after drinking some wine, go home first.”

It’s not that he doesn’t want his own Wenrou Township, but Wenrou Township is pregnant, and he can’t do anything when he goes there. He has to coax people. Tang Haizheng is a little tired today and just wants to go back and have a good rest.

Xiao Wang nodded and drove in the direction of Tang’s house.

What does it feel like to have a child you send out to become famous?

For this issue, Zhao Yiyue should have the most say.

When she got up early in the morning, she found that the clock had reached half past ten, and she had a severe headache. When she walked to the mirror, she was taken aback by her poor state.

People are getting older, and there are some problems with the skin condition. Zhao Yiyue spent an unknown amount of money on this face, only to reluctantly exchange for a good maintenance.

But these few days of insomnia and nightmares have directly destroyed her maintenance results. Not only that, but this headache that has not been done for many years has started again.

This is really a debt collector!

Zhao Yiyue secretly hated and scolded the daughter who, in her opinion, should never appear again.

Others say that their daughter is a little padded jacket. Her daughter has not brought her any benefits since she was born, and she is all a monster!

In Zhao Yiyue’s worst nightmare, she never thought that her daughter would infiltrate her life in this way, like some evil spirit, staring at you with chills, pervasiveness, and constant presence. around you.

Speaking of which, Zhao Yiyue couldn’t help feeling emotional about her husband.

For the past half-week, Tang Hai has been mentioning Ning Chuxia every day.

He praised Ning Chuxia to the sky, and every day he laughed at Ning Chuxia’s adoptive parents and biological parents.

Every time Tang Haizheng said something, if he had such an excellent daughter, he would definitely raise her daughter like pearls and jade, and Zhao Yiyue felt disgusted when she became an internationally famous painter.

If Tang Haizheng was able to resist the opposition of the Tang family’s parents, why would she make such a foolish move? She has seen everyone with her eyes, but she has never missed Tang Haizheng. If she had given birth to a daughter, Tang Haizheng would definitely not marry her into the house!

If Zhao Yiyue hadn’t been careful enough, she would have almost run out of words, but she could only hold back the scolding in her heart. Who made her husband not know that he was the fool who lost the child?

Her husband talking about Ning Chuxia every day was enough to make Zhao Yiyue anxious, and what was even more irritating was that her husband actually reduced Zhao Yiyue’s pocket money because he wanted to shoot two paintings of Ning Chuxia.

Although there is still a lot of money left, Zhao Yiyue has to subsidize her younger brother every month, and she already lives a luxurious life. The husband’s so-called reduction is only a little less, which means that she has to buy several new products. So generous among sisters!

What made Zhao Yiyue panic even more was that her husband only reduced her expenses.

In this regard, Tang Haizheng is righteous: “The money I spend is all about making contacts, you don’t understand, Xinhan and Minmin are cultivating their relationship, and they spend a lot on weekdays, how can they save it?”

So in the last thought, I can only make Zhao Yiyue spend a little less.

This is simply to use her money to support Ning Chuxia!

How can Zhao Yiyue not be angry? What is this for?

Zhao Yiyue looked at herself in the mirror, her in the mirror, her eyes were fierce, and she could see that she was in a bad mood.

She has been dreaming every day these few days that something happened, and she and Tang Xinhan were swept out of the house together.

Zhao Yiyue will never allow such a situation to happen. She has been wronged for so many years, and Tang Haizheng is the leader in everything and takes care of him properly. What is it for? Isn’t it just this good life, and the inheritance that will surely be assigned to her in the future?

Women live longer than men.

Although Zhao Yiyue loves Tang Haizheng very much, her love is bigger than money. She is tired enough. When Tang Haizheng’s braids are up in the future, she will definitely take money to enjoy life.

As long as she thinks that after being swept out of the house, she may only be able to carry those outdated bags forever, and the noble ladies who used to be close to her will no longer pay attention to her, and will even mock her in private for not being able to keep her own position. , she can no longer enter a store with a minimum consumption and an annual consumption threshold… The more she thinks about it, the more terrifying it becomes.

Tang Haizheng, who was sleeping beside her, didn’t notice her pain during this period of time. He even couldn’t help complaining when he woke up yesterday morning: “You keep turning over at night, so I can’t rest well at all. If you do this again, I will Went out to rest.”

How can this work? Zhao Yiyue is very vigilant. There is no cat that does not steal fish in the world. If Tang Hai is sleeping outside, how can he control himself?

Last night, Zhao Yiyue didn’t even dare to move. She closed her eyes and fell asleep. When she couldn’t get up, she felt that her bones were creaking.

Thinking of what Tang Haizheng said that she wanted to invite Ning Chuxia to dinner at home, Zhao Yiyue couldn’t hold back her hysterical emotions. The only way she could vent her emotions was her younger brother. Others see the information.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yiyue locked the door, turned it twice, put it on the chain, pressed the door handle to make sure it couldn’t be opened, and then turned into the toilet, and also locked the toilet, so that double insurance can make people feel at ease.

Zhao Yiyue called her brother’s phone, and she was very upset when she heard the busy tone over there.

Speaking of which, the Ning family moved out of their previous residence, not knowing if they fled in fear of crime.

When they moved away, they looked like they were going to make cuts with the people they knew back then. Zhao Yifei went there and turned around twice, but he didn’t smell where the Ning family lived.

H City is the home base of the Tang family. All the people Zhao Yifei and Zhao Yiyue know are attached to Tang Haizheng. Naturally, they can’t ask acquaintances for help. Otherwise, if the other party casually mentions Tang Haizheng, it will be over. ? This is simply sending evidence to your door.

In the end, Zhao Yifei could only use the money, and then he found a few reliable buddies he knew, and began to investigate slowly. Last night, the younger brother said that he had asked someone who knew the Ning family, and the other party gave the Ning family’s current address, the time at that time. Some nights, Zhao Yifei and Zhao Yiyue promised that he would come to the door early in the morning to ask.

When the call was connected, Zhao Yiyue lowered her voice and asked, “Yifei, what’s your situation?”

Zhao Yifei sighed: “I just came out of Ning’s house.”

He thought that it would take him a day at most to come here, but he didn’t expect to go around in circles these days, and he couldn’t even count how many places he ran.

This is still not a big city in h city. If it is in city s, Zhao Yifei estimates that he will not be able to find anyone.

“What’s the situation?” Zhao Yiyue asked eagerly.

Zhao Yifei said helplessly: “Sister, this Ning family is really…” He couldn’t say anything, and he was still angry when he thought of the conversation with the Ning family just now.

At that time, as soon as the door of the Ning family opened, they saw Zhao Yifei standing outside and they wanted to close the door without saying a word. Fortunately, Zhao Yifei was quick and strong, otherwise they would have to wait outside the door for another morning!

Pushing in so hard, Zhao Yifei asked without a smile, “Do you have to give us an explanation?”

Mother Ning was hesitant at first, and then she became assertive: “…This child has long feet, she wants to run, what should we do? Tie her up with a rope?”

Zhao Yifei was annoyed by this shameless attitude: “That’s not what you said when you charged us money. Did you say that you would take good care of this child and keep her from going out in H city?”

Ning’s father next to him is also very protective of his wife. He is righteous: “We take care of it, but what can I do if this child is disobedient? How do you know we don’t take care of it?”

Speaking of this, the Ning family actually began to feel wronged, and Ning’s mother was angry: “You think raising a child is so easy, just because you answered your words. When someone came to the door and said to take the child to the capital for training, we didn’t agree!” As soon as they mentioned this, Ning’s mother also reacted, which is evidence of their dedication, “If we really didn’t abide by the agreement, we would have done it if we didn’t promise, and we didn’t have to pay for the child. As a result, the child separated from us. She thought about it, we wanted to change her plan for the university entrance exam, she went to privately begged the teacher to change her, we didn’t even pay her the tuition and travel expenses, this student loan has to be stamped by the street, but how do you know this child is so Stubborn, I ran away with the bag on my back, you said to yourself, what can we do if it’s us?”

Hearing what the Ning family said, Zhao Yifei knew it was over.

This experience was all too familiar, it was exactly the same version he knew from his sister.

After being rejected by his family, he became self-reliant by working as a teacher, and successfully took root in the capital.

In this city, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible to have another Ning Chuxia with the same name, who was born in the same year, and has the same experience.

It’s over, it’s over.

Father Ning hurriedly asked, “What’s the situation? Has this child gone to your place?”

Zhao Yifei didn’t say a word, he only asked, “Why didn’t you tell us she ran away?”

Ning’s mother rolled her eyes immediately: “Did you leave us your contact information? We don’t even know who you are!”

Speaking of the second half of the sentence, Ning’s mother’s voice was a little guilty, but Zhao Yifei, who was very depressed at the moment, didn’t hear it.

Back then, wasn’t he and his sister afraid that the Ning family would be ripped off? In case of leaving contact information, if it is found out who is by name, the Ning family knows the status and financial resources of brother-in-law, and it will be endless trouble.

“It shouldn’t be.” Ning’s father and Ning’s mother looked at each other, “Did she really look for you?”

Hearing this, Zhao Yiyue frowned: “Are they sure? Will there be a momentary slip of the tongue and let Ning Chuxia know her background?”

“I’m sure.” Zhao Yifei was firm when he said this, “I also looked at their expressions, and they were really confused. They said that they told Ning Chuxia that she was lost by her biological parents and adopted back. Family, never mentioned this part of the thing.”


“Really!” Zhao Yifei added, “The Ning family not only ensured that Ning Chuxia didn’t know she was exchanged, but also ensured that she didn’t know about the money, they moved for their son to go to a good school to study in a school district room. They only changed in the past two years, when Ning Chuxia left home, they were still living in the same place.”

Zhao Yiyue’s heart was hanging in the air, and she couldn’t let it go: “If you say that, everything is a coincidence? But isn’t it a coincidence?”

It was still hard for her to believe what the Ning family said, but it was true that the Ning family didn’t even know who they were. How could Ning Chuxia know? Ning Chuxia’s appearance is considered a combined version of her and Tang Haizheng. If you don’t look carefully, you won’t see many similarities. Obviously, it’s impossible to see something wrong when you look like a TV series.

Zhao Yiyue suddenly came up with a plan: “Yifei, only you can help me with this matter.”

The familiar lines sounded again, Zhao Yifei felt helpless, but he could only agree: “You say it.”

Zhao Yiyue explained in detail that she would never let Ning Chuxia continue to make trouble like this! Zhao Yiyue hates this kind of tightrope walking.

The word hit it off is very suitable for Ning Chuxia and Bai Minmin. After the two met, their relationship became more and more close.

“Minmin, drink tea.”

Bai Minmin was drinking the tea that Ning Chuxia brewed, her eyes couldn’t help but follow Ning Chuxia’s hand.

She thought this new friend was funny before, but she didn’t expect her to be so funny.

When Bai Minmin was a child, her family also hired a tutor to teach her musical instruments. She learned the violin, but it was just a hobby at first, and she put it down after studying abroad.

She has always been very self-aware. She knew that her artistic talent was very poor as early as 800 years ago, and she somewhat admired those who were good at art.

“Chu Xia, your paintings are so beautiful!” Bai Minmin looked at the paintings that were placed on the ground casually leaning against the wall.

This is the first time she has visited the artist’s private studio.

Ning Chuxia chuckled: “I’m afraid you think my paintings look good if you can see what they paint?”

Bai Minmin was amused: “I was discovered by you.”

She looked at Ning Chuxia with stars in her eyes.

How should I put it, she felt that this friend of her family was simply the spokesperson for the word “beautiful, strong and miserable.”

Needless to say, Ning Chuxia is good-looking and has a refreshing natural beauty, especially her temperament bonus. At that time, I wanted to be friends with Ning Chuxia, and there was a bonus from the element of squinting.

There is no controversy about being strong. Bai Minmin knows her own family affairs. She is an ordinary rich second generation with little ability. For someone like Ning Chuxia who can surpass others in her field, she certainly admires it.

And miserable…

Thinking of her life experience that Ning Chuxia mentioned to her with a normal heart, Bai Minmin felt heartfelt heartache. If she encountered a situation like Ning Chuxia, she would definitely have to raise a white flag and give up.

Hearing what Ning Chuxia said at the time, Bai Minmin couldn’t hold back and gave her a hug. She really thought that this new best friend was so good that she would not give in and admit defeat in life even if she encountered anything.

Ning Chuxia laughed lightly and couldn’t help rubbing Bai Minmin’s head. She still remembered that in the original body, Bai Minmin and Tang Xinhan finally separated, and the separation was extremely unpleasant. The original body did not know the details, but Ning Chuxia probably guessed it. What happened, it just hasn’t been confirmed.

“By the way, take a photo with me!” Thinking of this, Bai Minmin picked up her phone.

She had already discovered that Ning Chuxia was a person who only liked to take pictures of others, not selfies. Bai Minmin was the opposite. She liked to take pictures of herself the most.

“I want to show off to everyone, I have a painter friend!” Bai Minmin hugged Ning Chuxia happily, put her face on Ning Chuxia’s face and started taking pictures.

The lighting in Ning Chuxia’s studio is good, but it’s not necessary

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