SHIELD's new recruits

Chapter 39 Examination 1

Wesley and Carlos went to buy fishing tackle and diving equipment. This time, Carlos's pickup truck is about to be dispatched. It seems that his choice is not bad.

Two sets of sea fishing gear and four sets of diving gear were put directly on the yacht, and then they planned to make a big purchase before departure, but the opening of the flower shop and Wesley's assessment made the plan to go fishing this time ran aground.

"What's the name of the flower shop?" Today was the opening day of the flower shop, and Wesley was going to check it out, so he got up early in the morning and prepared to set off with Carlos.

"Alice Flower Shop." Alice was the name of Wesley's mother, and it seemed that Carlos still missed her.

"That's right, but the past must pass, don't let go when you see a good woman." Wesley said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I won't. Now that I've hired a clerk, when are we going to go fishing?" The reason why the flower shop didn't open for three months is that Carlos has been arranging the flower stand by himself, and he hopes that it can be arranged well. Some, so it was delayed for three months.

"I'll go after my assessment is over. I don't know what their assessment is like." The two went out and drove their car to the front of the flower shop, where a woman was cleaning.

Plaid shirt, overalls with shoulder straps, flat shoes, long brown hair tied in a ponytail on the back, a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, 1.6 meters five, very slim, but he should not be young , over 30 years old, but looks refined.

"This is Alice Hepburn, the employee I invited, and this is my son, Wesley Gibson." Carlos introduced, "Alice has a good understanding of flowers, and it fits the name of the store very well."

Wesley smiled, "Welcome, I hope you can help me take care of Dad in the future. I'm not here often, and I travel a lot."

"Hi, nice to meet you, I will work hard." The woman was a little shy, but Wesley felt that the two of them had a good chance.

"Okay, it's time for me to go. You should be busy." Wesley drove away in his sports car and came directly to the New York branch of S.H.I.E.L.D. Today is the day of the assessment, and he really has no idea about the assessment.

Before the exam, Wesley received a call, "Mr. Wesley, your piece of land has been sold, and Mr. Donald Trump won the bid for $4.35 million. Following your instructions, rely on Yacht and florist funds tax sheltered, now all done, the last $3.5 million in your bank account."

Wesley has to say that taxes in the United States are too high. This transaction requires both parties to pay real estate transaction taxes. Afterwards, he exempts part of the tax and throws away the auction house's share. He has 3.5 million funds left, and nearly [-] million is gone. , Distressed.

"You're doing very well. I'll call you if I have something to do." As Philip is a lawyer, Wesley cannot do without him. In the United States, you can never do without the profession of a lawyer, especially the rich. "Trump, I wonder if it's Trump? Forget it, let's talk about it later."

"Gentlemen and ladies, the exam begins now. The first item is the written exam. The time is one hour. The agents are racing against time. I hope you can hurry up." The examiner sent down the test paper directly, which was divided into several pages. Wesley read it After one time, "Apple, answer."

He finished it in less than 10 minutes, and handed in the paper directly, "Mr. Wesley, I have to say that your speed is really fast enough, then you go to the shooting range, there are examiners waiting for you."

Wesley didn't hesitate, the examiner said that the agent needs to race against time, so he should use the fastest speed.

The shooting range is in the building, needless to say about the sound insulation here, Wesley walked in directly, and their shooting instructor was waiting, "Mr. Wesley, you came so fast, then please stand here and fix the target." Shooting, there are five pistol parts in front of you, now you have to assemble one, and then shoot the target in front, is there any problem?"

"No problem." Wesley was very confident. He glanced at the parts. Apple had given him all the data of the five pistols, so it was up to him to choose. The amount is different. Wesley himself chose the largest number of bullets. At the same time, the Beretta 92F, which he is most familiar with, has the largest amount of 15 rounds.

"Then start." The instructor ordered directly, and Wesley didn't hesitate at all, and started to choose two pieces with both hands, and then started to assemble. At the same time, his heartbeat started to speed up, and everything around him became slower.

The pistol was assembled, Wesley loaded the magazine and loaded it, and then went straight to firing, every bullet passing through the bull's-eye, "done" after removing the magazine and pulling the barrel cover again, indicating that the bullet was fired.

"What an amazing score, very good, now go downstairs to the main entrance, where your driving instructor is waiting for you." Wesley didn't know, his score was 35 seconds, including picking parts, shooting, and safety actions One set only takes 35 seconds, and he uses a 15-round pistol.

When he came downstairs, the driving instructor saw Wesley. He didn't expect someone to be so fast, but he still took out a key, "This car is in the garage, find it, and there is the next content on it, are you ready?"

"Yes." Wesley took the key and ran directly to the garage after the instructor's order.The key is not an electronic lock, so it is impossible to find the car through the electronic lock alarm, but the sign on it is a Ford Mustang. He ran directly to the guard at the intersection where the car was parked, and then began to search for the monitoring, and directly searched for the location on the second floor , then ran over, inserted the key and turned it, and the door opened. Wesley saw the information on the co-pilot war, opened it and looked at it.

He drove the car straight out of the parking lot, and then set off towards his destination. The next location was a yacht club by the sea. This place was very familiar to him, and it was the one he joined.

It's not the rush hour now, so his speed is relatively fast, but he hasn't violated the traffic laws at all, and he hasn't exceeded the speed limit. He has been pressing the speeding standard.

"Mr. Wesley, you..." Rose saw Wesley, and he wanted to go up to him, but Wesley made a silent gesture for him, and the smart Rose walked away.

Wesley jumped directly onto a small yacht, then started it and drove away. Ross also understood what kind of competition Mr. Wesley was participating in, it seemed like this.

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