She Really Hates

Chapter 17

Chapter 17:

Meng Xi and Song Zhiyi had a struggle between you and me, and the most intense stage was in the fall sports games of the third year of high school.

In order to overwhelm the opponent, Meng Xi’s decathlon legend is still being admired in the school forum, but Song Zhiyi didn’t win, but she didn’t let Meng Xi get good – 18 broadcast drafts of her sincerity and eloquence It is widely circulated, and people who don’t know why think they have a good relationship.

During that time, as long as Meng Xi heard relevant words and saw similar sentences, he couldn’t even eat, which was called murder.

They fought each other for a round, and their vitality was severely damaged. In addition to preparing for the final exam, they could only die and rest for a while. Although the meeting is still indispensable, there is no major incident.

During this tacit truce period, Meng Xi had something to do on a holiday, so he met Song Zhiyi by chance.

Maybe not even meet.

The autumn wind was rustling and the drizzle was like a curtain. Meng Xi was sitting in the car as he passed a certain street. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a white shadow on the street through the window covered with raindrops.

If you change someone, you can’t tell the difference between men, women and children in such a hurry.

But Meng Xi was not impressed by Song Zhiyi, but unforgettable. Let alone the shadow, Meng Xi would recognize her even if she turned into ashes!

Immediately, she was shocked, and she forgot Han Yuming who was waiting for her appointment in minutes, and hurriedly asked the driver to stop.

That white shadow was indeed Song Zhiyi.

On a rainy day in late autumn, she only wore a thin white lace nightdress, squatting under the mottled signs of the department store to hide from the rain, holding half of the bread in her hands.

There is no usual elegance and beauty, clean and spotless, only the rain-soaked hair and the skirt that fell into the sewage. Abandoned Coke boxes were piled high around him, and the once bright red was covered with a layer of ash in the rain.

She also lost the usual gentleness and calmness on her face, looking absent-mindedly at the pattering rain, clearly trapped here, but her expression was a kind of indifference.

So embarrassed?

Meng Xi instantly lost the sleepiness of staying up late, and was full of energy – a great opportunity is right in front of you, how can you miss it!

She took out the mirror and began to organize her description, making sure that even a strand of hair was neat.

Although Song Zhiyi was a little embarrassed, she looked good and took advantage of it. The delicate European retro style nightdress made her look like a princess in distress who ran out of the castle even if she squatted in front of the department store.

However, the princess is also in trouble!

Meng Xi made a special trip to go out to play, not to mention that he was perfectly prepared, but at least he was carefully dressed up.

She has already planned in her mind how to appear on stage brightly and beautifully, to eclipse the despondent Song Zhiyi, and then, regardless of the villain, she will lend a helping hand to the opponent who encounters difficulties, and crush the light of Song Zhiyi from the inside to the outside… Let her be convinced, huh.

Especially the first sentence of the opening, you must take the lead and grasp the battle situation.

Meng Xi consciously planned to be safe. He got out of the car with an umbrella and walked to the door of the department store. When he was about to enter, he seemed to see Song Zhiyi next to him. His tone was three-pointed and seven-pointed casually: “Song Zhiyi? Why are you here?”

This lofty attitude is not unpleasant.

But unexpectedly, Song Zhiyi lifted his eyes to look, but didn’t answer with his usual impeccable smile, and didn’t even stand up.

She just said, “It’s none of your business.”

Meng Xi: “…”

Depend on.

Song Zhiyi’s tone was very light, his calm eyes swept across Meng Xi’s face, and he moved away indifferently.

Encountered this kind of waterloo at the beginning, Meng Xi has fully understood that she is not the material to play this kind of pretentious tricks – she just wants to scold people openly.

The cold Qiu Yu couldn’t stop Meng Xi’s fire from being stirred up at the moment. She took a step forward and was about to throw away those false openings and sneers, when she accidentally kicked the box under her feet, and there was a soft, soft meowing from inside.

“Mi woo…”

The small voice sounded, Meng Xi was taken aback, quickly backed away, and looked down again.

In the half-opened Coke box was a brand new white coat, and a scrawny black kitten looked up in panic, with half a ham and water-soaked bread in front of it.

Meng Xi looked at the bread with ham in Song Zhiyi’s hand.

Song Zhiyi didn’t look at her, and didn’t hear the kitten’s meow just now.

Meng Xi’s anger suddenly stopped.

Mrs. Meng also likes cats. She raised a puppet and watched Meng Xi grow up. She just died a while ago.

As a result, Meng Xi now has a kind of empathy and affection for whatever fluffy looks at. The aggressiveness is no longer there, but he still has a lot of criticisms against Song Zhiyi, and said: “How do you feed it? It’s not good for its stomach. ”

Song Zhiyi finally smiled: “Miss Meng, you are really the contemporary King Hui of Jin, you are starving to death, do you still have room to choose?”

The sarcasm in her words was undisguised.

I don’t know if it was because Meng Xi broke the current scene and broke the can, or because there was no one else around, so I no longer used the camouflage like a spring breeze to cover up my mean nature.

Meng Xi understood that she mocked herself with the allusion of “Why not eat minced meat”, and was choked with anger, but she couldn’t refute it.

One of the things she said before was really thoughtless, and the other was that she only heard about the mess of the Song family not long ago, and also knew that Uncle Song, who often came to the house… was Song Zhiyi’s father.

Meng Xi wasn’t sure whether the vague self-mockery in Song Zhiyi’s words just now was her delusion.

While the two of them were talking, the rain was not small, but it was getting bigger and bigger, and the noisy sound of rain seemed to hit people’s hearts.

Meng Xi felt annoyed and regretted why he was not happy to come here. Song Zhiyi looked at the time and suddenly stood up to go into the rain.

Meng Xi hated herself for being too kind.

She grabbed Song Zhiyi almost reflexively and asked in surprise, “What are you doing?”

After soaking in the cold air for most of the day, Song Zhiyi’s arm was icy cold, as if he was holding a piece of ice.

Doesn’t she feel cold?

What Meng Xi didn’t expect was Song Zhiyi’s reaction – she hissed in pain and immediately withdrew her hand.

Meng Xi was wronged. Unbeknownst to her, she thought she had done something to Song Zhiyi, but she didn’t try hard!

Does it work? Just as she was about to mock Song Zhiyi for being squeamish, her eyes fell on her hand, but she realized something was wrong.

The nightdress Song Zhiyi was wearing had long bell-sleeves, which could not be seen before when she was squatting, but when she stood up and the sleeves fell down, it was easy to find the red marks on her arms, one on top of the other, swollen as if touching. It will break open in no time…

Meng Xi was stunned.

This is Song Zhiyi’s hand!

The hand of Song Zhiyi, a piano genius who has won numerous piano competition awards and was booked by a top music school!

Meng Xi hated her, but those open and secret fights were obviously different from the scars in front of her.

“You… what’s the matter?”


Meng Xi and Song Zhiyi met silently, realizing that they had asked a question that crossed the line.

“You don’t want to say it.”

Breaking through such privacy, Meng Xi is inevitably a little weak. Out of humanitarian concern, she even put aside her past grievances temporarily, “I’ll pass the hospital on the way later, you…or else…”

Song Zhiyi lowered his eyes and said expressionlessly, “No need.”

Then don’t you want your hands?

Meng Xi swallowed the harsh words. She thought it would be foolish to meddle in her rival’s business, but her legs were honestly not moving.

Song Zhiyi couldn’t wait for her to leave, and suddenly laughed, not happy or ridiculed, but closer to resignation.

She said, “Meng Xi, I don’t have the money to go to the hospital.”

Meng Xi was speechless for a while.

Judging from Song Zhiyi’s usual appearance, Uncle Song should not have treated her materially… Meng Xi originally thought so, but now he is not sure.

She couldn’t believe it, but she had to believe it, and asked with difficulty, “What about your mother? Does she… don’t care?”

Song Zhiyi’s expression was accustomed to being calm, and he was even a little relaxed just listening to the words: “This is the lesson she taught me.”

“…Less what?”

“Teach me to be disobedient and not eat at the prescribed time.” Song Zhiyi actually smiled, “Today she has a heavy hand, so I can only run out.”

The amount of information in this sentence is too much, Meng Xi has nothing to say, she just wants to persuade her to go to the police now.

Song Zhiyi continued, “Don’t stop me. If I don’t go back, I won’t be able to get in if I pass the gate.”

Meng Xi opened his mouth and finally could only say, “…I’ll send you off.”

Song Zhiyi did not refuse this time.

Meng Xi handed her the umbrella and did not leave immediately, but went into the store and talked to the owner, and picked up the cardboard box when he came out.

Song Zhiyi held an umbrella and waited for her at the door. She took off her usual gentle and amiable mask. The thin shadow in the rain gave her a quiet estrangement, which reminded Meng Xi of the Rain Girl in Japanese Monsters for a moment.

A youkai who wanders in the rain and kills the people she attracts… It fits her character quite a bit.

Song Zhiyi looked a little surprised when she saw her holding the box: “Do you want to keep it?”

Meng Xi said, “I’ve met them all, so it’s a little pitiful to throw them here.”

Not knowing where these words touched her pain point, Song Zhiyi said in silence for a moment, “It’s not that simple to raise a cat. Do you know how to take care of it when you pick it up?”

What she said today was really piercing.

And she was right that Meng Xi even needed someone to take care of herself, let alone take care of the cat she picked up.

However, Meng Xi didn’t need a meeting, because she couldn’t be used at all.

“You underestimate the power of money.” Meng Xi habitually raised the bar, “Don’t talk about raising a cat, I have more than enough to raise you.”

She thought Song Zhiyi would be angry.

But after Song Zhiyi was slightly startled, he revealed a faint smile, like a shimmer of light from behind a dark cloud.

She said softly, “Then will you take me in when I have nowhere to go?”

The sound was accompanied by the incessant rain, and it was almost covered up.

Meng Xi heard it and wanted to say why, because you were so proud of you for squeezing me out in the English competition selection?

But looking at Song Zhiyi’s eyes, those sarcastic words couldn’t be said for some reason.

It feels like the wild cat you see every day, showing its teeth and claws at you every time, and suddenly one day, wet from the rain, it comes over to beg for a hug… Compared with vigilance or disgust, Meng Xi’s first reaction is to be flattered.

How is this possible? It is too inhumane!

Meng Xi struggled for a long time, and said vaguely: “…Just barely.”

I don’t know what the answer is.

Song Zhiyi seemed to understand, smiled slightly, and said in a brisk tone, “Okay… Then I’ll force it too.”

What are you forcing?

Meng Xi was speechless.

After that, she sent Song Zhiyi to her home and sent the little black cat named Cola to the pet hospital for examination.

At that time, she did not expect that the disease that Coke contracted during the wandering period could not be cured by the power of money.

A life that is doomed to disappear, trying to save it with all your strength will only prolong the pain. It seemed to herald a short-lived friendship between her and Song Zhiyi, which started out of nowhere and ended bleakly.

Can a man fall in the same pit twice?

The eyes of the person in front of him and the girl trapped in the rain in the distant memory overlapped for a moment.

Meng Xi looked away.

They were standing in the dim entrance, Song Zhiyi’s shoulders were lit by a hazy light, the texture was delicate, and she was dizzy.

And the wet long hair stuck to her body, the heat dissipated, and her slender body trembled slightly because of the coldness.


Under her silent gaze, Meng Xi just opened her mouth, and the phone rang. It was from the company.

If it is not urgent, will not call at this time. Meng Xi breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously: “I’m sorry, I have something to do…”

Song Zhiyi let go.

“It’s okay.” Her smile could not hide her loneliness, “My request was too abrupt.”

Of course it was abrupt.

However, when she said this, Meng Xi had the illusion that she was too cruel… After a while, Song Zhiyi’s skills improved again!

She ignored the unbearable in her heart and wanted to get out of this weird atmosphere.

This time, Song Zhiyi didn’t stop her.

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