Shenhao: Unlimited ten consecutive draws at the beginning

Chapter 445 Charity

After returning to the mainland, Chen Xuan's focus of work had to return to the charitable foundation.Because now Chen Xuan also plans to do some things in this regard.

After being developed, you have to do something to give back to the society. As the saying goes, if you are poor, you will be alone, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world.

He intends to hand over this matter to Xiaoxue for preparation. During the last operation of the film, Xiaoxue has already shown his overall planning ability, and Chen Xuan also plans to add more burdens to him. Now he doesn't have many capable generals under his command. In particular, the central aspect must be considered.

After all, Chen Xuan's charitable foundation is not like other celebrities or rich people, it's just for show, mainly for tax evasion.

Many celebrities and rich people claim to donate naked and set up charitable foundations there every day. Don’t think that they really want to do good deeds. Cooking is just a casual thing for them.

In essence, it is for tax evasion. Of course, it is called tax avoidance, legal tax avoidance.

In this way, they only need to let their children hold relatively high positions in charitable foundations.Then that money can be enjoyed by the children without paying huge inheritance taxes.

The inheritance tax in all countries is very high, and it is relatively better in China, especially in places like island countries, where the inheritance tax may require you to pay [-]% to [-]%, so those rich people who can afford it, naturally To use various methods to avoid being levied inheritance tax.

In fact, the middle class suffers the most in the so-called developed countries, because the rich can afford better accountants who can help them legally avoid those taxes.

And some poor people don't have to do anything because the welfare in developed countries is relatively good, and they don't have to worry about eating and drinking when they lie down.

It's over if you eat and die every day. Although you can't be rich, it's not a big problem to have enough food and clothing.

So those middle-class people are busy paying mortgages, car loans, and medical insurance every day, and they can't relax for a second. As long as they lose their jobs, they will be finished.

On the streets of Europe and the United States, I often see some homeless people who look pretty good, some with dogs, which fully shows that they used to be middle-class, but because they went bankrupt and their houses disappeared, so their wives and children were gone. If they have a dog of their own, at least there is a dog with them, and those who don't even have a dog, then they are the only ones left.

Of course, Chen Xuan didn't think about setting up a charity foundation. Like other areas close to him, he just wanted to help those who are really poor and really need help.

Like the ones where you buy him two pigs and ask him to raise them, and sell them for money after they are fattened up, but he kills the pigs directly, or sells the pigs directly, makes some money to spend a few days, and then he is too poor to get rid of the pot people.

It is absolutely impossible for Chen Xuan's charity foundation to help such people.

Only those who are self-improving, but because the conditions are too difficult, they are only a short breath away. Chen Xuan intends to help them. Such talents are promising, and such people will benefit the entire human race by helping them. It is beneficial to the whole country and the whole society.

Like those who are naturally lazy, let him fend for himself.

Just like when Chen Xuan planned to subsidize many poor students, he also asked Xiaoxue to pay attention to recruiting an investigation and tracking team to assess the status of those students in real time.

Because the whole society now only pays attention to the students' grades and ignores the students' conduct. Chen Xuan and the others advocated the all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor when they were young.

For example, Aoki University in the capital is already the best university in the country, yet there was a poisoning incident.

A beautiful girl who is in her prime and versatile is thrown with heavy metal thallium.Although he was finally out of danger after rescue and treatment, but now he has no way to live a normal life, and his intelligence has seriously declined. He looks completely different from the beautiful and versatile person in his prime.

And the girl who poisoned her was the girl in her dormitory, just because of jealousy.

In such institutions of higher learning, can you say that their grades are not good?Those who can pass the exam are definitely not ordinary people, they are some with very good academic performance, but their conduct is questionable.

Including a college student from a key university in Southwest China. His family was relatively poor. He studied hard and was finally admitted to a key university. In the end, he beat all the roommates in the dormitory to death with a hammer. It was also a sensation at the time. the whole country.

Chen Xuan didn't want to help. Such a person should know that the higher the position, the more terrifying such a person would be.

Therefore, it is very necessary to conduct follow-up investigations to determine the character of the other party. If you feel that the other party has misbehavior, you will be disqualified from helping the other party. There is no room for any falsehood.

Chen Xuan knew a big star named Sun Li, and Chen Xuan had a good relationship with her husband La Braca.Labraca said that when the contract with the company is over, he plans to sign Chen Xuan's company.

This star named Sun Li once sponsored a student. Unexpectedly, when he knew that Sun Li was a big star, the student was very dissatisfied. Sun Li only gave him 3000 yuan a month. , he also wants to buy some extravagant things.

Sun Li ruled him for such a long time, and he didn't have any gratitude, but because Sun Li refused to give him more money, he developed resentment towards Sun Li, so every time Sun Li talked about this Things are feeling chilling.

That kind of person is a typical white-eyed wolf, a typical story about a farmer and a snake, so Chen Xuan also plans to support poor students with his charitable foundation. The most important thing is to have good conduct. You can be an ordinary person. But you must not be a white-eyed wolf, and you must not be a person who is prone to jealousy and resentment towards others.

Chen Xuan didn't care what other people thought, anyway, he was too lazy to make some people with bad conduct correct their evil ways and walk on the right path.

There are many film and television dramas and novels that have been written. A teacher worked hard and used his own actions to finally make those prodigal sons of the students turn back on the right path. conduct.

The most important thing is determined by his genetic blood type and the influence of acquired environment.

Basically, it is difficult to change after junior high school.

Chen Xuan felt that instead of trying to correct one person with bad conduct, it would be better if he had the time to help 10 people with good conduct. Why waste all that effort?

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