Shen Mu [Divine Grave]

v8 Chapter 24 - He is still alive

After arriving here, ten people obviously felt a strong sense of oppression. A great coercion made them feel palpitations and made them feel a tremor from the soul.

Chennan has had some experience and is no longer as shocked as the first time, but the other nine people felt this horrible depression for the first time, and everyone was terrified.

Nine people looked at Chen Nan together, hoping he could explain in detail. Chen Nan spread his hands and said, “Don’t look at me. I don’t know much more than you. After I came here, I stopped without stopping and went straight in.”

Nine masters looked at his strange eyes, such a terrible Jedi, he even broke into it, I really do n’t know if he should be said to be brave, or whether he should be too reckless.

Meng Keer gathered her fluttering hair and said, “We are here only to fight for the forefront masters in the back. We should try to collect all valuable clues to provide to those seniors. I think we should first make the situation outside the valley clear. , First check if there are any weirdness outside the valley, and then consider whether to explore the valley. “

Everyone nodded in agreement, and finally divided into three groups, Xiao Feng, Wang Tian, ​​and Kerela as a group, the female tyrannosaurus knight sister and female magician Alice as a group, Qianlong, Ling Yun, Meng Keer, Chen Nan Four people form a group, and the three groups began to probe carefully outside the valley.

Chen Nan and Meng Ke’er had a must, but they had to cooperate in this situation. Chen Nan’s face didn’t care, and Meng Keer’s face was full of smiles, but the ghost knew what they were thinking.

The three groups searched for more than half an hour outside the valley, and found no particularly valuable clues. Apart from the absence of birds and beasts in the valley, there is no difference between them and the wild mountains and ridges elsewhere.

The crowd gathered at Gukou again. Ten people looked at each other. Meng Keer sighed and said, “It seems that we really have to enter the valley. It is impossible to find anything outside. But according to Brother Chen , There is a horrible existence like a demon in the valley. Walking into the valley is undoubtedly full of danger. I suggest that we should be divided into two groups, one after the other. If there is a real danger of danger, it will not be wiped out by the army, at least. Let the people behind bring the news out. “

Chen Nan saw everyone nodded in agreement, immediately felt bad. He had been here before, and he was the only one who knew something about it. The first group of candidates, he must not be able to run away. He secretly said in his heart: “It really deserves to be the successor of Dan Taixuan. At this time, he gave me a little trick.”

Chen Nan immediately said with a voice: “Dream fairy really thoughtful, this proposal is good, I am willing to enter the first group, to explore in the front.” Seeing everyone pays tribute to him, he then said: “But I can’t talk about it Adventurous, Dream Fairy has Taoism to Baoyuliantai, and can fly at high speed in the air. If we are really in danger, we should be able to escape in the first time. “

Chen Nan’s words are very obvious. He wants Meng Kerr to explore with him in front. Knowing that he could not avoid it, he would become a member of the first group, so he made up his mind and took Meng Kerr to go to the same risk as him.

Meng Keer’s eyes inadvertently flashed a fine light, others could not see it, but could not escape Chen Nan’s eyes, because he had been staring at her.

Meng Ke’er hasn’t expressed her position, but some people came out first. Ling Yun, the young master of the Ling family, one of the top ten cultivators in Eastern China, said: “This seems a bit wrong. Dream fairy has Taoism treasure, which should be in the second group. In this way, if an accident occurs, she can escape from the Yulian Terrace for the first time and tell the outside world what happened here. “

Ling Yun said that the reason is reasonable, so that people can not pick out the fault, but Chen Nan has long discovered that when he looks at Meng Keer, his eyes often show strange colors. Presumably he has been fascinated by Meng Keer ’s peerless style. Selfishness.

Qianlong lazily said: “I would like to explore in front with Brother Chen.”

The most mysterious masked female magician Alice also said: “I also want to enter the first group and explore in front.”

Several other people also stood up one after another and wanted to enter the first group. At this time, Meng Keer smiled and said: “Don’t fight, everyone, or Brother Chen and I will go ahead. Chen Brother is right, I have a jade lotus stand. If it is really dangerous, I can guarantee that Brother Chen and me. Escape within the first time. “

Ling Yun saw that everyone had no objection, and laughed: “I think too much, hehe, or Dream Fairy is right.”

Everyone stepped into the valley, except for Chen Chen, the other nine people took a breath of breath. The valley is a tragic picture, full of bones in the forest, the phosphorus fire is faint, and reveals a strong breath of death.

Everyone feels scalp tingling for a while. This is really like the entrance to hell. The endless white bones are particularly dazzling in the dull valley. The breeze gently flicks, and the bone powder deposited on the ground for many years flutters with the wind. It is like a white mist under the shadow of the indefinite phosphorus fire.

Dark bones were removed from the dark valley, and there was nothing else. The gloomy and horrible picture caused these young masters to involuntarily have a layer of pimples, and a chill instantly cooled from the top of the head to the bottom of the foot.

After walking into the valley, the fragrance of the flower of death becomes stronger and stronger, and it looks particularly strange in the valley full of death.

Devil qi surged to the crowd, the warriors urged the true qi and grudge in the body to protect the body, and various lights flashed out in the valley. The mysterious female magician Alice quickly read a mantra, and the light blue light like water instantly protected her in it.

Chennan said to Meng Keer with a hint of playful smile: “Let’s go, dream fairy.”

Meng Keer smiled and smiled, as if blooming like a spring flower, the dark death jedi seemed to light up for a moment. She turned back to the other eight people and said, “We just came to collect useful information for the top masters. There is no need to actually walk into the deepest part of the valley. To avoid disturbing the god-like existence in the valley, we start with Taniguchi. Search carefully within a distance of two hundred feet to see if you can find valuable clues. In addition, please keep us at a distance of more than one hundred feet. If we find that the situation is not good, we will give a warning. “

Everyone nodded.

Chen Nan and Meng Kerr walked side by side to the depths of the valley. After going out about a hundred feet away, Chen Nan smiled lightly: “What are the dream fairy thinking, you don’t want to kill me here? I know you Enough to be among the top ten young masters on the continent, maybe you can kill me, but if you want to be clueless, there are certain difficulties. You must think carefully before you start. “

At this time Meng Keer had already put away a smile, she said coldly: “I will have a battle with you sooner or later, and I hope you will escape from my sword!”

“I look forward to it very much, but I hope you can keep your heart calm, don’t disturb the peace of mind for ordinary things, let alone the affection of children, haha ​​…”

Meng Ke’er’s beautiful face was covered with frost, and two cold electricity shot out of her eyes. The murderous air filled the air. She said coldly: “You are really disturbing me to practice. You know what I have done. Quite a lot, but I advise you not to move those boring thoughts, I will take your life after returning to the city of sin. “

Chennan smiled and said, “It’s probably not easy to take my life. I have a hunch that something beautiful will happen to us in the future.”

Meng Keer looked at Chen Nan coldly, in order to resist the devil qi in the valley, her body exuded a light and cold radiance, making her look like a fairy standing in the air of Dalu. At this moment she was really angry and her voice was cold, saying: “You really let me kill, don’t force me!”

Chen Nan saw her killing opportunity and said, “It’s really unimaginable. The gorgeous fairy fairy will have such a cold side. Your emotional fluctuations are so dramatic, it seems to be contrary to the Taixin School’s genius! “

Meng Keer suddenly laughed and looked deep into the valley and said, “If you think that disturbing the peace in my heart can disturb my spiritual practice, then it is a mistake. Everyone has seven emotions and six desires, and no one can do it. It ’s impossible to put aside all selfish desires when you are desperate. In the process of practicing, over-emphasizing the desirelessness in the heart can only be reduced to inferiority. I sent the ancestors in the secret code of the school to mention it in the world. Only by understanding all kinds of human nature can we understand the truth of the world and achieve the unity of nature and man. “

Chen Nan could n’t help but sigh: “Dan Taixuan, you really got it …” He felt a lot of emotion in his heart. Although Dan Taixuan made him almost repaired to the point of nowhere, it is undeniable that this mysterious woman is extremely talented, The world is rare.

Then he said to Meng Ke’er: “Experience the various states of life, realize the truth of the world, and achieve the unity of heaven and man. In the final analysis, it still focuses on your heart. In terms of your current cultivation, I am afraid that you are still holding the peace of mind. Stage. “

Meng Keer looked at him in surprise, and said, “You really understand some of my exercises, but you should not bother me. I have already surpassed the realm of mind peace.”

“Haha, isn’t it? It’s no good to say more now, let’s hurry and explore the situation in Chagu.”

The color of frost on Meng Ke’er’s face gradually receded, but he didn’t have a smile, and turned into Gujing Wubo. He and Chennan first searched within a hundred feet from the valley mouth, and then extended to the area of ​​two hundred feet. The eight behind are always at a distance of two hundred feet from the two.

Ten people kept searching in this area, not missing every corner. There are a lot of human bones in the dead bone piles of various monsters. In the expectations of everyone, you should be able to find some broken weapons, or personal accessories for the dead. However, they were disappointed, there was no relics to find, and there was really nothing other than the bones in the valley.

Ten people got nothing and gathered together again. Finally, it was agreed that Chen Nan and Meng Kerr would continue to advance two hundred feet, and the remaining eight would still keep a distance to follow.

In the dead Jedi, thousands of dead bones spread the ground, and the whole valley is white. Chen Nan and Meng Ke’er stepped on the dry bones, and made abnormal noises such as “click” and “creak”, and the ghosts and fires in the distance suddenly appeared horrified.

At the moment, the two of them were about 400 feet away from Taniguchi. After arriving here, the devil qi surged more and more violently. The two had to further stimulate the true qi in the body to resist the invasion of devil qi. The tremendous pressure from deep inside the valley is also getting heavier, making them almost breathless.

Ten people finally found out after repeated searching in this area. Chennan found a broken rusty half-faced iron shield under a ten-foot giant skull mountain. This was the first time that everyone found the remains of the dead.

The crowd gathered around and carefully removed the rust on the shield. The ancient patterns were engraved on the shield, but because the age was too old, the textures on it were obscured.

Flipped the iron shield to remove the rust marks on the back of it, a line of small characters scratched with finger force came into everyone’s eyes ~ ~ Everyone was excited, there was text on the iron shield! This is the most valuable clue they found!

But the complicated text, at a glance, is the typeface thousands of years ago. Everyone looked at each other, and they were in trouble for a while.

Chennan sighed and said, “I know, but the meaning above is too puzzling.”

Everyone looked at him in surprise, Ling Yun couldn’t wait to say: “What on earth did you say?”

“It’s him … he’s still alive …” Chen Nan read it out according to the original text.

Everyone was shocked and fell into silence.

According to the text engraved on the iron shield, it is most likely that this “he” refers to the existence of a **** like a demon deep in the valley, so it seems that his identity is not trivial. In that distant past, “he” is likely to have Earthshaking identity!

Chen Nan’s thoughts are ups and downs. No one wants to know what secrets are hidden here. He wants to explore the truth of the disappearance of the gods thousands of years ago. This is an excellent entry point.

He stood up and said, “Exploring inwards, there must be greater discoveries. The dream fairy and I are still one step ahead. You follow.”

Deep into here, everyone has felt a great pressure, it is a spiritual coercion, they know that it is from the deepest death of the Jedi, so everyone has a little hesitation after arriving here. However, in the end everyone nodded together and agreed to continue exploring.

When Chennan and Meng Ke’er walked a hundred feet away, they noticed an unusual breath. The spiritual coercion from the depths of the valley increased sharply. They felt a trembling from the soul. Fear filled their hearts.

Chennan shouted: “No, the Anonymous Demon Awakened …”

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