She Who Became Immortal

Chapter 99: Mizetta And Mariel The Aelv

Guided by an elderly woman who stood beside Lord Slack Tiant, Mizetta proceeded towards the patient's bedside.

Such an occurrence was not particularly unusual.

After all, there were patients deemed incurable unless attended by the "Saint of Healing." It was only natural for them to wish for swift recovery.

However, one couldn't help but wonder if Baron Slack and Prince Blitz genuinely cared about the long-eared woman.

The lord showed no sign of delight upon Mizetta's and her companions' arrival, and the prodigal prince, who hijacked the conversation midway, seemed more interested in spectacle than genuine concern.

The elderly woman leading them through the modest corridor exuded a strictly businesslike demeanor.

Since Victor remained in the reception room, Jack, sporting a bored expression, accompanied Mizetta. Though his attitude wasn't flattering, Mizetta understood from their conversation along the way that he wasn't letting his guard down.

Turning corners several times, they descended the stairs to the edge of the mansion.

"Here we are."

The elderly woman gestured towards one of the lined doors, offered a single bow, then swiftly departed.

With a resigned sigh, Mizetta took a deep breath and uttered, "Excuse me," before opening the unassuming door.

The room resembled a guest chamber commonly found in noble residences. However, it lacked the opulence of the Illyrius estate, falling somewhere between a humble inn and a luxurious lodging.

In other words—neither too cramped nor too spacious, not dirty but devoid of extravagance.

A simple bed, a desk, a chair, and a shelf constituted the furnishings.

On the bed lay a severely injured patient.


A figure wrapped in bandages lay on the bed without even a blanket covering them.

The silhouette appeared to belong to an adult woman, with slightly tanned skin visible where it peeked through. It was a shade darker than that of a child who had spent too much time in the sun or a farmer whose skin had darkened from years of labor. Their hair, a blend of gray and peach tones, created an unfamiliar hue.

Though half of her face was concealed by bandages, the visible half retained the same dusky complexion, and her sharp gaze, reminiscent of a blade, fixed on Mizetta.

And... her ears.

Truly elongated. It was a distinctive feature that clearly marked her as a different race, resembling those of a human stretched horizontally and sharpened slightly.

"I have come in response to your request as a healing mage. My name is Mizetta. Are you Mariel San Foresight of Aelvs?"

In the end, regardless of who the individual was, it boiled down to administering healing magic. Mizetta briskly approached from the door to the bedside, confirming the patient's condition.

"Yes," the Aelv woman affirmed in a slightly subdued tone. Mizetta nodded in response, pulled out the chair opposite the desk, and sat down beside the bed.

"First, I'll assess your condition... In your case, I will check for external injuries. Since healing magic draws upon the patient's vitality, administering too potent a spell to a patient with depleted vitality could risk death from exhaustion. So, I will address any serious wounds first, then proceed with overall healing. May I remove the bandages?"

"I don't want your guard to see my skin."

The gaze shifted away from Mizetta towards Jack, who stood at the entrance to the room.

"That's rude. But my job is to guard Mizetta, sis, so the moment I sense anything suspicious or potentially harmful, I'll act. It's not about you agreeing with it or not; that's just how it is."

Despite the light tone of his words contradicting their content, Jack exited the room quietly, closing the door behind him. Of course, he would be listening for any signs of trouble from the outside.

"Your brother?"

"No, he's not."

"Your sweetheart?"

"No, absolutely not."

"I see."

Since she didn't want to explain about Jack Frigate, Mizetta simply denied, and the Aelv woman didn't press further.


The most significant wound stretched in a straight line from the left clavicle to the right hip, as if cleaved by a master swordsman, causing blood to seep out as soon as the tightly bound bandages were loosened. Alongside this major laceration, there were various other cuts and bruises scattered across Mariel's body. Several ribs were fractured, and the bone between her right elbow and wrist was split.

First, Mizetta addressed the severe bleeding wound, then proceeded to heal Mariel's fractures throughout her body using magic. Though she attempted to channel magic internally to assess any internal injuries, it seemed that the impact of the bruises warranted healing as well.

At this point, Mariel's previously displeased expression, which had been directed towards Mizetta, vanished, replaced by a reaction that was, in a way, familiar, devoid of anything but astonishment.

"Do you feel depleted of energy?" Mizetta inquired.

"I—I do feel a bit... but not entirely..." Mariel replied.

For her, the disappearance of the pain that had tormented her entire body seemed more significant. She lifted her right arm, which she hadn't been able to move before, and flexed her fingers. Observing her actions, it became evident to Mizetta that, despite being an Aelv, Mariel reacted just like any other patient.

When one is being healed, they are defenseless.

Refusing healing is perhaps a bit more difficult than rejecting kindness.

"The bandages are soaked with blood, so I'll dispose of them. Please call for one of the Tiant household's servants to bring a change of clothes later. It might be beneficial to have them help you wipe down your body. Do you still feel any pain?"

"The surface of my flesh. The area where I was struck still stings slightly."

"We'll address that later. Please lie down for a moment."


Mariel obediently lay down on the bed, still naked since the bandages covering her had been removed. Mizetta observed the lingering bruises scattered across her body, but the cuts and lacerations had vanished entirely.

"Do you feel any drowsiness or lethargy? Healing magic should have depleted some of your energy," Mizetta asked.

"A little. However... I am genuinely astounded. Such potent healing magic is not possessed even by the Aelvs in my homeland," Mariel replied.

Her matter-of-fact tone reminded Mizetta of Norman in some ways. Speaking only what was necessary. The manner in which she surveyed Mariel's lithe limbs hinted less at a powerful mage and more at a top-notch warrior honed through rigorous training.

Somehow, Mizetta couldn't help but think that if Mariel wanted to, she could snap someone's neck. She wondered if she could heal herself the moment it snapped, and inadvertently chuckled at the thought.

She probably could.

That's something perhaps no one else could do.

"There are eccentric individuals in Aelvs who leave their hometowns to travel. In any village, in any era, such oddballs emerge. I was one of them," Mariel remarked after exhaling deeply and closing her eyes.

Mizetta urged her to continue by remaining silent.

"When I left the village, my parents entrusted me with a precious treasure. A gem imbued with high-density magic. It serves as a medium for magic and holds significant value. It could fetch a high price anywhere."

Speaking dispassionately, as if recounting someone else's tale.

"From the forests of my homeland, I traversed through the territory of beastmen to reach this Tiant domain. It's a story from a long time ago. At that time, I encountered a peculiar beastman. A fox beastwoman with nine black tails though she may look a man in the distance. She spoke in an unpleasant manner and had an unpleasant laugh. She seemed to remember me, despite having only met once a long time ago."

It was because she possessed the gem, Mariel explained.

The nine-tailed fox hadn't forgotten about the treasure.

"Just the other day, while exploring the Enchanted Forest... Even Aelvs, who abandoned their homeland, feels compelled to walk through the forest. It's almost instinctual. Though I hadn't ventured too deep... I encountered her. And she stole the gem."

It was nothing more than a common thief or bandit.

In that case, it was simply a matter of her being careless.

"Of course, I didn't intend for her to steal it, but she had companions. You must have seen what happened... If Lord Slack hadn't dispatched the knights to search for me, I would have been left to die in the forest."

"You were fortunate," Mizetta remarked, as it was the only thing she could say.

With her eyes still closed, Mariel let out a faint, almost imperceptible smile.

"Yes, perhaps I was. Perhaps."


When Mizetta exited the room after completing her healing duties, she found not only Jack but also Victor waiting for her outside the door. Additionally, a woman who appeared to be a servant of the mansion was present.

"Thank you for your service. A guest room has been prepared for you, and a modest dinner awaits. Lord Victor and Lady Mizetta are requested to attend, as per the master's instructions."

"I don't have any fancy attire prepared, is that alright? Also, I'd like to add another knight for security."

"That is acceptable. Understood."

The response was brief and somewhat cold, but that was typical. Though Victor was the nephew of Marquis Leopold, his authority was more influential among other nobles akin to a duke. From the perspective of a servant employed by a noble, the noble they serve is the one to be revered.

The servant began walking, and Mizetta and Victor followed, moving through the corridor, up the stairs, and likely toward the guest quarters. Individual rooms were prepared for Mizetta and Victor, while the others were allocated larger shared rooms. There was also a spacious hall for discussions.

The hall was likely to be used for their own conversations. Nobles who summoned someone like Mizetta usually had such areas in their mansion. For a lord, it was expected.

"So, how did it go?"

Gathered in the hall, Karna Regant and Naomi Arios prepared tea for everyone. Once everyone had their share, Victor initiated the conversation.

"The main healing is complete. If the person and the Tiant family wish, I can perform finishing touches from tomorrow onwards."

"As expected of the Saint. Did you get the details from the aelv woman?"

Mizetta summarized Mariel's story. It was straightforward: a fox beastman encountered in the beastman territory entered the forest seeking a secret gemstone, and coincidentally robbed Mariel, who happened to be there.

...Wait, something was off.

Upon reconsideration, it seemed quite strange.

"The nine-tailed fox beastwoman met her long ago. Then, just recently, she coincidentally encountered an aelv woman wandering the forest, who happened to be carrying a valuable secret stone and was robbed... Is that it?"

When heard directly from the person, it seemed plausible, but objectively, everything was odd. That nine-tailed fox, aiming for Mariel's secret stone, would have had to roam deep within the demon forest, referred by some aelvs and humans as Enchanted Forest, the forest is far from the beastman territory.

The forest separating the Tiant territory and the beastman territory was so deep that it was supposed to pose no threat from beastmen. If beastmen ventured into human territories, they would emerge in Spade's domain.

"...Well, no matter. It's not okay, but... Regardless of the truth, we can't act aggressively with the playboy prince around. But verifying the truth is necessary... What a hassle. Why did my uncle accept this request?"

Victor's eyes darted around restlessly. However, these matters were unrelated to Mizetta. Whatever the motivations of others, she could only go with the flow.

After a deliberate sip and slow swallow of tea, Victor continued.

"Most likely—if my prediction is correct, Slack Tiant will use the attack on the aelv woman as a pretext to invade the beastman territory. He plans to have us, or rather the 'Saint of Healing,' accompany them. Sorry, but if the playboy prince gets enthusiastic, I can't refuse. Lady Mizetta, your role remains the same."

"To use healing magic, correct?"

"Sending Jack Frigate might have been my uncle's way of anticipating this development. Hero of demon slaying, protect our benefactor with all your might."

"Of course. I owe Mizetta, and I might need her help again. If we face monsters like those demons, staying unscathed won't be possible... It pisses me off, but I'm still weak."

Despite his words, Jack smiled broadly. Victor merely shrugged and continued, somewhat hesitantly.

"Ah... and there's something I forgot about Slack Tiant. While you were healing the aelv woman, you met Slack's wife too. Forza Tiant. She's a tall blonde beauty... Her maiden name was Forza Grimwood."


Mizetta's body stifffened involuntarily.

"She's the eldest daughter of Count Grimwood's younger brother and the former fiancée of Eckhart Muller, Euphemia Grimwood is her cousin. I was too scared to ask what she thinks of the 'Saint of Healing,' but you should be prepared."

Victor forced a laugh, saying, "Beautiful women are scary when they're angry."

Mizetta did not laugh.

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