SHIELD's new recruits

Chapter 70 Detonation (Happy New Year Plus)

Wesley asked Phil to take people away from him. He was not so great that he would sacrifice himself. He was confident in avoiding the opponent's attack. Moreover, Wesley did not fight so hard to protect human beings and the earth, but to protect himself. Just a step forward.

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube, also known as the Space Gem, is what he must get close to. If possible, he will take it for himself. Even if things cannot be done, then he must get close to try to see if the energy can be absorbed. His current idea is to constantly strengthen himself. How to say here?It should be regarded as the world of the Marvel universe, and he can only think of this name, which is used to distinguish his original parallel universe.

What is advocated here is power. If he wants to live well and live comfortably, then he needs power, and S.H.I.E.L.D. is the springboard to gain power, and he himself likes this mysterious life.

"Plop thump" heart began to beat rapidly, and now his heart beats more than 500 times per minute, which is the result after the last strengthening.The normal human heartbeat ranges from 60-100 beats per minute, while a strong person may beat below 60 beats because their hearts are powerful.

Wesley's body is naturally much stronger than that of ordinary people, and now with more than 500 beats, all his abilities are 7 or 8 times stronger than ordinary people.He is different from Captain America, his state can only be maintained for a short period of time, and consumes a lot of energy, while Captain America's body modified by drugs can be maintained forever, and Wesley has no way to analyze this.

Everything became slow, Apple was calculating the ballistic and the impact of the environment, Wesley was shooting from a standing position, holding the handguard under the barrel with his left hand, putting the index finger of his right hand on the trigger, and then pulled the trigger.

"Bang" the 7.62mm bullet flew out of the gun chamber spinning, driving the airflow to fly.Wesley kept watching the bullet fly through the scope. At this time, the Destroyer had driven Miss Sif away and was about to attack them. When the face armor was opened and the energy inside was ready to be activated, the bullet flew directly. Go in, hit the inner wall of the helmet, then change direction, and directly hit the Destroyer's body.

With a bang, there seemed to be a small problem inside the Destroyer. A not-so-serious internal explosion did not cause much damage to it, but its attack was paused, and then it raised its head and noticed Wei Wei, who was 800 meters away. Slee.

"It seems to be useful?" Wesley and Apple said.

"It is indeed useful. Through external observations, there was a small explosion inside the Destroyer, but the specific situation is still unknown, but what is certain is that the opponent's energy is inside the body, but it is not good. destroy."

"Is the grenade okay?"

"I don't know, but the influence of Zhaocheng must be much stronger than bullets, but it is not recommended to get close to the opponent, it is too dangerous."

"I have to try it. It seems that there is an adventurous factor in my genes. I feel a little excited now." Wesley put down the sniper rifle, and the Destroyer didn't attack him. I don't know if it was dismissive or attacking. The distance is not enough.

"Phil, I'm going to help, you don't go here." Wesley got into a car directly, the Destroyer was still moving forward, and Sol hadn't stepped forward to ask for death, Wesley put into gear, Stepping on the accelerator, the front of the car started to move forward, continued to put into gear, and the speed of the car continued to increase. Now he only has two pistols and a few grenades.

The speed of the car was getting faster and faster. Wesley was only 800 meters away from the center of the town, and he arrived in the blink of an eye. Sol suddenly stood up and wanted to stop the car. His meaning was already obvious, but Wesley Leigh still wants to try.

The steering wheel was turned quickly, the brake and the accelerator were stepped on together, and the hand brake was pulled. The car was in front of Saul with the front of the car as the center, and the rear of the car swung over without touching Saul at all, then put down the handbrake, and stepped on the accelerator again. .

The metal on the Destroyer's face fell down again, and the energy inside his body boiled again. Wesley's heartbeat accelerated again, and he pulled out the Beretta 92F under his left armpit with his right hand, and then shot a bullet from the right window , "Bang bang bang" fired several shots, all the bullets shot into the head of the destroyer, and then rebounded and hit the energy in its body, the boiling energy began to explode on a small scale, and the body of the destroyer twisted strangely up.

The car passed by the Destroyer quickly, then braked to a stop, put on reverse gear, pulled the handbrake and stepped on the accelerator, then released the handbrake, the car quickly started to reverse, Wesley pushed open the door of the driver's seat, The car door slammed against Destroyer's legs.

With a bang, the car door flew out, and the Destroyer's body flew up, and then fell to the ground. Wesley communicated with Apple, and two grenades appeared in his left hand.The right hand didn't stop, put the gear back on and stepped on the gas pedal, Wesley drove the car forward again.He bit off the pull ring of the grenade with his teeth, and then the car passed by the Destroyer again, and lightly threw two grenades with his left hand and rolled into its body through the helmet, but the Destroyer lay on the ground and waved his arms at this time, the car The front of the car was hit by it, and the inertia caused the car to start rolling directly.

Everything was so slow, even though the car was rolling, Wesley jumped out of the rolling car, and then started running forward. He didn't know if the detonation had any effect, but it's better to leave now The farther the better.

The Destroyer got up, and then made two "booms", its body expanded rapidly, and the metal on its body began to be stretched apart, as if it was about to explode at any time.Sol looked at Wesley's efforts, and he was a little moved. This was not Wesley's business, but he still took the risk to fight.

Wesley had no time to observe, nor did he have time to take into account Sol's thoughts, but continued to run, his heart was beating fast, and his speed was very fast.The Destroyer looked like it was about to explode, and Sol's companions pulled him and started running out of the town.

With a loud "boom", the Destroyer exploded, and the huge explosion wiped out the town directly, and then the energy impact of the explosion seemed to spread around. Although Wesley ran out of the town, the huge energy impact quickly touched His body, his whole body flew up.

"Adjust your body movements and adjust according to my instructions." Apple hurriedly calculated the coordination of the body, and Wesley followed suit, swinging his arms and legs in the air, and his body began to stretch to the maximum in the air, balancing himself Finally, Wesley's legs landed on the ground, and then he rolled forward, releasing the inertia and the force of the impact.

The dust was flying, and Wesley's hair seemed to be dug out of the soil. He got up and slapped the dust on his head, "Yeah" also in his mouth, which made him very uncomfortable. He looked back at the disappearing town , Wesley walked over again.

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