Shen Mu [Divine Grave]

v8 Chapter 28 - Incarnation

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Meng Keer’s heart was terrified. Erotic Dao is the most promiscuous group of the Six Dao. If a woman falls into the hands of that group, it is really better than death.

Innumerable energies hit Meng Ke’er’s body, and the weird true energy ran around in her body. She felt her body getting hotter and hotter, and she knew that she was in love with the **** way.

Chennan is no stranger to the Six Great Evil Dao of Archaic. In his period, the Six Great Evil Dao were already the Six Holy Lands of Evil Dao. Of course, he did not know that the Six Great Evil Dad once unified the practice world.

The ruined Dao of the Six Dao years ago and the Chen family had invincible resentment. The Chen battle split the evil Dao Dafang Dongfang Yunfei, which caused the world’s old demon Dongfang Xiaotian to be born, and the battle of life and death was held at the top of Yueshan and the Chen war.

After, the disastrous defeat of the demonic king of the world was in a state of insanity, and broke into Chenfu in the middle of the night, striking Yuxin with a short pulse. Yuxin had to walk into Baihua Valley to close her death and bid farewell to Chen Nansheng.

At that time, Chen Nanwu was half-waste, and his confidante fell into death again. The sky of life was gray. The decadent he finally concealed his father and had a mortal duel with the descendants of the ruined Dao.

Chen Nan moved in his heart. With his intuition, he felt that the inheritance of the Six Evil Dao is still in existence. In this life, he may also be involved with the broken Dao of the Six Dao.

He calmly looked at everything in front of him. He knew that these were hallucinations. In this “world”, only she and Meng Keer really existed.

The dignified and beautiful, fairy-tale dream fairy in the past, at the moment half-dressed, his face flushed, and his breathing became more and more rapid. No one can imagine that the most outstanding contemporary successor of the Dantai Ancient Holy Land would have such a gesture that **** has almost crushed her reason.

Chen Nan was stunned. The dream-like holy dream Kerr was uncontrollable. The two arms of Frostbite and Shengxue were exposed in the air, tearing their shirts at a loss. The beautiful and beautiful jade Li Li was ashamed. Red as fire, cherry lips snorted lightly.

She was drunk, and her skirt fluttered when she rotated, and a pair of slender and round beautiful legs were vaguely visible, which attracted many people to think about.

With the sound of “hiss”, Meng Keer’s pair of slender hands tore his own dress, the white tender carcass of Lishuang Shengxue looming, the two trembling pride stood upright, exposed, and the peak was bright and beautiful , Hooking souls.

Chennan felt that the phantom fantasy realm created by the Unknown God and Demon was too unbelievable, and it could make people forget everything and fully integrate into his own inner world. What a dignified and holy day is Meng Ke’er, a sacred place in the ice and jade, which is like a fairy. However, in this world at this moment, she has lost herself and turned into a hot and **** stunner.

Looking at the half-naked snow-white carcass, Chen Nan’s mouth was dry and dry, the smooth and smooth ice muscle jade bones, the delicate and beautiful snow-white breast peaks, the slender waist that was grasped, the smooth belly like jade, beautiful No slender jade leg is beautiful, and no one is tempting to commit a crime.

He knew that everything in this “world” was illusory, but Meng Keer was real. At this moment, he suddenly discovered that this dreamlike fairyland suddenly calmed down. The other women and the demon disappeared, leaving only him and Meng Kerr as two real people.

Chennan could clearly hear Meng Ke’er’s convulsions and panting, looking at the semi-nude perfect body, he felt the blood veins spraying, the blood flow was accelerating, and his heartbeat was accelerating.

And at this time, Meng Kerr was rushing at him quickly.

He yelled in his heart: “What exactly does the Unknown God Demon want to do ?! Could it be a test of life and death against me again, and I fell into the illusion again?”

Although Chen Nan was very hostile to the Dantai faction and also had evil thoughts about Meng Ke’er, but now he doesn’t have that kind of thought. The nameless demon tiger looks down at him outside this “world”, God knows he wants What to do.

Chen Nan calmed his mind and hurriedly recited the general formula of Xuan Gong, he said: “The sky is empty, nothing is empty, nothing is empty, nothing is nothing …. Without going and without coming, Huigui meditates on the lunar orphan … “

Meng Kerr was completely lost. At this moment, her eyes were like two waves of spring water, and her face was full of spring, and her snow-like skin turned pink, crystal and smooth, with a tantalizing luster. She hugged Chen Nan, twisted, rubbed, and moaned on him. The delicate body was like boneless, softly sticking to Chen Nan’s body, and she would never separate again.

The heavenly, holy and beautiful peerless beauty turned into a * girl at this moment, so fragrant and exciting, so that Chen Nan’s heart was on fire, he would almost embrace the delicate body in his arms. But he can still keep a trace of clarity. He understands that everything is deliberately arranged by the unknown gods and spirits. He and Meng Ke’er are now just a piece in the hands of others. He must not fall into the illusion and sink like a dream. .

Chen Nan recite aloud the general formula of Xuan Gong in the family, while trying to push away Meng Keer, but suddenly found that his body could not move, he even lost control of the body!

He shouted loudly into the sky: “What the **** are you doing, didn’t you say that I have passed the level? I’m just a spectator and a witness in other people’s” world “, why don’t you talk about credit?”

No one answered him, the whole “world”, except for the whimsy of Meng Kerr, no more voice. Chen Nan faintly felt that the Unknown God and Demon had lost faith and seemed to want to test him again. In this fragrant illusion, although extremely exciting, but he felt a trace of uneasiness and a trace of fear.

Meng Kerr twisted and rubbed on Chen Nan’s body, and then began to tear his shirt. The pieces of silk were flying like fluff, and the clothes on her and Chen Nan’s body were torn clean. Chen Nan’s bronze-colored skin reveals a precious light, giving a sense of strength. Meng Ke’er’s delicate body is as gleaming as jade, without any trace of flaws, and it can be said to be the most perfect masterpiece of heaven.

However, in this incredibly fragrant atmosphere, Chen Nan fell into a bitter situation. He found that he could not even make a sound. He was unwilling to be manipulated by others, while chanting the heirloom of family history again and again. ‘S stunning beauty ignores it.

But he can still perceive the external stimuli. Silently reciting Xuan Gong wants his heart to be ethereal. However, the external stimuli want to drive him crazy, but he ca n’t move, and he ca n’t push the dream away.

Chen Nan became more and more anxious, and could no longer calm down. The real Qi in the body began to rush into the meridians, and the blood continued to overflow from the corner of his mouth.

In Chennan is about to fall into a land of nowhere, the unnamed demon in the illusion of the sky has changed color, and his single eye emits a red light. He saw two light **** flashing in Chen Nan’s body, one golden light and one black light, the two light **** were the size of a fist, you chased each other and bumped into each other. In addition, he felt a familiar breath — a thick breath of death.

The nameless demon suddenly grabbed his blood-red hair and yelled, “Ah …”

The ten “worlds” in the phantom fantasy world disappeared in an instant, and the stories that are happening in each “world” suddenly ended. Everyone who walked out of the illusion was like a big dream, and everyone was mentally depressed. They almost collapsed in the illusion.

The unnamed demon pointed at Chennan with his fingers and yelled in a frantic manner: “You are a man who has been changed from heaven to heaven! You are also a dead man! The power of the gods and demons in your body is also difficult to cover up the vast sea-like breath of death! Against the sky … ah … “

No one but Chen Chennan could understand the ancient words. The unnamed **** and demon fell into a state of madness. He was like crazy, rushing into the depths of the virtual heaven.

With the disappearance of the Unknown God and Demon, the great spiritual coercion also subsided, and everyone’s face was extremely pale. Just now everyone almost collapsed.

“Ah …” Meng Keer shouted in horror. At this moment she was without any traces. The two lotus arms that bully Shuang Shengxue were wrapped around Chen Nan’s neck. The two were entangled with a stripe ~ www. ~ The eight people outside the flower bush can vaguely see the scene inside through the whirling flower shadows. All eight of them opened their mouths in amazement. They could n’t believe the facts in front of them. A man cuddled up naked, his gesture fragrant and warm to the extreme.

It was a primitive temptation. The beautiful and enchanting carcass of Meng Keer could not be resisted by anyone. All men felt a strange breath, even the female Tyrannosaurus Knight Lisa and the talented female magician Alice Also froze for two seconds.

Meng Keer retreated like lightning, she looked at Chen Nan in disbelief, and then looked at herself, and then issued a harsh scream: “Ah …”

At the moment, she was naked against Chen Nan. The snow-white carcass was crystal-like as jade, the two trembling jade feng stood upright, the slender waist with a slender grip, the smooth belly like a jade, and the graceful and slender jade legs were all beautiful. There is no place to seduce crime.

But at the moment Meng Ke’er’s body was trembling. She couldn’t believe the facts in front of her. After a while, she woke up from the shock. She quickly put the broken clothes on the ground and put her finger on Chen Nan. , Trembling: “You … you … you …”

But at this moment, Chen Nan seemed to know nothing about the outside world, and his ear kept echoing the words of the Unknown God and the Devil: “You are a man who has been transformed by the sky! You are also a dead person! The power of the gods and demons is also difficult to cover up the vast breath of death like sea!


Happy Dragon Boat Festival, brothers!

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