Shenhao with a learning panel

Chapter 459 The masterpiece "Guan Canghai Travel Notes" is released!

If viewed from the sky, the general shape of the entire Zhifu Island looks very much like a Ganoderma lucidum, so it is called Zhifu Island. It is located in the northern part of Yancheng City. It is long and narrow from east to west, 9 kilometers long, and wide and narrow from north to south, with the narrowest point being less than 500 meters.

After Li Shi arrived here, he realized that this place had a very long history. After Qin Shihuang unified China, he actually carved stones three times to praise his merits, leaving behind the famous Qin Emperor's stone carvings. Unfortunately, those carved stones have long since disappeared in the long river of history.

On the other hand, there is a Yangzhu Temple at the foot of "Laoye Mountain" on the island. Since it was built in the Spring and Autumn Period, it has been repaired and expanded by successive dynasties, and the ruins still remain. When he passed by that day, he took a look at it, and there were enshrined inside. "Yang Zhu", as the saying goes, is the "Sun God".

The temple is very grand, but there are very few people who come to burn incense. In fact, this temple can be called the "oldest temple".

At 3:50 in the morning, after Li Shi came out of the hotel and drove to the Dongkou Pier, he passed by this temple again.

Not long after driving, he stopped the car, turned off the engine, and headed straight for the barren mountains connected to Laoye Mountain with his sword in hand.

Zhifu Island is a typical sea erosion landform, with sea cliffs, sea stacks, and sea caves that are strange and steep. However, the side behind the sea is densely wooded. If you are in it, it does not seem much different from an ordinary forest.

It's just that the night was already hazy, and it was raining lightly, which made the barren mountains look even more eerie.

Those who are timid may not dare to walk at night in a place like this.

Li Shi had good eyesight and had been here before. With the faint light of the sky, he climbed to the top of the cliff easily.

The wind howled.

Opening his eyes, he saw that the sky was covered with dark clouds, which seemed to be so close that he could not breathe.

And under the dark clouds, the sound of waves on the sea was roaring, which was many times louder than the last time we came here.

Unfortunately, it was still too dark at this time, and Li Shi's vision was blurry no matter how good his eyesight was.

But he was not in a hurry, not at all.

Holding the Han Su Sword in his left hand, he stood motionless on the cliff, letting the wind and rain blow and feeling it quietly.


Mi Guan is 33 years old and is a local video blogger in Yancheng. He likes to take videos of himself traveling to various places and post them on Bilibili and Douyin.

After being a blogger for three years, he has visited countless cities and scenic spots, and also visited six or seven countries abroad. Two months ago, he suddenly felt tired and stopped to rest for a long time.

It was during this period that he decided to change his style and stop running around for the time being. Instead, he would base himself in his hometown of Yancheng and shoot videos with the flavor of fireworks, that is, take pictures of the lives of the local people in Yancheng.

As an experienced and ambitious video blogger, he quickly decided on several topics, but he also knew that if he wanted to shoot something different and get traffic, he had to have his own characteristics. His idea was "Combining elegance and vulgarity" - the main line is life-oriented, with a heavy emphasis on fireworks and a down-to-earth atmosphere. The secondary line mainly focuses on natural scenery and cultural scenery, focusing on aesthetic art.

For this reason, he has been shooting aerial footage recently.

He took pictures of the city in the morning and late at night, sunrise and sunset...and so on. Finally, he waited for the next rain and took pictures of the sea in the rain.

Mi Guan scouted the scene in advance and selected several locations. He also mentioned reading the weather forecast. Knowing that it was going to rain at night, he caught up on his sleep during the day. After 11 o'clock in the evening, he first went to Bajiao Bay to shoot for an hour, and then Then we drove to Jinshatan Wetland Park and took photos for two hours. Finally, we arrived at a deserted beach on Zhifu Island, where we prepared to take photos of the seascape in the rain from dark to dawn.

Because there is no team, all the hard work has to be done by oneself. Fortunately, he is not only dexterous and quick to learn, but he is also naturally bold. He is not afraid of running around alone at night.

Of course, he also concluded that it was precisely because of his personality that he liked to run around that he was still alone at the age of thirty-three...

Although Mi Guan was brave, he did not risk climbing the mountain with the equipment on his back. Instead, he drove the car to Zhifu Island West Road under the Yangzhu Temple.

Although this road around the island has not been completely built, when he visited the spot before, he found that the cement road also bypassed the northwest corner and reached Beitakou. Further on, although there is no cement road, there is a gravel road, and at the end is the beach he chose to take pictures.

Mi Guan arrived at the place and watched the rain outside. He didn't get out of the car and took pictures directly in the car, waiting for the rain to stop while taking pictures.


Li Shi stood for a while, then simply sat on a relatively flat boulder on the cliff, silently feeling the rising water vapor between heaven and earth.

Because his physique was good enough, he was not afraid of catching a cold and allowed the rain to wash his body and soak his clothes.

He just watched the sea and listened to the rain.

While listening to the rain, I am also listening to the sea.

The rain fell and the waves rolled.

In the night at the beach, he thought of many things.

But after a while, I didn’t want to think about anything anymore.

He stood up, pulled out the Hansu sword held in his left hand with his right hand, threw away the scabbard, and began to practice basic swordsmanship: stabbing, chopping, cutting...

After practicing the basic swordsmanship countless times, he suddenly stopped, stood still, rested for half a minute, and then swung his sword to use the "Xia Ke Sword Technique".

After only practicing once this time, Li Shi suddenly felt that the sky was getting brighter, so he immediately stopped, held the hilt of his sword upside down, faced the vast sea again, and cast a watchful gaze.

Still standing there, motionless.

The scenery between heaven and earth gradually appeared in his sight.

The rain stopped unconsciously, and the dark clouds dispersed a lot, especially near the sea and sky, where even stars were vaguely exposed.

Li Shi looked around, at the nearby mountain islands, then at the gloomy and deep sea in the distance, and finally raised his head to look at the starry sky that was so vague that it seemed as if it didn't exist.

The emotions in my heart have brewed on my lips.

He gently waved the plain sword in his hand.


The force penetrated the tip of the sword, and all the raindrops attached to it were scattered. In an instant, the sword was clean.

The next moment, he opened his lips slightly and spit out one word from his Dantian: "Dong!"

Then, he quickly took five steps back and stood up with his sword.


Stab the sword forward, leap three meters, and slash the sword.

At this moment, he no longer limited himself, relying solely on the emotions brewing to the extreme in his heart, and using his sword as a pen, he began to write poems about looking at the sea.

Read half a sentence and then "write" it.

Read another half sentence, and then "write" another move.

After "finishing" the fourteen moves, You felt dissatisfied and did not stop at all. Instead, he started over again, continuing to read poems and "write" poems with his sword!



Three times!

Li Shi gradually forgot about time, with only the tip of the sword in his eyes and the sound of waves in his ears.

He didn't even remember that he was sketching. Only a pure thought made him swing his sword over and over again.

Each time it seems to be the same as the last time, but if you look closely, there are differences. His emotions, his aesthetic accomplishments, his swordsmanship, and the purest thoughts deep in his heart all inadvertently make this "Sword" song Poetry" tends to perfection!


Mi Guan put the car sideways on the seaside at a distance, then arranged a homemade rainproof device on the car window. Then he chose an angle, set up the time-lapse photography equipment in the direction of the sea, and let the equipment take pictures by itself. I set the alarm clock, returned to the front passenger seat, and slept for fifty minutes.

After being woken up by the alarm clock, he found that the sky was slightly brighter and the rain had stopped.

I quickly rubbed my eyes, got out of the car with another camera, chose a location, and set up a new shooting position facing the east - hoping to capture the beautiful sunrise after the rain.

After finishing everything, he breathed a sigh of relief, got into the car, took out his beloved mirrorless camera, and started taking pictures.

Speaking of which, I started to be a video blogger because I loved photography. Suddenly, he looked doubtfully at the cliff in the distance on the right.

There seemed to be some cold light flashing across the top of the cliff just now.


When Mi Guan looked intently, he seemed to be able to vaguely see the flickering figures on the top of the mountain.

He quickly raised the camera in his hand.

"Is this...someone practicing swordsmanship there?!"


Li Shi recited poems and executed swordsmanship, and finally stopped at the twenty-first time.

After "writing" this time, he put away his sword and stood up, feeling an uncontrollable critical feeling in his heart that seemed to be about to explode in the next second!

Yes, this is the time!

The previous twenty-one times of repeated training are just for this moment - the next time, the twenty-second time, this "Sword Chapter" will reach perfection, at least the relative perfection that he can achieve now!


At this time, the sky was much brighter than before. Li Shi took a deep breath, looked at the sea again, no longer lingering, picked up the scabbard, and quickly went down the mountain.

When you get to the car, set off immediately.

There was no one on the road, so he drove at the allowed speed and returned to the hotel in only twenty minutes.

Enter the room, close the door, take off your coat, and come to the desk with your upper body naked.

The pen, ink, paper and inkstone above were prepared last night.

After a while, I picked up the ink and grinded it a few times, then took up the pen to moisten it and closed my eyes.

This time, he was not as calm as usual. Instead, he was thinking about all the proud things he had done in the past year, thinking about the day when he killed the pig, the blood-red holes in the knife, and thinking about that day in the deep forest, casually smashing the boulders, The pleasure of kicking and breaking a huge tree...

Finally, everything from this morning flashed before my eyes.

Breathing slightly rapid.

Swing the pen like a sword, write!

"Observe the Canghai and realize the Tao, and obtain the Canghai Sword Chapter."

"There is a sword move on the 14th, saying: To the east is the Jieshi to see the sea. Where is the water, the mountains and islands are standing there. There are many trees and luxuriant grass. The autumn wind is bleak, and the waves are rising. If the sun and the moon travel, if you go out of it, you will be like a star. Brilliant, if it comes out of it. Fortunately, it is even possible to sing to express one's aspirations."

One stroke after another, some struck out sharply, or reversed the momentum. Finally, when the word "Zhi" was written, it was like a volcano suddenly erupting that had been suppressed for a long time. Li Shi, the earth god, was so happy that he wanted nothing more.

I just felt that my whole body and mind were instantly wrapped in endless pleasure.

If you wander into it, it will be like reaching the clouds.

Sign off.

Li Shi stood there for a long time.

After I calmed down, it was already bright outside.

At this moment, there was no excitement in his heart anymore, only a faint feeling of joy that lingered and did not need to be shaken off.

I turned around and went to the bathroom to take a shower, changed my clothes, came out, and walked to the desk again. When I looked over, I just felt that the paper was full of swords, and I couldn't help but feel happy.

"It's done! This work has both form and spirit. It is definitely the pinnacle of wonderful works. It can even be said to be a semi-divine one."

"After this creation, my calligraphy level has been infinitely close to (professional+)!"

"Next, just grasp the state of mind at this moment and complete the third step..."

I used to play "Li Mengde", but now I want to go back to "Li Shi"!

He opened a bottle of bottled water provided in the hotel, took a sip, looked at the time, it was already past nine o'clock, picked up the landline in the room, and called room service for breakfast.

Then he sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the small tea room and silently looked at the sea view outside.

Soon, the hotel waiter brought a bowl of Fushan noodles.

Fukuyama noodles are Fukuyama ramen, and Li Shi ordered dragon beard noodles, which taste great with seafood and vegetables.

After eating the noodles, he turned off his phone, closed the curtains, and went to bed.

Normally, he would sleep for three and a half hours at most before waking up naturally when he was full. This time, he slept for an extra hour, from nine in the morning to around one in the afternoon. After waking up, he felt normal and spontaneous. Naturally.

After getting up, I put the calligraphy on the desk into a scroll, carried it on my backpack, and went out.

I first returned the rental car and then wandered around the city. I saw interesting shops on the roadside, especially gourmet shops, so I went in to browse and buy some.

This afternoon, he met many people, whether they were store owners and waiters, or passers-by on the street, he basically smiled back but said nothing.

When ordering, you also point to the menu.

Many people thought he was mute.

A young but kind-hearted mute with a smile on his face.

Finally, he came to Jinshatan Seaside Park and strolled along the sidewalk along the seaside.

Occasionally, I stopped to look at the sea and the blue sky and white clouds on the sea. I didn't walk back to the hotel until it got dark.

After closing the door and putting down his backpack, Wang Jianmu suddenly called. Li Shi hung up and replied with a text message: "Senior Brother Wang, I have something to do today. I will contact you tomorrow."

Then I called my mother, chatted for a few words, and hung up.

I sent another video call to Qiuye and Yuelan, chatted for a few words, and hung up.

Put down the phone, get up and go to the desk to study ink.

Two minutes later, he leaned against the floor-to-ceiling window of the living room and looked out at the sea. He watched quietly, carefully recalling his recent experiences bit by bit in his mind.

He called up the learning panel and didn't look at the rest. He just stared at the nebula in the background that was constantly being annihilated, reborn, and annihilated again.

Finally he grinned, looked away, turned around and came to the desk again.

Pick up the pen, meditate briefly, then write with ink——

Traveling through three places, thousands of miles here and there, to the old place, I watched the vast sea and learned the sword.

Things went well, so I created "Canghai Sword Pian", but I still didn't finish the meaning, so I wrote "Guan Canghai Travel Notes", which said: "Xi Mengde's poem talks about the ambition of chasing deer. I asked for instructions on the question in the sword."

I am dull and cannot be polished. Although I was born in the land of Jiuzhou, I heard the voices of sages and sages when I was thirty, and I was secretly happy.


Looking at this scene, the stars pour into the sea, and their breath looks like clouds.

Push away the mist of the long river and stand in the light of time.

I would like to ask Confucius, can he teach me how to recite aloud?

He also asked Lao Dan, can he pass on the name of Tuna?

Thirdly, I asked Taibai, was it sunny that day in Mount Lu? Is there any immortal god nine days away?

Or maybe on the day of the Zen ceremony, we climbed to the top of Daiyue Mountain together and didn't see the beauty of creation, only the smiling face of Emperor Qin?

Fluttering, traveling with swords for thousands of years.

Finally, he and Qu Zi asked about the wine, and murmured to themselves: At the beginning of the ancient times, who taught the Tao? (End of chapter)

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