She Really Hates

Chapter 49

Chapter 49:

The rain gradually became heavier, and the continuous rainwater snaked through the windows.

This ghost weather, cold back to winter.

Meng Xi got out of the car, feeling the chills, and sent a message to Song Zhiyi, reminding her to close the window and be careful of catching a cold. She didn’t receive a reply for a long time, and it was estimated that she fell asleep.

Not surprisingly. Originally, Meng Xi found someone in the middle of the night, and it was already early in the morning when he returned home to the hospital. Song Zhiyi was worried that she hadn’t slept yet.

She called to ask about Han Yuming’s situation, and she didn’t bother him much after he was out of danger. She rested overnight in a nearby hotel, and went to visit the doctor with breakfast the next day.

Han Yuming just had surgery last night, and today he is stubbornly operating his mobile phone with one hand and jumping around in the game.

Meng Xi was speechless and relieved when he saw that he would rather die than break the contract.

It’s not just that he is worried about him as a friend – after all, Han Yuming and Song Zhiyi are both implicated by the Meng family.

The Han family received the news yesterday, but Mrs. Han and Mrs. Meng were out playing together, and Father Han had not returned from a business trip. The matter was settled by an assistant, and it was almost time for someone to come today.

Meng Xi was still thinking about how to explain to them… In the end, before waiting for the Han family, Meng Zhao came first.

In the ward, Han Yuming was doing an examination. There were a bunch of doctors and nurses, and they were pushing some equipment. Meng Xi did not stir up trouble inside, so he avoided it and sat in the long row of seats outside the ward.

She worked all night, only slept for two or three hours in the early morning, and her face was visibly tired.

Meng Zhao came over with a suit jacket on, glanced at her, and dropped a business card.

“I’m in such a bad state. I just met a doctor. I’ll go see if I’m okay.”

Meng Xi looked at the department of psychiatry.

“…You’re sick, Meng Zhao.” She was annoyed, but she didn’t respond on the spot, “What’s the reason for my bad condition? Isn’t it all because of you?”

However, she remembered another incident, and instead of throwing the business card away, she just stuffed it.

Meng Zhao rarely quarreled with her.

After all, it was really her responsibility—she knew that Tao Fei was a dangerous person, so she still plotted against him, and then let Meng Xi take the blame.

“How about Han Yuming?”

“It’s not a big problem.” Meng Xi said, “but you have to cede the land and pay for it?”

“It’s all trivial matters. Don’t worry about it, I’ll handle the Han family and Tao Fei.”

“The Han family is whatever you want.” Since she took over, Meng Xi didn’t bother to join in. “But Tao Fei, I won’t let it go easily.”

Meng Zhao expected this answer and didn’t say much. After she met Han Yuming, she didn’t stay for long, and she came and went like the wind.

Meng Xiduo stayed with the bed for a while.

But Han Yuming is not a child who needs to be cared for. Seeing her uneasy look, she thought about it and asked, “Where’s Song Zhiyi, are you alright?”

Meng Xi said, “It’s a surprise, I’m resting at home.”

“Tsk tsk.” Han Yuming shook his head, still joking with her, “You are too ruthless to leave your girlfriend who just escaped danger at home alone, Meng Xi.”

“You’re poor. You’re so hurt that I don’t even look at it? Are you still a person?”

“Okay, have you read it now? I’m such an awesome person, how can I do anything? Let’s go, let’s go, go online and hack me if you don’t go.”

Of course Meng Xi knew that Han Yuming was concerned about her.

She was also worried about Song Zhiyi.

It is true that Song Zhiyi’s temperament is not weak, and there is no need for people to worry about it all the time. But as a girlfriend, it’s really dereliction of duty to not be by her side at this time. Therefore, as soon as she was chased by Han Yuming, she also left.

But before leaving the hospital, she first received a call from Su Yuan.

“Hello? Meng Xi?”

Su Yuan seemed to be outside.

Meng Xi heard the bustling people talking and the boarding announcement in English, and immediately realized: “Are you at the airport?”

Su Yuan said with a slight smile in her voice: “Yes, today’s flight. I’ll tell you before boarding, it should be there in the afternoon.”

Right, there is such a thing.

Meng Xi recalled that not long ago, Su Yuan said that she would return to China in these two days. She said at that time to pick up the airport – Xiao Zhu reminded her of this itinerary yesterday.

But there have been too many things recently. This incident happened again last night. Meng Xi even left the urgent work. How can he still remember this.

“…Okay, tell me to be safe when you arrive,” Meng Xi said apologetically, “I’ll find someone to pick you up. Sorry, I’ve been a little busy these two days. I’ll take care of you when you settle down.”

Meng Xi felt a little guilty.

Su Yuan is a student sponsored by the Meng family. Meng Xi knew the situation at her home. Her parents were gone, and she had no relatives. Even if she had been there before, Su Yuan had not been in contact with her for so many years after she went abroad, and the relationship had faded away.

The closest person to her is probably Meng Xi’s friend. After returning to his homeland again after so many years, Meng Xi agreed to pick him up and regretted it temporarily. It was really unreasonable.

Can Meng Xi leave Song Zhiyi alone at home overnight? Neither can she.

“So busy? Let’s meet again next time.”

Su Yuan was a little surprised, but understood.

Meng Xi was even more embarrassed.

After ending the call, Meng Xi checked WeChat, and Song Zhiyi had not responded to the message she sent in the early morning.

It’s almost nine o’clock now, Meng Xi thought about it and made a phone call.

Song Zhiyi picked it up quickly.

“…Meng Xi?”

Her voice was a little hoarse from sleep. When it was rare to see her sleeping late, it could be seen that yesterday’s events did have a big impact on her.

Meng Xi couldn’t help but her voice was much gentler: “I’ll be back soon, what do you want for breakfast? I’ll bring it to you.”


Song Zhiyi was silent for a moment, and there was a lot of chatter over there. She was probably sitting up and awake. After a while, she said, “Su Yuan came back today, didn’t you agree to pick up the plane?”

Meng Xi didn’t expect that she would remember this. She was asked when she was caught off guard. She coughed lightly and said, “She must be tired after taking a flight back all day. I’d better go and disturb it in two days. I don’t want people to think I’m annoying.”

How could this excuse fool Song Zhiyi.

“…Is it because of me? You don’t have to worry about me, Meng Xi.” Song Zhiyi said softly, “I’m fine, I didn’t even get hurt. By the way, is Han Yuming okay?”

“He is very good. Now when you open the game, you can see that he is online with his teammates passionately.”

Meng Xi wanted to just bring Su Yuan’s matter over, and deliberately made trouble, “Why do you care so much about him?”

Song Zhiyi paused: “Meng Xi…”

“…OK OK.”

Meng Xi heard the advice in her tone and said helplessly, “I just think I should accompany you. Don’t you want me to go home? Girlfriend, your thinking is very dangerous.”

Song Zhiyi said softly, “I know what you mean…but I don’t want you because I’m estranged from my friends.”

I also know your “heart”.

Meng Xi said in his heart.

But if this can make her feel more at ease… Meng Xi sighed in resignation: “I will pick her up, you have to rest at home and wait for me to go back, okay?”

“it is good.”

Song Zhiyi responded, but finally added hesitantly, “…come back soon.”

Meng Xi smiled: “I will.”

They ended the call.

Song Zhiyi put down the phone, no longer suppressed the itch in her throat, and started coughing.

She only saw the news of Meng Xi yesterday, but unfortunately it was too late. The cold wind had been blowing all night, and now she was just getting out of bed, and she was dizzy and top-heavy.

Sticking to her hot cheeks, Song Zhiyi walked to the living room to rummage through the medicine cabinet.

… take the medicine and rest for a while, it should be fine.

On the other hand, Meng Xi finished his business on the way to the airport, and took a nap in the car with the rest of the time before he recovered from the lack of energy caused by staying up late.

Su Yuan pushed her wheelchair out of the airport passage and was a little surprised to see her: “Didn’t you say you’re busy?”

“I still want to pick you up if I can spare some time. It’s been a long time.”

Really long time. Although the video can be seen, it is not the same as face-to-face. The last time Meng Xi went to visit her abroad was in the first half of last year.

Su Yuan has not fully gone through the rehabilitation period, and now still needs a wheelchair, her pale yellow dress hangs over her ankles, and she wears a thin beige coat over her legs.

Just looking at her appearance, she is actually very close to Song Zhiyi in temperament – this is Meng Xi’s problem. She has been playing with boys since she was a child. She is not as slender as most girls, but she likes to make friends with gentle and pure girls.

However, Su Yuan and Song Zhiyi are slightly similar in temperament, and they can be said to be two completely different people.

Su Yuan got into the car.

Meng Xi asked Xiao Zhu to fold her wheelchair and stuff it into the trunk. She got in the car and asked her, “Still living in the same place as before?”

Su Yuan smiled: “Do you remember where?”

“Of course I remember, it’s just across the street from the school. But it hasn’t lived in for many years, right? Did you hire a housekeeper?”

“The house is aging quickly when it is vacant. I have been renting it out. I also asked someone to clean it before I came back, so there should be no problem.”

“That’s fine.”

Su Yuan smiled and said, “Speaking of school, do you still remember the street in front of the school? We used to go there often, and we don’t know how it is now.”

This “before” was before Su Yuan’s leg was injured. Meng Xi said: “If you want to know, just go and see, it’s not far.”


“What’s the inconvenience?” Meng Xi asked the driver to turn around, “It’s been a long time since I haven’t seen you, so I’m being polite.”

Su Yuan smiled: “It was me who was wrong.”

Their car stopped near that street, and Su Yuan got out of the car directly without letting her take a wheelchair.

She can walk for a short time now, but it’s just a little laborious. To hold Meng Xi’s hand, Meng Xi subconsciously avoided it.

The two were startled at the same time.

…The atmosphere is a little awkward.

Meng Xi came back to his senses and explained with a headache: “Sorry, I overreacted… You know I have a girlfriend now.”

After she dated Song Zhiyi, in order to avoid some misunderstandings, it became a habit to keep a distance from the same sex.

Su Yuan reacted: “…It’s okay, I understand.”

Fortunately, the destination is not far.

Su Yuan didn’t stretch out her hand anymore. When she walked to the street, she looked around the familiar street scene, “There’s nothing changed here…”


Meng Xi actually didn’t remember what it looked like in the Qing Dynasty.

At this time, the school had been open for a while, but it was not over yet, and there were very few people on the street.

Meng Xi walked with Su Yuan and watched. There was nothing special on the street, most of them were snack bars and stationery grocery stores. Some shops have stalls in front of them, with bright trinkets and colorful braids hanging on them.

This thing was popular when Meng Xi was in school, but I didn’t expect it to be very popular now.

Su Yuan walked beside her.

Although both of them had lost their youthful and childish appearances, but walking side by side, familiar people, and deja vu scenes, Meng Xi really found a little nostalgic feeling.

At that time, Su Yuan was fine. They would often hang out with the two of them, and sometimes Han Yuming would also squeeze in. Also, after reconciling with Song Zhiyi…

“The store is still open.”

Su Yuan suddenly interrupted Meng Xi’s recollection, and her tone was a little nostalgic, “We used to come here often, Meng Xi, do you remember?”

Meng Xi came back to his senses: “Oh, this house…”

They stopped at the door of a sweets shop.

The signboard is “An Xin Tangshui Shop”, but the decoration of the store is more Western-style. The store mainly focuses on Chinese pastries, but the best sellers are all kinds of milk tea…

Of course Meng Xi remembered it here.

She used to come here often to do homework, and more often, play games outside the homeworkers to sharpen their spirits.

At that time, this store was the most popular on the street, especially popular with young couples who were in early love – not only because of its high quality and low price, fresh decoration, but most importantly, there was a particularly large wish wall.

In the years when the Internet was not so developed, and there were various space walls everywhere, most of the people who came here would write a sticky note and stick it on the wish wall in the store, and the light pink foam board was covered with stars of boys and girls A little mind.

Meng Xi is not interested in this.

She mainly came to accompany others, anyway, there was a handheld computer, and it was the same wherever she stayed.

This “other” includes Song Zhiyi.

Meng Xi unexpectedly remembered the summer more than six years ago, she was sitting on the side of the two-seater with a straw of milk tea and was engrossed in passing through the barrier; while Song Zhiyi was slowly doing her homework opposite her.

The nib of the pen made a rustling sound on the paper, like a soothing wind blowing the fresh green of the branches.

It wasn’t until Meng Xi’s game character accidentally died that he inadvertently raised his eyes and saw that Song Zhiyi was writing on a post-it note.

What was written?

At that time, no matter how coercive and tempting Meng Xi was, Song Zhiyi refused to show her.

The black-haired girl in a white dress hid the note in her palm and covered her smiling face with a book, revealing only her curved eyes, whose amber-like eyes reflected the bright sunshine of early summer.

“It’s a secret,” she said.

In the end, Meng Xi couldn’t find out what the secret was.

It’s deadly.

After several years, Meng Xi suddenly remembered this matter and became more curious. I don’t know if she still remembers to ask Song Zhiyi now.

It happened that Su Yuan was also tired, so the two pushed the door and went in. There is no one in the store now, and the wrinkled boss greets him: “Little girl, what do you want?”

Meng Xi casually ordered a cup of milk tea.

Su Yuan smiled and said, “I’m just like her… Boss, you’ve been running this store for more than ten years, haven’t you?”

“No, the fifteenth anniversary is still a few months away.” The boss cheerfully said, “I think you two are very familiar. You were also students here before, right?”

“Yeah. I haven’t come back for a few years, but you still have an impression.”

They chatted, the boss saw that Meng Xi was always looking at the wishing wall, and smiled: “Little girl, if you look for what you wrote before, you won’t be able to find it. I don’t know how many times I have changed it.”

“What about the old one?” Meng Xi expected, but was not disappointed. He reasonably guessed, “All thrown away?”

“How can it be?” said the boss, “I rented a warehouse and kept it there. I can have several boxes every year. There are also people who come back to see it like this. They want to find the things written in the past. If they can find them, I will let them. They took it back as a souvenir.”

Su Yuan was surprised when she heard the words: “Six or seven years ago?”

The boss said: “It’s all ten years ago.”

Su Yuan looked at Meng Xi: “Would you like to look for it? But you don’t seem to write much.”

Meng Xi said, “You have to post it eight times out of ten.”

It’s all trivial matters, such as wishing for the dishes in the cafeteria tomorrow, and hoping that the stationery store can produce good-looking erasers… Meng Xi admires her for having so many wishes.

Meng Xi was not interested in doing this at first, but it happened so coincidentally that she reminded her of the past before entering the door, and was scratching her head to know what Song Zhiyi wrote.

So they got the milk tea and followed the boss to the warehouse.

Indeed, as the boss said, he collected all the notes from the past, and divided them into boxes by year and month, which made it easier to find them.

But after all, it is something from six or seven years ago, and there are still a lot of sticky notes. If you really want to find one, it can be said to be looking for a needle in a haystack.

Fortunately, both of them were patient and turned over one by one.

Su Yuan quickly found what she had written, and slowly read it out: “I wish the sweet and sour pork ribs tomorrow will not be so sour…” She couldn’t help laughing, and then put it back.

Meng Xi wondered: “Don’t you take it away?”

Su Yuan said, “This is not what I’m looking for.”

She turned out several pictures one after another, but none of them were what she wanted.

It was Meng Xi who found it first.

It was a thin heart-shaped sticky note. Time flies, and whether it is the faint pink attached to the paper or the traces left by the black ink pen, all of them have faded a little.

Song Zhiyi’s words are like a person, and his appearance is elegant and graceful, but he reveals a bit of rebelliousness in his bones, hidden in a sharp edge.

But the two words written on it are different. It seems that the mind is too gentle when writing, and even the folded corners become soft and lingering.

What was written?

In fact, Song Zhiyi didn’t write anything, and it seemed that he wrote everything – those two words are very simple, “Meng Xi”.

is her name.

Meng Xi held this frivolous post-it note that carried the secret thoughts of time. She wanted to laugh a little, and she was a little unspeakable.

She thought – did Song Zhiyi like her at such an early age?

The author has something to say: there will be one more later~

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