She Who Became Immortal

039 – Saint of Healing III

Ultimately, Mizetta had no idea who the captive was, or why he ended up being involved in the experiment of the "Gillette Twins".

After his severed wrist was magically healed, she was sent back to her room as if she were now useless. However, before parting ways, the twin sister Laura Gillette said something that caught Mizetta's attention.

"Really, there's nothing more boring than things going as expected. It would have been much more interesting if we had played with Euphemia Grimwood instead."

It was truly a bored remark, and to add to that, Mizetta had been somewhat tuning out the conversation about the twins at this point, so she almost let those words slip by.

However, this was something she couldn't ignore.

"What do you mean by that?"

She called out to the twins' backs as they walked away.

"What do I mean? What do you think I mean?"

"Could it be that you're interested?"

"In Euphemia Grimwood?"

"In the 'Talentless Euphemia'?"

Although she intended to address the twin sister, both the brother and sister turned around together, their lips curling simultaneously.

"The fiance-stealing Miss Mizetta is interested in the fiance-stolen Euphemia Grimwood? This is just too much."

"She's absolutely incorrigible."

"Completely outrageous."

"What a villain."

"She makes you question common sense."

The twins sneered, looking terribly pleased - and malicious.

With no thread of conversation in sight, Mizetta couldn't continue speaking. There was no point in asking anything; she knew there would be no decent response.

Without saying goodbye, Mizetta could only watch the twins' backs as they walked away, feeling a mix of complex emotions.

A few days later, Leopold Illyrius suddenly arrived and moved Mizetta to his castle.

His unsettling gaze filled Mizetta with involuntary physiological disgust, but his character remained too unclear for her to judge. She was left hanging in the air as she was carried by carriage, arriving at his castle and being led through its halls.

They reached the bedroom on the third floor of the castle.

"I've received reports from the Gillette siblings. Your healing magical skill seem reliable, at least for external injuries. I've heard you can even cure illnesses. Show me."

Leopold Lord prompted Mizetta to the bedroom with a dispassionate tone.

Recalling the "aristocratic etiquette" she had been taught in the Muller family, Mizetta realized that Leopold Lord was ignoring it altogether. She had no choice but to follow his lead towards the bed in the back of the bedroom.

Lying on the bed was an extremely emaciated woman.

Perhaps "dying" would be a more accurate term.

Even the most oblivious person could sense that she was afflicted with illness - it was evident in her emaciated and worn appearance.

"My wife."

Lord Illyrius said in a voice devoid of any emotion.

It was probably the same tone he would use to explain to a stranger that the object on the table was a fork.

A major reason for this was the serious decline in the Countess Leopold's physical condition. Healing and treatment require physical strength. Using treatment magic on someone who is extremely debilitated forcibly consumes their energy, which can be dangerous.

For this reason, weak restorative magic was initially used to alleviate symptoms, while meals and sleep were provided to restore strength, preparing for the next round of healing magic.

This process was repeated, gradually increasing the strength of the healing magic until enough energy was built up for the treatment. At one point, the Countess developed a fever and took to her bed, but there was no blame directed towards Mizetta.

"I'm truly grateful that you came."

The Countess said this, taking Mizetta's hand and showing a smile reminiscent of a teenage girl.

"That man, his appearance and attitude, you know? He probably treats you with an attitude that makes you dislike him. No, he behaves in a way to make you dislike him. That's why only I can love him, probably."

Listening to this affectionate talk, Mizetta's cheeks flushed, but when she remembered Illyrius's unsettling gaze, she still felt uncomfortable.

Could it be that this person... is being deceived?

She felt it was rude to even consider such a thing, but regardless, it was a matter unrelated to Mizetta, and even if it were related, it would be a hopeless matter.

Anyway, the job was done. She fulfilled the role assigned to her.

"Hey, Miss Mizetta. I can't say don't hate or don't doubt that man. Because he truly is a terrible person. But compared to other nobles, there may come a time when he seems a little better. I hope that day never comes, but since you're here, I think that day will come."

So she said.

However, the following words didn't come out.

"...It's strange. I want to say something, but words that would be of any use to you don't come out. I'm sorry. Anyway, I'm grateful, Miss Mizetta."

In the smile the Countess showed, Mizetta felt her heart lighten.

Even if it was just her imagination, she thought it didn't matter.

After that, for a while, she traveled around the Louisse Kingdom, healing the sick wherever she went.

The Count of Leopold quietly spread the story of "the healing saint who cured the Countess's illness" in noble society, and that alone brought numerous requests to Mizetta. Leopold decided who she would treat, and Mizetta obediently rode in carriages, accompanied by maids, protected by knights, and healed some unknown nobles under the guidance of attendants.

Sometimes she received smiles, sometimes not.

There were some nobles who treated Mizetta as if she were their own vassal, but when the guide refused treatment for such individuals, they quickly withdrew from their noble families.

According to them - it was unacceptable to come to defame their name.

Illyrius didn't accompany her when she visited other noble families because it was said to increase Mizetta's value. If Illyrius accompanied her, Mizetta's treatment would become his achievement. It didn't make sense, but that's just how it was.

Despite opening her eyes to the bottomless pit of malice within humanity, she still didn't understand the values of the nobility.

What Mizetta did understand was how to heal injuries and illnesses.

That alone, probably more than anyone else.

As she continued this life for a while, she became somewhat familiar with the maids and started talking to the knights. Only the guide, who said he was Leopold's nephew, kept his distance from Mizetta, but even so, spending time together revealed some things, whether he liked it or not.

It was natural, of course, but initially, no one surrounding Mizetta believed in the "Saint of Healing". Nor did they respect her.

That gradually changed because of the repeated treatments. Everyone had to admit that the "Saint of Healing" was genuine and truly useful.

She proved her worth.

Of course, it was likely that incurable diseases and severe injuries were excluded from the "healing targets," but as a simple fact, Mizetta healed all the wounds and illnesses that other nobles' "healers" couldn't handle.

"You must have been born for this purpose."

After the treatment was finished, a heavily made-up old woman smiled and said this, but Mizetta was sure that wasn't the case at all.

Born to heal wealthy people who live their lives in luxury, like you?

It wasn't a joke.

That was one thing that definitely wasn't a joke.

After some time, I was once again summoned by Lord Leopold to go to the Escard territory.

There's a war going on with the demon race.

It seems that Lord Leopold's intention was to showcase the "Saint of Healing" in action on that battlefield, but - I didn't care.

I would heal whoever needed it.

With almost a careless feeling, I thought as much.

Until I saw the headless bodies of the Gillette siblings.


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