She Quit the Air Bag

Chapter 95 - Paranoid supporting her mother (Second Part 2)

It was getting late, and the few street lights in the community were on. If you look up, you can occasionally see things gathered around the lights, whether they are bugs or dust.

Ding Haoyu walked towards the house slowly, half a cigarette still in his mouth, and he spit every now and then, and the smoke lingered.

He didn’t look at the road carefully when walking, he was startled by the black shadow suddenly jumping from the front, and the heartbeat that had just accelerated immediately calmed down again.

“嘁.” Ding Haoyu glanced irritably at the cat that was already squatting behind the tree. He thought it was something, but it was just a cat.

Although the community is not strictly prohibited, there are actually not many people who keep pets. After all, this community is very old, and the largest apartment size is only 100 square meters. There are a large family of people living in it. How can there be any space to keep pets? God, someone keeps a cat and a dog tied downstairs, and I don’t know where so many wild cats and wild dogs come from.

Ding Haoyu glanced at the cats and dogs angrily, and felt very unhappy in his heart. He heard that recently, many places have become popular to keep cats and dogs as pets, not the most popular Beijing Ba, wolf dogs, and local cats. It is a cat and dog of the Roush sub-brand, and each one has to be several thousand larger.

These rich people only know how to spend money indiscriminately. How can they not know how to divide the money?

The dissatisfaction in his stomach quickly turned into a rising anger. Ding Haoyu’s burning hatred could only be vented in one place.

Holding the flip phone tightly in his hand, Ding Haoyu remembered the phone call he just answered. The caller was Ning Chuxia, a lazy woman at home, and told him to go home early, saying that he had something to do, but he didn’t know what it was. No one invited him to drink and play cards tonight, so he would never listen to this mother-in-law and go home early.

Speaking of the mother-in-law at home, Ding Haoyu’s eyes were only indifferent, as if he remembered something.

No, maybe the object should make him more emotional. After all, this object is valuable, and he knows how to give it up, but people are different.

Ding Haoyu has been married twice, the first time, he found his wife himself, a female worker working in the same factory. If nothing else, this Ding Haoyu is still somewhat “beautiful”. He looked so handsome back then. He convinced his wife at once, and then took his wife back home.

When it comes to his first wife, every time he gets angry with red eyes and a thick neck.

Before marriage, the other party was very simple, and he was never willing to spend an extra penny, but after marriage, he was like a philistine.

Ding Haoyu can still recall the disappointment and dissatisfaction in the eyes of the other party, so much so that he can’t understand it. Do women care so much about money? Besides, there are so many people in this world who are less rich than him, how can they only know how to compare with rich people? She knew that she was pushing people and driving people all day long, and she was not the virtuous woman she used to be.

After that, there was a violence after drinking. Ding Haoyu can still recall the feeling when he woke up the next day and saw a mess and his wife who was covered in injuries.

Fear, guilt… and the willfulness hidden in the deepest part, he looked at the redness and swelling on his wife’s body, and the indelible thought in his mind was: “He has forgotten that his wife is just a fragile woman. Be obedient, and you’ll be fine.” Of course, on the surface, he still knelt down and begged for mercy, begging his wife’s forgiveness with tears in his eyes.

After that, there are ups and downs of emotions. Every time when the mood is bad to the limit, there is someone to vent. Ding Haoyu is usually a no-nonsense outsider, but in front of his wife, he only has his head held high.

Those who have not enjoyed it will not understand.

No matter how strong or fat a woman is, most of the time her strength is small. Ding Haoyu knows in his heart that he is not always “drunk”.

With such a push, the woman will be thrown all over the table, her usual chattering mouth can only let out a wailing wailing, and those eyes that are always filled with resentment will soon be left with only fear and despair, and the lost bowl. The hand that made him very dissatisfied with throwing the spoon could only be held powerlessly in front of his head, completely controlling and destroying it at will, the feeling that the desire for **** and abusiveness can be vented, God knows how happy it is.

At that moment, he owns the world, and he can decide the life and death of this woman.

Then… the woman ran away, Ding Haoyu still remembered that the woman’s brother and parents came to the door aggressively that day, especially the father of the other party, who was obviously old, but the appearance of wanting to fight with others still made Ding Hao Yu flinched, his life was valuable, but couldn’t be wasted like this—he wouldn’t admit it was cowardice at work.

For a long time after that, Ding Haoyu could only continue to live such a boring life until Ning Chuxia came into his sight.

The other party is a woman who is more slender than his ex-wife. When talking to people, his voice is very low. The hunter is born with the ability to hunt. Ding Haoyu can see at a glance that the woman must be easy to bully, but he did not expect that the woman is easy to bully. to that extent.

Ding Haoyu, who learned about the other party’s experience, quickly opened Ning Chuxia’s heart. The beast in his heart was dormant and looked at people. When Ning Chuxia hesitated to reach out to him, Ding Haoyu smiled. This time he and the last time But it was different, he would no longer kneel and beg for mercy, nor would he have to apologize in tears.

He knows that only complete fear can completely conquer another person.

When he was downstairs and just finished smoking, Ding Haoyu threw the cigarette **** on the ground and crushed it with his feet, watching the light disappear completely.

Ning Chuxia was still sitting on the sofa. She had finished her tea and was just waiting for someone to come. Taking advantage of this time, she sorted out the problems between Yuanshen and Ding Haoyu again.

Ding Haoyu and Chen Zhenhai are actually the same kind of people in their bones, but he is more like an evolutionary version of Chen Zhenhai. In the long-term sex, his bottom line for morality and justice has been erased little by little.

Many women who have been abused by their families always have expectations, especially when their husbands will regret and apologize after the beating.

But they don’t know that domestic violence can also be addictive.

Just like smoking and drugs, people’s needs for pleasure will continue to progress, which is one of the reasons why many people do not understand that the country wants to ban marijuana and marijuana.

The so-called entry-level drugs and drugs, which are almost non-addictive, are just a scam. In reality, people who can’t even quit drinking and smoking can’t be self-righteous and feel that they have such self-control.

The difference between domestic violence and these is that as long as you can hide it from the sky, it will not make you pay any price, so you will uncontrollably ask for it and ask for it again.

Ning Chuxia has a lifetime of experience with the original body. Rao, a person who considers herself bold and fearless, shudders when she thinks of those gray experiences of domestic violence.

Most of the people who have been sexually and physically abused are not able to ask for help or resist. In fact, they basically have no ability to resist, because the abuser knows how to choose prey.

People are born with the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Resistance will bring more terrible violence, and obedience will reduce the damage. No matter how you choose, everyone will have the answer.

Many people, including Ning Chuxia himself, used to be confused and those who suffered violence had the courage to commit suicide. Why didn’t they have the courage to resist once before committing suicide and hurt others once?

But now she understands.

People who commit suicide do not have the courage to commit suicide, but they are afraid of what they will suffer next and are so afraid that they would rather give up their lives.

They are not at all facing the arrival of death with the courage that everyone imagines.

Instead, he is “happy” and desperate, waiting for the only liberation he can grasp.

The so-called resistance requires courage. Most of them have no courage. They are “cowards” who are forced to give up everything, and this is the only thing they can do.

Ning Chuxia remembered the few people who appeared in her program mediation room at that time. God knows how much she hated iron and steel at that time. She even wanted to pay to help these people out of the painful environment, but these people still do it. She made her decision that seemed “unsatisfactory” at that time – “You can help talk about him/her, it’s fine to change it.”

What’s wrong with this? It’s just that they are forced to live like this, and they no longer understand what “normal happiness” is. They grow painfully entwined with each other, each branch is deeply embedded in flesh and blood, and there will be a bright future after separation. , but separation may be very painful, and it may be death, they only know how to say “relax a little” in a daze.

Ding Haoyu’s last wife had always had expectations for Ding Haoyu. If it wasn’t for her parents finding the traces on her body when she returned home, she probably wouldn’t be able to leave.

For people who are deeply immersed in the quagmire like this, you must let them know clearly that if they stay any longer, they will only die, and then let them see the sunshine outside, the smooth road outside, and then firmly stick out a long sticks and pull them up when they catch them.

Ding Haoyu’s ex-wife was awakened by her family, and the help of her closest relatives made her wake up.

The original body, it took the price of life to understand.

There was a knock on the iron door. The doorbell of the house was broken. Every time Ding Haoyu wanted to enter the house, he knocked on the door like this. If the original body opened late, he would be beaten.

Aunt Li, who was sitting next to her, looked at Ning Chuxia nervously. She lives in the building next door to Ding’s house. The soundproofing of the community is so poor that it must be a lie to say that she didn’t hear it, but isn’t this someone else’s family business? She didn’t care, who knew that Ning Chuxia would come to their door today while they were having dinner.

Aunt Li swallowed. This Ning Chuxia was really generous. She actually paid a full 1,500 yuan. The 1,500 yuan didn’t ask for anything, but asked for three things.

One is to accompany her tonight so that she can negotiate divorce with her husband.

The second is if she and her husband have a good deal, she will send someone to accompany Ding Haoyu at Ding’s house for the night, and supervise him to accompany her tomorrow morning to handle the divorce.

The third is to send her away as soon as the divorce is settled.

Aunt Li’s family has four sons. The eldest grandson is thirteen this year, and the youngest son has not yet asked for a wife. In fact, anyone who is familiar with her family knows that Aunt Li also gave away two sons to others, otherwise it would be impossible Can’t afford it.

The people in their family are also considered to be hardworking and hardworking, but isn’t this half-sized to eat the poor old man? In addition, the husband was sick and spent a lot of money in the hospital. It also costs money for his son to ask for a wife. Everyone only needs to ask to know that Aunt Li’s family is in general condition and can’t buy a house for his son. The three married sons’ in-laws know that In this case, a lot of money is required for their daughter to stay by their side, so so far, the Li family still lives in two houses opposite the door, one owned by the Li family and the other rented.

When Aunt Li heard Ning Chuxia’s request, she immediately hesitated. Of course, she was short of money, and she could pay the rent for the house opposite. Just when she hesitated, Ning Chuxia added another 500 yuan.

“Aunt Li, you know Ding Haoyu better than I do. Besides being angry with his wife, does he dare to get angry with others?” Ning Chuxia specially wore short sleeves that she did not wear at that time. Aunt Li felt numb in her scalp.

She lowered her head slightly, some messy hair scattered for two weeks, and said in a low voice: “Aunt Li, I can’t hold it anymore, if you don’t help me, I can only die, if you still remember me then, Just burn me a piece of paper.”

Ning Chuxia looked at Aunt Li with her brows lowered slightly, her eyes filled with determination after despair, and that look of willingness to sacrifice everything could be seen by anyone: “If I die, I don’t want to be his wife, if you can save me. Life, this great kindness, I will never forget it in my life.”

To be honest, Aunt Li was frightened. She always felt that Ning Chuxia was in a wrong state. In her opinion, Ning Chuxia was not joking when she said she wanted to die. She wanted to die. What if she wanted to die?

Why did she feel a little threatening in those words? Aunt Li was somewhat guilty. After all, when Ning Chuxia and Ding Haoyu were beaten last time, they all called for help. When they were beaten badly, the neighbors were called by their names, but no one showed up.

Aunt Li, who was hesitant, waited for the eldest son’s support, and the eldest son walked up to Aunt Li: “Mom, let’s go and help him.” He lowered his voice and leaned into Aunt Li’s ear, “A few children are going to kindergarten. We all need money, and I have to pay the rent after a while, which is a lot of money.”

So Ning Chuxia used 1,500 yuan to invite people. Don’t underestimate 1,500 yuan. At this time, it was still early. A skilled worker like Yuan Shi could only earn 2,500 yuan a month, like the suite opposite Aunt Li’s house. The rent is only 850 yuan. If it weren’t for the fact that the original body had just been paid, it would be really unaffordable.

Ning Chuxia stood up with her head lowered and was about to open the door. She stared to death and was timid. When she was selecting candidates, she really thought about it, and she really found a suitable candidate.

There is no money, and there are strong laborers at home. I still know each other, and I am not afraid of bringing wolves into the house. There is nothing more perfect than this.

If they refused, Ning Chuxia would have to find someone else, but the relative risk would be higher. After all, this person is very delicate, and if the person who really wants to invite him has any ill intentions, then he must be at a disadvantage.

However, Ning Chuxia has also considered this. If she wants to hire someone, she will go to several surrounding neighborhoods, or go to the school, and find the security guard they hired. In the past two or two days, she will always ask get people.

If she can’t be invited, then she is unlucky. Ning Chuxia has thought about it, then she can only be beaten. If Ding Haoyu refuses to agree, then she can only litigate for divorce. Divorce requires evidence. After the beating, call the police immediately, have a police record, and apply for an injury examination. Only then can the problem be solved. In order to prevent himself from being beaten too hard, Ning Chuxia had thought about it, and paid for someone who could be a witness in advance, and then estimated Ding Hao. When Yu Hui will go home, ask that person to call the police in advance. If the movement is not right, he will knock on the door and come to find it. If the matter is settled, you can make a scene.

But she was still lucky, saving the fight and wasting time.

Ning Chuxia did not intend to implicate others, and in fact would not implicate others.

A person like Ding Haoyu is a man in a nest. The closer he is, the more capable he is. Like Aunt Li, unless Aunt Li tries to provoke her many times after her divorce is successful, Ding Haoyu will not be able to do it. will never do anything.

This is actually not difficult to understand. Their logic is actually very simple. People are divided into those who must not be bullied, those who must pay a certain price for bullying, and those who can be bullied at will. The original body and Ding Haoyu’s ex-wife belong to the last category, and Aunt Li belongs to the middle. That, and Ding Haoyu’s leader, the people he usually holds, is the former. Ding Haoyu will not resist how those people step on him.

Ning Chuxia had just opened the door when Ding Haoyu had the attitude of rushing in.

Just as he was about to enter the door, he was stunned by the situation inside the door. Ding Haoyu subconsciously disguised himself in front of outsiders. Although he was clear in his heart, the neighbors must know about his wife beating. Everyone can maintain the peace on the face.

“What’s the situation, Chu Xia?” Ding Haoyu smiled and looked at Aunt Li and the others, “Sit, everyone is sitting, why are you here suddenly?”

Ding Haoyu swallowed his saliva. Most of the residents in this community work in the surrounding factories, but the places where everyone works has different types of work.

The sons of Aunt Li’s family are all hardworking and strong. They just came out of the house. They should be wearing loose white vests tightly attached to their bodies, with obvious muscle veins on their exposed arms.

He noticed the difference in Ning Chuxia’s clothes today, and when he saw the exposed scar, Ding Haoyu’s eyes immediately froze. Did Ning Chuxia go to complain?

Thinking of this, the nervousness just now immediately became angry. This wife is his property, and outsiders don’t care about it.

Boss Li was the first to speak. He had just spoken with Ning Chuxia about his lines and said, “It’s like this, she… has something to tell you, we’re here to be a witness.”

This comes to Ning Chuxia’s skills. As soon as she came to the door, she first showed the temptation that the Li family was hard to resist, and then showed the scars on her body and carried out “moral kidnapping”. She was sure that most people were not abusive by nature. It’s just that the eyes are out of sight and the heart is quiet, pretending that Ning Chuxia didn’t suffer any harm, then she can feel at ease.

Money is what the Li family needs the most, but they are bound by the idea of ​​sweeping the house, keeping other people’s family affairs in check, and not causing trouble. At this time, all they need is a reason.

Then Ning Chuxia gave them reasons – “Look, he beat me like this, I’m about to be beaten to death”, “If you don’t save me, I may die”, “I really don’t know when I’m going to die. What do you do?” This seems to be a moral kidnapping, but in fact it is to give the Li family an upright reason to convince themselves that they are saving people, not meddling.

When Ning Chuxia brought them home, the first thing she did was to put away all the sharp tools and light things in the house that could be used to smash and beat people, and she gave the Li family a promise that they didn’t need to do anything, Ning Chu Xia will talk to Ding Haoyu himself, but if Ding Haoyu wants to take action against Ning Chuxia, I hope they will help open people up and reduce the risk again, so that the Li family will not back down when facing Ding Haoyu.

“What’s the matter?” Ding Haoyu frowned and looked at his wife with an ominous premonition.

“Let’s talk in the room, Aunt Li, please wait for me.”

Ning Chuxia walked into the house first—yes, she also removed the door lock that was about to break. Wouldn’t it be worth it if she could lock the door?

Ding Haoyu felt that something was completely out of his control, he followed Ning Chuxia into the house with a dark face, and then watched Ning Chuxia only half-close the door.

“What are you trying to do?” Ding Haoyu felt itchy, but he knew he couldn’t do it now.

“I didn’t want to do anything, I want to get a divorce.” Ning Chuxia sat on the bed and kept a distance from Ding Haoyu. She didn’t put any sharp weapons on her body, only a small bottle of chili water, with the strength of her original body, Entering the house with a weapon is to make trouble for yourself.

“I don’t agree.” Ding Haoyu sneered, he thought this woman was capable, “what can you do?”

Ning Chuxia knew when he looked at Ding Haoyu, Ding Haoyu felt a little panic now, he moved his hands subconsciously, just wanting to use violence to control himself again, but because there was someone who was invited by Ning Chuxia outside, he didn’t dare. Do it, that’s why Ning Chuxia has to spend money.

Ning Chuxia looked at Ding Haoyu, her advantage over the original body is that she can overcome the instinct of this body, and she is not afraid of Ding Haoyu: “If you don’t want to divorce, I can also divorce, isn’t it just to sue for divorce? Do you think this marriage can’t be settled? This is a legal society.”

Instead, she took a risk and approached Ding Haoyu a little: “Guess how many things I can do without getting a divorce?”

She sneered, knowing that her eyes must be crazy at the moment. This is to use magic to defeat magic. If you want to divorce as quickly as possible, you must make Ding Haoyu feel that he is a lunatic who cannot be easily controlled.

This age is still relatively early, there are too many things to do, and people like Ding Haoyu are ignorant and stupid, and they don’t know anything.

“You can beat me up if you can, and I’ll call the police, and then be hospitalized.” Ning Chuxia looked at Ding Haoyu with a steady gaze, “Don’t you think it’s nothing to call the police, anyway, I won’t be able to catch you, Can’t get in for a few days?”

Ding Haoyu didn’t answer, but his eyes already gave the answer, and he didn’t hit Ning Chuxia with any problem. If it’s a big deal, he will go to detention. It’s not the same when he is detained.

“But I can spend money.” Ning Chuxia smiled. “You don’t want to get divorced. Do you know how many things you can do when you are your wife?”

Ning Chuxia recited Ding Haoyu’s ID number: “You hid my ID card account book, but you don’t know where you are, I have already made a copy, and then I will borrow usury and mortgage the house. , borrow as much as you want, you say, it hurts more for the debt collector to beat people, or you? I’m not afraid anyway, the big deal will be beaten to death, but you want to pay the debt for me, isn’t it?”

“What are you crazy about?” Ding Haoyu was a little panicked, he knew what Ning Chuxia said… It seems that it really works! “I didn’t borrow this money. What did you borrow it for me?”

Ning Chuxia sneered: “Will they believe it? I really have to thank my ex-husband. He taught me how to find someone to borrow money. He can run, can you?”

A cold sweat broke out on Ding Haoyu’s head. He wanted to say that Ning Chuxia was a threat, just a threat, but Ning Chuxia didn’t look like he was threatening, but seemed to be talking about something that was taken for granted.

Ding Haoyu had heard about Ning Chuxia and the original husband, and also knew that the other party owed a lot of debt, causing the old family to be called together for debt collection, and there was no way to escape before they ran away.

“The borrowed money is also good to spend.” Ning Chuxia smiled, “Do you think I can find someone to kill you? If I can’t find someone to kill you, maybe I can find someone to beat you?”

She reached out and touched the bed next to her: “How much can I mortgage this house? 300,000? 400,000? You said I’d pay 400,000 and let someone kill you, what did someone do? Or interrupt your hand and beat Break your leg so you can never hit me again.” She clapped her hands, “I’ll just give him the house, if you die, I’ll inherit your inheritance.”

Ding Haoyu is a little creepy, isn’t this woman really crazy? How could she open her mouth and shut her mouth to kill and break her leg?

“Then do you think I can’t do it?” Ding Haoyu suddenly cheered up, he wanted to understand, “Don’t you just want to run after talking so much? What are you pretending to be?” Exasperated, he was actually frightened by this woman.

“What do you think I asked Aunt Li and the others to do?” Ning Chuxia looked at Ding Haoyu with a weird smile on her face, “Guess, will they watch you beat me to death? You can call the police and arrest me. , but I can also send you to death before you call the police. Guess, the police will believe me, a person who is beaten every day, or will they believe you? Guess they’ll take me in? Or do you think it’s okay for you to beat me like this, and I’ll go to jail for a few words?”

“I want to go, but if you don’t let me go, it’s fine, then let’s die together, maybe I’ll be alive after you die, after all, I’m a woman who is beaten by my deranged husband every day and has to resist. “

Ding Haoyu opened his mouth blankly and was stunned. After he found that Ning Chuxia really went out of his way, he really couldn’t think of a way to stop him.

“By the way, and your daughter!” Ding Haoyu suddenly became excited again, “You are not afraid…”

“I’m not afraid.” Ning Chuxia looked expectant, “Don’t you know? I called today to ask. My ex-husband moved into a family with someone else, and now he is the son-in-law of a large group. You can search and ask for yourself. Is the current boss of the Wu Group Group my ex-husband? He is rich and powerful now, but he won’t beat my daughter. If you have the ability, you can go, but you have to get past the bodyguard first. I have already taken your The ID card was issued to him.”

Of course, this is fooling people. Ning Chuxia didn’t want to startle the snake, but the original body didn’t want to understand that Ding Haoyu didn’t dare to attack his ex-wife’s family. How could he dare to steal Chen Haixing across the city? This is just bullying the original body and not daring to gamble. Ning Chuxia has already decided to take her daughter out, so naturally it doesn’t matter to tell Ding Haoyu about the processing.

This is a trap!

Ding Haoyu suddenly became alert. Ning Chuxia’s gesture was definitely not a lie. If he really confirmed it, the ex-husband of the other party, who is now the son-in-law of the big group, would probably attack him in order to protect his daughter.

The confusion just now has also been partially answered. Ding Haoyu finally understands why Ning Chuxia is suddenly so “crazy”. He knows that this woman is all about picking up her daughter. This is probably because she found out that her ex-husband left him and became so successful that she knew that her daughter would not come back. Got a nerve? In addition, without his daughter as a hostage, he is not afraid of himself.


“If you don’t want to get divorced, then you can follow me tomorrow, preferably every day, otherwise I’ll find someone to fight with you when I don’t know.”

Ding Haoyu looked at Ning Chuxia in front of him, only to realize that there was a lot of cold sweat behind him.

A normal person can’t communicate with a lunatic. He estimates that if he stays with this woman again, even if the other party fails to borrow money, he will be stabbed to death by this woman in the middle of the night, right?

The sun was shining so badly, Boss Li was waiting for his younger brother and mother to come out at the gate of the community.

He was habitually silent, and his eyes were slightly straight. He didn’t expect that Ning Chuxia would really be able to convince Ding Haoyu. Yesterday, Ding Haoyu and Ning Chuxia came out of the room, and the matter was settled.

The divorce was done this morning. He didn’t have much contact with Ning Chuxia before, but he didn’t know that the other party was so resolute.

Ning Chuxia was afraid of meeting Ding Haoyu, so he asked Li’s younger brother and Aunt Li to accompany him. In the past two days, he could earn 1500 yuan without doing anything. Aunt Li also enthusiastically accompanied Ning Chuxia back to clean up.

Boss Li is very embarrassed. On the one hand, he thinks that Ning Chuxia’s marriage and divorce couldn’t be more correct. After all, if he doesn’t get divorced, his life is gone, so can he be wrong? But on the other hand, he always felt that he had meddled in other people’s family affairs.

There’s no need to think about it, anyway, it’s all charged, so there’s no need to pretend.

But it’s a little strange. Since I went to the neighborhood committee today, my mother and brother’s expressions have been very subtle, and I don’t know what happened.

Boss Li was thinking about things when he noticed that Ning Chuxia came out in the distance. The other party didn’t bring much luggage, so he carried a bag, while Aunt Li stayed by her side without saying a word, still with that strange expression.

Waiting for the two to get on their electric tricycle, Boss Li started the car, and the man was sent to the station, and he was ready for 1500 yuan.

The speed at which the tricycle started was absolutely dissatisfied, the wind whistled in his ears, and Boss Li could vaguely hear what his mother was saying to Ning Chuxia behind him.

“…You…really?” This was the mother’s speech. With what Boss Li knew about her mother, there was some excitement and curiosity in the voice.

Ning Chuxia’s voice was bitter: “How can this be fake? I can still lie to you… If I hadn’t divorced, how would I dare to say that? In the future… if you know someone in the future, don’t let me He’s in a fire pit, this man… can’t… he’s mentally ill.”


What doesn’t work? Boss Li was a little confused.

Ning Chuxia, who was sitting in the car, took the trouble to tell Aunt Li the reason why Ding Haoyu beat her for the N+1st time. Today, she has already explained this reason in the neighborhood committee, the community property, the security booth at the entrance, the police station, etc. Aunt Li still asked again and again in disbelief.

These are all married women, and they are people of Aunt Li’s age, so of course they are not afraid to listen.

Ning Chuxia looked at Aunt Li’s surprised and thoughtful expression and smiled in her heart. Now, what she needs to do is pick up her daughter, but before that, she doesn’t mind giving Ding Haoyu a lesson.

The city is small, and news travels fast.

Ning Chuxia knew how “detailed” she was talking about and how gossipy she was.

She believes that it should be very soon, even those who drink and brag with Ding Haoyu will hear about Ding Haoyu’s heroic deeds.

In less than a minute, a masculine and withered man with the thickness of a pinky finger.

In order to facilitate the dissemination, Ning Chuxia has absorbed the experience of listening to gossip from several worlds and added a lot of drama. If it is not exaggerated, how can it be spread?

On the wedding night, someone claimed that he didn’t want to have a child so soon, but the smallest condom couldn’t fit, so he had to wrap it in plastic wrap several times.

Another example is someone less than a minute – Ning Chuxia said that it was the point of the news broadcast at that time, and the song outside had just started to be sung, and it was over before it was finished.

The most important thing is that this plastic wrap was taken off and nothing happened.

Then there are other magical things such as Indian X-rays, blue mysterious small pills, etc., but if they are useless, they are useless. How can the waste be saved? And Ning Chuxia also saw the medicine for X disease at home. Of course, for the last point, Ning Chuxia claimed to be “uncertain”.

As for why Ding Haoyu beat her, is there any need to ask? Even Ding Haoyu can’t do it herself. Every day when she talks to other men, she thinks that she is cheating, and the same is true for her ex-wife. Of course, she can’t wait to toss to death.

This statement is really justified. After all, Ding Haoyu still has the problem of not having children. In addition, the scars on Ning Chuxia’s specially exposed body parts are frightening. Everyone who heard Ning Chuxia’s story revealed a subtle expression. His expression, his eyes were full of thoughts that he was going to have a good discussion when Ning Chuxia left.

Ning Chuxia is still very satisfied with her ability to fabricate. She is not out of nothing, and Ding Haoyu is indeed not very good. She is to prevent other women from stepping into the sea of ​​misery as soon as she leaves.

After getting out of the car, Ning Chuxia waved goodbye to Aunt Li and Boss Li. She also prepared gifts for Ding Haoyu at home, and she didn’t know how Ding Haoyu felt about it.

She can’t wait to be in front of her daughter right now, but before picking up her daughter, she still has to do some preparations, otherwise she won’t let her daughter leave so easily because of a pervert like Chen Zhenhai.

Ning Chuxia was holding a map of City L. Based on her experience, she should be able to find the person she was looking for at this flyover in the old city.

It was finally dark, Ding Haoyu drank a lot today, but since it started early today, it is not too late.

He staggered to the house, his hands constantly fanning the wind, it was really hot.

He was angry when he thought that he was actually scared by which crazy woman to agree to divorce.

But there is no way, who made that woman crazy enough?

Ding Haoyu was passing by the fitness equipment, where some aunts and aunts were chatting there every night. He heard it was very lively from a distance and looked there.

Huh, there are really a lot of people today, can there be more than a dozen people? Ding Haoyu narrowed his eyes, but because of the double image, he didn’t know if he was wrong.

After being drunk, this is also unclear.

“…Just a little bit.”

“This kind of… is not as good as myself… It’s really a silver-like J spearhead, it’s useless just to see it.”

“I can’t even look at it… Half a roll of plastic wrap… It’s really expensive…”

The other end laughed loudly, and Ding Haoyu was very disdainful, but he didn’t know if it was his illusion. He always felt that as soon as he approached, those people would stop talking.

Ding Haoyu didn’t care, he continued to move forward, walked out for a while, and heard the liveliness coming back.

“I can’t see it! It’s so high…”

“I heard people say… I was very fat when I was young, and I lost weight later…”

I really don’t know what I’m talking about, Ding Haoyu didn’t care, he went home and knocked on the door for a long time, and his hands hurt. Only then did he realize that there was no door in the house, and he picked up the key and studied Ding Haoyu for a long time. Finally opened the door.

As soon as he entered the room, it was dark, and he touched for a long time—

Um? Why can’t the light be turned on? Is it out of power? Ding Haoyu immediately looked out the window and was surprised. The opposite side was clearly lit. Could it be a trip? Ding Haoyu immediately touched the switch at the entrance, but no matter how he touched it, it was fine.

Could it be that the light is broken? But it was still fine yesterday.

His head was really dizzy and painful, so Ding Haoyu touched the bathroom to wash his face and go back to his room to sleep. He didn’t bother to use the shower head, so he turned on the faucet of the sink directly, and then——

Depend on! Why are his pants wet? Ding Haoyu touched under the sink in confusion, only to realize that the water pipe was broken.

He struggled for a long time, almost paddling, and finally turned off the faucet, but at this time, the entire toilet was flooded with water.

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