Shinigami: The Eight Tricks At The Beginning, They Call Me The God Of Magic

Chapter 12

12. Virtual Group Invasion

“Are you really awakening any special ability?” Yoruichi and Broken Bee watched the battle from a distance, and they could easily catch Guan Yue’s every move with their eyesight.

Seeing Guan Yue volleying the talisman to release Kidō, the bee face was stunned.

Because someone’s food is more impressive, so she still remembers the reasons given by someone, but she never expected it to happen.

“Isn’t this Zanpakutō’s ability?” Yoruichi asked Broken Bee in surprise.

“No, although I haven’t seen it before, he said it should have nothing to do with Zanpakutō.”

Here comes the question.

What is this ability?

How could Kidō be released in this way?

The speed of drawing talismans in the sky is a few points faster than Kidō, which is released by the broken chant, and it can even replace the incantations and play a ten percent effect.

“It seems that my second division team is going to have another big kidō leader.”

Yoruichi said with emotion.

The current Chief Kidō Chief Tessai Tsukabishi used to be her subordinate,

Now there is another Guan Yue.

It is more of an unspeakable depression than a sense of achievement.

[Secret Mobile] is about to become a talent training base for [Kidō].

And as soon as you cultivate, you will cultivate a Kidō marshal.

Why is no one coming to pick her up?

It also looks a little bit like Broken Bee, but Broken Bee is too young, and it takes at least dozens or hundreds of years to be on its own.


Suddenly, a strange Reiatsu burst into Guan Yue’s perception.

Then a long howl came from the depths of the forest.

It’s as long as a whale’s chirping, but it’s not ethereal, only a void that no amount of emotions and desires can fill.

Guan Yue and Urahara Kisuke looked at each other, and both caught the solemn look in each other’s eyes.

“This Reiatsu… False?”

In the past, when I was a senior in the Spiritual Arts Academy, I had a real battle with the artificial virtual. The nature of the two Reiatsu is very similar. Considering that this is the periphery of Rukongai, the appearance of the virtual is actually a very normal thing.

Gotei 13 is an organization established not only to protect Seireitei, but also to protect the inhabitants of Rukongai from the virtual.

There are eighty districts in each direction of Rukongai, southeast, northwest, and the total number of districts is 320 districts.

The further back, the higher the probability of false appearance.

Gotei 13 sends people to Rukongai every day to clean up the ghosts that have invaded the Soul Society.

But Rukongai’s size and Shinigami’s small numbers meant that everyone faced a high frequency of battles, resulting in a high death rate.

Shinigami has also become a bona fide high-risk occupation.

It’s not surprising when he died – Guan Yue didn’t understand the meaning of this sentence until he became Shinigami.

Master Kubo’s poetic language is placed in the real Soul Society, brewed entirely in the quagmire of death.

“Lord Yoruichi?”

Bumblebee instinctively placed her hand on Zanpakutō’s hilt and looked around warily.

“Don’t be nervous Brobee, why do you think I put the martial arts location here?”

Yoruichi put his hand on her shoulder and looked calm.

“Could it be that……?”

“As you think, I knew from the very beginning that there are ghosts here… Rather, I’ve been looking for them for a long time. The wandering soul settlements in the North Fifty District are often invaded by ghosts, but no matter how many times they are cleared, it is useless. , they will appear one after another soon, so I suspect that there is a virtual nest nearby, and this time I just asked everyone to help find it, and it looks like I found it.”

“Yoruichi-sama, this is too…”

Broken Bee was a little helpless.

The team members are competing fiercely, and it is not surprising to see casualties. In this situation, if you encounter Xu, isn’t that giving Xu a head?

“I know it’s not right, but a lot has been cleared during this time, and the frequency of occurrence has also decreased. It is obvious that there are not many left in this group of phantoms, and they may hide and continue to gather companions at this time. its annihilation.”

Yoruichi interrupted.

“Now the combat power of these virtuals is extremely weak. Although the team members don’t know about the existence of virtuals, they will not know of our arrival, so who do you think will take more advantage in this situation? Don’t forget that we are the second round. team.”

The broken bee slowly calmed down after hearing the words.

Indeed, too much risk is only relative.

If the strength and quantity of the virtual are within the range that the team members can handle, then it will not be a problem.

This is the barren mountains of Rukongai, what’s so strange about the void?

It is precisely because the rules formulated by Yoruichi are simple that he must use his imagination as much as possible, take more factors into consideration, and act more vigilantly and cautiously.

As long as half of the ability of [Secret Mobility] can be exerted, there is no possibility of being attacked or cheap by ordinary phantoms under the strength.

The competition between the players does not hurt each other’s lives, this is an old tradition of martial arts.

Even so, if he is still killed by Xu, there is nothing to explain except ‘poor ability’ and ‘bad luck’.

After all, the Second Division and [Secret Mobility] are not that easy to advance.

Yoruichi suddenly sneered: “But then again, everything I consider is just my own guess. What if there is a stronger and smarter Xu lurking here? This possibility cannot be ignored. I’m betting the lives of my team members on this kind of actual combat drill, so I let Kisuke participate.”

“Although this guy likes to be lazy, this is just right as a ‘safety valve’, he won’t compete with the team members, and he can stand up to eliminate danger at critical moments, but he just didn’t expect him to be blocked here by Guan Yue, resulting in ‘ The safety valve’ failed to function.”

“If there is an emergency, it’s better for me to rush over faster than let him rush over, ahahaha.”


Broken Bee was stunned.

Guan Yue’s main reason for targeting Urahara Kisuke is her. Strictly speaking, she is the culprit who disrupted Yoruichi’s overall plan.

“The number is increasing, which is not normal.”

Since Guan Yue mastered [Origin of Qi Body], his perception of Reiatsu has become extremely good. Even if he is separated by fifty districts, he can clearly perceive the dozen or so powerful and unmatched Reiatsu in Seireitei.

It doesn’t matter whether the masters of these Reiatsu have actively released their Reiatsu or not.

Noticing something can be because it is yelling, or it can be too big to ignore.

Guan Yue’s case falls into the second category.

Because of this, he felt abnormal.

If there’s something wrong here, it should have been discovered long ago.

But it was only now that the virtual Reiatsu was caught.

The arrival of one or two tearing spaces can be said to be an accidental phenomenon, but now the number has exceeded ten, and it is still increasing, except for the ‘Menos Grande deliberately opened his black cavity and sent a large number of phantoms to the Soul Society’. Besides, Guan Yue can’t think of any other explanation.

“Mr. Guan Yue, let’s truce first. I have a bad feeling. Although Miss Yoruichi didn’t say it, we’d better prepare for support.”

Urahara Kisuke had a serious expression, swept away the casual casualness of the past.

“You’re right, Urahara three seats. I’ll go to the empty Reiatsu location to check the situation, and by the way, support the team members who may appear nearby. As for the rest, you can discuss with Captain Yoruichi.”

With a wave of Guan Yue’s hand, the Cang Yan surrounding like a city wall instantly extinguished, and Kidō, who was trapping others, also dissipated. After doing all of this, he himself left Shunpo directly and flew deeper into the forest. .

Urahara Kisuke wanted to dissuade him, but before he could say anything, Guan Yue disappeared, and finally he could only smile bitterly: “…hope nothing happens.”

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