SHIELD's new recruits

Chapter 106 Suspected Edman Metal

After Wesley got the specific requirements from S.H.I.E.L.D., he started the research and development of the intelligent program again, and then he would send some modification requirements inside the space carrier to the engineers, and they would immediately start the modification.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s requirements are a bit high, and the intelligent program will control most of the areas on the Helicarrier. The number of modifications is a bit huge, but since S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't care, what does Wesley care about?And he left a special back door for himself, he can take over the entire space carrier if necessary, and Wesley is very happy that this happened.

Unknowingly, it has been a week since I came to the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. Wesley is quite familiar with the underground factory of the headquarters. Some necessary tests, and during this process, he must have gotten acquainted with the engineers, workers, and security personnel here, and at the same time distinguished their camps.

In this way, Wesley has one more task every night. Write out a list of the people identified in the day and hand it over to Phil Coulson, who will be responsible for keeping it. will be published.However, there is still a big problem, that is, Wesley's speed cannot be increased, and the energy in the body is consumed too much. For this reason, the restaurant has to give him extra meals every day.

Maria Hill and Wesley basically didn't see each other at the headquarters. They were busy with different things, but after a week passed, Wesley invited her to dinner again, and the other party didn't refuse.Wesley felt that this was not bad. If he did not find a woman he liked in the future, then it would not be a bad idea to wait for Maria Hill to become the director before getting married.

In the morning, he passed the security check at the bridgehead again. Wesley came to the headquarters to work normally. Now he seems to be working from nine to five. Task.

As soon as he entered his studio, several heavily armed soldiers surrounded a large wooden box, and Phil Coulson stood aside, "Phil, what is this?" Wesley asked after entering.

"Of course it's what you asked for. It was delivered last night, but you're already off work. The director doesn't want to disturb your rest. Now your work is the most important thing." Phil Coulson said.

"Oh, is such strict security measures necessary?"

"Of course, according to expert analysis, this metal can be compared with Captain America's shield."

"Hehe, which one is more powerful, his shield or the weapon I need?" Wesley thought of the allusion of the spear and the shield, and it would be interesting if they all died together.

"It's hard to say, well, things are here, you can take a look first, but don't affect the development of intelligent programs. Oh, and, according to Tony Stark, you gave yourself a code name 'Sir 'Is it right?"

"Do you still have contact with him? I haven't contacted him for a long time. Did he complain?"

"No, he is hot with Miss Pepe Potts right now, but I have registered your code name with S.H.I.E.L.D. for you."

"Whatever, it was just for fun. My battle armor is 'Black Jazz', and the weapon is called 'Jazz Arms'. I use this metal to enrich 'Jazz Arms'."

"Yes, it fits your style very well, but you are not a real jazz, it's a pity."

"If I was really a Jazz, would I still be here?"

"That's right, we're leaving, and the things are here. If you need to keep them, you can call the security department to take them away." After speaking and leading the people away, Wesley walked over and opened the box. There were a lot of things inside. These are rock formations encased in metal.

"Apple, does it look familiar?" Wesley asked.

"Comparing the database, the comparison is complete, similar to the original Edman metal that appeared in "Wolverine 1", the specifics cannot be determined."

"Really, isn't this the world of the Marvel universe? How can there be something surprising? Don't tell that there will be mutants in the future. In that case, a Magneto can end Captain America, Iron Man and me. Thor I don’t know if your hammer is considered metal?” Wesley clicked his lips, feeling that something bad was going on, as if the Avengers were not the opponents of the X-Men.

"It should not appear. So far, SHIELD has not found mutants. You must know that SHIELD is very powerful, and Hydra will not fail to find them, so don't worry. The two metals are only similar in shape, and the metals carried by meteorites basically look like this, so it is difficult to distinguish."

"That's right, it's better to just call it Edman Metal."

"Then how do you explain it? The origin and meaning of the name? Otherwise, those scientists will not let you go."

"Well, just pretend I didn't say it." Wesley shook his head helplessly. People who have never been in contact with it don't know, such as those engineers of the space carrier. Noisy and red in the face. "So, what do we do with these metals?"

"The S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters can't handle it. They don't have metallurgical equipment here. The best place is the Stark Building, where the equipment is the most complete, even more complete than Tony Stark's villa."

"Tony, this guy always likes to turn his living place into a factory. I don't know if he is for convenience, or is he an otaku?" Wesley sighed, but he didn't expect to go to Tony Stark again. .

"You haven't learned how to use your wealth. Just like your company, it hasn't raised funds yet. It just invited Tony Stark, and he invested a billion dollars out of friendship at the beginning. Forget it, another person would never invest so much money in you, and you would have no prospect at all."

"Who said that? How promising is my project?"

"That's why you understand the development direction of your original universe. People who are not Tony Stark's personality will never invest so much."

"Hmph, I won't tell you anymore. We continue to work. Tony's investment has already earned dozens of times." Wesley knew that he had always been a complete nouveau riche mentality, and he needed to achieve the maximum profit before making a move. A company needs conditions to go public, such as how much profit it makes every year, and you will be allowed to go public after a few years. Fortunately, he does not lack start-up funds, and there is no shortage of follow-up funds, so he can wait until the profit is maximized. This is to avoid anti-monopoly Law.

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