She Quit the Air Bag

Chapter 83 - It\\\'s too hard for her to be a substitute (Part 3)

Like many families, the Ning family regards the restaurant as a normal place for family communication. In the past, as long as you started eating, the conversation at the table would never stop, and the food pairing became a daily routine.

But today, the dining table is especially quiet.

Ning Chuxia was eating with her head down. She was naturally aware of the fact that Ning’s mother entered her room this morning.

How to make yourself look bad is actually not difficult.

The original body has always been a person with a regular life. As long as he breaks his schedule a little and forces him to stay up late, he will be in a trance due to sleepiness the next day, and the consequences of staying up late are not only bad spirits, but also poor complexion.

Then, it is walking “floating”. The specific skills are to stop and go, support the wall from time to time, take a light step and a heavy step, etc.

When listening to someone speaking, they cooperate with a dazed look, just let their eyes lose focus, or move their eyes slowly in the air, and then it seems to be “wake up” in response, and this whole state of restlessness comes out. .

It’s even simpler to have a loss of appetite and the like, slow down when eating, look reluctantly, and preferably look like you have forced the rice into your mouth and swallowed it.

After a few days of acting like this, Ning’s father and Ning’s mother’s image of their daughter’s “unsatisfactory” has stood up. At this time, they will only feel that her daughter does not understand. question.

At this time, it was time to send a heavy dose of medicine, but this could not be Ning Chuxia’s initiative to send clues, but let the parents “unintentionally” find out.

The family model of Ning’s family is very traditional. Except that Father Ning was a little cautious and would not enter Ning Chuxia’s room casually when his daughter grew up, Mother Ning still said that she would enter her daughter’s room. Sometimes her daughter was still sleeping, and she had already entered. Pack up.

What Ning’s mother saw today was the bag that was exposed in the drawer. If she didn’t see it, Ning Chuxia would “drop ▏♂▏♂” on the table tomorrow. pills, and put the evidence in their hands.

Ning Chuxia had already finished eating, and she forced a smile out of her originally frozen face: “Dad, Mom, I’m done eating, I’ll go to rest first.” She said that she got up in a trance and didn’t say much. , went straight to the room.

Ning Chuxia is not the type to be a shopkeeper. When she came home this time, she often helped with the housework at first, but she was completely distracted. Several times she almost hurt herself by doing housework. She does some safety work like washing and drying clothes and mopping the floor.

According to the usual practice, Father Ning was about to open his mouth to criticize his ignorant daughter at this time, but today, he couldn’t say these words in his heart.

Seeing that his daughter finally entered the house, Dad Ning sighed a long time, and looked at his wife with an ugly smile.

Ning’s mother pretended to hold a tablecloth and pretend to wipe the table, but now she has put the tablecloth aside. Her daughter has been sleeping soundly recently, and she won’t come out when she enters the room, so she can speak directly here in a low voice.

“Lao Ning, what do you think about this?” Ning’s mother was worried, her eyes were a little red.

She couldn’t help but patted her leg with her hand. How could this unfortunate thing happen to their house?

She and her husband are both employees of C City University. The husband and wife have a lot of savings and can even buy a house for their daughter.

He is very promising, his grades are good, and his job is stable.

Looking at it horizontally and vertically, it is a good start. When my daughter had not graduated a few years ago, many relatives said during dinner that they would introduce a suitable person to her daughter.

As a result, in early summer, the child went to college and brought back a boyfriend. She and her husband investigated a little. Although they were somewhat dissatisfied with the lack of stability of the other party, they agreed at the insistence of their daughter.

Ning’s father and Ning’s mother believe that they are both people who don’t want money. Xu Yingguang just graduated back then, but he relied on his parents’ savings to start his own business. It’s true that he has money, but his network resources are not enough. Ning’s father said nothing. They have helped me a lot, not to mention that when my in-laws relocate to City C in the future, they will help with so many things.

They dig their hearts out, what are they looking for? That is, Tu’s daughter will have a good future in the future, but if you wait and wait, you can’t wait for the news of her daughter’s marriage.

Ning’s father and Ning’s mother are both literate people, and there are many intellectuals around them. Among the friends they know, many children are married late. Although the daughter has been in love for a long time, it is probably normal? They can only soothe themselves.

But who would have thought to wait until the end, waiting for the news of the breakup to come back?

That day, when the daughter came home with her luggage, Ning’s father and Ning’s mother were both stupid. After further questioning, they found out that their daughter wanted to get married, but Xu Yingguang refused to agree.

When they heard this at the time, Ning’s father and Ning’s mother were very angry. They were all healthy and had no common diseases such as high blood pressure, otherwise they would have a problem with anger.

They couldn’t figure it out, their family wanted to marry a daughter, why did they post so much, and they didn’t get married in a hurry?

Ning’s father was particularly angry. He and Ning’s mother discussed it and wanted to introduce a blind date to his daughter – don’t say it, let’s keep it, it’s really hard for my daughter to marry now, Ning Chuxia is getting old, plus In the previous paragraph, there was no one around who didn’t know about it. Thinking of the rumors that others would have after the news spread, they both felt depressed.

At the dinner table a few days ago, the scolding never stopped, but after two days of talking, the husband and wife became more and more strange. The daughter was submissive, just like a wooden man, nodding an apology without even resisting, this state The more the husband and wife want to know their daughter, the more they think about it.

And all this has finally come to light, although the husband and wife do not want to see this answer.

Father Ning looked at his wife and said stiffly for a long time: “You ask me who I am asking? This child can’t think so much of himself, what can you do?”

Ning’s mother had tears in her eyes. She reached out and wiped the corners of her eyes: “I’m so worried right now. You said we are just such a precious daughter. If something happens, I can’t live on.”

As soon as the boxes of medicine were taken out, she and her husband began to study. There were indications on the medicine box. As soon as they saw the depression and anxiety on it, the two became anxious. The dosage was written on the medicine box. A look at the box, the medicine is empty.

There was also a plastic seven-day medicine box in the same bag, and the medicines were placed according to the number of days. After a little calculation by Father Ning and Mother Ning, these medicines were enough for a few days.

In the end, after thinking about it, Ning’s father still took a picture of the medicine box and sent it to a psychiatrist he knew.

It didn’t take long for this reply to come. The other party didn’t know that the person taking the medicine was Ning Chuxia, and he was not too shy when speaking.


He said that these medicines are very powerful, and they should be used for severe depression and anxiety. After reading the label, the dosage is quite standard. The only thing fortunate is that these medicines are not among the many medicines that have serious side effects. There are two possibilities. One is the problem of drug resistance and effect. The other is that the person taking the medicine has not started taking the medicine for a long time, so he will not take the medicine all at once. It’s not good. If you are just starting to take medicine, it is recommended that your family help you observe more, so that you won’t regret it after an accident.

Ning’s father was holding back and holding back, so he pretended to help his friend continue to ask questions. The more he asked him, the more worried he became. The side effects of the drug and the symptoms of the disease were all in line with his daughter.

Regarding depression, to be honest, Dad Ning still doesn’t understand very well. He is a bit divided on this point. On the one hand, he knows it is a disease, but on the other hand, he feels that it is something he can’t think of.

But if nothing else, Dad Ning is still clear about the consequences of this disease. Working in a university, there must be a few students with problems in this school every few years. Suspension from school is not bad, or even serious. There are people who jumped directly from the tall buildings.

Ning’s mother, who was in the same unit as him, naturally thought of these examples at the same time. A few years ago, there was a boy in the school who broke up with his girlfriend and couldn’t think about it. He sneaked to the top floor of the library and jumped off in the middle of the night. For this reason, all high-rise windows of the school are now covered with protective nets, and many stairs leading to high-rise buildings in many idle buildings are sealed.

“This Xu Yingguang is really not human.” Father Ning looked sullen.

People in their family are very gentle, and they are more accustomed to asking themselves than attacking others.

To be honest, he didn’t have no opinion on Xu Yingguang about his daughter’s return home, but he felt that her daughter was unsatisfactory.

But now that his daughter is sick, and has this disease that is said to be difficult to cure, and may even cause an accident, Ning’s father has completely turned his attention to others.

As long as Xu Yingguang is a man, how can he harm his daughter like this? Where did their family feel sorry for him?

“This bastard.” Ning’s mother also got angry and sat sullenly, and Xu Yingguang’s sister’s child came to study in C city some time ago to ask her for help!

Ning’s father hurriedly explained to his wife: “The blind date whom I asked you to find before, you should slow down first, I will ask a few people to see how to deal with the situation now.? ♂♂ Please come to the old time literature|learn| Watch | Full Chapter ♂”

Originally, I wanted to introduce someone to my daughter quickly so that she could figure it out, but now the problem is different from before.

Ning’s mother hurriedly sent a message when she heard this, and only asked her friends not to rush to ask people first. Fortunately, her daughter is old and highly educated, and there are not many people who can match her age conditions. Please people Have not found a suitable object yet.

After talking about this, the two of them couldn’t talk anymore. Ning’s mother started to work on the kitchen, while Ning’s father was walking around in the living room, arranging the things on the table again and again.

Every time the two of them cleaned up, they had to glance at Ning Chuxia’s room with worry in their eyes.

Ning Chuxia was lying on the bed, replying to Su Qianqian and Yu Zhiheng’s messages.

In fact, people who are deeply involved in family turmoil also know in their hearts that as long as they take one step outside, they can get out of the siege that surrounds them.

But this step, for these people, is more difficult than anything else.

However, Ning Chuxia still wants to win the power that he can win.

Ning’s father and Ning’s mother have a twisted mentality in his life. Ning Chuxia feels helpless as long as he thinks about it. This is probably a common problem of Chinese people. You should reflect on yourself in everything you do, but sometimes you meet people who don’t reason with you. What to reflect on?

The reason why Ning Chuxia pretended to be sick was to pave the way for future blind dates and studying abroad.

A very important prerequisite for this method to work is that Ning’s father and Ning’s mother have a basic understanding of depression. They know the seriousness of the disease, and they will not be like some people who think that this is just a momentary incomprehension and slow down. Just fine.

Ning’s father and Ning’s mother still have their own insistence. When their daughter is sick, their enthusiasm for persuading her daughter to go on a blind date will definitely be greatly reduced. After all, they are people who would rather pit themselves than others.

Speaking of studying abroad, when depression is severe, it will affect people’s spirit and memory to some extent, not to mention the effect of drugs, so if Ning Chuxia moves out, “I don’t know if I still have the ability in the future” and let my parents think about it. , to keep her daughter away from this environment, she will naturally have no resistance.

In the past few days, the news of Ning Chuxia has almost never stopped. She and Xu Yingguang have been in a relationship for too long, and no one around them knows they have been together for a long time, and many people even treat them as husband and wife by default.

And their separation was naturally shocking news in the circle of friends. Ning Chuxia could guess it, and several of them were instigated to ask as representatives.

The original body has a good character and will never speak ill of her ex-boyfriend after a breakup.

Ning Chuxia was different. After breaking up, he didn’t speak ill of his ex-boyfriend. At that time, based on his ex-boyfriend’s behavior, if he didn’t behave like a man, what would he defend for him?

Ning Chuxia has summed up a set of standard responses to this.

– “Thank you for your concern, I’m much better now, but it’s nothing but a breakup.”

– “The reason for the breakup? There’s nothing to blame him, it’s my fault, I thought it was normal for us to be in love and get married for ten years, but he always felt that it wasn’t time yet, I don’t know when By this time, so can’t wait. ?♂?♂ Invite the old days. Literature. Look. Full chapter ♂”

— “I’m laughing, I can’t help it if I don’t make it public. After so many years of love, everything is entangled except that the property is not mixed together. If his friends and family sometimes come to me, I will be embarrassed, right? “

Well, of course, there are still a series of developments. For example, when people asked about the details of the house, they casually said that they had thought about whether to pay Xu Yingguang’s rent or not. As for how others interpret it, that is everyone’s business.

Among the people looking for her, there are naturally Xu Yingguang’s family.

Not to mention, the original body and her family are first-class to Xu Yingguang’s family. Several of Xu Yingguang’s cousins ​​were all Ning Chuxia’s help consultants when they applied for the college entrance examination.

Marriage is sometimes the integration of social resources. As a well-known university professor, Ning’s father is indeed a very successful one. Naturally, he has a lot of resources. The Xu family’s parents are in business, and their connections are in their hometown. The help given to the Ning family is not very necessary, and it has become a one-sided support for a long time. If the Ning family wants to borrow money, it can be borrowed, but Father Ning has no bad habits and has never been short of money.

This life was divided a lot earlier than the previous life, Xu Yingguang’s company had not been completely on the right track, and the Xu family still had a lot of things to find for the Ning family.

Ning Chuxia is very curious, her little butterfly fan

Wings can change the fate of many people.

Thinking of this, it was another piece of news. Ning Chuxia glanced at it casually. It was sent by Xu’s father and Xu’s mother. They were kind to Ning Chuxia and said they would bring their son to visit Ning’s house.

The kindness of the Xu family’s parents could not shake Ning Chuxia’s heart. Their kindness was as thin as paper. When Ning Chuxia was doing a show before, she saw many guests who came to ask for help and sighed: “She/his parents are very good to me. , it’s just that she/he doesn’t listen to the parents.” But at the end of the basic program, at least half of these guests will wake up and realize that these are good, only for the future daughter-in-law/son-in-law, they scold their children , but still on the side of his own children.

Needless to say, this must be a crime. Xu Yingguang himself has been blocked long ago, and the news must not be sent. This naturally depends on his parents.

This Xu Yingguang is really able to bend and stretch, but whether this is for feelings or interests is unknown.

Father Xu and Mother Xu couldn’t help but stop before knocking on the door. They turned around and looked at their son who was following behind, giving them a headache.

The children who have always been sensible and obedient suddenly gave them such a big gift package. It was a blow to the head. They really couldn’t understand, the future daughter-in-law’s condition is so good, everything is not bad, how can this child choose?

Well, they actually know that it’s an excuse for not wanting to get married. I’m afraid this child still remembers Su Qianqian.

The couple have been calling their children every day these past few days. It’s not that they have to have Ning Chuxia as a daughter-in-law, but how can they compare with Su Qianqian? It must be Ning Chuxia, right?

Fortunately, this child was finally persuaded!

Xu Yingguang felt the eager eyes from his parents, he didn’t look back, just lowered his head and thought about his own affairs.

Su Qianqian was a lot more heartless than he thought. He sent Su Qianqian a lot of messages that day, and even confessed directly.

Yes, Xu Yingguang knows that he is very impulsive, but what is it that a man does not impulsive for the person he loves once in his life?

Su Qianqian is single, and now he is single too. The two are unmarried and unmarried. Isn’t it normal to be together?

Xu Yingguang always believed that Su Qianqian had him in his heart. If it was a big deal, he would chase him again. He was ready to go to the ocean to chase people.

But how did Su Qianqian answer?

“I heard that you have a girlfriend of ten years?”

“Yes, but we have already broken up. I will never let you be a third party.” Xu Yingguang couldn’t help laughing at himself when he sent this message. Maybe some people are born with a talent for lying. In fact, Xu Yingguang couldn’t help laughing at himself Ying Guang knew in his heart that if Ning Chuxia hadn’t pushed too hard this time and even offered to break up, it is still unknown whether he would part with Ning Chuxia.

“So you miss me and don’t forget me, is it to be with someone else for ten years?”

“That’s different, she’s just the right person, and you’re the only one I love.”

When confessing to Su Qianqian, Xu Yingguang felt as if he had once again become the hairy boy he used to be.

– This kind of mood has also appeared in front of Ning Chuxia, but this is all in the past, so there is no need to mention it again.

“You’re so disgusting, get away from you.”

Yes, this is Su

The last sentence Qianqian sent, and then Su Qianqian deleted him.

Xu Yingguang was bewildered at the time, so he immediately asked his good brother to ask, which cost a lot of words.

The good brother is very guilty. He always feels that it was he who told Su Qianqian that Xu Yingguang rekindled his love and broke up.

But if he was guilty again, he would have to intervene twice for his brother. The other party asked for help, and the reply made Xu Yingguang silent.

“You asked me for Xu Yingguang, didn’t you? Can you stop helping Zhou and abusing him? Can you think about me too, bro? I haven’t met him for so many years, and he had a girlfriend who was in love with him. Talking about you and me, and then dumping people and running over to me is sincere and absolute, who are you fooling? I am a temperless person, but this is too stupid for me? Saying that I won’t let me be a mistress , Yes, I’m not a junior, but you want me to be with him, I’m sorry, I really can’t do it.”

“No matter how long we’ve been apart and how many people I’ve experienced, I still have only you in my heart. Isn’t this sentence romantic? No matter how many people there are, it’s not just three words, it’s a living and emotional person, why should people use it? Do you use your own feelings to be someone else’s experience? Also, I have someone I like, who is much better than him.”

After posting the screenshots, the good brothers began to persuade Xu Yingguang to return from the lost way and return to Ning Chuxia as soon as possible. There are many people who share the same views as him, including Xu Yingguang’s parents. Everyone took turns to persuade him.

Xu Yingguang was rebellious at first. When he got angry, he didn’t want to agree, but he calmed down. When he returned to the empty home, he couldn’t help thinking of the person who always waited for him at home.

The place that was supposed to be someone is now gone, and the wardrobe that was full is now only left with clothes that don’t take up much space.

Occasionally I want to complain to people, but when I speak, I find that no one will respond to me.

Of course, what really made him have to face this problem is the problem the company is facing now. The next round of bidding also requires endorsement. Before, Dad Ning said that he would help contact a professor in the industry, and now he is going to make a brochure to prepare for the exhibition. , but the name is not known.

Xu Yingguang is a person who puts his interests first. No matter from what perspective, he knows that saving Ning Chuxia is the decision to maximize his interests.

He wanted to block Ning Chuxia directly, but he was afraid that she would run away. Although he was a tall man, if he really wanted to stop Ning Chuxia, there must be some kind of violent conflict. After thinking about it, Xu Yingguang decided Calling her parents, Ning Chuxia respects her elders very much, and Ning’s father and Ning’s mother are people with traditional views. Even if she doesn’t agree, she has to agree when the elders put pressure on her.

The atmosphere in the living room was very awkward. It was obvious that the sofa was enough, but Dad Ning moved a few dining room chairs, so that they could face each other and distance themselves from the Xu family.

Ning Chuxia was also sitting next to her. She was surrounded by her parents. When the Xu family members came in, she had already looked at the situation of the Xu family members.

Compared with the haggardness of Ning’s father and Ning’s mother, the state of Xu’s family is much better when viewed horizontally and vertically.

Also, how can they be unhappy?

Dad Xu coughed and bumped his son with his elbow, signaling him to speak first. This is not a situation to hide and talk.

Xu Yingguang actually said something about this kind of three court hearings.

Disgusting, probably no one will like it.

When he first entered the door, he had already seen Ning Chuxia’s haggard appearance, and he felt some distress for his ex-girlfriend and a sense of self-confidence at the same time.

The more haggard Ning Chuxia was, the more she cared about it, the more likely she was to save it all! It’s just that the hostility between Ning’s father and Ning’s mother is beyond his imagination, which is inappropriate. Ning’s father is famous for his good-natured style. In the past, there were students in the college who were unreasonable, but he finally got a fair score. After thinking about Xu Yingguang Think this should be stimulated by Ning Chuxia’s haggardness? Yes, it is normal for parents to feel sorry for their daughters.

But he won’t show these thoughts.

Xu Yingguang looked sincere: “Uncle, aunt, Chuxia, I’m here today to apologize. I shouldn’t have quarreled with Chuxia. It shouldn’t be all my fault. I know we have been in love for a long time. I got used to the current way of life, so I put my thoughts on Chu Xia.”

Before he came, he made a draft to find an excuse, and the expression on his face became more and more sincere as he spoke: “I have some premarital phobias, I always feel that after getting married, I and Chuxia’s small family will be established, At that time, we will already be separated from our parents, and we will be completely independent as a family unit to deal with social shocks, plus I think that after marriage, men should take responsibility for the family…”

Apologizing is skillful, that is, beating yourself first, regardless of whether it is right or wrong, it is my fault anyway.

After admitting mistakes, be sure to give a sincere explanation and talk about the situation you have encountered. The more depressing and heavier the better, it is best to be one that can empathize with others, even for reasons that sound childish, of course. The reason for this must not be that he doesn’t have enough affection with Ning Chuxia. He doesn’t think the time is right for the two of them to get married. Wait until the sincere explanation is finished, and then express sincerity. It doesn’t matter whether you forgive or not, and you will wait.

With such a set of admitting mistakes, even if the other party doesn’t forgive this time, as long as you continue to show your determination, forgiveness is only a matter of time.

As soon as Xu Yingguang finished speaking, Xu’s father also helped: “Yes, Brother Ning, this time it is indeed Yingguang’s fault, his mother and I both told him! This man cannot escape his responsibility, he is like this Escape, how sad will Chu Xia be when you hear it? Don’t worry, my wife and I have decided in our hearts that Chu Xia is such a daughter.”

Xu Yingguang scored his father’s performance in his heart. This attitude is good. It’s called standing aside immediately. People have a heart for the weak. Only when both parents stand on Ning Chuxia’s side can they arouse the Ning family’s sympathy for him.

Applying this method in life is that if your child makes a mistake and hits his own child first, if the beating goes on, many parents who were originally angry will feel embarrassed, and even take the initiative to say that it is no big deal. No compensation.

Xu’s mother also went out: “I have discussed with his father, this child just doesn’t give Chuxia a sense of security, we think so, don’t we have two houses in C city under our family’s name? Remember Chuxia’s name. Go, this kid is just ignorant, he can’t express himself, in early summer, Yingguang makes you unhappy, you can tell me, I will definitely stand by your side, in the future, the family’s money will be yours, not a penny. give him!”

Ning Chuxia, who was sitting opposite, had a calm expression. The Xu family really knew how to apologize.

In the end, Xu’s mother directly promised benefit protection, which seems to be based on retreat.

They paid a lot, but the Ning family wouldn’t accept it. If they did accept it, they would be able to justify themselves and cover up the matter completely. If they didn’t accept it, the Ning family wouldn’t accept it. Woolen cloth?

And it looks sincere, but in fact there is also his own mind, plus Ning Chuxia’s name, but how much will this house and name be divided even if a lawsuit is filed? Not to mention that when it comes to registration, there are also issues such as the cost of adding a name. Just find a reason to say that it will be added or delayed after marriage.

The family was guilty and brought thorns with them, but the Xu family apologized and only used their tongues.

Xu Yingguang frowned and realized that something was wrong. He could clearly see the shaking in the eyes of Ning’s father and Ning’s mother. They didn’t even know how many times they exchanged glances, but they didn’t say a word.

Normally, shouldn’t Ning’s father and Ning’s mother start to persuade Ning Chuxia? Could it be that when Ning Chuxia is self-willed, they have to let it go?

He didn’t know that Ning’s father and Ning’s mother didn’t dare to say that, but they felt that the Xu family was quite sincere, but now that their daughter is in a bad mood, how could they dare to stimulate her?

Ning’s father asked the doctor, and the doctor also advised them not to stimulate their daughter, especially if they knew that the cause was Xu Yingguang, if they forced their daughter and Xu Yingguang to match up, the two quarreled, and the daughter jumped off the building. Where are they going? cry?

“Chuxia, what do you think?” Father Ning asked his daughter hesitantly. After thinking about it, he could only apologize to his future in-laws later. The daughter couldn’t stand the excitement.

“Me?” Ning Chuxia said faintly, “I think some people treat me as a trash can, but even the trash can doesn’t hold everything. Some people are non-recyclable trash, so why do they have to accept it? “

As soon as she said these words, Ning’s father’s brows jumped. He still couldn’t hear his daughter’s meaning, but it’s too rude to say that others are garbage in front of others, isn’t it?

Especially when Xu’s father and Xu’s mother are still there, it makes them feel bad about it. If their daughter plans to go with Xu Yingguang in the future, it will be difficult for them.

Sure enough, Xu’s father and Xu’s mother looked particularly bad.

The reason why they brought their son to apologize is that they sincerely think that the daughter-in-law here is good.

But what is it that Sang scolds Huai? Their Xu Yingguang is not unable to find a partner.

Xu Yingguang was able to control it. When the couples around him quarreled, some of them scolded more harshly. Isn’t it just a sentence of rubbish? He squeezed out the standard sincere smile again: “Chu Xia, I know you are angry with me, and anger hurts you…”

Seeing that Xu Yingguang still had a long speech, Ning Chuxia looked up at him and looked at Ling Ran: “Do you still want to act?”

“What are you playing?” Xu Yingguang was puzzled, “What’s wrong with you?”

Ning Chuxia looked at Xu’s father and Xu’s mother, she smiled and asked: “Uncle, aunt, can you tell me a question, why did you come to ask me to take a photo with me in the photo I posted on the Moments earlier? Who is it?”

Xu’s mother glanced at her husband and smiled reluctantly. In fact, she should have forgotten Su Qianqian’s face, but in her son’s room in his hometown, she had seen the treasured photos several times. Before, she had to put away the photos in advance: “I, I just care about you.”

“Do you care? Aunt, you may not know, that day was a special coincidence, not only

It’s you, Xu Yingguang’s former high school classmate, the brother he grew up with, and at least five other people who came to ask me similar things. Of course, no one asked me directly. Some people say that I rarely post a group photo. The subject has never met, and some say that they need to introduce the subject…”

Seeing that Ning Chuxia started to count, Dad Xu hurriedly laughed awkwardly: “That’s right, that girl is Xu Yingguang’s high school classmate, we look familiar, I saw it when I held a parent-teacher conference for Yingguang before, and I want to say it’s a coincidence. .”

He was secretly annoyed, and he told his wife not to ask, but his wife was anxious.

Ning’s father and Ning’s mother, who were completely ignorant, also saw that something was wrong: “What girl?”

Ning Chuxia said meaningfully: “A high school classmate of Xu Yingguang, the assistant who came to school with Professor Yu before, after I posted a photo with her, many people came to me to inquire about her situation, and Coincidentally, Yingguang also asked me a lot, but what the assistant told me at first was that she and Xu Yingguang were not familiar with each other.”

“What’s the situation?” Father Ning stared at Xu Yingguang with a vague murderous look in his eyes, but he wasn’t stupid. He understood what he meant.

Xu Yingguang immediately admitted: “…I admit, don’t be angry in the early summer, this Su Qianqian is my ex-girlfriend, but we broke up as soon as we entered college, everyone around me knows her, and when they see you taking a photo together I was frightened, the reason I asked was because I was afraid that her appearance would make you unhappy, after all, even if you break up, you are still your ex-girlfriend, right?”

“Just an ex-girlfriend? I thought the reason you were so resistant to marriage was because you found her out.”

“Absolutely not.” Xu’s mother grabbed the words nervously, “Chuxia, you believe me, they haven’t been in contact for so many years, think about it, Ying Guang never spends time beside you every day, right?”

“I’m afraid not necessarily?” Ning Chuxia smiled mockingly, her eyes were covered with mist, “After so many years, how come you all remember her face? And all Xu Yingguang’s passwords, I couldn’t figure out why his passwords There will be 0514, he told me at that time that it was the birthday of his favorite anime character, I didn’t ask, but why is it so coincidental that this girl’s birthday is also 0514?”

Xu Yingguang is a little bit out of thin air. In fact, he was just used to this password. When he applied for his first bank card and first account, it was when he was with Su Qianqian. It has also become a habit, and he has never changed it, but now, facing these questions, he is a little hard to resist.

“I’m just too lazy to change…” He was dripping with cold sweat. Wasn’t Ning Chuxia breaking up with him because of marriage?

Ning Chuxia stretched out her hand: “Give me your wallet.”

Xu Yingguang did not give it.

Ning Chuxia smiled bleakly: “A long time ago, I noticed that there seemed to be something hidden in your wallet. When you were taking a shower, I confirmed that there was a photo in it, and I didn’t dare to take it out, because it At the time, I was just suspicious. Is it important to get married or not? Maybe it is important, but more importantly, you make me feel uneasy and I can’t trust it. I tell myself, as long as you promise to get married, I believe that you will be with the past. Farewell, but you can’t even promise.”

“I promise you in early summer, this is all in the past, I really don’t bother to change these photo passwords, I have a hundred mouths now and I can’t tell them clearly.

. “Xu Yingguang’s actions and demeanor are very natural, and the dejected look seems to be really framed and framed. “It’s my fault if I don’t change it, I’ll change it right away, and I will also lose these things. In this way, tomorrow and Monday, we will go to collect the certificate. okay? “

Xu Yingguang didn’t plan to agree to get married today, but now that the matter has come, he can only agree. It’s not a loss to marry Ning Chuxia anyway.

Ning’s mother looked at the Xu family with fire. She was not sure whether Xu Yingguang forgot to delete it, but now at least it has proved that Xu Yingguang really caused her daughter’s illness.

This is no longer a simple breakup. What is this about their baby daughter?

“Why can people lie like this without blushing?” Ning Chuxia blinked slightly, tears falling, “When you tell these lies, aren’t you afraid of being exposed? Don’t you feel ashamed?”

Xu Yingguang was a little uneasy, but he still answered firmly: “Chuxia, you must have misunderstood something, I didn’t lie, what I said was serious, and I am true now.

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