She was born into a wealthy family

Chapter 9

Chapter 9: Chapter 6 was a little embarrassing


“Wait, I didn’t finish my sentence. Mother asked me to talk to you about your school selection. ” Mu Ziyu grabbed his brother’s wrist. His brother was always impatient, and now it was a problem to attend any high school.

“brother, let me go. I’m going to deal with the school selection today. Brother, I’ll tell you when I come back. Shui Shui is waiting for me. ” Mu Zilin looked at the time. It was almost past, and Shui Shui would definitely scold him to death. Moreover, he didn’t want to be alone with his brother, so he didn’t want to be scolded by his brother.

Shui Shui? “It’s that child from the Qian family, right? Her problem is more serious than yours. It’s useless for you to look for her now. Now that you’re about to take the high school entrance exam, don’t think about going out to play. ”

“brother, I’m really not going out to play. I’m going to study with Shui Shui. We’ve already made an appointment. I’ve already bought the supplementary books. Let’s not talk about it anymore. I really have to go. ” He rushed over quickly and felt that he had left. He stopped a taxi to look for Shui Shui.

Mu Ziyu frowned slightly. He looked at his younger brother’s running back and fell into deep thought.

Mu Zilin arrived at the coffee shop half an hour later. When he entered, he saw Shui Shui in the corner. He jogged over and sat down. Panting, he picked up Shui Shui’s coffee and took a big Gulp “Wow, it’s so bitter. You don’t add sugar or milk? ”

“No sugar, but I added milk. That’s how I feel refreshed. What do you want to eat? Go and order something. You have to eat something in the morning to have the energy to study. ” Shui Shui looked at him. He was really reckless.

Shui Shui saw that her cup was already empty, so she called for another cup. This time, as long as it was hot chocolate, it was better to drink less coffee.

They both ordered a few desserts and fruits before starting to study. Shui Shui took out the chemistry first. “This chemistry isn’t difficult. First, memorize the chemistry formula. Memorize it and I’ll teach you. ”

“Are you sure you’re the one teaching me, not me? ” It wasn’t that he didn’t believe Shui Shui, but their grades were even higher than Shui Shui’s. Shui Shui said for the first time that she wanted to teach him. It scared him to death.

Shui Shui couldn’t be bothered to explain. “You just need to trust me. ”

Shui Shui began to read politics. She had read science just now, and it was actually not a big problem. English was also very easy for her. After all, she often went abroad to exchange physics, so she couldn’t communicate even if she didn’t understand the language, not to mention.. When writing academic papers, most of the time, it had to be written in English, so she also skipped this. The only thing left was history and language, which she automatically blocked. Her understanding was okay, but she couldn’t improve on her composition.

On the side of history, she began to flip through the contents of the first volume of grade one and began to understand it. It was good to be young, and her memory was much better than that of older people.

Shui Shui read the contents of the first volume for an hour. She repeatedly read the contents of the first volume, and finally, she had a deeper impression of it before she prepared the next one. At this moment, she looked up at Mu Zilin and saw that this guy was playing with his phone!

Shui Shui stretched out her hand and slapped it hard. “What are you doing? Did you memorize it? ”

“I definitely memorized it. It’s so simple, ” Mu Zilin said proudly. In fact, he had been forced to memorize it before. Although he had not gone to review for a long time and had almost forgotten it, now that he saw it, he could memorize it very quickly.

“Now, let me start with the basics. “first, the most basic ones: Potassium, sodium, hydrogen, and silver, calcium, magnesium, copper, Barium, zinc, iron, aluminum, chlorine-1, oxygen, and sulfur-2. Anyway, it’s just a MNEMONIC. You should memorize it by heart. “Anyway, I don’t expect you to use it flexibly. Next, let’s start memorizing some theories, ” Shui Shui began to explain Her explanation was even more thorough than the teacher’s. Once a chemical equation appeared, she would ask him to understand it in the simplest way. Then, she would ask him to do a few questions to deepen his understanding.

Initially, Mu Zilin thought that Shui Shui was at the same level as him. But now, it seemed that it was completely different. She understood everything, and when she explained it, it also made me understand it. He was a little surprised, but now it turned into admiration. “Shui Shui, I can’t tell. You’re quite amazing! ”

“It’s alright. Have you memorized it? Then let’s sit on this volume of exercises. Anyway, one volume a day, six volumes six days, and do exercises every day to consolidate it. ” Shui Shui would always simplify her explanation If Mu Zilin, who had zero foundation, could understand it, then his progress would be much faster. But when he encountered difficult questions, he would always need to think for a long time. Some could be written, but some could not be written.

Shui Shui did not say anything because it was just the beginning. Now, as long as he understood the basics, when he was doing the test paper, he would be able to memorize all the mistakes he made. That would be great. He could only use this method for a short period of time. What else could he do? It would depend on his luck.

Shui Shui taught him seriously, while Mu Zilin also studied seriously. When he returned home at night, Shui Shui reminded him, “remember to read through what you learned today. Before you go to sleep at night, memorize 35 words before you go to sleep! ”

“I know. You should go back and rest early. The school has already signed up. I really don’t dare to tell my brother that I chose these three schools. ” One High School, three high schools, and the last one was 11th high school. This was a little too confident. They were previously poor students with Zero Foundation That’s not right. There were a lot of discoveries today. Shui Shui didn’t seem like she didn’t know anything. Then why did she always do poorly in the exams? Was it intentional It had to be!

He started to daydream, and Shui Shui was also able to fight back. These few days, she would have to work harder to help Mu Zilin improve his foundation quickly. After that, she would be able to start doing the exams.

When Shui Shui returned home, she saw her younger brother. He was studying for the second year of Middle School. When he saw Shui Shui, he shook his head and snorted, “HMPH. ”

Shui Shui shrugged her shoulders and didn’t mind. Anyway, if you don’t provoke me, I won’t bother you.

Qian Anzhi stopped in his tracks. Why didn’t she react at all If it was in the past, she would have scolded him for being impolite or something. He turned his head in confusion and saw Qian Qian carrying her things upstairs to her room without even looking at him. “What’s going on? Did she take her medicine today? She’s so quiet. ”

Shui Shui returned to her room and took an early shower before starting to read her history book.

When Mu Zilin returned home, he also went to take a shower. After taking a shower, someone knocked on their door. Mu Zilin draped a towel over his shoulder and quickly opened the door. “Ah? Brother. ”

“You said that you went to register for the school selection today. Which ones did you register for? ” Mu Ziyu walked straight to Mu Zilin’s room and saw a grade one chemistry book, a notebook, and a few small volumes on Mu Zilin’s desk. He was a little surprised Little brother, could it be that you really went to study?

“Yes, Shui Shui and I chose the same school. But I said, don’t laugh at me. ” Suddenly, Mu Zilin felt a little embarrassed.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang Academy, please don’t reprint it!

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