She Who Became Immortal

Chapter 90: She, Who Raised Her Voice In Anger For The First Time

"What are you babbling about—?"

Kairine's words of frustration were cut off as Junos Grimoire moved again. His movements were so fluid and seamless that they defied recognition, even to those observing closely.

It was likely a matter of skill.

The kind of finesse born from endless trial and error and diligent practice.

A concept somewhat foreign to beastmen, Lex Asuka thought.

"You seem to have time to spare. Surely, you know what might happen if I make a slight slip. Are you underestimating me because I'm just a child?"

Katarina, the young demon girl who held a dagger to Lex's throat, spoke with a hint of irritation.

She wasn't underestimating Lex. They understood well the importance of caution. The dagger wasn't just at her throat; another was pressed against her thigh.

Euphemia Grimwood said 'take her hostage.' Killing her wouldn't serve that purpose. It seems Brandon has also come to understand this.

When Lex was pulled down and pinned to the ground with daggers at her throat and thigh by the two young girls, Brandon instinctively moved to eliminate Katarina and Kirina. But the demon woman Maya intercepted, her own confusion spilling from her lips, which seemed to calm Brandon down.

Both who held their spears and those aiming them were less concerned with each other and more focused on the situation with Kairine.

Brandon couldn't move carelessly with Lex taken hostage. As long as Lex's life was guaranteed, it was better not to act rashly. Besides, none of them understood Euphemia Grimwood's true intentions.

Taking advantage of Randall's death to seize the beastmen's country?

Impossible. Even if they captured the foxman Kairine, taking over the country was out of the question. They weren't united enough for such a coup. Randall had built a tribe; it was up to Brandon and Lex to build a nation.

So, why—?

Neither Katarina, Kirina, nor the obviously perplexed Maya, nor even the fighting Junos and Serena seemed to know.

They acted because Euphemia told them to.

The two girls holding Lex hostage did so without hesitation. They might even be described as delightfully compliant.

It made them happy to be ordered by Euphemia Grimwood.

Lex had always found Randall's orders troublesome.

And as she pondered this, the battle was decided.

Kairine, overwhelmed by dealing with two simultaneous attacks, faltered on the third. Junos's feint and Serena's sorcery created an opening, allowing Junos to strike Kairine's head with the sheath of his enchanted sword.

A dull thud.

Kairine fell to the ground, momentarily unconscious. Without changing his expression, Junos stepped on Kairine's right ankle.

"Ah—! Gaaah—!"

Kairine screamed in agony. In the next moment, Junos lightly struck Kairine's face with the sheath again.

His movements were smooth, like a craftsman's practiced hand.

"Don't move. Be silent. Speak only when permitted. Resist, and I'll use the other end. Do you want it on your arm, your leg, or one of your tails? You have nine, after all."

Junos spoke dispassionately, the black blade of his enchanted sword pointing nowhere in particular.

From Lex's position—she was pinned to the ground and couldn't see clearly—but she understood that Kairine's fighting spirit was broken.

Randall Kruger had demonstrated his strength through his very presence. Junos's actions, however, conveyed a different kind of understanding.

Simply put, if Kairine made another wrong move, she would undoubtedly be harmed. This fact was apparent to anyone watching. Kairine wasn't desperate enough to defy that reality.

"Look, Zonda Pauga."

Euphemia suddenly raised her voice.

Zonda, who had been knocked down by Brandon when he tried to attack Lex, was now sitting dazedly on the bloodstained grass, unable to grasp the situation. But Euphemia's words snapped him to attention.

"You said Lex has a different kind of strength compared to Randall. But being strong doesn't mean not being weak. Weakness doesn't mean a lack of strength. Look at him now, held hostage by two children. Brandon can't move because he values Lex. Even though Brandon is undoubtedly stronger than Katarina and Serena."

Euphemia smiled maliciously.

It was a cruel smile, yet—for some reason—it seemed incredibly beautiful.

"Anyway, Brandon Kruger, congratulations on becoming the new Beast King. Apologies for the interruption, but this is important, so bear with me."

Brandon's brow furrowed in confusion, "Don't you have any objections to me becoming the new king?"

Euphemia tilted her head, looking genuinely puzzled. "Not at all. It's your problem, after all. I didn't live under the Beast King's rule. This isn't about us."

"Then why—"

"Because we still have unresolved issues, and you’re trying to wrap things up nicely."

She smiled—a smile that, though devoid of any apparent menace or strength, sent a chill down Lex's spine and everyone else as if the death itself was just beyond the corner.

When, where, how, and to what extent had they upset her?

Lex hadn’t realized until now that they had angered Euphemia, and likely, neither had her companions.

Euphemia, still smiling serenely, turned her gaze to the foxwoman. "Kairine, you conspired with Lex Asuka to form the Anti-Lion Coalition and directed its overall movements. The wolves might be good at pack tactics, but they aren't suited for managing larger groups."

The foxwoman remained silent for a moment, then hastily spoke as Junos made a slight move. "T-That's right! We initially united the four great werewolf clans, who harbored grievances against the Beast King, to amass power. Then, the lioness' invitation came, and we formed the Anti-Lion Coalition to act... The ultimate goal was for the Beast King's son to achieve regicide. The clan leaders were all in agreement."

"Indeed. They were prepared—to kill or be killed. Even if they died, they were ready to entrust the future to others."

They had staked their lives to wear down Randall. The four clan leaders... They were led by Valon Sendan, and countless nameless werewolf warriors perished, believing in a future free from Randall's tyranny.

"I respect that. I didn't dislike Randall, but his brutality was undeniable. Standing against him with their lives at stake and not a single one fleeing the battlefield is an unparalleled achievement."

These words were spoken without a hint of mockery. But Euphemia's smile returned quickly.

"However, I don't respect everything you did. I won't let you bask in the glory of your victory, forgetting what you did. You attacked the innocent orcmen of Sutin Village."

As Euphemia glanced around, no one spoke. They didn't understand what she was talking about—except for Lex Asuka.

"A village of the orc tribe near the forest's edge. The Anti-Lion Coalition's werewolves occupied it. The village chief was killed. They kidnapped Kirina to coerce Serena into joining them. Without our intervention, the outcome would've been far from pleasant."

Euphemia continued walking, her voice clear, strong and commanding. "Then, the Poro kobolds came to the village. The Anti-Lion Coalition's attack had devastated their village. The villagers managed to send their youths away. I took them in."

Lex recalled those desperate moments. They had rescued the villagers just in time, saving them from the Coalition's tyranny.

"That's the thing, Brandon," Euphemia continued, her voice cold and steady. "You might be the new Beast King, but don't forget the cost of getting here. Randall's death doesn't erase the suffering you caused."

Brandon, now understanding the full weight of Euphemia's words, nodded solemnly. He had been caught up in the chaos and ambition, but now he saw the pain and sacrifice left in their wake.

"I see... I understand," he said, his voice steady. "We'll do better. For those who suffered, for those who fought, we owe them that much."

Euphemia's smile softened slightly, less menacing but still firm. "Good. Remember that, Brandon. Power comes with responsibility. Never forget the lives impacted by your actions."

With those final words, the tense atmosphere began to ease, though the gravity of their situation remained. The future of the beastmen’s kingdom was now in the hands of those who had learned, through struggle and sacrifice, the true cost of power.


The story continues.

"And then there were the Taurus people—beastmen with their proud, large forms. They too fled after being attacked by the Anti-Lion Coalition. Although there were some complications, we took them in. Then, the Coalition's forces came to Sutin Village, demanding the orcs' stored food supplies."

Euphemia walked slowly, deliberately. Before anyone realized it, she was standing beside the fallen foxman.

"The strong doing whatever they want to the weak—is that the 'Law of Beasts'? What nonsense about the Beast King's tyranny and innocent foxmen rebelling? Risking your lives to rise up? Wearing the mask of victims and weaklings, as if that justifies your actions..."

"Oh we will kill you and raid your village! This is for the fight against the Beast King's tyranny!~"

Stop it. Don't say it.

Most of them hadn't realized it yet, keeping those thing in the shadows. Realizing it would leave an unhealable scar.

Because, truly, it had been unbearable.

Their village was attacked. Their clans were annihilated. Their dignity was trampled, and their lives were disregarded.

So they rose up. They resisted. They plotted. They killed.

To create a world where they wouldn't have to endure such things anymore.

And yet...

"You are just like Randall. You think it's acceptable to do whatever you want to those weaker than you. You're nothing but beasts who should tear each other apart until nothing is left."

Oh, how she said it with such delight.

Lex's vision blurred, and it took her a moment to realize it was due to tears. She couldn’t remember the last time she cried—not even when Randall wiped out the Asuka clan, not even when her mother was killed attacking Randall.

"We're trying to create a world where we're not like that!" Brandon roared, his voice echoing with the authority and strength that ironically reminded Lex of Randall.

"Do as you please. But what about everything that's happened? Can you just ignore the past because you claim you'll change now? If so, don't complain when you get crushed by what you've crushed."

At least Randall never complained, Euphemia thought, glancing at the lifeless body.

"Then what should we do, Euphemia Grimwood? Do you intend to destroy us next? If you think you can, you're out of your mind!"

"Destroy you? Don't be foolish; I have no interest in that."

"Then what—"

"If you've done something wrong, apologize for it! How can you not understand something so simple?!"

For the first time, they saw Euphemia raise her voice in anger—even her companions seemed surprised.

"Neither you nor I nor anyone else is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes at some point. Pretending otherwise won't change that. Whether forgiveness is granted or not is a separate issue."

The question now was whether they were willing to apologize, to reflect on their actions. Were they beasts with no self-awareness, like Randall Kruger?

"...I will apologize. As the new Beast King accepting the Anti-Lion Coalition, I, Brandon Kruger, apologize. I’m sorry for the trouble we've caused."

Because they were beastmen. Because they were both beasts and humans. The new Lion King spoke his apology.

No one, not a single beastman present, voiced any objection. In that moment, Brandon was accepted as the representative of all the beastmen there.

"We accept your apology. As compensation, hand over this fox. I wanted Lex Asuka, but I’ll settle for this foxlady," Euphemia said with a smile, lightly pressing her foot on Kairine's head, though it didn’t seem to hurt her at all.


Thus, the plan to overthrow Randall Kruger came to fruition, incorporating the wild card that was Euphemia Grimwood.

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