Shinigami: Survive In Soul Society

Chapter 14

Chapter 13 So Are You Hidden Big Boss? !

“Okay…it’s amazing…”

Nelly Elle was stunned at the scene in front of her.

If Menos Grande was sweating, maybe she was in a cold sweat.

The six-headed Menos Grande, who had been fighting hard for a long time before, was completely defeated in front of Da Shenchen with just one move!

“So this good friend I made is actually a hidden boss!?”

On the other side, Menos Grande, including Charlotte and Abirama, lay in the crater, feeling nothing but excruciating pain.

“Damn…! Just one blow… Seriously injured all of us!”

Charlotte, as Baraggan’s chief minister, has never seen such a powerful Shinigami.

Or should I say that Shinigami with such strength is really still within the scope of Shinigami?

“Get up! This threat must be eliminated for His Majesty!”

She roared loudly, got up first, and led the other five Menos Grande.

“Put all our strength into Cero, and then combine it! It will definitely be able to compete with it!”

Although they are not strong in the Adjuchas-level Menos Grande, they also have a very powerful secret skill, that is, the fusion Cero.

They can fuse their Cero with the Cero of the rest of the Menos Grande to double their attack power!

“Oh? Still not giving up?”

Da Shenchen also noticed their actions, and said in his heart that he was an Adjuchas-level Menos Grande, but it was not that easy to kill.

If it’s just one head, the problem is the combined power of the six heads, then it can indeed offset a large part of the power of the real name liberation.

“It’s okay, let’s do it again!”

Da Shenchen held the sword in both hands again, and a spot of light rose from the desert of Cero, like a dream.

Nelly Elle was fascinated, the scene in front of her was so beautiful and dreamy.

However, this could not hide the murderous intent of the Holy Sword of Light, and an unimaginably terrifying deterrent burst out from Da Shenchen!

“Integrated Cero!”

At the same time that Da Shenchen was charging, Charlotte and the others also completed the charging.

A giant Cero turned into a thick beam of light and shot towards Da Shenchen!

“Ah, be careful!”

Nelly Elle screamed in fright, and at this moment Da Shenchen also slashed with his sword!


The pinnacle-level spiritual power was turned into a slash of light, colliding with the huge fusion Cero in mid-air!


It has to be said that the fit Cero does have a set, and it also contains all the power that Charlotte and the others have squeezed out.

However, even so, the light of gold gradually swallowed and overwhelmed the light of black and red at a speed visible to the naked eye!

“Oops! Run!”

This made Charlotte’s pupils shrink and she screamed in despair!

However, it was already too late, and the torrent of spiritual power that completely suppressed the black and red light caught up with them again, causing a big explosion like a meteor falling to the ground!


By the time the dust settled, the six Adjuchas Menos Grande had all been lying in the crater, losing all power to resist.

“The last blow.”

Da Shenchen had gone all out twice before, and this attack was no exception.

“Huh!? Can you still hit that level of attack!”

Nellie Lu’s three views have been refreshed many times today. How much spiritual power does Da Shenchen have?


At this moment, the third sword has already fallen into the crater!


There was no offset this time, and the complete power turned into a pillar of light that rose into the sky for a long time!

Looking at the deeper craters, the entire six Adjuchas-level Menos Grande have been wiped out, and not even the slag is left!

This scene also made Nelly Elle look complicated. She killed six Adjuchas Menos Grande with just three swords. She didn’t know if the appearance of such a powerful Shinigami was bad news for Hueco Mundo.

Da Shenchen didn’t notice Nelly Elu’s expression, because he was now concentrating on perceiving his own power.

“In those three moves just now, I used the greatest effort to liberate the true name of the Sword of Oath of Victory, but I didn’t even consume half of my spiritual power!”

Da Shenchen knows exactly how much Reiatsu is represented behind this.

This means that in the future, Da Shenchen will have no problem using the Sword of Oath of Victory as a light cannon!

His whole person is already a humanoid mobile destroying cannon!

“Go back, Nilu.”

Da Shenchen put away Zanpakutō and stretched out his hand to Nelly Elu.

Nelly Elle nodded obediently and held Da Shenchen’s hand, but Da Shenchen’s face suddenly changed.

“Be careful, another extremely strong Reiatsu is approaching!”

“Eh? I didn’t feel it…”

Nelly Elle looked around in surprise and saw nothing but two huge craters and a white forest.

That white forest means that there are local fruits of Hueco Mundo that Nelly Elle wants to pick, but she doesn’t remember what Menos Grande lives there?

“Did you make the golden light attack just now?”

Under the watchful eyes of Da Shenchen and Nelly Elle, Menos Grande, a human figure with a white mask on his face, came out of the white woods.

Nelly Elle was surprised when she saw him, she didn’t feel the Menos Grande at all!

This shows that this Menos Grande, at least has the strength not weaker than her heyday!

“But even so, I still haven’t escaped Ah Chen’s induction. Ah Chen is very good in this area…” Nelly Ellu secretly glanced at Da Shenchen again.

“Yes, I typed it out, do you have any advice?”

Da Shenchen nodded, feeling that the Menos Grande in front of him looked a little familiar.

However, Menos Grande didn’t seem to hear these words, but he said, “I think it’s very beautiful, very beautiful.”

Da Shenchen was stunned for a moment. He didn’t expect that anyone would use such words to describe such a world-destroying and terrifying attack.

But as Menos Grande said, the sword light of the Oath of Victory is very splendid and grand in terms of visual effects.

According to Irisviel, it has a fierce and clear brilliance, and once illuminated the heroic figure of the darkness of the troubled world deeper than the night.

This dazzling sword is the dream that all the soldiers who have disappeared on the battlefield throughout the ages have pursued and longed for. It is the crystallization of the prayer called “Glory”!

“So I was attracted,” Menos Grande’s words were also very simple and straightforward, “I have never seen such a beautiful and shocking view.”

It was only then that Da Shenchen finally recognized the identity of the Menos Grande in front of him.

Legend has it that when most of the five senses of a creature are closed, the only sense left will be particularly sensitive and magnify all related feelings.

And Da Shenchen knows that there is a Menos Grande, and only vision is left in the five senses, so the visual appeal will be magnified infinitely!

“You’re… Ulquiorra, aren’t you?”

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