She Who Became Immortal

075 – She, Who Bit Her Tongue

The Count Grimwood's mansion where I was born and raised was an immense estate. Located slightly to the east of the Grimwood territory, it was a grand sight to behold.

What I remember most vividly is the vibrant garden, filled with a riot of colorful flowers. Back when I was still doted upon as the beloved Euphemia Grimwood, before my lack of talent was discovered, I loved to stroll through that garden.

But those memories are inconsequential now. The key point is that while the Grimwood family resided in a mansion, the Spade family owns a castle.

A castle is fundamentally a tool of war. In this case, Spade Castle is a military facility designed to guard against potential attacks from the beastmen territory that sprawls out from the forest. It's similar to how the Escard frontier domain in the northern part of the Louisse Kingdom is positioned against the demon territories.

Logically speaking, attacking a castle is disadvantageous.

Of course, it is. Attacking a fortified position is never a smart move. Yet, historically—this is knowledge from 'me'—castles have been attacked and fallen countless times.

"So, as I was saying, Spade Castle is structured with a town surrounding it. The town is denser on the side facing the beastmen territory, while it's sparser on the opposite side. There's a slight hill and a river to the south. This river runs through the town, but it's not large enough to be of any tactical use."

Seated on the shoulder of the boar beastman Zonda, I nodded thoughtfully at the captive Regalo's explanation.

We, the Beast King’s forces, had already passed through the forest and were marching along the roads of Spade territory, having passed several villages along the way. I’m not well-versed in military strategy, but I knew this march had not halted once since leaving Gaeriko Village. A constant march without rest would be grueling for an armored knight's brigade.

However, this march was being undertaken by the Beast King, his loyal followers, and the esteemed Euphemia Grimwood. The journey from the Escard territory, through the magical forest, and into the beastmen lands with Junos and the others now felt like a distant memory. Even young Katarina showed no signs of fatigue back then.

Thus, my suggestion to advance toward Spade Castle without rest seemed viable and was being executed smoothly.

"It's still quite tough, though," the lone human Regalo grumbled, showing surprising stamina for a middle-aged mage.

"Well, I was a soldier, after all... Or rather, I used to be. Lady Euphemia looks quite comfortable riding on Zonda’s shoulder."

"Don’t be absurd. If I walked, I’d be left behind. ‘Soldiers value swift action,’ you know."

"That’s an unfamiliar proverb."

Regalo smirked self-deprecatingly. It was just a famous classic quote saying that slipped out. Then again, such sayings might have equivalents in other worlds, so someone somewhere probably has said something similar.

"But I get your point. No army marches as quickly as ours. We've likely outpaced any reports from the villages we've passed."

"Even if someone saw our Beast King’s forces, reaching Spade Castle ahead of us would be nearly impossible. Sure, a fast horse might gain a slight lead, but what difference would a little time make?"

"'Value swift action,’ huh?"


It was Maya who interjected.

"We storm Spade Castle at an inhuman speed, and the Beast King’s forces wreak havoc. What are we supposed to do? Join them and massacre the humans? That’s not why you brought us here, is it?"

Though phrased as a question, Maya's tone was certain. Euphemia Grimwood's plans couldn’t be that straightforward.

"Exactly. Besides, that’s the beastmen’s duty. The villages were attacked by humans, and those humans are the subjects of the Beast King Randall. It wasn't my companions who were attacked."

"So, we’re just observers, Euphemia?"

A voice came from my side. Zonda, the boar beastman carrying me, was speaking.

"Essentially, yes. You lot, don’t kill unless necessary. But if we find a treasure vault or some rare magical items in the castle, feel free to help yourselves."

"So, you’re not advocating non-violence out of nobility?"

"I’d do so if it suited me… Maya, if you don’t know, I’ll tell you. Nobility is often just a convenient excuse to push burdens onto others."

"Is that so? I’ll keep my hopes up, then."

"Hope? For what?"

"For whoever might be listening."

Maya pointed her spear toward a lone white cloud floating in the clear sky. It was a beautiful sight, ephemeral and delicate.


As we continued down the road, the sight of the castle town came into view, and beyond it stood the grand Spade Castle.

"Don’t get distracted! Charge straight ahead! To the castle!"

The Beast King's roar thundered, shaking the air. The beastmen responded with their own cries, which coalesced into a war cry. The fur-covered beastmen bristled their hair, while those with more human-like faces openly displayed their excitement. Zonda, who had been carrying me, grabbed my collar and casually tossed me to the ground before charging forward with a roar.

Fortunately, Junos caught me with ease. One moment I was falling, and the next I found myself cradled in his arms, in a perfect princess carry.

"We'll fall behind at this rate. What’s the plan?" he asked.

"We stick together and follow, of course. Maya, keep an eye on Regalo. I’m not worried about him running, but he might cause trouble by sticking close to us. For now, let’s catch up with Randall."

"I can’t draw my sword while carrying you."

"There likely won’t be a need for that. Junos, just keep carrying me. If anything happens, Serena, Kirina, Katarina, and Maya can handle it. Try not to kill anyone unless absolutely necessary, but if it's dangerous, don’t hesitate."


"Understood, Lady Euphemia!"

"Fine by me."

"Alright then."

"Are such vague instructions really okay?"

"Adapt as needed. Let’s go! Run, run! We can’t let Randall leave us behind!"

"Don’t talk while running. You'll bite your tongue."

With that, Junos kicked off the ground with me still in his arms. His strides were incredibly long and fast, matching the speed of the sprinting beastmen effortlessly. He was probably holding back so that Katarina and Kirina could keep up; he could likely go even faster if he wanted.

The scenery of the castle town blurred past us like we were in a car. Serena, Kirina, and Katarina kept pace effortlessly. Maya was dragging Regalo by his collar, making the middle-aged mage look like he was floating midair in a bizarre display.

As 'Talentless Euphemia,' I couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy. But it didn't bother me in the slightest.

"Hehehe, fool, you can’t stop me from—oh! I bit my tongue! But it’ll heal quickly. Haha! Let’s go! I’ve got the best seat in the house!"

This was getting interesting.

But it wasn't enough. The real fun was still ahead, not in the castle, but beyond it. It wasn’t just about senseless violence here. Still, for now, I’d keep my eyes forward and enjoy the spectacle.

The beastmen’s war was about to begin.

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