Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 35 Another Possibility of History

Chapter 35 Another Possibility of History

Immediately after Elinie made her voice, the dark and lightless space took on shape and color.

That was a scene that Aiwass was extremely familiar with——

This is the intersection of Lloyd's and White Queen's districts, a place called Legal Place.It was the place he passed by on his way to the Pelican Bar.

I saw the setting sun slanting slightly in the sky, and the clouds were thick.The dim yellow light shone on the gloomy street, and there was a damp omen of the coming storm.

But Aiwass quickly realized something was wrong.

This is a downtown area, but there is no one on the road.There was a dead silence.

This is not an illusion.

Because at this moment, time is still standing still.

The nine of them sat in the middle of the road, surrounded by a glowing hourglass.

Aiwass observed that only the old man and Sherlock were completely unresponsive to this.Others, including myself, were more or less surprised.

In emergencies, everyone takes a cautious attitude.The moment everyone chose to be silent, the atmosphere became silent.

"The the legendary angel?"

In just a second or two, Cheese broke the silence first.

She murmured in a low voice, her voice full of childlike expectation and longing: "Is sister Angel helping us advance?"


Sherlock calmly interrupted the girl's beautiful imagination, and calmly gave an explanation: "The essence of the apostles is actually a phantom. It's just that they are willing to obey the Nine Pillars God and are responsible for assisting the Nine Pillars God to respond to various rituals."

" a servant who helps Lord Nine Pillars do small things."

Coco on the side made a gentle voice and explained softly: "Don't be afraid...they are only responsible for leading us to perform the ceremony, not for specific judgments, nor for determining the content of the ceremony.

"The original name of the advanced ceremony is 'Nine Pillar God Ritual', which is a ceremony to call the Nine Pillar God to come. In theory, all the Nine Pillar Gods should be summoned. But there are too many low-level transcendents like us, and the Nine Pillar God How could God have time to visit us... so he sent an apostle.

"The nine pillar gods must send at least one apostle. Because we are still too weak, we can only attract one apostle... Only when the apostle arrives, the ceremony can be established."

"You don't have to care too much about the apostles."

Sherlock suddenly said, "Master Elinie is the apostle of the balanced path, and she is very particular about fairness. But not every time you advance, you will meet the apostle of the hourglass—if you encounter the path of love, wisdom, or authority If an apostle who is on the way or beyond the way presides over the ceremony, it is very likely that he will maliciously favor or deceive the participants of the ceremony.

"But in fact, the biggest influence is still the compiler of this ceremony... that is, the preferences and tendencies of Master Pillar God."

The hourglass is another name for the sand timepiece, and it is the pillar god of the balanced road.It is also the mark printed on the copper coins of Avalon.

Each country has different restrictions.Generally speaking, it is mainly related to the opposing path of the mainstream thought, and secondly, it involves political reasons.

For example, the Kingdom of Stars mainly promotes the path of transcendence, the path of twilight, and the path of balance, while the mainstream thoughts of the Kingdom of Iris are the path of beauty and the path of love.They're next to Avalon, and they're not on very good terms with each other.

The paths of all three countries are opposed to each other in terms of cultural invasion and spy infiltration.

——But even so, under the premise that the Star Wars Kingdom was established with alchemy, Avalon and Iris still did not prohibit the path of equilibrium.

On the one hand, technology and alchemy cannot be let go, and on the other hand, because the balanced path emphasizes fairness, neutrality, and no borders in principle—this kind of "fairness" that is consistent is from top to bottom.

"Generally speaking," Sherlock glanced at the old man who had remained silent all this time, and then spoke again after a pause, "The host also has his own likes and dislikes—after all, without a clear will, personality, and memory, it can't be called a host." A real phantom.

"Because of this, the host will choose to be slightly inclined to help the transcendents of his own path, or to cause trouble for the path he hates."

Hearing the words, the luminous hourglass finally made a sound:
[Don't worry too much, everyone]

[After all, this is theoretically a ceremony that the Nine Pillars Gods are concerned about, so it won't be too much]

[We are not the examiners, nor the questioners, but only the invigilators.We're just here to witness the ceremony and make sure no one is cheating.It's no use trying to please.Even verbal attacks don't matter—of course, although I don't care, this enthusiastic 'detective' is right, and I also don't recommend you to attack apostles of other paths]

Elene's voice was gentle, and she didn't even grab Sherlock's words, nor did she make any rebuttals.Obviously the kind with a good temper.

[Then everyone, according to the tradition - in the first promotion ceremony, I will explain to you]

[This time, there are three advanced practitioners who have multiple paths, but please note: only the abilities of the advanced paths and the extraordinary items made by themselves that correspond to the paths are allowed to be used in the advanced ceremony]

【——Everything you encounter in the dream world is related to but different from the real history of the material world】

[Perhaps a ceremony calling for a higher existence, an assassination against a big man, or a local war may change the world.Or maybe the world has been changed long ago, but no one can remember the original history]

[And in the advanced ceremony, you will see the 'another possibility of history' deduced by the Nine Pillars God]

[The dream you use every time you advance will only be used once, and the content is all fictional and different from the development in reality]

【Therefore, you have to solve puzzles, search for items, defeat enemies, or survive and prove your abilities under the gaze of Nine Pillars God】

[This ceremony is limited to four hours, and the ratio of reality is one to one]

[You will play a certain role in the venue and complete your own tasks, and you will get corresponding points for each corresponding goal completed]

[Because this ceremony is a full moon ceremony, cooperation is allowed and calculation of cooperation points is allowed: the collaborators will receive additional points of 10%-50% of the points gained by the assisted person depending on their efforts and benefits]

[But you can’t cooperate with the opposite path you selected in this ceremony, otherwise you will subtract 50%-100% of the points gained by the person you helped]

[Note: If you help the other party without discovering the identity of the opposite path, points will still be deducted; but if you don’t recognize and directly tell the correct identity of the cooperative path, you will not be able to give yourself extra points for the act of helping.After the ceremony is completed, the three people with the lowest points will be eliminated]

[In this ceremony, all intellectual beings except the participants of the ceremony do not possess complete intelligence and soul, and are all fabricated by 'Amber'. Therefore, actions such as killing, healing, and sacrificing will not trigger the oath, Taboo, Promise, Curse]

[The difficulty of this ceremony is "safe". All injuries and deaths during the ceremony will not affect the health of the physical body, and failure to advance will not cause weakness or damage to the soul.]

[Additional statement: The dream of this ceremony was constructed by 'Amber', and the arrangement of tasks and roles, as well as the detailed rules for adding and deducting points were in charge of the 'Lord of Scales and Feathers'.It has nothing to do with the witness of the ceremony—that is, the person himself]

After saying this without a pause, Elini finally stopped after issuing the disclaimer.

[Is there anything else that I don't understand?The next time you advance, the new host won’t tell you so much]

No one made any noise, just like the atmosphere of the teacher asking "Is there anyone else who didn't understand?" in the classroom.There was no sound.

And Elinie was not surprised by this.

She kindly added:
[This ceremony is very simple and the process is not long, so don't be nervous, and you don't have to find teammates.If you still don’t understand anything, you can ask your guide after waking up]

[Remember, everything you see in this ceremony is fictional.Don’t take everything you see here as a real history—]

When she said this, the sand in the hourglass was just running out.

When the hourglass slowly reversed, the apostle Elini spoke the last words:

[In 1884, a shocking serial murder occurred in the capital of the Kingdom of Avalon...]

When the hourglass was completely turned over, Aiwass suddenly felt a strong dizziness.

The world frozen in front of his eyes remained motionless, but the nine people sitting on the chairs disappeared like water waves.

(End of this chapter)

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