She Really Hates

Chapter 25

Chapter 25:

Meng Xi had a dream.

She seemed to be drowning in the deep sea, with nowhere to focus, being pushed by the waves involuntarily.

The surroundings were very dark, but not completely black. The gorgeous light and shadow swirled in front of her eyes, and occasionally a corner would lift up, revealing the scene behind it, as if someone had a hazy face.

The light filtered through the water, faintly. The water that wraps the body is soft and soft, like soft and hot skin; the seaweed that entangles the limbs is the long black hair.

The school of fish swam between her legs, rubbing against her knees and her waist, and kissed her tightly.

So hot…

It was obviously in the water, but it wasn’t cold at all, it was hot and thirsty from the throat, and there was a headache…

Meng Xi was woken up by the heat.

With the air conditioner turned on, she lifted the thick quilt and sat up clutching her aching head from the hangover.

She was still wearing yesterday’s clothes, including sweaters and trousers, except for her coat and shoes, no wonder she was so hot.

There was a hand that was originally placed by the pillow, but now it was wet. Meng Xi glanced at it, and there was a wet towel thrown there, soaking the sheets.

…It wasn’t Han Yuming who took care of her last night, right? It feels like only he can be so unreliable.

Meng Xi thought for a moment, but didn’t think of it.

However, in a dazed impression, it seemed that he had seen Song Zhiyi. But this should be a dream, isn’t she still abroad?

She tried her best to recall what happened after she was drunk. She searched around and couldn’t find any slippers. She had to go barefoot to get the mineral water on the table and drank half a bottle in one breath, finally relieving her thirst.


Although I don’t remember exactly what I dreamed about, the previous feeling still remains in my body… She seems to have had a spring dream.

Normal physiological needs, and no one else knows, Meng Xi will not feel ashamed.

It’s just that the feeling of being left behind is too good, and she has a subtle nostalgia.

Shouldn’t she find someone too? Meng Xi’s mind was the first to cross Song Zhiyi’s face.

…even Song Zhiyi seems to have a boyfriend! Although her eyes are not very good.

Meng Xi clicked and put down the water bottle.

She noticed that there were still several unopened lunch boxes on the table, and she didn’t know who bought them; a white cashmere coat was draped over the armrest of the sofa… Wait, did she wear this color yesterday?

Is it someone else’s?

Meng Xi recalled the girls at the party yesterday, and really couldn’t remember what clothes they were wearing.

Forget it, ask again later.

Meng Xi found her phone and checked the time, it wasn’t too late, it was early eight o’clock.

She was so drunk that she couldn’t stand it, so she called Xiao Zhu, who lived next door to her, and asked him to bring a change of clothes and go into the bathroom to wash.

Xiao Zhu had already prepared for the delivery in five minutes. After Meng Xi cleaned up, he wiped his hair and called him in.

“Who brought me here yesterday?”

“Uh…” Xiao Zhu seemed to think of something, his eyes wandered, “It’s Miss Song.”

There was really a little girl surnamed Song in the group of people at the party, Meng Xi said, “Song Lin?”

“…It’s Miss Song Zhiyi.”

“Huh?” Meng Xi was stunned and reacted, “How could it be her?”

When did she return to the country, and why did she appear here? Meng Xi clearly remembered that she had reserved the venue yesterday.

Xiao Zhu said: “Miss Song should have been on the plane last night. Boss, you called her when you were drunk, and she came directly from the airport.”


Xiao Zhu remembered what he crashed last night, and for the thirty-ninth time sincerely reflected in his heart.

After he became Meng Xi’s life assistant, because of the generosity of the boss and the high salary, he returned 120,000 points of enthusiasm for the job. Trying to do what you want, it is more versatile than Doraemon.

But Meng Xi seems to be missing a root in his brain these years, and he has never had a love life, which made him neglect a little – the boss also has nightlife!

Can’t make this mistake again.

And what happened yesterday, did he say it or not…

He carefully peeked at his boss’s face, and found that after hearing these words, she didn’t know what to think, and the corners of her lips raised slightly.

It turned out that the impression about Song Zhiyi was not a dream. Meng Xi was in a really good mood. He unlocked the phone and asked Xiao Zhu, “Did she go back?”

Xiao Zhu: “…It shouldn’t be there yet.”

In fact, he was “ran into” by Miss Song in the corridor just now, and the other party kindly reminded him to stop talking.

【Did you eat breakfast? 】

Meng Xi’s message was sent, and a reply was received after a while. She pressed the phone without looking up, and instructed Xiao Zhu, “Go to the restaurant downstairs to reserve a seat.”

Then she quickly blew her hair, draped it in a semi-wet drape and waited for it to dry naturally, ready to go downstairs for an appointment.

Packing the cashmere coat that Song Zhiyi had dropped in a bag, Meng Xi opened the door and happened to bump into Han Yuming who came out of the opposite door.

He didn’t look very good – his clothes were neat, but his hair was messy, and it was obvious that he had worked hard to fix it, but there were still a few tenacious strands of hair on his head. There are not only dark circles on Jun Lang’s face, but also a small bruise on the left cheekbone.

Meng Xi was shocked: “What’s the matter with you? You were beaten as a thief last night?”

“Damn, you said it!”

Han Yuming was also very angry when he saw her, “It’s not all a good thing you did, sigh… You are too dark to start! It’s great to have learned judo?”

Oh, Meng Xi recalled for a while, and seemed to have a little residual impression of this matter.

“Tsk tsk,” she shook her head, “it’s nothing special, and it’s better than a big man like you who can’t beat a girl. And who asked you to steal my phone?”

“Be reasonable, sister, you gave it to me yourself!” Speaking of this, Han Yuming was even more unhappy, “And you think about it with your own conscience, is it a bit too much? I’m in love and let you all follow Call me to be there, leave your girlfriend and run out to drink at night, you’re better…”

Meng Xi sighed: “Miss He has such a good temper. Didn’t this break up with you?”

Han Yuming: “Hello!”

“Okay, okay, no kidding.” It was indeed her fault, Meng Xi said, “I drink too much, it doesn’t matter, don’t worry about it, don’t you want that Aston Martin? You play for two days.”

However, Han Yuming said, “Who told you this? I’m talking about Song Zhiyi, not just yesterday. You fall in love and fall in love, and you can’t just have a partner…”


Meng Xi was confused, she interrupted him, “Wait, who are you talking about falling in love with? I was so serious yesterday that I broke your brain?”

The two looked at each other in the corridor.

Han Yuming didn’t look like she was joking. After thinking about it, he sighed and patted her shoulder: “It’s okay, you don’t have to lie to me, I don’t discriminate against homosexuals. And I’m definitely on your side…”

“Go away! Who cares whether you discriminate or not.”

Meng Xi was speechless, “How can you tell that Song Zhiyi and I have… that kind of relationship?”

Han Yuming was puzzled: “Didn’t you say it yourself? Once you left me to play duo with her, I asked what you said! I won’t remember the ID of someone who played well in the game.”


Meng Xi remembered.

At that time, she just had an idea, and she casually made some nonsense to create some obstacles for the “male and female protagonists”. After so long, she didn’t even care about that weird dream, and had long forgotten about it.

Who knew that Han Yuming believed it to be true, and he has been misunderstood until now.

No wonder she and Song Zhiyi brought him to form a platoon before, and his attitude was always a little wrong…

Meng Xi was in a complicated mood and felt powerless: “…I’m joking, don’t really believe it.”

“Oh, you really don’t have to hide from me.”

Han Yuxian obviously couldn’t listen to the explanation.

“I’ve long thought that you were a little too special to her. In high school, as long as she was there, you couldn’t see anyone else’s eyes. Su Yuan even complained to me. Recently you made friends…” In Meng Xi’s In his eyes, he swallowed the word “communication” back, but he couldn’t help but continue to mutter, “…After you two come back together, it’s even more extreme. Usually I don’t have time to play two games with you, and it turns out that the work is the most difficult. When I was busy, I went abroad to attend a music festival, and I came to you during this time, and every time I went out to dinner with her…”

Is it that often?

Han Yuming said the same thing, Meng Xi was almost brainwashed by him.

But the music festival is not easy to explain. When Meng Xi recalled eating, he still felt that he thought too much: “It’s just that every time she comes to ask me, I just have time.”

The problem in high school is even more outrageous. If she likes Song Zhiyi, will she fight with each other every day?

Meng Xi said, “I don’t know what you’ve been thinking about all day. I’m gay. Didn’t I get to be with Su Yuan earlier?”

Han Yuming: “This statement is wrong, you are not with me?”

Meng Xi: “As I said, I pay attention to public order, good customs, and ethics… Strange, why do you think I’m not heterosexual so firmly?”

“You are heterosexual, and you haven’t liked me for so many years, it’s not scientific at all!”

“…Look in the mirror, don’t be so confident.”

These sentences are all jokes.

Meng Xi knew that this was to dispel Han Yuming’s misunderstanding. While they were talking, they walked to the elevator, and Meng Xi pressed for the second floor.

“Are you eating here?” Han Yuming went directly to the garage in the basement, “I’ll go first, I have something to do at home.”

Meng Xi nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s better this way, if he sees her eating with Song Zhiyi, he doesn’t know what strange things to think about.

She separated from Han Yuming on the second floor and pushed open the door of the restaurant.

The wind chimes at the door ding-dong lightly, the waiter greeted her, asked her name softly, and then led her to the seat.

The decoration of this restaurant is in a natural and fresh style. The simple white tables and chairs are covered with light green tablecloths, and various plant decorations are used to separate the more private space.

Song Zhiyi arrived before her.

Meng Xi turned around the green flower stand and saw her sitting by the window.

In the winter sun, Song Zhiyi took off his coat and hung it on the back of the chair, wearing a pink and white turtleneck sweater with a furry neckline supporting his face. The black and smooth hair fell on his shoulders, with a light halo.

Hearing the voice, she looked out the window and turned to look at her. Her face was as smooth as jade, with a slight smile on her brows, and her amber eyes were like solidified honey.

“your clothes.”

Meng Xi unconsciously showed a slight smile, put the bag in her hand on the seat next to her, and sat down opposite herself.

“Thank you yesterday, I…” Before she could finish her sentence, she suddenly noticed something was wrong, “What’s wrong with your mouth?”

Even when the relationship was at its worst, Meng Xi had to admit that Song Zhiyi had a flawless face that could be called a work of art.

If it weren’t for this, Meng Xi would not have been confused by her appearance at first, and felt that she was gentle and simple.

And now there’s a tiny crack in this artwork—

There was a wound on Song Zhiyi’s lips, which seemed to have been left in the past two days, and had just formed a blood scab.

Meng Xi couldn’t understand: “How can this be hurt?” Accidentally knocked on the mouth while eating?


Song Zhiyi pursed her lips subconsciously, feeling a slight tingling.

Meng Xi, who was opposite her, frowned slightly and leaned forward. In addition to the faint tiredness after a hangover, her expression was only concerned and puzzled. She really doesn’t remember at all.

Song Zhiyi stroked her lips, closed her eyes, and said in a light tone, “I was bitten by a puppy.”

Meng Xi: “…”

Meng Xi still didn’t understand this hint. What puppy, it was clearly bitten by someone else.

Although Song Zhiyi’s voice was slightly unpleasant, it was not serious.


Bitten while kissing your boyfriend? Meng Xi stared at her wound distracted. That man was really dating her that day?

Gee. The more Meng Xi looked at it, the more she felt that the wound was an eyesore. She said, “Be careful, a dog that has bitten can no longer be taught well. Who knows what to do in the future.”

Who knows if he has violent tendencies.

Song Zhiyi heard what she meant, looked at her for a moment, and suddenly laughed: “…I see. Don’t say that, let’s order first.”

She looked like she didn’t take this matter to heart, Meng Xi felt depressed, but couldn’t say anything more.

The good mood before was swept away, she took the menu handed over by Song Zhiyi, and swept it around critically: “This is a creamy mushroom soup that’s pretty good, it’s a pity not to try it. You don’t eat mushrooms. , but it’s still acceptable for soup, right?”

Song Zhiyi was startled, and her tone was much softer: “So you still remember.”

Although she often eats with Meng Xi recently, she mainly takes care of each other’s tastes and consciously has not expressed her preferences.

It’s a topic that has been brought up in small talk before.

Seeing her so surprised, Meng Xi paused, remembering Han Yuming’s complaint just now.

…Does she really like and pay attention to Song Zhiyi that much?

Before Han Yuming mentioned it, Meng Xi himself never felt that there was such a thing. For example, the matter of taste, she will naturally remember it after getting along with each other.

Mainly because it’s too easy to remember – Song Zhiyi’s picky eating problem is very serious.

Most people are picky eaters, and they only pick a certain type or a certain type of food. Meng Xi himself is not too cold about vegetables, and prefers meat with heavy oil and salt.

As for Song Zhiyi, she doesn’t like dishes that taste too strong; she doesn’t like spicy food; she doesn’t like ingredients that are soft and slippery, such as mushrooms; she doesn’t like vegetables that are soft and rotten after cooking; she doesn’t like the taste of celery and coriander It’s special; the chicken, duck, and fish are not handled well, there is a little fishy smell, and I don’t like it…

Meng Xi was speechless when he thought about it: “Everyone will be impressed by how picky you are.”

Song Zhiyi smiled and said, “Apart from you and the teacher, no one else has noticed.”

“That’s because you didn’t say it.”

Song Zhiyi didn’t like Gui or didn’t like it, but he didn’t specifically say that I didn’t eat it, but I didn’t eat any dishes I liked, so I ate very little.

Even in social situations, it’s the same in private. If you’re not particularly familiar with people, it’s really hard to find out her likes and dislikes.

– This person’s character is really awkward. Meng Xi often thinks so.

It is obvious that he is jealous in many things, and he must remember to take a small loss; but he is careless in the place where he should really treat himself well.

They finished their breakfast…not even breakfast, brunch. After Meng Xi settled the bill, the two walked to the elevator together.

Meng Xi said, “Are you going back now? I still have some things to pack…”

Song Zhiyi smiled and nodded: “Then let’s separate here.”


“What’s wrong?”

Song Zhiyi smiled. Meng Xi didn’t see anything wrong in her expression, so she paused and said, “…It’s okay.”

It’s just that she thought that Song Zhiyi would wait for her for a while and then leave together.

Although they each have a car, they leave in different directions. One goes home and the other goes to the company. If they have to go to the garage together, it is a bit redundant.

But Meng Xi naturally felt that way. In normal times, Song Zhiyi should also do the same?

Or is she in a hurry?

…In a hurry to meet your boyfriend?

When the elevator came down, Meng Xi asked Song Zhiyi to go first, but Song Zhiyi did not refuse.


But before parting, she suddenly said, “I don’t know why you have this misunderstanding… I don’t have a boyfriend.”

Meng Xi: “…Ah?”

Can you actually read minds?

Meng Xi, who didn’t remember what she did yesterday, was confused.

Meng Xi and Song Zhiyi parted ways. On their way back to the company, they received an invitation to the premiere of a spinoff movie of the same name of “Survivor”.

This film is a cooperation project with Mengjia’s film and television company.

Because “Survivor” itself does not have any game plot, the script is said to be adapted from an online game highlights collection, and it is also a comedy movie.

It doesn’t sound very reliable.

Meng Xi didn’t understand film production, but he just sold a copyright for the Meng family’s sake, and didn’t care much about how they made it.

She didn’t plan to go to the premiere at first, but then she thought that Song Zhiyi had just finished recording a new album and should rest during this time, so she told her the news and asked her if she would go.

Song Zhiyi said go, Meng Xi was not busy lately anyway, so he changed the schedule.

On the day of the premiere, Meng Xi originally planned to pick her up and go with her, but she said that she would not take the route and refused.

When they arrived at the scene, Song Zhiyi just came to watch the movie, but Meng Xi, as the boss of the game party, had to participate in the speech, the seats were not together, and he didn’t speak the whole time.

The filming was not bad, but Meng Xi didn’t come here for this, and was somewhat absent-minded.

It was not until the end of the screening, when the show was over, that she regained her energy and looked in Song Zhiyi’s direction.

Someone is moving faster than her – the director and male lead of this film have already spoken to Song Zhiyi.

Someone also came to talk to Meng Xi, but she was dismissed by a few words. After the three people over there finished speaking, Meng Xi walked over.

“You and Director Chu know each other?”

“I can’t say I know each other.” Song Zhiyi smiled, “I was at a friend’s party before, and I met once.”

“Then he came to find you?”

“It is said that the new movie has the role of a pianist, and I hope I can make a cameo.”

“He’s quite discerning.”

Meng Xi also felt that Song Zhiyi’s face was suitable for being admired on the big screen. If she didn’t play the piano, she would definitely make a name for herself in the entertainment industry. “It’s not bad to go to the crew to play, have you agreed?”

Although she asked this question, she didn’t think Song Zhiyi would agree.

Sure enough, Song Zhiyi smiled and said, “No, it’s fine. I’m not an actor.”

They talked and walked to the exit.

Song Zhiyi’s hair was partially pulled back today, and she had a shiny butterfly and diamond hairpin attached.

Maybe it was not good before, but now it is falling in the hair, and it is about to fall down staggeringly.

“Your card.”

Meng Xi raised her hand to help her fix it again, but Song Zhiyi tilted her head slightly, as if she had inadvertently avoided it.

“I didn’t pay attention, but fortunately you reminded me.” Song Zhiyi said, tidying up her hair quickly, and said goodbye to her with a smile, “Just come here, my car is over there.”

“…Oh, bye.”

“Well, see you next time, Meng Xi.”

Meng Xi watched her leave, suddenly made a “tsk”, returned to his car, and closed the door in annoyance.

Certainly not an illusion.

Song Zhiyi seemed to be alienating her intentionally or unintentionally. It’s not very obvious, she will still come to her for dinner and appointments, and the usual communication is normal, but it’s not the same as before…

Meng Xi thought for a moment, then turned to ask Xiao Zhu, who was startled by the sound of the door closing: “I was drunk that day, what did I do?”

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