Shinigami: The Eight Tricks At The Beginning, They Call Me The God Of Magic

Chapter 24

24. Ultimate Firepower

“…This is the highest-level Menos Grande? What an outrageous vitality, am I actually fighting this kind of thing just now?”

Yoruichi’s eyelids couldn’t stop jumping.

She used to be a little bit worried that she was inferior to her strategy at close range empty-handed, but now she doesn’t think so.

Now she just thinks…it’s just too lucky that she only suffered this little flesh wound after fighting against this kind of monster.

“It’s a normal situation.” Urahara Kisuke said solemnly: “Shigami or emptiness, its vitality depends to a large extent on Reiatsu, and the opponent’s strongest is precisely Reiatsu.”

“The enemy’s injuries are very serious and there is no sign of self-healing. It seems that he does not have the ability of High-Speed ​​Regeneration.”

Guan Yue came to a conclusion after careful observation.

At this moment, they suddenly saw Szayel Aporro stuff what looked like a capsule into his mouth.

Is it a therapeutic drug?


Guan Yue doesn’t say anything. Shunpo closes the distance and raises Zanpakutō to fill up on Szayel Aporro.

Even if he can’t kill him, he must completely incapacitate him.

Otherwise who knows what this mad scientist will do.

“If you kill me, your captain will also die.”

Szayel Aporro showed a dreadful smile on his face.

Suddenly, Zanpakutō, like a large crystal sword, stopped in mid-air, less than two centimeters from his forehead.

Like a gun chamber with hot air still remaining after firing a shell, the crystal shell was transformed and transported by high-strength Reiatsu, and it was equally astonishingly hot.

Thinking of the Kidō that Zanpakutō released just now, Szayel Aporro couldn’t help but shudder, the smile on his face couldn’t hold back, and cold sweat flowed down his cheeks.

“Hehe… Actually, we don’t have to fight to the death, right?”

Seeing Yoruichi and Urahara Kisuke leaning over to block his wings, Szayel Aporro seemed to regain his usual rationality.

“If you want to beg for mercy, say something nice.”

Guan Yue’s tone was cold.

“…Begging for mercy? No, that’s impossible. Even if I accidentally fall into this fate, I don’t think I’ve lost. As I just said, if you kill me, your captain will also die.”

SzayelAporro gasped: “In order to ensure that I can continue my research and not cause my own death due to some unexpected factors, I have remodeled myself, and when I die, I will get the Reborn.”

Hearing these words, Yoruichi’s face was very bad.

She was the only one injured here.

“Rebirth? No, if there is such a good thing, you should have committed suicide earlier.”

Urahara Kisuke asked with narrowed eyes.

“This technology has yet to be perfected. If possible, I don’t want to be forced to use this imperfect technology, because according to my original idea, I was to transfer my soul into the other party’s body, and then absorb the nutrients of the mother’s body to allow myself to be born smoothly. Call it ‘conception notification’, but now I can only do transfer.”

“If I transfer over with serious injuries, my weak state is like a dying fetus, unable to dominate the birth process, which will lead to my soul… It is very likely that it will merge with the other party.”

“You should have seen what I just ate. It is a kind of medicine to strengthen the connection between the two parties, and it is also a kind of poison. I can already feel my soul is about to move, as long as you restrict my actions or kill me. If you kill me, my soul will be stimulated and transferred directly, you can’t stop this process.”

Szayel Aporro said intermittently while vomiting blood.

Now the three of Guan Yue also knew why he had the means of resurrection and did not choose to commit suicide.

The virtual soul is too corrosive.

Many virtuals can even use it as a combat ability.

But it also has certain risks.

As long as you make one mistake, your prey will in turn devour your own consciousness.

It is difficult for Szayel Aporro to devour Yoruichi in this state, and Yoruichi cannot devour him, so the result is forced fusion.

What will happen after that, no one can say.

The unknown is often scary.

“I believe that you who have defeated me will definitely be able to come up with a solution, but I will not give you this chance. I count dozens. If you don’t let me go, I will kill myself.”

Szayel Aporro threatened.

Urahara Kisuke frowned, too little time to think of a solution.

The main thing is that they can’t afford to gamble.

“Soul transfer?”

Guan Yue whispered.

There was an inexplicable meaning in his tone.

Gives SzayelAporro a bad feeling.

“I thought you had something behind, but it turned out to be only this level.”

Guan Yue knows the future, and also understands what SzayelAporro calls the “birth notification”, which is indeed a disgusting ability, but it is not a threat to him.

A silver-blue sword pressed down from above, severing Szayel Aporro with his terrified, twisted face.

As soon as the wind blew, the corpse turned into a black and gray spirit and dissipated.


Yoruichi and Urahara Kisuke didn’t expect him to be so decisive, it was too late to stop him.

“Don’t worry about the two seniors, my Zanpakutō has the ability to absorb Reiatsu and can temporarily store his soul.”

Guan Yue said that he was holding the ‘End of the Fog’.

This is a lie, he is actually using [Detaining Spirit to Dispatch General] to detain the other party’s soul.

Urahara Kisuke keenly saw a turbid and twisted soul wrapped around the six-sided prismatic blade in the crystal shell. Although he wanted to break through the crystal shell, the cylinder blade seemed to exude infinite suction, killing the soul. It was stuck on it and couldn’t get rid of it.

“Is this the soul of that guy? It’s ugly enough. The thought of letting this kind of thing enter my body, I don’t even want to eat today.”

Yoruichi put his entire face close to Zanpakutō, like a child visiting a museum to observe antiques through glass, and curiosity was written on his face.

“Won’t you kill him?”

Urahara Kisuke looked at Guan Yue in confusion.

“I said that I would hang him at the gate of Xuye Palace to learn how to bark. I will take good care of his soul before that.”

Guan Yue smiled.

How can it be wiped out like this? This is a Vasto Lorde-level Menos Grande soul, which is the best choice for collections, research materials, and ingredients.

Yoruichi and Urahara Kisuke looked at each other with weird expressions.

I just think this kid is really holding a grudge.

“Oh yes, there’s still a little bit of finishing touches that haven’t been done.”

Guan Yue’s wrist shook, and ‘Juewu’ returned to the sealed state and retracted into the sheath. It is worth mentioning that his Shikai changed together with the scabbard. shell.

So the ability will be divided into two stages.

“Captain Yoruichi, please stand still, you will be fine soon.”


Under Yoruichi’s unexplained gaze, Guan Yue aimed his right hand at her injured shoulder, and the blue Reiatsu danced in his hand like a living being.

Soon, this strange Reiatsu stretched over Yoruichi’s shoulders.

Yoruichi frowned, feeling that he lost control of his body, which was uncomfortable, but fortunately, the big-handed Reiatsu withdrew after a while.

Not only did she leave by herself, but she also took away some mysterious white-turbid spiritual power substances from her.

“Is this… Szayel Aporro’s reincarnation medium?”

Urahara Kisuke’s mind went fast.

Guan Yue nodded slightly and said: “Yes, as long as this thing is not on Captain Yoruichi, even if he has other backers, there is no way to affect Captain Yoruichi. After all, no matter what you do, there must be a channel.”

“Yeah, my body feels a lot easier, I didn’t expect Guan Yue, you can still Kaidō? But you don’t look like Kaidō? Anyway, thank you very much, come to me in the future, and I will give it to you. backed up.”

Yoruichi put his arms around Guan Yue’s shoulders like a big sister.

“This is [Double Full Hands]. Like the Spirit Talisman Kidō technique [Tongtianlu] that I used, it is a special ability that I awakened. It’s not a problem to say that it is Kaidō. After all, the effect is similar, and it can’t be used in battle.”

Guan Yue deliberately concealed part of the truth about [Shuangquan Hands].

No way, this ability is inherently dangerous.

The blue hand modifies the soul, and the red hand modifies the body.

Although the latter is not useful for Shinigami, who is a spiritual body.

But the former is very targeted.

Just like Aizen’s ‘Kyōka Suigetsu’, a harmless skin is temporarily needed.

Even so, after hearing his words, he remembered the magic talisman he had seen earlier.

Both Yoruichi and Urahara Kisuke gasped.

Not only the mainstream Kidō, but even a special medical technology like Kaidō has corresponding special abilities, and it can be said that it is a ‘all-rounder of magic’.

Could it be that this guy has been favored by the will of the Spirit King?

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