Shinigami: The Eight Tricks At The Beginning, They Call Me The God Of Magic

Chapter 16

16. Vasto Lorde?

“It’s not the right time for the seniors to come, but I have to admit to being a big help.”

Guan Yue noticed the troopers being protected by Urahara, Yoruichi and others.

These two are quite reliable.

It was knowing this that he dared to take direct action. Anyway, even if something went wrong, someone would help him deal with it.

“No, no, Mr. Guan Yue, who supported him in time, was a big help.” Urahara Kisuke was very modest, and he didn’t have the pretense of being a high-ranking officer at all.

All of a sudden, the bees on the side approached Guan Yue aggressively, taped his chest, and gritted his teeth:

“Guan Yue, who allowed you to act without authorization! What would you do if your colleagues were injured and sacrificed because of your recklessness and dedication? Have you ever thought about this?!”

“Lord Yoruichi, it’s because of my mismanagement that I punished me.”

Although it is a reprimand, it is more of a concern.

She even turned her head and bowed her head to Yoruichi to plead guilty, completely wanting to take all the responsibility on herself.

“Okay Brobe, now is not the time to talk about such a topic… Besides, I don’t think Guan Yue is at fault.” Yoruichi waved his hand with a very serious expression: “Think about it, if Guan Yue If you don’t show up, then the other team members will face the enemy who caused this scene, how many people do you think we can save by then?”

“Ms. Yoruichi is right. It’s understandable that Miss Brokenbee cares for her subordinates, but you can get along with it slowly after you go back. Right now, you need to find out the whole picture. Do you mind if I ask about the battle situation, Mr. Guan Yue?”

Urahara Kisuke stared at the front, the blast of flames was subsiding, but the firelight made the surrounding red, the forests for several kilometers were burned up, and the ground was turned into scorched earth.

He really couldn’t ignore the reasons for this scene.

Especially… knowing that this is due to the power of the enemy.

“The opponent is an Adjuchas, and the blood in the body is completely replaced by liquid Cero. Not only that, but the body below the head is specially made, which is equivalent to an accelerant, which can detonate Cero in the shortest time and expand its power. This time The explosion was the result of it trying to pull me to the end after it was cornered by me.”

Guan Yue is concise and to the point.

“Isn’t this the same as a humanoid bomb?” Yoruichi felt that it was too difficult to hear. After all, she was good at White Hits. When encountering such an enemy that can self-destruct, the risk of rushing to melee combat is too high.

But Urahara Kisuke noticed other details: “Wait, Mr. Guan Yue, you said the part below the head was specially made?”

“Yes, I originally wanted to destroy its mask after sealing its action with Kidō, but it was slashed unscathed. I suspect that the virtual body is actually its head, because its defense is too strong, in order to play its role. With this advantage, I will deliberately find a way to create such an extreme body as a weapon.”

Lucas would have been shocked if he was still alive, because Guan Yue could see through its secrets in just two or three rounds.

“In this way, this empty mind is quite useful.”

Broken Bee raised her brows and interjected.

She did not admire the other party, but was simply interested in this fighting method.

Although it is very unfriendly to those who are good at White Hits, on the other hand, if the strong people who are good at White Hits have similar abilities, they can create explosions in close combat and bombard their opponents with explosive kinetic energy. Isn’t it possible to defeat it in one go?

“No, you’re wrong, Senior Broken Bee, it’s not its brain that is useful, but… ‘it’.”

Guan Yue’s expression was solemn, and he slowly said some contradictory words.

While speaking, he raised his head and looked over the battlefield where wildfires were spreading endlessly.

In an instant, Yoruichi, Urahara, and Broken Bee realized something, or felt something, and suddenly looked at the same location.

Their eyes seemed too targeted, and the red-hot sky was easily pierced.

Of course, this is just a joke.

The truth is that a new black cavity has appeared in the sky.

A tall and thin figure stood majestically.

Not at all afraid of being discovered by others.

Rather…he was just going to show pity and give the weak a chance to look up to him.

“Is that… False?”

Broken Bee hesitated.

Because the other party looks too ‘normal’.

With mixed pink and blond hair, wearing a pair of white glasses that look like bones, he looks handsome, and his whole person is very bookish, giving people the impression of a scholar.

There are two extremes of the phantoms that are grotesquely shaped and dominated by all kinds of brutal desires.

If I have to say it…it’s very similar to Urahara Kisuke.

“Hello, Kisuke.”

Yoruichi is not as optimistic as Broken Bee. It is better to say that he entered a state of war at the first sight of the opponent, and his aura became extremely aggressive and oppressive, and he didn’t have the slightest smile as usual, as if he was not worried.

“Ah… this Reiatsu, it’s not wrong, it’s a void. And when it comes to a humanoid void, I can’t think of any other possibility except for the most senior Vasto Lorde.”

If Urahara Kisuke was wearing a hat at this time, he would have pressed the brim of his hat, because this would help him adjust his mentality and hide the worries in his eyes that must not be discovered by others.

Because there is nothing to help other than to bring more distress and stress to others.

As a person who has the ability to do more, we must find a way to avoid this, which is also a responsibility.

“Szayel Aporro?”

Seeing the familiar appearance, Guan Yue instantly thought of the eighth-ranked mad scientist in Aizen’s Espada in the future.

But… isn’t that guy Adjuchas?

The only top-four Arrancar in Espada was converted from Vasto Lorde.

The rest, whether or not Arrancar’s strength catches up with or surpasses Vasto Lorde-level Menos Grande, is just Adjuchas after all.

“Ah, what a grand welcome ceremony.”

The pink-blond man seemed to like the sea of ​​fire and scorched earth, and even regarded it as a stage to welcome him.

He took a step forward.

In this step, it disappeared in an instant.

With the dull sound of breaking the air, they came to the top of Guan Yue and others not far away.

Aside from Guan Yue’s ability to capture his Reiatsu movement, Urahara and Yoruichi, two veritable captain-level Shinigami, didn’t even see how he moved.

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