SHIELD's new recruits

Chapter 72 Codename 'Jazz'

In Tony Stark's villa in California, in the underground laboratory, Tony Stark was looking at Wesley's design, "You made this for yourself?" He asked curiously.

"Yes, how are you feeling?" Wesley asked.

"Aren't you an accountant?" Tony Stark asked with disbelief.

"Yes, accounting, but accounting doesn't necessarily mean computers and physical engineering, doesn't it?" Wesley shrugged.

"Well, it's a good design, and it fits your combat characteristics very well, but the weight of these two pieces of equipment alone is a problem. At the same time, the design of the energy sniper rifle that can use electromagnetic guns is also very novel, but how do you solve the recoil problem? What? This is not enough for your heart to mobilize a few times quickly, especially when fighting for a long time."

"That's a problem, so what's your suggestion?" Wesley asked.

"Steel battle suit, we redesign a steel suit for you, including the energy weapon you need on your left arm, and the sniper rifle on your right shoulder. We can design it into two different shooting modes, especially the one that uses electromagnetic guns. Time, or can I install a missile or something for you? Then you will be a fort."

"Why do I see the expectant look on your face?"

"When I charge, you can support me behind me, can't you? Is there anything more reassuring than your support? I have seen your marksmanship more than once. Needless to say, no one is more accurate than you , even if the computer is not as accurate as you." Tony Stark said excitedly.

"Well, that's a reason, but then you won't be the only Iron Man."

"Don't be kidding man, of course I'm the one and only Iron Man, I'll always be the one in the front, people don't notice the one who shoots the gun in the back, the hero people need, a shining hero." Tony Stark said jokingly.

"Okay, I admit that shooting in the back is really not very noticeable."

"Let's give you a name, what do you think would be a good name for you? How about 'Black Gun'?"

"Do you want me to shoot you in the back?" Wesley rolled his eyes, what's the name of this?

"Well, do you have any ideas?"

"I want to be called 'Jazz', what do you think?" Wesley asked after thinking for a while. He named his steel suit 'Black Jazz', so he thought of a code name for himself. Don't all superheroes have code names? ?

"Nice idea, and cool, let's do it, starting with the subject."

The two started to work, using the holographic projection to start designing, "How about the steel suit I gave you?"

"Yeah, I'm going to collect it, and I like the color, but I need you to help me improve the roof, to be honest, it's a big problem to put it on and take it off."

"It's fine if you like it, then I'll use it as a prototype, Jarvis showed us the 'Jazz' set." Tony Stark said and winked at Wesley.

Jarvis directly called up the prototype design of the 'Black Jazz', "It needs to be enlarged, the knees, feet and other positions need to be redesigned, it needs to be stable when shooting, one knee needs to be on the ground, and the arms need to be cushioned." Tony. Stark kept moving his hands, first broke up the prototype, and then began to improve.

"What do you think of the red ones for the weapons?" Wesley asked.

"Red and black? Why do you like this combination? Jarvis, show us the rendering of this combination." Tony Stark looked at Wesley with weird eyes.

"What kind of eyes do you have? Is there something wrong with my aesthetics? Does red and gold look good? It just fits your personality."

"But it's gorgeous, isn't it? Absolutely dazzling, especially on stage."

The effect picture appeared, a black, tall steel armor, equipped with a red energy weapon on the left arm, and an energy sniper rifle transformation bag on the back.

"It's a bit monotonous, isn't it? Unfold the sniper rifle." The deformation package on the hologram began to unfold, and a sniper rifle with an extra-long barrel appeared.The barrel is divided into two layers, and inside is a retractable metal barrel, which is used to launch energy sniper bullets.And the outermost one is a rhombus-shaped barrel, which can be split from the horizontal center position, and then electrified up and down to form an electromagnetic gun.

"It looks much better this way, and you seem to be more flamboyant than me?"

"But I'm hiding in the dark, aren't I?" Wesley smiled as he looked at the renderings, and new equipment can be added to the armor in the future. "The battle armor is called 'Black Jazz', and the weapon is 'Jazz Armed', how about it? Isn't it elegant enough?"

"Well, your character is worse than mine."

"You admit that you have a bad personality?" Wesley laughed after finishing speaking.

"Okay, is your shooting stance kneeling on one knee? Then you need a fulcrum for the knee position, and you need a pivot for the foot. The right knee needs to be a little bit different than the left foot."

"Both sides are made the same. Both weapons have separate energy supplies, which can increase the speed of firing. Didn't you notice any difference in the energy weapon on the left arm?"

"Of course I found it, but do you need to recharge it? Although this kind of recharge takes a long time, it is very powerful after it is launched. It seems like you made a strategic weapon."

The launch of 'Precise Barrage' does require more time to recharge, and then the left arm weapon is divided into two parts, one part is needed by 'Secret Shooting', and the other part is required by 'Precise Barrage'.

"That's right. You have to have some killer tricks. Otherwise, it's hard to deal with big guys. The helmet needs to be foldable so that I can expose my head."

"You still believe in your own ability more than the computer?"

"Yes, didn't you say that I am more accurate than the computer's aiming? And I am a computer." Wesley said in a joking tone, and what he said was true.

"Jarvis, order the alloy and produce it."

"Yes sir, estimated production time is seven hours and 25 minutes."

"Okay, Wesley, now let's see what improvements you need in your home, do you have a drawing?"

"Yes, my house is on the top floor. There are two houses in total. I bought them all. One of them is not inhabited now. I think it can be remodeled."

"Very well, the engineers of Stark Industries will take care of it. The circular mechanical arm can help you equip and disassemble it, and so can your father."

"Thank you. We also need weapon accessories and energy accessories."

"I think I'd better design a production line. It uses a lot of energy, what do you think?"

"Now is not the time, humanity is not ready for this advanced energy source."

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