Shen Mu [Divine Grave]

v9 Chapter 6 - Popular

Chennan sighed as he watched the Death Jedi. When he came, the top ten masters were full of confidence and wanted to explore the hidden secrets of the Jedi. However, at this moment, only three people were born, and Meng Kerr used his own wisdom to escape. Ling Yun, a shameless villain, managed to escape with the life and blood of his companion.

He sighed: “Good people don’t necessarily have good rewards, bad people don’t necessarily have bad rewards, I’m such a bad person … hehe …” He has a few feelings in his heart.

The words spoken by the Unknown God and Demon seemed to echo in his ears. He forced himself not to think about those words, because it was not the right time. Before entering the realm of immortality, he had no ability to change anything. Now he can only forget Everything the Death Jedi knows.

Chennan shook his head and said to himself: “There is always a blessing in the so-called tribulation and death. See what blessings are waiting for me.”

He walked back along the same path and started to return. Chennan was a little stupid when he hurried through the thorns and thorns. Here, the mountain and the ridge were cumbersome, hundreds of miles away from the city of sin. If you walk back in the direction of memory, I really do n’t know how much it will cost. Long time.

In this vast mountain, if the direction is slightly deviated, it may enter the deepest part of the mountain, and it is difficult to find a circuit. Chen Nan frowned lightly, expecting that the female cyan dragon of Tyrannosaurus Rex was still waiting, but he was disappointed after walking out of Wuli Road. Yalong had nowhere to go.

There is no way, Chennan can only walk on foot, according to the path in his memory, he prays in his heart: Do n’t make a little deviation!

After leaving the Death Jedi, the forest gradually regained his anger, and got rid of the death-like silence. Birds and beasts could be heard five miles away from the Death Valley.

At this moment, Chen Nan suddenly found that a distant mountain reflected a strong light, but it disappeared instantly. He was shocked in his heart and turned to rejoice. With experience, he knew that it was the light reflected by swords and other sharp objects. He could be seen in the vast mountains, and he was very excited. He was expected to be a person sent by the Academy of Kamikaze.

He just wanted to make a noise, but he stopped his impulse. He concealed his whereabouts and moved forward cautiously. When Chen Nan sneaked into the forest in front, he could clearly sense the breath of several masters in the forest. There were three people in the forest with long breaths and strong internal breath.

He became more careful, lurking behind a giant tree, converging breath, not moving at all.

The three people in the forest have been silent, but they have revealed a vicious murderousness, as if the cheetah hiding in the line is hunting, quietly waiting for the prey to enter the ambush circle.

Chen Nan was shocked, feeling more and more bad, he had a bad hunch, the people in front of him seemed to be really waiting for someone to fall into the trap. He suddenly thought of the cold-blooded and shameless Ling Yun, and connected all this with him. Chen Nan’s eyes shot two cold lights, his pupils contracted sharply, and his heart was really angry. But he did not act rashly, still dozing quietly, observing the three in secret.

The three in the forest seem to be very patient. To be precise, they are “professional” and they are all excellent “hunters.” It has been an hour, and the three still say nothing.

After two hours so quietly, the three of Lin Lin remained motionless, without a sound. Gradually, Chen Nan was anxious, and when he was about to take action, someone finally made a noise.

“Can someone really leave the Death Jedi alive? I don’t think it’s possible. It’s hard for the rest to come out alive.”

“There is nothing impossible, there is no absolute thing in this world, we do not need to think about it, as long as we strictly implement the things explained above, we must not let a person go.”

A person like a leader said: “The two of you shut up for me. The other groups are close to us. If you let them hear us talking, it will be troublesome. Our task now is to be silent, quiet. Wait and wait for the target to appear, and immediately greet people from other groups to attack the target. “

Linnei returned to tranquility.

Chennan secretly panicked, as he expected, things were very bad. These people are actually preparing to kill the people who have survived from the Jedi, it is awful!

What’s bad is that there are not only three people ambushing here. There are many groups hiding not far from here. It can be expected that on the way back to the evil city, there are many obstacles and there must be multiple ambushes.

After half an hour, Chen Nan stepped on the foot of the **** like a ghost and walked silently around the back of a person. His right palm waved gently, and the person fell to the ground without a word.

Then, he again walked silently in the forest like ghosts and ghosts. Only a moment later, the three of them were attacked by him and stunned.

Chennan carefully dragged the three people off the mountain forest one by one, waking them up in a place he thought was safer. Seeing that the man just wanted to yell, Chen Nan slapped it, sealed his dumb hole, and said coldly: “You dare to shout loudly, I immediately punished you!”

The man did not succumb, whine a few times, Chen Nan didn’t say much, he staggered his shoulder blades directly, and took off his two arms. The man was sweating with pain and his arms were unable to sag With.

Chen Nan said coldly: “I don’t want to talk nonsense, I must ask you questions to answer honestly, otherwise you will understand the end.”

But what annoyed him was that this person was very stiff and actually did not succumb. Although he could not speak, he continued to whine with a fierce light in his eyes and seemed to be cursing.

Chennan slapped him directly with a slap and woke up another person, but I didn’t expect this person to be just like the one just now, but also very stiff.

He woke up the last person, but in the same situation, the person still refused to submit to him. This time Chen Nan fire is big, if these people are bright and arrogant, it’s okay to have this kind of character, but a few people are blind to thugs, so stinky and hard.

He began to impose brutal punishment on the three people, splitting the wrong muscles and other means on them one by one, but the three people’s iron mouth and steel teeth, they refused to speak, and all eyes were fierce, staring at him fiercely. .

Chen Nan was helpless. When he didn’t ask anything, he began to search them, but still no valuable clues were found. In the end, he thought about it and directly abolished the cultivation practices of the three, and then clicked the big hole in their body and left it in the grass.

He sneaked into the forest again. If he had n’t found it, he prepared to quietly clean up the people in the forest and then detoured back to the city of sin.

Is still quiet in the mountain forest, but Chen Nan knows that there are many obstacles on the road to the city of sin. A huge net has already been opened, waiting for those who have escaped from the dead and the Jedi to enter the urn.

This time he was more careful, sneaking and dormant. He knew that this group of people might be life-threatening deceased people, and it was impossible to get anything from their mouths, so he wanted to find out whether he could get valuable clues behind his back.

In the mountain forest he sensed the breath of a group again. He stayed still and hid in place.

It took a long time before I heard someone say: “Do you really mean that someone can come out alive, I think it is impossible.”

But immediately heard a person reprimand: “Shut up, you don’t want to live anymore, you have forgotten how to explain it above, you can’t talk about anything, don’t let the wind out.”

Chennan secretly scolded, but there is no way.

Suddenly, at this moment, someone whispered softly, “How are you doing in a group?”

Chennan secretly said: bad.

The five people he won wanted to be a member of a group. It was impossible for anyone to answer at this time. He thought about it and then replied bitterly, “There is nothing wrong.”

“Huh” Lin Nei heard a voice of doubt, and then yelled, “No, some people are coming here.”

There were countless noises in the forest. Many silhouettes quickly rushed in this direction. Chen Nan was really speechless. Unexpectedly, this group of people was so tightly organized. Just after fleeing the death and jedi, he was besieged by a person.


The City of Sin is surging. After the secrets of death and Jedi are exposed to the world, the mood of the people can no longer be calm.

A few days ago, the top ten youths went to the Death Jedi by hand, and unexpectedly soon came the bad news, except for the youngest master of the Dantai ancient sacred place, Menke Er, and the young master of the Ling family, one of the top ten cultivating families in the East China Outside, the rest are trapped in the Jedi by the Unknown God.

Meng Kerr’s traces are hard to find. All the news came from Lingyun’s mouth. The city of sin was boiling. The emotions of panic and fear spread and diffuse among the practitioners.

People feel sorry for the eight masters who have not escaped, and their admirers are worried.

Everyone is looking forward to the arrival of the senior masters of the retreat around the mainland earlier. Things have reached this point. Only those senior talents are qualified to explore the Jedi again.

The practitioners waited in anxiety and panic.

At the same time, the deans of the four colleges sent some masters to find the whereabouts of Meng Keer. After all, she was one of the survivors, and she was afraid that something might happen to her.

Lingyun was praised by all the senior masters in the city of evil, and was sought after by all young masters. But his life is not so good. In case someone surrenders himself to death, his lies will not break through, and his cold-blooded face will be exposed to the world.

Although he has already arranged, he is still very worried!

In addition, when he was walking alone in a garden of the Shenfeng Academy, he once felt a wicked murderous spirit, which was a familiar breath. In just a moment, he had guessed who the secret person was, and he knew it was a dream!

In that situation, Ling Yun brainstormed, and finally lowered his voice and said, “Is it a dream fairy, you can rest assured, I will never talk nonsense. I have always admired you for those that happened in the illusion of the virtual sky Things are not true, you will always be the holiest fairy in my heart. Please rest assured that if Chen Nan escapes from the death jedi, I will kill him personally, I can not tolerate that he once molested the fairy in my mind . “

Lingyun is not insidious, and saves his life while leaving him an exquisite trick.

Finally, the murderousness slowly subsided, as if nothing had happened.


Blood mist spreads in the forest. Chen Nan and the masters ambushing in the forest have been fighting for a long time, and there are already two rank masters who have been killed by him.

At the moment, the weapons in his hands were all captured. The sword in his left hand and the sword in his right hand opened wide and wide, and the vertical sword and the brilliant sword were two feet long, swaying in the woodland. There was a terrible howl, no one could stop it.

But Chen Nan’s battle was more and more frightening, and the rank masters surrounding him were increasing. Some people came to join the battle group from a distance, and now there are seven major rank masters besieging him.

Go on like this, he has to fight to death, even if his skill is prosperous, he can’t stand many people! Even with so many rank masters, one can imagine how terrible the forces behind them are.

At this moment, there was a whistle in the distance, and a figure rushed through the dense forest quickly.

Chennan felt bad. From the long whistle, he knew that the person was very good. He must be a master. The howling was getting closer and closer, and I saw an old man in a gray robe like a big bird, a few feet long, and came ten feet away like a fly.

The old man of the gray cannon rose into the air, his feet stepped in the air, kicking dozens of foot shadows to Chennan in a row And go.

Chen Nan was frightened, the swords were lifted together, and he chopped out dozens of sharp edges continuously against the foot shadows in the air, and the two forces collided together in the air, like a shocking wave breaking the shore, bursting out of intense energy fluctuations, all around Trees fell down in rows and rows impacted by the violent energy flow.

Chennan kicked back and took a few big steps. The old man in the air fell calmly. Only two of them were left in the field, and the others surrounded them.

Chennan secretly murmured, and the old man’s morality seemed to be no worse than him, plus the surrounding masters of the ranks, if he tried hard, he really wanted to end it.

“Old man, who the **** are you, why ambush me here and kill me?”

The old man narrowed his eyes, looked at the picture book in his hand, and inadvertently shot two cold lights, he sneered: “You are Chennan, we are no need to tell you, you are dead today!”


On top of a mountain five miles away from the Death Jedi, a peerless beauty in white clothes fluttering in the snow, is watching the movements in the mountain forest without blinking, the breeze gently blowing, like a fairy-like beauty It seems to be going back by the wind.

Only, at this moment, the fairy on the mountain was covered with frost, without a smile, her eyes were as cold as electricity, and there was a murderous flow around her.

The lady in white is Meng Keer. She once quietly returned to the city of sin, and then returned to the mountain, waiting for the only way back to the city of sin.

She has discovered the figure of Lin Zhongchennan. The murderousness she revealed is because of Chennan, but she did not show up. She did not want to be exposed to everyone in Linnei.

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