SHIELD's new recruits

Chapter 68 Evacuate the crowd

Wesley returned to the crater, and Phil found him directly, "How is that person?"

"Everything is normal. He has nothing to pay attention to right now, but we need to arrange some people to go to the town and disperse them to monitor there. But don't act aggressively, and always pay attention to the surrounding environment."

"are these all?"

"That's right, that's all. If there is any special situation, I have to report it. I feel that I won't be able to calm down for a few days."

"Okay, I will arrange the manpower, and Hawkeye will take care of the situation here."

Wesley found a laptop and asked Apple to record the designed equipment on the notebook, and then looked at it.A separate arm guard has energy installation positions and shooting positions on it, and then there is a metal backpack that can be expanded into a sniper rifle, mainly relying on energy reflection, while the barrel can be charged and shoot metal projectiles, which belongs to the Railgun.

"It seems to be very simple, and it feels a bit cumbersome?" Wesley didn't think it was very good. The two weapons were separated, so I won't say much about their weight, but the recoil of this sniper rifle is not small, serious It consumes his physical strength and the energy in his body, which is completely outweighed by the loss, and it is difficult to persist for too long.

"Indeed, it is very harmful to become an individual separately. It is recommended that you use it in combination with 'Black Knight', or you can improve the overall structure of 'Black Knight'. You are not the type of melee combat, but mid-range and long-range."

"Well, it makes sense. I need Tony's help now, but it's better to go directly to his house. The equipment there is very complete. It's not the time yet, but after Thor is the Battle of New York, right? I want to become famous in one battle, I hope to Time can do it."

Wesley deleted the design of the computer. This is for his own use. It’s better to keep it a secret. But why haven’t Sol’s friends come to Earth yet?

What he doesn't know is that the movie is a movie after all. Although the time indicated in "Thor 1" is very fast, but now this is reality. He has no way of knowing the things in God's Domain. Sol's partner is now under surveillance. They are trying to find a way to escape surveillance.

A few days later, everything was still calm. Wesley went to the town to see Sol once. He seemed to be having a good time now, and Wesley also returned all Jane Foster's things to him. , Phil agreed.

This day Wesley came to the town again. The place is small and the people are not busy at all. They have a lot of time to chat in the cafes in the town.

"Wesley, haven't you left yet? Study that hammer?" Saul asked after seeing Wesley coming again.

"Yes, or in other words, as long as the hammer is still there, we can't leave easily. When will you take it back?" Wesley asked with a smile.

"This is very difficult." Saul replied in a dispirited manner.

"This is a problem with your heart, it followed you here, then it will not reject you, but you are confused Sol, you don't even believe in yourself, how do you make it believe in you?"

"Maybe you have a point, but I haven't figured it out yet."

"Well, think about it more, I feel that your matter is not over, and there will be a big battle here."

"What do you mean?" Saul didn't understand.

"If everything you told me is true, then things won't end so simply, and someone will come looking for you."

"Someone will indeed come, but I don't know how long it will be. You should know that the average lifespan of people in our God's Domain is 5000 years."

Wesley clicked his lips. It is really a long life. I am a little envious, but it may not be a good thing to live for a long time.

At this time, a colorful beam of light fell in the distance, and something fell from the sky. Wesley didn't think about it, and rushed directly to the highest point of the town. There was an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., who grabbed the telescope and looked over. Four People in armor and holding primitive weapons came over, three men and one woman.

Wesley took the radio and said to everyone: "Now start to evacuate the people in the town immediately, let them drive out of the town immediately and stay away from here."

"Wesley, what's going on?" Phil asked over the radio.

"Someone is coming to Sol's house, and his enemies will follow." Wesley responded.

"Are you kidding me? The guy who is not mentally normal has someone at home, so let them take him back." Hawkeye is very disgusted with Wesley's approach. A fourth-level agent always wants to Give orders.

"You don't have to trust my judgment, but you must evacuate the crowd here immediately, or you will be responsible for any problems." Wesley put down the radio directly, then ran down, and then started to evacuate the crowd with his ID.

God's Domain's Chaser Destroyer is too terrifying. The metal all over the body is made of unknown material, and even their own people are difficult to destroy. Apart from Thor's Hammer, Wesley can't think of what kind of weapon to use to attack.

"Everyone, please leave the town immediately. I am an agent of the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistic Support Bureau. Now there are hidden dangers near the town. Please find your family members immediately, and then drive away. Only bring valuables. We will deal with them later. Everyone can come back." Wesley showed his work ID, the SHIELD logo is not very easy to use, if it is the FBI or CIA, maybe it can be a little easier.

"What bureau? I haven't heard of it." Some people were talking about it, and they didn't know what Wesley was doing, but it seemed that it was indeed a government department.

Phil Coulson once again chose to trust Wesley. He issued an order. Hawkeye didn't quite agree with it, but he didn't have anything to do. He has been in charge of the defense near the crater, the things in the town and his affairs. It doesn't matter.

All the detectives in the town started to act, and the four people from God's Domain had found Sol, and they were hugging happily, but seeing the sudden chaos in the town, Sol became suspicious.

It's really not big here, it's too small, Wesley was constantly evacuating the crowd on the street, and Saul came over and asked, "My friend, what happened?"

"Those four weirdly dressed guys came to look for you?" Wesley didn't answer him, but asked instead.

"Yes, they are my friends, let me introduce you." Saul wanted to introduce his friends to Wesley.

"Wait first, I need to evacuate the residents of the town, their arrival means that there will be enemies behind."

"What does it mean?"

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