She Who Became Immortal

069 – She, Who Was A Monster

I don't know much about marching.

Euphemia Grimwood was a count's daughter, raised like a princess until it was discovered she had no talent. The 'me' inside her was just a middle-aged man from modern unified earth with no military experience or interest in the military.

Even so, I could understand that the Beast King's army was quite strange compared to human armies.

How should I put it? It didn't seem very military-like.

Starting with their commander, Randall, who marched in his everyday clothes, everyone was just walking normally. Some were equipped with swords or hand axes, and some wore leather armor, but they didn't form ranks. It was like various animals heading to a river for water. They were moving, but there was no strictness to it.

"Must be a racial difference."

Even when night fell and they camped, the Beast King's army didn't set up a proper camp. Randall sat on the grass, eating meat procured by his subordinates, drinking alcohol, and probably just lying down when he got sleepy.

Everyone else was similar. They ate or didn't eat wherever they liked, gathered around those who made fires, and cooked meat they hunted. Despite the apparent chaos, there was a sense of order.

For example, if the shadow of an enemy appeared on the horizon under the starlit sky, the Beast King's army would instantly be ready for battle. Their animalistic instincts created a form of discipline, like zebras grazing calmly near lions.

"Hmm? Did you say something?"

Maya, the spear wielder, tilted her head after finishing her unappetizing barley porridge. Before eating, she had been talking about the labyrinth we found, but barley porridge seemed to require serious effort for her, so I refrained from talking to her until she was done.

By the way, I barely ate any because it tasted bad. I wouldn't die from not eating, but if I didn't eat anything, Katarina and Kirina would fuss over it, so I pretended to eat.

"No, it's nothing. Tell me about Raft. He managed to work with some magic iron or something, right? That's not something you can just learn quickly, is it?"

"Of course not. That kind of skill takes ten years apprenticed to a master blacksmith. Dubil is a dwarf, so he's top-notch even among magic races, but still, it's exceptional talent."

"I see. Katarina and Kirina seem quite talented, but is he even more so?"

"Katarina is impressive. As for Kirina, I don't know what's normal for fox children, but being comparable to magic races is quite something."

Maya smiled wryly.

I didn't understand the meaning behind that smile, so I tilted my head cutely. Maya shrugged and continued.

"I've been training with a spear since I was much smaller than you. Maybe even earlier than Katarina. Junos and I were expected to be the best in our tribe. A few years ago, I was stronger than most adults around."

"That's impressive."

For talentless Euphemia, it was enviable.

Well...from my current perspective, it wasn't a big deal since, you know, I can't die. I'm Euphemia Grimwood, after all.

"It would have been nice, but now, I'd lose to Junos a hundred times out of a hundred. Even against Katarina in five years, I'd be in danger. I might handle Serena the fox if we fought head-on..."

"Losing confidence, huh?"

"That's right. So, Euphemia."

Maya's eyes were sharp, her lips curved into a crescent.

I tried to match her smile and nodded.

"I get it. I didn't call you here for a stroll. Let's see just how monstrous you all are."

"Hah, the real monster talks a lot."

Maya said with a pleased tone.

I thought she had a sharp tongue, but I didn't mind it.

As dawn broke, the Beast King's army, a chaotic bunch with seemingly little discipline, started to prepare for departure. At that moment, information arrived from the sky.

No, let me rephrase that.

Brunoa, the scout great eagle beastman, returned.

Despite being a bird beastman and presumably having trouble seeing at night, Brunoa had flown during the night and brought back some rather surprising information.

First, the dog beastmen of Gaeriko Village were not completely wiped out. When Brunoa first saw the village, it was under attack by a human army, but it seems the residents of Gaeriko had abandoned the village early on.

Currently, the humans have occupied Gaeriko Village, and the dog beastmen have retreated into the forest, from where they are launching sporadic attacks on the village. The humans are stronger, but occupying the village has turned into a disadvantage for them.

Of course, the humans have taken the villagers as hostages. However, negotiations haven't taken place, and the hostages don't seem to function as hostages for the villagers. Perhaps this is a difference in species.

"The dog beastmen of Gaeriko have a strong pack mentality," whispered Luche, the rabbit beastman standing next to me. But her explanation was somewhat lacking.

"Does having a strong pack mentality mean they ignore hostages?"

"If the pack judges that ignoring the hostages is more beneficial for their survival, then yes, that's what they'll do."


I didn't quite understand, but I had no particular intention of trying hard to understand. While I couldn't grasp it, I decided to respect it.

So, currently, Gaeriko Village is occupied by a human army, likely from the Spade territory, with the dog beastmen taken as hostages. The dog beastmen who escaped during the village raid have retreated into the forest, which separates the beastmen and human territories. This forest is a narrow strip extending south from the wildlands we are developing.

The dog beastmen hiding in the forest are launching sporadic attacks on the village.

"They'll likely continue attacking until they're certain of losing or until they wipe out their enemies... That species is terrifying when angered," said Luche.

"They usually keep going until it's too late," she added.

"Wouldn't they retreat once defeat is certain...?"

"Well, by the time they're sure of losing, it's already too late."

"True enough."

So, while the resistance forces are fighting hard, it's not an entirely carefree situation. If left alone, the villagers of Gaeriko might be completely wiped out.


"Send the fast ones ahead. Kill all the humans occupying the village. The real fight is with the human lord, so consider this a warm-up. Got it, you lot?"

Beast King Randall issued a rough order.

Naturally, no one had any objections. The command structure of the Beast King's army is extremely simple and absolute. Even Luche, who was actually anti-Beast King, didn't seem inclined to defy the Lion King's orders.

Without any formal meeting, the advance party would likely be assembled and depart in about three minutes.

"You wanted a prisoner, right?" Maya popped her head out from behind Luche.

"Can you manage alone?"

"Hmm... I'll borrow Kirina. She seems smarter than Katarina. Keep Junos close to you. This is just a preliminary skirmish, right?"

"Um... I'll go too," murmured Luche, hesitating a bit. The rabbit beastman and the spear-wielding demonkind looked at each other for about two seconds. Whatever passed between them was beyond my understanding, but they soon nodded simultaneously.

They probably understood each other. Who knows.

"Okay, get me at least one prisoner we can talk to."

"Leave it to me. I'll show you the spear skills of Maya Grimoire," she said with a beautiful smile as she ran off—to pick up Kirina in the opposite direction for now. I didn't have time to quip that I wouldn't be able to see her if she was going ahead. Not that I particularly wanted to quip.

Anyway, we'll see how it turns out. That, without a doubt, will be something we can watch.

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