Shinigami: Survive In Soul Society

Chapter 22

Chapter 21 One Move Defeats You! (For Collection And Evaluation!)

As soon as this statement came out, the surrounding Shinigami thought they had heard it wrong.

What did Da Shenchen just say, he wants to challenge the captain?

Challenge the head of the Kuchiki family, one of the four great nobles?

“Heh…Is this revenge against the Four Great Nobles?”

Byakuya Kuchiki snorted disdainfully, in his opinion, this was Da Shenchen’s act of rebellion against the four nobles because of his anger.

But that’s fine. Before that, although Byakuya Kuchiki acquiesced to the persecution of the other three nobles, he didn’t act directly because of his character.

And now he can justifiably tame Da Shenchen, and by the way, he once again warned the world that the four nobles should not be offended!

“It’s really one of Gotei 13’s rules, and I can accept your challenge.”

Byakuya also said indifferently.

In Gotei 13, to become the captain of the captain, you can only choose one of three ways.

The first method is to pass the captain’s exam under the witness of the three captains including the chief captain.

The second method is to use the recommendation of the six captains, and then get the approval of three of the remaining six captains.

And the third method is exactly what Da Shenchen is currently using——

Witnessed by 200 team members, you won the duel with the then captain, and then succeeded as the new captain!

“It’s still courageous, you let the players clear the field to prevent accidental injuries.”

Da Shenchen held the Sword of Oath of Victory and walked calmly in front of Byakuya Kuchiki.

However, what he said surprised the team members.

This is too arrogant!

I think it’s you who is more courageous, right?

“There’s no need for that,” Byakuya Kuchiki said. “The battle doesn’t spread to ordinary people.”

“That’s right, Captain Shikai alone can crush you!” Renji also sneered aside.

As we all know, Byakuya Kuchiki’s Shikai is the most powerful type of Shikai of Shinigami.

Some Shinigami Shikai are mediocre, and some Shinigami Shikai… For example, Byakuya Kuchiki, after being trained by Team Zero, can even reach the power of Bankai!

“You don’t regret it.”

Da Shenchen shook his head, Byakuya Kuchiki had pulled out Zanpakutō in front of him, and turned to the ground.

“Scatter, Senbonzakura!”

The blade fell, turned into thousands of Sakura flower fragments, and melted into the air.

This beautiful scene, but hides the amazing murderous intention, floods to Da Shenchen like a tide!

“Da Shenchen is finished…!”

Just when everyone thought so, Byakuya Kuchiki was surprised to find that Da Shenchen suddenly disappeared.

Senbonzakura hit the air directly, and the next moment, a chill that made people cold to the soul appeared on Byakuya Kuchiki’s neck!

It’s Da Shenchen!


Byakuya Kuchiki’s pupils shrank, although he couldn’t see it, he could feel that there was indeed a blade on his neck!

This reversal of the scene also stunned everyone. Was Da Shenchen Shunpo just now?

How can it be so fast! ?

“Even the captain didn’t respond?!”

Renji was completely stunned, this Shunpo level was completely superior to him!

“After Senbonzakura Shikai, there is an 85cm radius around you is a no-wound circle, right?”

Da Shenchen squinted his eyes and said coldly, “As long as you step into such a woundless circle unexpectedly, you can be completely beheaded!”

This sentence surprised Byakuya Kuchiki again, even to the point of horror!

“Why would he know such a thing!?”

Just thinking of this, Da Shenchen put away the blade.

“But it’s hard to convince you to beat you like this. Let me help you clear the field.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Da Shenchen slammed the sword of vowed victory to the ground.

“Wind, howl!”

With the support of huge spiritual power, the wind king’s enchantment spread beyond the limit!

The tornado that went straight into the sky appeared here, rolled up those unexpected Shinigami, and blew all the way to thousands of meters away!

Most of them were stunned, and fell heavily on the ground or on the roof, making their bodies sore.

However, at this distance, it was barely possible to watch the battle with safety.

“What happened!?”

Outside the council courtyard, Kurothushi Mayuri and Niyin dream just arrived when they felt a strong hurricane swept in.

If both of them are not very powerful, I am afraid they will be blown out like other Shinigami!

“Could it be that Da Shenchen? Did you actually do it directly in the sixth division?”

The vaguely guessed Kurothushi Mayuri had a look of excitement on his face, and this was the perfect opportunity to observe Da Shenchen’s Zanpakutō.

He rushed in all the way, and sure enough, Da Shenchen and Byakuya Kuchiki looked at each other from a distance.

The most important thing is that Byakuya Kuchiki, who used to look calm in the past, has a rare anger today!

“Fang Cai… You could have defeated me directly, but you chose to give up this opportunity so arrogantly, this contemptuous insult, I will remember it well!”

Byakuya Kuchiki said with a gloomy expression, an explosive Reiatsu was already pouring out of his body!

As the captain of the sixth division and the head of the Kuchiki family, Byakuya Kuchiki has an extremely strong pride and dignity.

Although he was careless just now, Da Shenchen let him go without caring, as if he was saying – Da Shenchen is confident that he can defeat Byakuya Kuchiki who is going all out at any time!

To this end, Byakuya Kuchiki decided to use all his strength to give back to Da Shenchen!

“Bankai Senbonzakura Kageyoshi!”

Zanpakutō completely sank to the ground, and from the ripples on both sides of the ground, thousands of huge blades rose up!

Immediately afterwards, the huge blades will fly and scatter together, and the number of broken blade petals is hundreds of millions of times more than Shikai!

“To deal with Shinigami, who is not even a vice-captain, did you use Bankai directly?”

This scene undoubtedly shocked Kurothushi Mayuri, especially what Byakuya Kuchiki just said!

Opposite him, Da Shenchen’s expression remained unchanged.

“I’m not arrogant, I just made a reasonable judgment. Only when you Bankai and then lose to me can you gain the greatest prestige.”

“This is arrogance!” Byakuya Kuchiki coldly shouted, “Now that I have Bankai, I can give you the opportunity to liberate your Zanpakutō as well.”

“It’s not necessary.”

Da Shenchen clenched the sword of vowed victory, and showed a confident smile.

“Because this battle will end directly in a very short period of time!”

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