She Who Became Immortal

Chapter 126: Romeo

Romeo turned fifteen this year and serves as a low-ranking member of the Golt Armed Trading Company.

Though a low rank, Romeo isn't an apprentice within the mercantile sector; he's part of the 'armed' division—a mere errand runner for the mercenary group. Essentially, he's treated almost like a slave, but Romeo doesn't harbor much resentment towards his circumstances. He understands his life isn't privileged, but having never experienced luxury, he doesn't truly grasp what misfortune or hardship feels like.

Orphaned before he could form any memories, Romeo barely remembers his parents. He survived by scavenging in the backstreets until the Golt Armed Trading Company took him in. It was economically beneficial for them to turn directionless orphans into subordinates.

The 'armed' division of the Golt Armed Trading Company never stays in one place for long. They guard merchants responsible for logistics, and once an escort mission is complete, another job or conflict awaits. Therefore, the company must provide for its 'armed' members, regardless of whether they recruit mercenaries or pick up street orphans.

Someone within the company realized that raising orphans was cheaper than hiring mercenaries. While this method often failed, it was cost-effective since orphans had no initial expense. Those who were truly useless died quickly in the violent tasks they were given. As long as the 'armed' division had competent leaders, this method worked, albeit with significant casualties.

So far, Romeo had survived. He followed orders and moved carefully to avoid death, and this was his only concern. He didn't think much of his continued existence.

Currently, under a clear sky, Romeo stood at the frontline, holding a heavy shield in front of a large, enigmatic fortress. His primary focus was figuring out how to stay alive. He didn't ponder what he was doing or the larger impact of his actions.

Positioned on a hill not far from the fortress, a large group awaited orders, shields at the ready. Despite following the captain's instructions, Romeo couldn't shake a sense of unease. The urge to flee from the job overwhelmed him, making him fidget nervously.

A soldier or knight, Romeo wasn't sure which, standing beside him, patted his shoulder to calm him. Even Romeo understood his own agitation.

In any case, once the signal came, he would charge toward the fortress. His job was to hold the shield at the forefront, blocking potential crossbow bolts from the ramparts. After that, the situation would likely devolve into chaotic combat or a decisive victory or defeat, rendering the captain's commands meaningless, or so Romeo thought.

"Move! Clear the way! You there!"

Suddenly, someone higher-ranking than the captain barked orders at Romeo and his comrades. Turning, Romeo saw a nobleman on horseback leisurely approaching the frontline. The man dismounted gracefully, his flowing silver hair catching the light, surrounded by several dignified knights, indicating his high status.

The nobleman, unarmored, glanced at Romeo and the others, smiled, and even waved at them—an unexpected gesture.

Romeo didn't bother wondering who this person was. What mattered more was why the silver-haired nobleman had come.

"Hmm, it really is a fortress. Quite impressive... But if our hero couldn't breach it with a single strike, it's not very promising. No matter, we'll proceed."

With a casual complaint akin to remarking on an unappetizing dinner, the silver-haired nobleman pointed his right index finger directly at the fortress.

A flash of light streaked forth.

Twice, colossal spells were cast upon the fortress.

These were unlike any magic Romeo had ever witnessed, rewriting the very concept of 'magic' itself. If common bandits wielded such power, nations and territories would cease to exist.

Such was the magnitude of their might—yet, despite this immense power, the fortress's outer walls stood resilient, even after taking the full brunt of the spells.

The sheer incomprehensibility of what had transpired left everyone on the battlefield stunned—everyone except the silver-haired man who had cast the spells.

"Hmm... as I thought, it's not working. The magical shockwaves are ineffective. What kind of structure is this? Well, no matter. A physical assault on the gates or walls will be faster. Commander, I'll use smaller-scale magic arrows to suppress their ballistae. In the meantime, ready the battering ram—"

No, something was wrong.

An inexplicable sense of danger gripped Romeo, and he instinctively dropped to the ground, using his shield as cover.

"—Ah, this could be bad."

The silver-haired man's voice rang out with unusual clarity. Though Romeo, lying prone, couldn't see much, it seemed the man had conjured an earthen wall around himself using earth magic, a common defense against projectiles. Romeo had encountered such magic before when battling rogue mages turned bandits.

The ground exploded.

A deafening roar and a shockwave followed. In the next instant, Romeo felt something hard and heavy strike his shield repeatedly.

The rapid succession of impacts—bam, bam, bam—registered in his ears, or perhaps he was just imagining the sound from the sensation of shockwaves and the battering against his shield.

Simultaneously, screams filled the air.

Maintaining his turtle-like position under the shield, Romeo picked up one of the hard, heavy objects that had rolled to his feet.

A sharp piece of iron... probably.

What caused the ground to explode and scatter such debris?

Feeling the immediate danger had passed, Romeo stood up, holding his shield protectively, and surveyed the situation.

It was a gruesome sight.

The hill had been rigged with explosive traps, which had scattered sharp iron fragments with explosive force. Though the fragments weren't powerful enough to penetrate bodies entirely, the soldiers' tight formation meant many were shielded by the bodies of those in front, leaving some miraculously unscathed. Romeo's frontline unit was close to the 'explosive ground,' but not everyone was incapacitated.

However, their numbers were certainly reduced, including those of key figures like the unit captain. The real issue wasn't the casualties, but the chaos that disrupted their carefully arranged formation, preventing coordinated action.

"Lord Blitz!"

A figure leaped over the heads of the disoriented soldiers with surprising agility—a woman with tanned skin and blonde hair, carrying a bow.

The silver-haired man, having dispelled his earthen barrier, first scanned the surroundings before turning his gaze to the newcomer, a misplaced smile on his face.

"More devious than I expected. We'll retreat. This was ground zero, so there shouldn't be another explosion. You stay here and suppress their ballistae. Don't forget to retreat when the time is right. Overall command... Sir Berk is in the rear. He'll handle the rest."

With that, the silver-haired man inexplicably turned to Romeo, waving as if he'd spotted an acquaintance during a leisurely afternoon stroll.

"You there, young man. Things are quite chaotic, but hang in there. They've set traps, let us take the initiative, defended successfully, and then sprung their trap. So—"

He pointed towards the fortress.

The gates had swung open, and a legion of beastmen was charging out.

"—this is what happens. Well, good luck."

With a final flourish of his hand, like ending a song, the silver-haired man walked away casually, as if continuing a stroll. His horse lay on the ground, having been struck by the iron shrapnel.

"Form ranks! Prepare for the beastmen's charge! No significant damage to the main force! The operation continues! The operation continues!"

Someone shouted orders.

At the same time, the battle cries of the beastmen echoed from the fortress.

...This might really be it, Romeo thought.

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