She Really Hates

Chapter 23

Chapter 23:

Song Zhiyi happened to be at the airport when she received the call.

She took a plane for nearly ten hours to return to China. Although it didn’t show on her face, she was actually very tired and just wanted to go home and rest.

Remnants of snow were piled on the roadside of the airport, and the air of late winter night irritated the exposed skin.

Song Zhiyi found the car waiting at the exit, and the driver came down cleverly to take the luggage from the assistant with a small round face. At this moment, her cell phone rang.

It was Meng Xi’s phone number.

Song Zhiyi motioned for his assistant to get in the car first, and walked to the side to answer the phone.

The moment it was connected, loud and chaotic voices rushed to the brain – deafening rock music as the background, mixed with the roaring and laughing of the crowd.

“…Meng Xi, do you think you’re going too far! Since I was a child, I’ve been stabbed at both sides, and I’ve helped you carry a lot of guilt, but you just treated me like this! I’m ungrateful! There’s no humanity for people of the opposite sex! … No, you don’t seem to be either. The opposite sex… Forget it! I told you that this matter can’t be resolved within two seasons…”

It was so noisy that Song Zhiyi took the phone away and could still hear it.

She is very sensitive to sound, and it is more difficult to bear the noise. After listening to the pressure for a while, she asked, “Meng Xi?”

“Han Yuming, have you been drinking too much?” Meng Xi spoke, but his voice was a little far away, and his tone was strange, “Give me the phone, I’m calling!”

Then there was a violent conflict, and Song Zhiyi called her several times, but no one answered. After a while, it was obvious that Meng Xi had won a big victory, the phone changed hands, and her voice could be heard clearly over there.


She was talking as if her mouth was on the phone, her tone was a little triumphant and high, and she was vague, “Hey—are you still there?”

…she also drank too much.

“I’m here.” Song Zhiyi responded and asked her, “Where are you?”

“Hello? Hello—?”

Meng Xi didn’t answer her, but raised her voice unpleasantly after feeding her several times, “I’m making a lot of noise! I’m going to change place… Get out of the way, don’t get in the way.”

Doors open and close, and loud background sounds are cut off. Song Zhiyi breathed a sigh of relief when his ears quieted down.

Meng Xi seemed to have left the place just now, exhaled exaggeratedly, and complained, “It’s so noisy, they can’t hear you anymore… Hey, are you still here?”

Meng Xi didn’t know where he went, and the whirring wind came from the phone, which happened to coincide with the wind blowing in the airport.

“It’s still there.”

Song Zhiyi patiently responded to her, really worried about the situation over there, and asked again, “Where are you now?”

“Um… balcony.”

It can be guessed. Song Zhiyi continued to ask, “Where’s the balcony?”

“A very high balcony, um, very high. It’s probably… the sixteenth floor!” There was a kind of contented joy in Meng Xi’s voice. It seemed that the height was really in line with her heart, “Do you want to come too?”

“Yeah, so you have to make it clear to me, where exactly is it?”

Song Zhiyi unconsciously used a tone of coaxing a child.


There was a long silence over there. For a long time, Meng Xi said, “Then let me send you a location.”

It’s not like being drunk at this time. Song Zhiyi was a little amused, and while she was muttering, “This way… that way…”, she went back to the car after studying how to position herself.

While changing the Bluetooth headset, she spoke to the assistant: “I have something to do next. It’s so late today. Let the driver take you to a nearby hotel first. There’s nothing to do in the next few days. I’ll give you a good rest.”

“Okay! Sent to you.”

After the successful operation, Meng Xi clapped her hands excitedly, and then dissatisfied, “Who were you talking to just now? I’m on the speakerphone, and I can hear you.”

Song Zhiyi was helpless: “I’ll explain some things to the assistant.”

Meng Xicai didn’t care who she was talking to, maybe she didn’t even listen to the answer, and then asked vexatiously, “How can you talk to others when you’re on the phone with me?”

“Okay, then I won’t talk about it.” It’s impossible to reason with the drunk, Song Zhiyi followed her, “Since I promised you not to talk to others, do you want to promise me something too?”

“Well, okay, what’s the matter?”

“I’m going to look for you now, don’t hang up before meeting, okay?”

The location that Meng Xifa came from was not far from the airport, and the sixteenth floor she mentioned earlier—it is too conspicuous to have such a tall building, and even here, it can be easily seen.

Song Zhiyi quickly locked her specific location. Even if he took a detour to send his assistant, he would definitely be there within half an hour.

But Meng Xi was so drunk that she got rid of her companion. Even if it took five minutes, she would not worry about hanging up.


Meng Xi readily agreed, and she said sweetly, “I know, at night, are you alone?”

How could Song Zhiyi be afraid of this?

She has slept alone at night since she was very young. Maybe at first she was afraid of being alone at night, but she has long forgotten about such a long time ago.

As soon as she remembered, she was used to facing the dark night alone, and it wasn’t a terrible thing.

Song Zhi thought, Meng Xi would ask this because she was afraid? When you slept apart from your parents for the first time as a child, did you feel uneasy about the night being scary?

Song Zhiyi couldn’t help imagining that scene, and the slight smile on her lips was reflected in the car window.

She didn’t contradict Meng Xi at this time, and admitted: “Yes, I’m scared. So you have to talk to me all the time.”

“Um… what are you talking about?”

“Anything is fine. What do you want to say?”

“Oh… Then I’ll comfort you.” Meng Xi said solemnly, “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, I will protect you. By the way!”

She suddenly became excited, “Or I’ll sing you a lullaby?”

Song Zhiyi could only reluctantly agree: “…Okay, you can sing.”

“Cough cough.”

Meng Xi solemnly cleared his throat and took a deep breath, “…How do you sing a lullaby?”

“do not you know?”

“I do not know…”

Song Zhiyi leaned against the car door and couldn’t help laughing at this meaningless conversation. She deliberately said, “What should I do? I don’t know.”

“Then you can pretend that I sang it before.” Meng Xi skillfully played a rogue, and urged her, “It’s so slow, haven’t you arrived yet?”

It’s only been a few minutes.

Song Zhiyi knew that, but she was still urged by her to look at the navigation that the driver was driving.

“It’s still a long way off.”

“Oh, where are you?”

Song Zhiyi reported the current road name to her, and then said, “Do you know where it is? Maybe you can see the car I’m riding in.”

It should be invisible, so far away, even if the direction is correct, you can only see a piece of neon woven by lights. Song Zhiyi just coaxed her, but she found it very earnestly.

“What color is your car?”


“It’s white again? There are too many white cars… Why don’t you get a unique color? It’s easier to recognize.”

Song Zhiyi remembered that the car that Meng Xi had driven was either bright red or bright yellow. The car on the day of the funeral was black, but it was gilded in some places. It seemed that the paint was also mixed with golden sand, and it shone with a little bit of light. Indeed, they are all unique at a glance.

Meng Xipei such a high-profile and publicized car makes people feel that it is right. But Song Zhiyi thought it was too fancy to sit by herself. She said, “I like white.”

Meng Xi muttered: “Don’t you like other colors? The hobbies are too poor…”

Song Zhiyi was not as knowledgeable as a drunkard, so she led her to speak: “Then which color do you think is better?”

Meng Xi was refreshed. She was so knowledgeable about the subject that she began to ramble on and analyze it.

Song Zhiyi responded “um, um”, and when the topic was about to end, he took the words to another direction.

They talked all the way, Meng Xi was always excited to talk about things of interest in her inducement, full of interest, but occasionally he would say “Where are you?” “Why haven’t you arrived yet?”, and as time passed As time went on, Song Zhiyi could feel that she couldn’t wait more and more.

“I’ve already gone downstairs.” Song Zhiyi softly reassured her, “Wait for a while, and I’ll be able to find you soon.”

Meng Xi suddenly got angry: “No, you keep telling me to wait, I can’t wait! I can walk too, I’ll come to you.”

“Meng Xi, Meng Xi?”

The wind on the other end of the phone disappeared, and it was much quieter. She should have returned indoors. Song Zhiyi quickened her pace and coaxed: “Don’t walk around, I won’t find you…”

“But I want to see you now.”


When she said this, her voice was too serious. Knowing that it was drunk, Song Zhiyi subconsciously squeezed the phone, as if to wake up from the anesthesia that was transmitted by electromagnetic waves.

She quickly regained her senses, but if she spoke again, Meng Xi would not answer, and the phone did not hang up.

Song Zhiyi rushed to the entertainment club on the 16th floor, where entry and exit management is very strict, and must be a registered member. Fortunately, she and the boss also knew each other. The manager recognized her face, and after knowing her purpose, he assigned a waiter to show her the way.

Song Zhiyi kept listening to the movement on the phone. Meng Xi didn’t know where he was wandering, and there was a faint sound of gurgling water.

“This road is too detour…”

She suddenly complained and sighed, “Wait, I’m going to sit down and rest.”

“Okay, you rest.” Song Zhiyi breathed a sigh of relief and turned on the speakerphone, “Let’s talk again, what’s your resting place like?”

Meng Xi said: “There are a lot of flowers, and the road is particularly dazzling… What’s the point of building this broken place like this?”

Song Zhiyi looked at the waiter who led the way, he nodded and walked in a different direction.

They walked into a colorful passage.

The surrounding area, including the road under your feet, is covered with stained glass made of large and small color blocks. The light shines through from behind the glass, which is gorgeous and confusing, like a scene from a kaleidoscope. No wonder Meng Xi felt dazzling.

The glowing canals on both sides of the road gurgled, and separated by the water, there are red and white climbing vine roses, which are in full bloom. The flowers that are not in season are blooming so well, and I am afraid that I will not spend less money just to maintain this road.

On the other end of the phone, Meng Xi suddenly asked, “Do you like Rose?”

Song Zhiyi was slightly startled: “How do you know?”

In fact, it can’t be regarded as a favorite, but it has a better impression than other flowers. Song Zhiyi had never planted roses before, and had never mentioned this trivial hobby to anyone. She wondered how Meng Xi had guessed it.

Meng Xi said proudly, “At that art gala, the girls in the class had to choose a flower. You stared at that white rose for a long time, didn’t you? I stole it on purpose. Are you very unwilling?”

Song Zhiyi: “…Well, I’m not reconciled.”

She remembered. At that time, she really didn’t think that Meng Xi was doing it on purpose. Maybe she was a little unwilling, but more because she felt that… that white rose really matched Meng Xi very well.

Song Zhiyi fell in love with roses in the summer many years ago.

When she was in junior high school, a grandma who liked to play the piano moved in next door. One day, as usual, she was locked in an unused room on the second floor by her mother. There was nothing in the room, but from the window, I could smell the rich fragrance of roses over there, and the faint sound of the piano flowing with the wind.

The outside world looked too beautiful, so Song Zhiyi did a very bold thing – she followed the tree near the window and climbed into the next courtyard wall.

Then, for the first time, she met someone who would treat her tenderly. The grandma next door invited her to play, taught her to play the piano, and became her first piano teacher.

Perhaps the more one lacks something, the more one wants to pursue it.

Warm sunshine, fragrant flowers, gentle teachers. Every time Song Zhiyi sat in front of the piano, it was as if he was still in that beautiful courtyard in his memory.

And the first time she saw Meng Xi, she felt too similar—

She is both like a bright light and like a bright flower, warm and soft… so people are envious, and so people have to love.

That day, Song Zhiyi was in a dim room, facing the sunlight by the window, and heard the piano piece “Adilina by the Water”. This popular piece belongs to the lowest level in the classical music circle. There is no complicated arrangement. It doesn’t require superb skills, even beginners can play it proficiently with more practice, but she practiced the most in private.

She could play it over and over again, but she couldn’t play it for the first time in her memory.

– There is only one exception.

Song Zhiyi walked to the end of the passage.

There is a circular hall in front, and the indoor fountain in the center flows quietly. Surrounded by blooming flowers, Meng Xi sits cross-legged by the fountain. Part of his long, slightly curly hair floats in the water, like swaying algae.

Song Zhiyi hung up the phone: “Meng Xi.”

Meng Xi looked up blankly, her cheeks flushed from drunkenness reflecting the splendid and dreamy light of stained glass, and her eyes were moist and bright.

– “Adirina by the Water”, in Greek mythology related to this piano piece, Pygmalion fell in love with her hopelessly after the completion of the statue of the girl he sculpted by himself.

Song Zhi thought, maybe that’s how it feels.

The author has something to say: there is one more update tonight~

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