She Really Hates

Chapter 52

Chapter 52:

Although Song Zhiyi took the medicine and hung up the drip, the fever subsided the next day, but the cold continued intermittently for a period of time.

Meng Xi was still a little scared after the kidnapping. In addition, Song Zhiyi’s vacation was not long, and she would be separated soon. She even had less time to go to the company, and she would never go out to do things that could be done at home. Even if he went to the company, he had to entangle Song Zhiyi.

Such sticky days lasted until Song Zhiyi started to get busy.

Meng Xi usually works and can go home every day, but Song Zhiyi can’t fly back and forth every day. After spending time with her lover day and night, Meng Xi suddenly returned to a life of her own, which was very unaccustomed. The specific manifestation was that she had to make several video calls a day.

“I miss you so much.” Meng Xi put her arms around Xue Bi and let the furry dog face appear, “Is it Xue Bi?”

“Wang Woo!”

“Look, Xue Bi also said that she misses you.”

Song Zhiyi smiled over there: “I’ll be back in two days, and I should be staying in China for a while.”

“You haven’t said whether you want me or not?”

“…Think.” Song Zhiyi pursed her lips, her cheeks stained a little red, she said helplessly, “I want to go back to see you every moment.”

Meng Xi almost booked a plane ticket on the spot. In the end it was the only remaining rationality that stopped her.

Although Song Zhiyi was away, one after another, people moved all the commonly used things at home to Meng Xi.

Japan is long, and Japan is long.

Meng Xi convinced himself.

Song Zhiyi was not around, and Meng Xi was not as busy as some time ago, so she returned to Meng’s house this weekend.

Mrs. Meng hasn’t come back yet, and the remaining three characters are not peaceful, and they usually get along with each other without quarreling.

It’s just that without Mrs. Meng, Father Meng’s energy was directly reduced by half, and he didn’t even have the mood to quarrel, so there was no trouble.

“Your mother has been out to play for almost two months, hasn’t she?”

After dinner, Father Meng mentioned this to Meng Xi awkwardly, “I don’t want to play at home anymore… You can look back and ask her when she will be back.”

“…Why don’t you ask yourself.”

Father Meng wanted to show off, “I’m not in a hurry.”

Meng Xi hehe: “Then I’m not in a hurry. Mom will let her play for a while if she’s happy, and she’ll come back when she’s bored.”

Before it was replaced, Meng Xi was too lazy to pay attention to him. Now she can understand the feeling of being separated from her lover, but because of habit, she doesn’t want to follow Father Meng’s words.

Father Meng was choked and turned his head: “Meng Zhao…”

Meng Zhao had already finished eating, and was using his mobile phone to handle emails, and said without looking up, “It should be soon.”

“Cough… what did your mother tell you?”

“Well, it’s almost time.”


Meng Xi silently listened to Meng Zhao’s apparently perfunctory reply, ignoring them, and sent a message to ask Song Zhiyi’s dinner.

After chatting for a while and raising his head, Father Meng could no longer sit still, so he went upstairs to contact Mrs. Meng who had not returned home for a long time.

Meng Zhao, on the other hand, put his hands on the table and looked at her thoughtfully from the opposite side.


“I’m fine.” Meng Zhao said lightly, “but you didn’t hear Dad calling you several times just now. He asked me if you were in a relationship.”

Speaking of this, Meng Xi suddenly raised his heart alertly: “How did you respond?”

Meng Zhao: “How do I know.”

Meng Xi was a little relieved.

Although she has thought about the way to deal with the early exposure of the relationship – after all, she really doesn’t hide it very much, and it is not surprising to be discovered – but if there is a choice, she still wants to do it step by step, which is good for everyone.

Meng Zhao looked at her reaction: “It seems that you are not going to tell your parents?”

“I want to be more formal.” Meng Xi warned her, “Don’t make trouble for me. Last time you talked to her, I haven’t settled with you.”

Meng Zhao raised his eyebrows slightly: “Oh, did she tell you?”

“Does anyone need to say this?” Meng Xi asked back, “You really think I’m stupid, you can’t see anything in that atmosphere?”

Meng Xi didn’t have a seizure at the time. First of all, he felt that his involvement in it would only intensify the conflict, which was not good for Song Zhiyi. Later, he was blinded by that series of things, so he didn’t care to talk to Meng Zhao.

But she is still a little dissatisfied when she thinks about it now.

Meng Xi said, “You accept your strange desire for control and mind your own business.”

“Meng Xi, I’m your sister, we are a family.” Meng Zhao didn’t take her bad tone to heart, “If you want to be with Song Zhiyi, she will enter this family in the future, I can’t care?”

Meng Xi was stunned and sat up a little.

This sounds like a slapstick. But Meng Xi understood Meng Zhao, heard the seriousness in her words, and subconsciously corrected her attitude.

She thought about it and said, “…To be honest, I don’t really like that you control so much, but it’s not entirely correct to say that you can’t control it.”

Meng Xi is an independent adult. Even if they are relatives, there is no reason for them to be arranged if their personal affairs are involved.

But Meng Zhao started from the perspective of being good for her after all.

Although Meng Xi was reluctant, she had to admit that Meng Zhao was just showing a disapproving attitude. Compared with her usual way of doing things, she was already very lenient, and she was very worried about Meng Xi’s mood… Otherwise, her methods would be much colder. .

If it was an ordinary sister bickering, Meng Xi would not hesitate to push back Meng Zhao’s words; but when talking seriously, Meng Xi still didn’t want to say it so harshly and hurt.

“I know you’re thinking of me.”

Meng Xi said, “Of course you can control me, you can lecture me—whether I listen or not is another matter, but you shouldn’t trouble her. It’s not that she did anything wrong.”

Meng Zhao smiled but not smiled: “I can’t control you, Mr. Meng.”

“You can’t control me, so go and threaten her? Why don’t you just bully others and get no support?” Meng Xi said, “Don’t come, it’s useless for you to object anyway, don’t waste your time.”

Meng Zhao said, “I have no objection.”

Meng Xi watched her.

Meng Zhao smiled casually, and stood up with his phone: “You can persuade your parents.”

…is this a deal?

Meng Xi also raised her eyebrows and smiled: “Thank you, sister. But about Tao Fei, remember to apologize to my girlfriend.”


Meng Zhao stabbed her, “Let’s talk about it when you can bring her home for dinner in an open and honest way.”

“whispering sound.”

Meng Xi didn’t care about her.

After she solved Meng Zhao, she was relieved of a big stone in her heart – optimistically, she was now at least one-third of the progress in fighting for her family’s understanding.

Meng Xi intentionally made things smoother, and the next day he reflected on his attitude towards Father Meng, and diligently acted as a driver for Father Meng and sent him to the company.

…Although Father Meng saw her early in the morning, he was shocked and suspicious, almost thinking that her company’s capital chain was broken and was about to go bankrupt and liquidate.

So the two still had a small fight in the parking lot, and Chairman Meng got out of the car angrily.

Meng Xi simply drove his car away.

On the way back, Meng Xi saw the sign of the psychological clinic on the street and thought of the business card Meng Zhao gave her that day… It happened to be still in her bag.

There was nothing left or right, she saw that the address on the business card was not far away, and turned a corner.

Meng Xi had some doubts about the dream she had after she was in distress last year.

When she first had that dream, she remembered the plot very clearly, it could be said that it was as if she had experienced it herself; but as time went on, the memory gradually blurred… Recently, she has not been thinking about it very much. pile of things.

Meng Xi asked the doctor at first, and the doctor meant that she had been hit on the head, and it was not surprising that some problems occurred. There was nothing wrong with the physical examination.

Later, after two things confirmed, Meng Xi regarded the dream as a reality – now he is not sure.

In the end, apart from those two things, nothing that happened in the dream matched reality, which seemed too absurd.

The most outrageous is the love triangle – now Song Zhiyi is her girlfriend.

Meng Xi wanted to see the doctor again.

… Of course, the doctor said much the same as before. She expected it.

Meng Xi came out of the clinic, thought for a while, and went to the construction site where the accident happened.

Some things are obvious from the scene – the construction site is too far from the roadside, unless someone deliberately drills in, or a tenth-level typhoon lifts the foundation and blows it away, otherwise even if there is an accident, the vehicles passing on the road will also be lost. Nothing will be affected.

That is to say, even if Meng Xi didn’t take a detour that day, Mrs. Meng would be fine when she passed by in a car.

Meng Xi sighed.

She didn’t know how she was so obsessed with thinking that it would all be true.


She thought, is it because it has something to do with Song Zhiyi? Did she deceive herself like that because she wanted to approach her, talk to her, and know about her?

Lie to myself that is not caring, but there is a need to pay attention to her.

“…Meng Xi?”

Meng Xi was standing on the side of the road thinking about life. Suddenly, someone called her name. When she turned her head, she saw Tong Dong’s surprised face.

“It is you.”

For the sake of the timely information she provided that day, Meng Xi responded calmly, “Is something wrong?”

Tong Dong smiled: “My house is nearby, I just said hello when I saw you… Are you?”

“Just turn around.”


They had nothing to talk about, and after a few words, Meng Xi nodded and left.

Tong Dong hurriedly stopped her again, “Wait Meng Xi, me, that…”

“What? Just say something.”


Tong Dong smiled bitterly, “I want to ask… Xiaotong, how is she doing recently?”

Meng Xi looked at her unexpectedly: “You don’t even know, how could I know… Oh, you broke up with her?”


Tong Dong was embarrassed.

It looks like it is. Meng Xi felt that Lin Xiaotong really made a wise move.

Tong Dong noticed the disapproval in her expression, bit her lip, and suddenly said, “…You think I’m cheap too, don’t you?”

Before Meng Xi could speak, she showed bitterness and continued:

“I actually just want her to realize her dream. I envy Song Zhiyi, and you… Can you understand? I used to want to go to an art university, but my family conditions didn’t allow it. I’m not a very talented person. I still gave up, but Xiaotong is different from me. She is very talented and deserves a better future… However, people like you who have no worries about food and clothing are probably incomprehensible. For a chance, I…”

“I’m not interested in this.”

Meng Xi couldn’t listen anymore, and frowned to interrupt her.

Meng Xi knows that her achievements are largely due to investing in a good child – otherwise, she would not know when she would earn the money just invested in the “Survivor” project.

Tong Dong wants to say that she doesn’t know the sufferings of the world, then she admits it.

But when Song Zhiyi was involved, she couldn’t pretend she didn’t hear it.

“There are so many ways you want to help her, and choosing such a bad one is at best your self-satisfaction.”

Meng Xi had no time, and didn’t feel the need to explain to others that Song Zhiyi was not as smooth as she guessed.

She just said: “Also, if you think other people’s success is due to family background or luck… Then I can tell you clearly that if you reverse your situation, she will never give up what she loves so easily, she will try her best to the last second.”

Meng Xi affirmed:

“Because she is such a wonderful person.”

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