She Really Hates

Chapter 32

Chapter 32:

Meng Xi specially selected the times when there were not many bookings, and rounded up the remaining seats. In addition to the two of them, there were two young couples and a few students who came together in the screening hall.

If there are only two people who can talk, and there are others, the rules for watching movies must be obeyed.

After more than two hours of the movie, the two watched it quietly. When the movie ended, Meng Xi felt a sense of liberation.

“It’s so good to have a popular IP…”

They stood in the park square in front of the cinema, waiting for the driver to pull over, surrounded by colorful fountains one after another.

There used to be some middle school students here who were skateboarding, but now they’re gone. But there were many pedestrians, and there was a little girl playing the violin not far away.

A little cold, Meng Xi put his hands in his pockets, and then sighed: “When will “The Alien” become so popular, no, half of it is good, many problems are not problems.”

Song Zhiyi smiled: “Is this what Mr. Meng’s movie-watching experience is? Really dedicated.”

“I don’t have anything to say about the movie, it’s just beautiful.” Even Meng Xi couldn’t comment on it, she asked, “How about you?”

“…not bad, very interesting.”

Song Zhiyi is not the type to express his feelings in a long speech, the two of them are half a catty.

Meng Xi said, “I thought you wouldn’t like this type of movie.”

When Song Zhiyi proposed to watch this, she was quite surprised.

“No, I like ‘heroes’.” Song Zhiyi said, “but the level of saving the world in the movie is a bit exaggerated. Usually within the scope of my ability, I will save other people’s ‘heroes’, not too much. ?”

Her words meant something, and her eyes were shining brightly in the fountain, and she was also extraordinarily gentle.

It’s a pity that Meng Xi didn’t notice.

“If it’s so sunny…”

Speaking from Song Zhiyi, Meng Xi looked especially weird.

Even if one day she heard her silly dog speak, I am afraid she will not feel complicated at this moment.

But Meng Xi still agrees with the content.

She has not recovered from her secondary illness until now, and she has always been passionate about the theme of saving the world. But if she said “hero”, the first person she thought of was someone who existed in reality.

“That’s right, you can’t underestimate the ordinary people around you.” Meng Xi looked at her, raised her eyebrows slightly, and smiled a little jokingly, “No matter what kind of person, friend or enemy, there is something to admire, right? ”


Song Zhiyi’s first reaction was to remember what Meng Xi said that night when he was drunk.

She paused slightly and asked, “Do you have one too? People you know admire especially…”

“Of course there is.”

If Song Zhiyi had asked this question before today, Meng Xi would probably not have said it.

But now it is different, she is looking for a chance to “revenge” to go back.

Meng Xi said: “It’s a long story. You don’t know, in fact, I didn’t have any life plans until high school.”

This doesn’t sound very unusual.

Rather, fewer people have plans for the future from their teenage years.

But in the Meng family, the situation was different.

For example, Meng Zhao, she is not only the crystallization of the love between Father Meng and Madam Meng, but also the much-anticipated heir to the Meng family.

Meng Zhao lived up to his expectations. He showed his talent beyond ordinary people since he was a child. He received strict elite education all the way to grow up. He was arranged from birth and was destined to shine for the Meng family’s industry.

The good news is that she herself has no objection to this, or is quite immersed in the fun of making money, making a lot of money, and making more money.

And Meng Xi is different.

First of all, she was not in the plan of Father Meng and Madam Meng from the beginning, but an accident that she survived tenaciously after taking contraceptive measures.

They are all pregnant. Of course, Mrs. Meng is more inclined to give birth than to induce labor.

However, they did not expect that education after birth is the most troublesome.

Meng Zhao showed intelligence and independence when he was a child. Apart from being introverted and a little withdrawn, he couldn’t make friends since kindergarten, so he didn’t have to worry about anything.

As for Meng Xi, on the contrary, she has been very skinny since she was a child.

It’s okay to be younger. Father Meng is always busy, and Madam Meng hadn’t fully returned to the family at that time, and often worked outside the home.

Even if the child is crying, it is only the nanny who is affected, and the two adults have not yet realized the seriousness.

But since Meng Xi was able to act, things got out of hand.

This chaotic demon star dares to do anything, dare to break into any trouble, there is nothing she can’t make trouble with.

Even Mrs. Meng, who has never been a fan of stick education, was once so angry that she lost her mind and beat her up.

The most serious problem is that Meng Xi is getting bigger and bigger, and he is very proficient in eating, drinking, and playing, but he has no professionalism and is not interested in managing the company at all.

Meng’s father, who had been fighting wits and courage with her for more than ten years because of education issues, was tired and had an epiphany – anyway, the eldest daughter was good enough to support the Meng family; although the younger daughter was not perfect, it was not bad.

Even if she achieves nothing and only knows how to toss around, the Meng family can’t afford to support her.

He gave up. Meng Xi, who successfully resisted her parents, fell into confusion.

Although, like Han Yuming, after receiving the shares, he was really comfortable eating and waiting to die, doing whatever he wanted to do, but…

This is too empty!

That period happened to be the reconciliation period between Meng Xi and Song Zhiyi, and even the rivals who were accustomed to competition no longer existed.

Her daily life is like a stagnant pool, and she can’t get a little bit of energy. Only games can bring happiness, and it’s like this.

Until that day, Meng Xi met the head teacher in the corridor and was arrested as a strong man, and asked her to go to Song Zhiyi to inform the competition information.

Song Zhiyi is too good to find.

If you didn’t see her in class, she must be practicing in the music classroom.

Meng Xi walked into the teaching building where the music classroom was located, and when he was still on the stairs, he heard the faint sound of the piano.

It was because the back door of the music classroom was broken and not closed tightly, which just made it easier for Meng Xi to find someone.

She followed the vague voice, and the closer she got to her destination, the clearer the music became.

Until she opened the door, in the empty classroom, the sunlight shining from the window, the air with a little pine smell, and the clear and smooth musical notes all clearly poured out, forming this afternoon that only belongs to two people.

Song Zhiyi was sitting in front of the piano, a person who is usually very sensitive to sounds, but at this time he was so focused that he could not notice the movement of the door being opened.

The loose blue and white school uniform doesn’t look bloated when worn on her body, but makes people feel simple and beautiful. The cuffs were rolled up a little, revealing her slender wrists.

The sun was shining, kissing her jumping fingertips tenderly, drawing out layers of halo.

This is the first time Meng Xi sees Song Zhiyi playing the piano from this perspective.

In order to understand her opponents, she used to find the video of Song Zhiyi’s piano competition; she also saw her piano skills on the spot when the school organized a cultural evening.

However, the previous few times were nothing compared to seeing her practice in private this time.

Meng Xi was clearly aware of one thing at that time—

She likes Song Zhiyi.

The biggest reason for her willingness to reconcile with Song Zhiyi was not out of sympathy.

It was because she had seen it in the eyes of the other party when she first saw it. It was neither bright enough nor hot enough, but it did exist.

She likes people like that.

I want to be like that too.

“…If it wasn’t for you, I would have followed in the footsteps of Han Yuming’s salted fish.” Meng Xi seemed to be joking, but his words were a little serious, “The grace of re-creation is unreturnable. Saying you are mine’ Hero’, isn’t that bad?”


Song Zhiyi was still a little stunned.

When she asked, she didn’t expect to get such an answer.

Meng Xi looked at her rare undefended face with a real expression, and when those eyes looked over, she seemed a little overwhelmed.

“I really admire you.”

Meng Xi laughed, with high spirits after the smooth counterattack, and tenderness from the old days.

“I often think, if it were me, maybe I wouldn’t be as good as you,” she said.

“So Song Zhiyi is really an amazing person.”

The author has something to say: today is relatively short, but tomorrow will be a little more~

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