Shinigami: The Eight Tricks At The Beginning, They Call Me The God Of Magic

Chapter 21

21. This Virtual Is Too Versailles

Go back one minute in time.

The empty sky a thousand meters away.

Suddenly, as if something intangible collided, two terrifying air waves rushed in opposite directions. In the storm that blurred the vision, the two figures were fighting fiercely.

It made the atmosphere vibrate endlessly, like a continuous wave. Ordinary people don’t say participate in it, even if they get close to it, they will be bruised and bruised by the spilled shock wave, vomiting blood and flying backwards.

This sky has become a real forbidden place for life, full of invisible murderous intentions everywhere.

And this seemingly terrifying situation is nothing more than a negligible aftermath of the fight between Yoruichi and Szayel Aporro.

laugh! A wisp of blood fluttered.

Szayel Aporro’s figure reappeared, licking the blood on his fingertips, his face full of disgust.

“Shinigami’s blood spirit concentration is not bad, but the smell of death is too thin, I am disappointed.”

“I’m quite surprised. He looks like a researcher, but he’s unexpectedly good at fighting.”

Yoruichi glanced at the wound on his shoulder that seemed to have been cut by a sharp blade.

I was accidentally touched by the opponent’s fingertips at a certain moment in the fight just now. Because it was too fast, I didn’t even feel it at the time.

Although the injury was very light, it was the first time since he had been successful in school that he was beaten first in an unarmed melee battle.

“To be honest, I’ve tried my best to suppress it.”

SzayelAporro sighed lightly, and said with some melancholy.

“Fighting means nothing to me, but my strength is too strong. I’m worried that if I get interested and accidentally kill you, then your value as a test item will be greatly reduced.”

“Think about it, if you are fighting for profit, then you will lose more benefits after winning, so is this kind of battle still necessary?”

“Shinigami, you can feel fear, because just now… I almost cut off your head, but I can tell you the way to get rid of your fear, that is to give up resistance, if you can cooperate with my research, you will survive. The odds are still high.”

“I don’t believe the promise of the person wearing the white coat. Although you don’t wear it, you are still a raccoon dog.”

Yoruichi said in a teasing tone.

“Then what if you exchange the lives of your subordinates?”

SzayelAporro took out a blue spirit orb from his arms.

“I think that Shinigami named Guan Yue has already told you about Lucas’ abilities, that’s fine, it saves me having to talk. In a word, these Menos Grandes that I called here are my test subjects. , their internal organs have also been modified, and although not as good as Lucas, they can also be used as a one-time Cero.”

“As long as I crush this thing, at such a close distance, all the Menos Grande collectively explode, so what if your subordinates can fight again? They will still be blown up by hundreds of Ceros, which are ten times stronger than the normal standard. Gotta be smashed to pieces.”

“…then you’re done.”

Yoruichi’s expression did not change.

“Okay, then I’ll crush your hopes with my own hands.”

SzayelAporro just wanted to crush.

Suddenly, an explosion sounded.

“Oh? It seems that I don’t need me anymore.”

Seeing the red light emerging one after another on the ground battlefield, he was slightly startled, and he showed a slightly amused smile.

Menos Grande was fatally attacked and chose to self-destruct before dying.

Although these Menos Grandes are not as strong as Lucas, they are extremely successful in thought transformation.

And once it self-destructs, Menos Grande, who is implicated in it, will also self-explode. Under such a chain reaction, the enemy can’t even react and escape. It’s like falling into a quagmire, unable to protect himself, he can only watch his companions die one after another. Even he himself died without a place to be buried.

Cero’s self-destruction also caught Yoruichi’s attention.

Szayel Aporro seized the gap of her distraction, made a sudden turn, and stabbed the opponent’s abdominal cavity with his palm like a knife.

How sharp is Yoruichi’s senses.

Respond quickly.

But at this moment, she suddenly felt that half of her body was paralyzed.


A light flashed in my mind.

Since she is a researcher and a Grandmaster whose body has been transformed, it is common sense to configure some special medicines. She must have scratched her skin with her fingertips just now, and spread some kind of poison or medicine that can cause paralyzing effects to the whole body through the blood. .

[Xing Jun] The design of reducing the fabric for the convenience of battle has become a breakthrough for the enemy.

It’s so ironic.

Yoruichi put his still moving right hand on Zanpakutō behind him.

She wants to liberate Zanpakutō and exchange injuries with the other party.

At this moment, a sharp sword cry pierced through the sky, and at the same time brought the slash of the Shield of Xuexia.

A bright red slash passed between the two, isolating them.

“Do you think this kind of thing can stop me?” SzayelAporro saw that someone came to destroy his good opportunity, and he couldn’t help burning with anger, the rationality in his eyes gradually faded, and the murderous murderousness began to condense.

He wasn’t actually lying.

He really doesn’t like fighting.

Because he devoured his big brother who was a general after his death, he was influenced by his brutal desire to fight. He was usually a calm and rational scholar, but once he fought, he could easily lose control of his emotions and become warlike like a madman.

This is something that Szayel Aporro, a self-proclaimed researcher, absolutely cannot accept.

This is also the main reason why even though he has become Vasto Lorde and defeated Menos Grande of the same level, even now the King of Hueco Mundo is polite to him and treats him as a guest, and still does his best to do research.

Strength or something has never been his pursuit.

What he longed for was a ‘perfect life’.

To do this, you have to get rid of the imperfect parts of yourself.

It doesn’t matter if you weaken yourself and degenerate into Adjuchas.

However, the power of the virtual has been studied for so many years, and it is still unsuccessful.

If that’s the case, it’s time to change your mood, turn your attention to Shinigami, and study their power system and maybe get some new ideas.

Szayel Aporro thought so and did it.

It can only be said that his research intuition is very keen.

Because in a few years, when Aizen arrives with Hōgyoku, he will jump to be the ‘0th blade’ in the First Generation Espada, and then take this opportunity to make the later 15th blade Ilford G. Lanz split, and he fell outside of Espada for a while, and obtained the number ‘8’, which symbolizes Espada, through his research ability.

In other words, Shinigami’s power can indeed help him achieve his long-cherished wish.

Even unaware of these future events, Szayel Aporro could not tolerate anyone interfering with his research plans.

Now he has not yet contacted Hōgyoku, and like Starrk, he will go to Arrancar, and his strength is comparable to the top four of Espada in the future.

Urahara Kisuke’s shield of bloody clouds didn’t hold up for even a second before being forcibly torn apart.

Although it wasn’t a shield of blood in a defensive stance, its slashes were sharp enough.

Can be hit in the hands of SzayelAporro was unscathed.

Even Urahara Kisuke felt a little creepy watching it.

He hurriedly grabbed Yoruichi by Shunpo and took him back.

It doesn’t need to go too far, just get into the range of Guan Yue’s Shikai ability.

“Can you run?”

Szayel Aporro, who has aroused the desire to kill, has lost his former calmness and pursued his prey like a ferocious beast.

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