Shenhao with a learning panel

Chapter 466 Plans to stir up the calligraphy world in Xiaotian (please subscribe)

The original "Sangluan Tie" written by Wang Xizhi himself has long disappeared in the long river of history. The existing "Sangluan Tie" is a Tang copy. It is connected with two ruler-slip works such as "Er Xie Tie" and "Deshi Tie".

It is a cursive book with hard yellow ring extensions, double hook outlines and ink marks on white linen paper.

When Li Shi first learned Tie, he studied this collection carefully.

At that time, he did not have the high level of strength and realm he has now. He regarded this Tang Dynasty copy as a classic and only studied and copied it meticulously.

Nowadays, he is no longer what he used to be, and he is writing this post with the pursuit of resemblance. What is different from before is that in the whole process, there are several places where he involuntarily paused for a few seconds.

"This Tang copy has flaws!"

Li Shi put down his brush, frowned, and looked at the original collection of video materials.

The word "Sangluan" in "Sangluan Tie" originally refers to death and disaster, but in this work, it generally refers to the chaos of the government. This article was written in a turbulent situation. After Wang Xizhi was shocked to hear that his ancestral tomb had been destroyed, he was extremely shocked and painful, and wrote this letter in a state of overwhelming grief.

"His mood at that time must have been grief, and he wrote this book in one go in a state of extreme sorrow. If I were to put myself in his situation and write in his style and posture at that time, I should be able to write it from the beginning very smoothly. There shouldn't be such a thing. A sense of stagnation.”

"This copy is exquisite. It uses the double hook method unique to the Tang Dynasty. Even the areas damaged by insects and the damaged edges of the paper are copied and depicted."

"But because of this, there are big differences in some details between this Tang copy and Wang Xizhi's original painting."

"Like a incomplete painting."

Li Shi shook his head and smiled, his smile full of helplessness in the face of history.

For a great calligrapher like Wang Xizhi, who can even be said to be the first calligrapher in history before him, none of his original works have been handed down. Some are just engravings and copies.

He gathered his emotions, pondered for a while, and wrote it again, changing the previous details according to his own understanding.

Looking at it again, I suddenly felt that the whole work had been slightly improved to another level.

"This can be regarded as helping this work restore the original sad beauty."

Thinking this way, Li Shi felt particularly happy.

When his strength reaches his level, he already has the ability to repair history in some aspects!

He put down his pen again, took his notebook, and wrote a paper titled "On the Defects and Repairs of the Tang Copy "Sang Luan Tie"".

Looking at the thesis title, Li Shi suddenly smiled again.

Calligraphy was popular there in my childhood, and the most admired calligrapher was Wang Xizhi, just like in China. And the degree to which they attached great importance to and cherished the Tang copy of "Sangluan Tie" is no less than the degree to which we attach importance to the Tang copy of "Lanting Preface".

Once I finish writing this paper and send it out, I think it will definitely shock the calligraphers there.

Li Shi thought about it and felt that this would be a good opportunity to spread his calligraphy skills in a foreign country.

I paused my previous work, took my laptop, created a new document, and typed in: "On the Defects and Repairs of the Tang Copy "Sang Luan Tie"".

It only took him two hours to write 12,000 words, which not only demonstrated his views from all aspects, but also generally used some of his unique calligraphy concepts.

Finally, I changed the word "repair" in the title to "perfect".

In this way, the first draft of this article titled "On the Flaws and Improvements of the Tang Facsimile of "Sang Luan Tie"" is completed.

However, this is only a text manuscript, and a few more calligraphy pieces are needed to support some of the descriptions inside.

Li Shi put down the computer, came to the desk again, spread out a new piece of antique silk cloth, and started writing.

Ten minutes later, he used the camera brought by his assistant Zhang Huijing to take pictures of nine newly written different versions of "Sangluan Tie" to form image data, which was then transferred to the computer and combined with the text manuscript to form a complete manuscript.

Finally, I sent it to He Yaru's mailbox, and then called her. "Sister He, I sent a paper manuscript to your email. Please help me submit it as soon as possible."


He Yaru originally thought that the first manuscript was completed, but unexpectedly Li Shi wrote another impromptu paper.

After she hung up the phone, she quickly logged into her mailbox and looked at it. She found that it was a research paper on the treasure-level historical relic "Sangluan Tie", and she was immediately amazed.

As expected of Teacher Li, in such a busy time of retreating to write a monograph and preparing lectures, he still found time to produce such a high-end paper. It is really amazing.

At this moment, her phone rang. She put down the tablet and got up to unlock it. It was still a message from Li Shi.

"Sister He, after this paper is published, help me find someone to spread it to Xiaoli. It is best to spread it widely there."

He Yaru was very smart. As soon as he saw this message, he immediately understood what Li Shi meant.

"Teacher Li, is he trying to increase his influence in the Japanese calligraphy community? Also, Sangluan Tie is very well-known there. This paper directly pointed out the many flaws of Sangluan Tie and also gave a perfect The perfect method, especially these nine photos of different degrees and versions of perfected works, will definitely cause a sensation once the calligraphy community over there knows about it!"

He Yaru suddenly became short of breath.

When she thought that Teacher Li was going to stir up the calligraphy world in her childhood with a paper, she immediately became very excited!

I thought, I must spread the word well when the time comes.

In the hotel room in Yancheng, at noon on the third day, Li Shi had completed all the imitations of historical masterpieces and was refining the manuscript. Suddenly he felt a slight touch and immediately called up the study panel——

Name: Li Shi

Constitution: 35.9

Wealth: 24.331【Whether to redeem】

Currently studying: Calligraphy (Professional+) [0.22%]

Learning completion library: omitted.



Li Shi was surprised for a moment, but soon realized that the paper that He Yaru had been asked to deal with had been drafted.

She is as efficient as ever.

"Not bad, not bad. With one small paper, the preaching progress has been increased from 0.21 to 0.22."

Although it only improved by one ten thousandth, Li Shi was already very happy.

This one-ten-thousandth of progress means that this paper must have a greater influence.

Sure enough, after a while, I received a WeChat message from He Yaru, telling me about the manuscript.

He replied, "Thank you for your hard work, Sister He," and then focused on refining the manuscript of his first monograph.

Three and a half hours later, at about 2:30 in the afternoon, Li Shi packed up the entire manuscript and sent it to He Yaru's email address again.

Then he took a long breath, put down his laptop, stood up from the sofa in the hotel living room, walked to the window, looked out at the sea view that he never tired of, and let the sea breeze blow on his cheeks.

I thought to myself: "This "Introduction to Calligraphy" is what it is. Even if the publisher has any opinions, it will not be revised."

As soon as this thought came out, another touch came to my mind. (End of chapter)

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