Shen Mu [Divine Grave]

v8 Chapter 3 - Spirit Dragon Tribulation

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Baby Dragon has been weak after resisting the Nine Thunder Tribulation. At this time, it forcibly spit out a huge lightning, blocking the black electric awn.

“Boom” made a loud noise, and the dragon flew out at a low altitude for dozens of feet. The golden light on its body was dim instantly, and the bright red dragon blood overflowed from its mouth and nose.

After the dragon stabilized, it began to empty the nearby heaven and earth to repair the damaged body, but the terror in the rolling magic energy obviously wanted to kill its life immediately, and did not give it a chance.

A tremendous force surged down from the height, a **** red fierce light shrouded towards the dragon, the ground swayed by the powerful force violently shook up, the bamboo leaves were scattered in the forest, all the bamboos were dancing wildly.

The little dragon fell to the ground from the air hit by the fierce red light, and a miserable dragon chant came out from its mouth. It kept rolling on the ground, and the bamboos were crushed by it in rows and rows.

On the square of Kamikaze Academy, thousands of practitioners were shocked. A black cloud appeared suddenly over the academy, which had surprised them. Afterwards, black lightning and red lightning descended in the black cloud, which made them even more incredible. It was not until they heard the screams of the divine dragon that they realized the seriousness of the situation.

Because the horrible atmosphere revealed by the rolling magic energy is only locked in the bamboo forest in the northwest corner of the college, everyone in the square did not realize the terrible place of the strange dark clouds. Moreover, when Xiaolong fought against the Devil Qi, the flying was very low, and the people did not find it at all. Until Xiaolong screamed out, all the people found out that the situation was not good.

At this time, great pressure was revealed in the rolling magic energy, and the vast power seemed to fall straight down from the air at any time, and attacked the dragon again.

Xiao Chenxi cried anxiously: “No, don’t hurt Xiaolong Dragon …” Xiao Chenxi and Xiaolong lived together for many days and had a deep affection for it. It can be said that in this world, except Chennan, Xiaolong is her closest partner.

Seeing that Xiaolong was in danger, her small face was full of tears, and she choked with sobs: “Xiaolong Dragon …” She wanted Chennan to rescue Xiaolong, but she knew that the terrifying existence in the demonic power was extremely powerful and could not be done at all. Overcoming, she was afraid that Chen Nan would also be in danger after passing, and she could only cry sadly.

At this moment, Chen Nan was in a hurry, and if Xiaolong was hit again, it would be really dangerous. For whatever reason, Xiaolong has always been very intimate with him, and saved his life and Xiaochenxi’s life in the capital of Jin Kingdom. In any case, he could not watch Xiaolong lose his life.

Chennan placed Xiao Chenxi on the ground and said softly, “Wait here, brother, don’t move, do you hear?”

Xiao Chenxi was sad and a little scared: “Brother … Woo … I also want you to save the dragon, but you can’t defeat the demon … Woo … You don’t want to go …”

“Relax, my brother wasn’t overwhelmed by the sudden heat and recklessness. Remember that piece of jade? With it protected, I think there should be no major problems.”

Xiao Chenxi was suspicious of her letter, and she was worried. She waved her hand and watched Chen Nan walk forward. The moment Chen Nan turned around, he immediately put away the smile on his face. At this moment, he had taken off Yu Ruyi and held it tightly in his right hand.

The three peerless masters glanced at each other. Although they knew that the unidentified existence in the rolling magic energy was invincible, they nodded together, and then followed Chen Nan forward.

At this moment, the dragon had stopped rolling, barely flying into the air, the golden glittering scale armor had dimmed, and the dragon’s body was covered with blood.

Seeing Chennan approaching, it seemed a little anxious. He wanted to use the power of heaven and earth to push him away from here, but found that he had no ability at all. It was hit by nine thunderstorms and was hit by two terrorist forces far more powerful than thunderjackets. It was already weak to the extreme.

Chen Nan touched its scale armor and sighed, “Don’t you persuade me to leave here, baby dragon. There is something called” True Love “in humans, although this kind of thing is more and more indifferent in human society The less coming, but it has always existed. You have always regarded me as a loved one, a friend, and once saved my life and Chen Xi ’s life, how can I ignore you when you are in a dead situation? I admit that I am not a A gentleman is not a purely good person, but I have something like “True Feelings” in my heart. Because of its existence, I can fight my life to do my part! “

There seems to be a layer of moisture in Xiaolong’s eyes, which deepened his tongue and added Tim Chennan’s right cheek ~ ~ At this time, the three great masters guarded Xiaolong in a horn, and all three It has been known that Xiaolong is the dragon king of the first generation of the Dragon Knight of the Kamikaze Academy thousands of years ago. They have a special feeling for it. They can’t watch Xiaolong lose his life.

The great pressure was revealed from the high-altitude rolling magic energy, but Chen Nan and the three great peer masters waited for a long time, and they did not see that the vast sea-like power surged out.

Just as a few people were nervous, the subtly unspeakable low words spoke out from the rolling magical energy. The three masters looked at each other, capturing the faint voice with their peerlessness, but they didn’t understand a word.

Chen Nan has a keen sense of knowledge, and he is better than ordinary people. He used the old monster’s words to say that he has a spirit root. He also caught the faint words. He was shocked, and his heart surged.

The low words from the high-altitude rolling magic energy turned out to be the language of the fairy continent thousands of years ago! The weak words carry a trace of vicissitudes and a trace of confusion: “Who am I? Why am I here?”

Then a vast force rushed down from the devil qi, and there was a burst of devil qi in the sky. Chennan saw the nameless demon with a broken head, a heart pulled out, and broken wings.

He was so shocked that the horrible existence in the devil’s energy turned out to be the nameless demon of death and jedi! If it had not been that he had seen him in the Death Jedi earlier, he must have thought it was a ghost image caused by the demon qi surge.

Chennan’s heart was like a raging sea of ​​turbulence, and it was difficult to calm down, because not only confirmed that the strongest existence in the demonic qi was really the unknown god, but also because the words in his mouth turned out to be the language of the fairy continent thousands of years ago! Anonymous gods and demons are similar in appearance to the ancient gods and demons in the West, but they speak the language of ancient times in the East. What does this mean? !

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