SHIELD's new recruits

Chapter 60 New Elements

"The problem is big. What he left you must be precious, but it cannot be seen by others, so it needs to be hidden, but he must ensure that you can see it, so that it will not be forgotten or abandoned. It is what I saw in your memory, the 'city of the future' is what he left for you."

"What's there? It's just a model. Is there any secret hidden in it? What did you see?"

"Let's watch the documentary."

The two sat down and began to watch the documentary. There was no important point ahead, but when it was about to end, Howard Stark began to talk to his son.

After listening to it, Tony Stark also had an idea, "You are right, the answer is by my side." His thoughts began to become complicated. It is unimaginable that his father, who has been dead for more than 20 years, can still teach him.

"Wesley, we need a prototype, come get it with me."

"No, it won't fit in your sports car, and you need to talk to Pepper, don't you? Be brave, I'll be here for you."

"Okay, you can try on my coat. Jarvis gave Wesley permission to try it out." Tony Stark left in a hurry, while Wesley stayed here by himself.

"Mr. Wesley, there are five sets of steel suits. In addition, Mr. Stark specially made one for you. Because of your height, it is not a general model."

Wesley was a little moved. This friend of mine didn’t make a mistake. He really made a set for himself. Although he didn’t need it, it was still fun. “Then come on.” Wesley pushed off the suit jacket , took off his holster, and then put on the special battle suit with the help of the mechanical arm.

This is a steel battle suit with a black shell. Tony Stark carefully discovered that he likes black, and the metal shell shines brightly under the lights, like a super sports car.

"New energy has been detected, but the energy is harmful to the human body. Your body cannot purify it, so it is not recommended to absorb it." Apple suddenly gave Wesley a message.

"Wait for the new element, this is really inappropriate, can you help me control it?"

"No, there is not enough energy." Apple can't do it, so Jarvis can only be used.

"Jarvis, help me, I'm not very familiar with this."

"Understood sir, now I will control it, and I will guide you to learn after flying into the sky."

"No problem." Jarvis controlled the steel suit and walked to the exit of the garage. Then the suit started and flew out directly. However, the suit wrapped him, and he couldn't feel the wind, and he didn't have the slightest pleasure of flying. Seeing the outside through the display screen of the helmet, I don't know why Tony likes this.

"Now start manual control, pay attention to your arms and legs." Wesley took over the control, and the flight began to be chaotic, but he learned quickly, Apple can't help him, but it can guide his body movements, Wesley Start flying in the sky, then skim the sea at low altitude.

"Wow, it's really interesting. No wonder he likes it, but it's always a pity that there is no wind." After flying around, Wesley went back directly. He didn't have any special feelings about it. Just fulfilled one of my wishes.

"Who are you?" A black man in a military uniform stood in the laboratory, "Where's Tony?"

Wesley took off his steel suit, and then said: "You are Colonel Rhodes, Tony has gone out, do you have anything to do with him?"

"It's noisy outside now. It took me a long time to convince the military not to rush here with tanks, but he went out?"

"Don't worry, the military has no reason to rush here. Even if the tanks come over, they are no match for Iron Man. Have they solved the energy problem? Or they want to rob the property of American citizens."

"I know you are Wesley Gibson, but this is not a simple business issue."

"Okay, Colonel Rhodes, that congressman is not serving the American people, but serving other organizations. Even if there is a war, we will not hand over the steel suit."

"What do you mean?" Colonel Rhodes was a little puzzled. Wesley re-equipped the holster, then put on his suit jacket, and took out a certificate, "Wesley Gibson, third-level agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Mr. Stark has joined S.H.I.E.L.D., he belongs to our technical advisor, our director will come forward to communicate, you don’t have to worry, and Iron Man is a collection of advanced technology, not everyone can succeed in wearing it, You see, Tony gave me a set, but I can only use it for collection."

"So that's the case, then I'm relieved, and I'm leaving."

"Wait, the Mark II over there should have been designed by Tony for you, Jarvis, am I right?"

"Yes, Mr. Wesley, but Mr. Stark is not finished painting, the suit is not yet finished."

"Look, Stark is a very good friend, and if you also have the Iron Suit, then it can be considered to appease the military, at least they think they can compete with Tony."

Colonel Rhodes walked over, stroking the silver Mark II battle suit, but he didn't put it on, "I should go, try it on later when I have time, and contact your chief as soon as possible, things outside are a bit uncomfortable Take control."

Wesley picked up the phone, "Hey, Mr. Director, the situation outside is not very good now, our internal organization wants the steel suit."

"Shouldn't you say something?" Nick Fury had always hoped that Wesley would tell him everything he knew, but now was not the time, he needed to elevate his authority.

"I will report to Tony after he recovers, let's solve his problem now."

"Okay, I'll take care of it. He's our advisor now, and he's an official. Those voices can be stopped, but the military is in some trouble."

"Tony made a set for Colonel Rhodes. I think it will be fine to give it to Colonel Rhodes directly when Tony comes back."

"Understood." Nick Fury went to solve the problem, and Tony Stark came back.

"Wesley is here to help." After Wesley helped him assemble all the models, he started looking for new elements, removed some decorative things, and then began to synthesize new elemental mechanisms.

"We found Wesley."

"Yes, your father is indeed remarkable, he should live in this era."

"Yes, let's do it. The equipment here can't make new elements. We need to order." Wesley had no choice but to put on the steel suit and start smashing the wall. He wouldn't take turns like in the movie. sledgehammer.

Wesley doesn't understand the world of rich people. Now a good villa is riddled with holes. Wesley feels a little distressed when he sees it, but Tony Stark doesn't feel it at all. He is completely immersed in his work. In, is this the legendary tech house?

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