She Who Became Immortal

054 – She, Who Has Immense Confidence

Within no time at all, Nova, the leopardess beastman, arrived with trays of tea for everyone, quenching our thirst. After a while, Lex Asuka and her merry entourage returned, and Nova was once again forced into serving tea.

"I still cannot trust completely you. However, I understand that Lex needs you. I want to observe a little longer," said Bruno, the leader-like figure among the four.

Though I was somewhat curious about the conversations between Lex and the others, delving into that wouldn't be productive. Besides, it would likely just be a reiteration of what Brandon had already discussed.

No matter how much we converse, trust cannot be reached. In essence, I don't necessarily seek 'trust' or 'confidence'.

From Euphemia Grimwood's standpoint, being asked to cooperate with Lex, I only want to see the Lion King Randall and his son, the 'Next king'. Cooperation remains pending. I didn't find Brandon objectionable - rather, he intrigued me - but I haven't seen Randall yet.

Both Lex and Brandon unanimously say, "That won't work."

If that's the case, then it probably won't. However, I'm not so reckless as to assist in killing another country's king with just a casual "probably won't work" attitude. I'm not gentle enough to show mercy in retaliation, but I'm not so reckless as to not exercise caution in the use of force.

"I see. Then, it's good you're watching. We also had a little chat. Lex, my request remains the same," I said.

"About talking with Brandon, right?"

Ignoring the latter part of her statement, Lex turned her gaze towards Brandon without changing her expression. The Lion King's son nodded with a wry smile.

"I still don't understand this girl. But I'm interested. She's an intriguing woman. And she said, 'Watch.' If you want to know, it's not about words but actions. I think I'll introduce you to my father," he said.

"...Is that so? Understood," I replied.

For a brief moment, there was hesitation or confusion. I couldn't tell, but regardless, it lasted only a split second.

"Girl, what will you do when you meet the king?" Bruno directed his avian gaze towards me.

"You may not know, but if you're not enthusiastic... no, the opposite. If you're enthusiastic, you might end up being killed," Lil, the female wolf beastman, added. Although her tone wasn't particularly concerned, perhaps she felt inclined to offer some advice.

"Even I get nervous meeting the Lion King. Depending on his mood, he might attack. That's the kind of person he is. Girl, you're in danger," Nellest, the elephant beastman, also offered grateful advice. His tone carried a bit more worry than Lil's.

"I agree. If you've met Randall in the past, you should know. Wasn't it with the fox spirit Serena? What do you think?" Luche, the rabbit beastman, voiced a slightly different opinion. Seeing this, I felt that each member of Lex's merry entourage had their own distinct personalities. I felt like having more conversations with them if the opportunity arose. But for now, let's leave it.

Looking at Serena, who was asked, she gave a small scoff, uncrossed her arms dramatically, shrugged her shoulders ostentatiously, and said, "You guys don't know. But I do. That girl is Euphemia Grimwood. She's not someone Randall can easily handle. She's that kind of girl."

I wished she didn't arbitrarily raise the bar. I'm blushing.

It was decided that it would be best to visit the Lion King just before dinner, so we almost immediately headed towards his presence.

As our guide, Lex Asuka led the way, accompanied by Luche, the female rabbit beastman, as part of her guard. Serena, the fox spirit, was with me due to personal reasons, and I, Euphemia Grimwood, followed. Brandon Kruger, along with the other guards, and my companions, Pookie the kobold and Tenard the dog beastman, decided not to join the audience.

This decision was primarily because Lex and her companions agreed that overwhelming the king with a large group might incur his displeasure. Also, it seemed inappropriate for Brandon, who was plotting regicide, to appear alongside "ally" Euphemia.

Externally, Lex's current trip was supposed to be for "confirming the damage caused by the 'Anti-Lion Alliance'." Of course, astute as Lex is, confirming damage was just a formality.

As for the external reason for bringing me along, it was because there was a human who was influential among the beastmen in the beastmen's territory, so they decided to introduce me to the king.

In terms of the story, it doesn't sound strange... probably.

Brandon mentioned, "Listen, just like the old man, there's usually my older brother accompanying him. He's the captain of the guards, Garland Kruger. You'll understand once you see him, but be careful. He's just as ruthless, reckless, and blunt as the old man."

If one were to ask if I could defeat that older brother, Brandon would reply, "If you stumble over the older brother while trying to kill the old man, it's pointless." He didn't seem to be bluffing, and probably wasn't the type to boast, so he likely meant it literally.

Anyway, following Lex's lead, we left the dormitory, crossed the grounds, and entered the palace where the king resided.

The Beast King's castle was different from that of humans, as I mentioned before. Essentially, it's a large area with various buildings, referred to as the "palace."

And within the "palace" was another "palace"... should I call it a palace? Well, the name doesn't matter.

In terms of size, it's probably about the size of a slightly cramped gymnasium. You couldn't fit two basketball courts. In appearance, it's similar to a Buddhist temple with colors of famous architecture landscape in Russia. It's adorned with rather intricate wooden joinery, and the exterior walls are plastered with something... probably something similar to plaster. It's quite different from the simple wooden constructions typical of the beastmen's lifestyle.

The doors opened outward like temple doors, and like oak houses, the doors themselves were large, adorned with somewhat incomprehensible decorations.

On either side of these magnificent doors stood two guards, resembling cats, with a katana hanging from their waists, just like Nova.

"I will introduce them to the king," Lex murmured in a steady tone, walking steadily towards the guards, without changing her tone or expression.

The guards, apparently accustomed to Lex Asuka's demeanor - well, considering this lioness looks young but has served as the king's brain for over ten years - exchanged glances and smoothly opened the doors.

Creak, creak, went the doors.

From within, a strong smell wafted out. The scent of incense, something sweet and cloying, mixed with a faint animal odor. It smelled like beasts.

Inside the palace, it was indeed reminiscent of a temple. Like the exterior suggested, it was about the size of a slightly cramped gymnasium. You'd need this much floor space for a flashy funeral. Well, I have no intention of holding a funeral for the king at this stage.

And there he was, the king.

In the foreground of the vast space, there was almost nothing. Just the floor, the walls, and several urn-like objects lined up against the walls, where incense seemed to be burning.

In the background... what should I call it? If likened to a classroom, it's like a teacher's podium; if to a gymnasium, it's like a stage; or perhaps, if to a concert venue, it's like a stage. Yes, a slight elevation, and on that elevation, there was a lion beastman, and next to him, a snake beastman? I'm not sure if "snake beastman" is the right term, but there was a snake person.

On the elevation were three women.

And there was the king.

"We're back, my king," Lex said, unusually clear and loud.

Even as she spoke, she continued to walk towards the stage.

So, I followed suit, walking towards the king's vicinity.

The animal odor grew stronger.

The pungent smell of beasts.

Perhaps mixed in were the scents of 'intermingling' among beastmen.

Attending to the king were two cat-like individuals and one dog-like individual.

All three had different levels of beastliness.

While there weren't any beastmen like kobolds that looked "just like stuffed animals," there were some who had facial features leaning more towards beasts, and conversely, some who, apart from their ears and tails, were almost indistinguishable from humans.

The Lion King... he was about halfway between.

His facial features were somewhat human-like and somewhat lion-like. It's the kind of appearance where if someone said he looked like a demon, you'd agree. His hair was long and messy, reminiscent of a mane, and its color was a shade close to white gold. His fur, well, you couldn't quite call him a hairy man, but his level of beastliness was noticeable.

Human and beast.

In between.

But his presence was outstanding.

I felt a similar impression when facing his son, Brandon, but this was different. The father, Randall, was in a league of his own. Truly the king of beasts stood there, with an overwhelming presence that could erase someone's life without a second thought - that kind of extremely unpleasant presence.

I see.


This man is... dangerous.

Before Lex could respond, I moved my somewhat 'trembling' legs forward which is kinda funny for some reason, stepping in front of Lex, and, as usual, with my chest puffed out, I said, "Nice to meet you. I am Euphemia Grimwood. Lion King Randall, I've come to learn about you. The king of the beasts' country, the king of beasts - Lion King Randall. So, size me up too. I'm once again, Euphemia Grimwood."

There, I struck a pose.

Now... what to do next?


Wew, that's the last chapter for today

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