Shinigami: The Eight Tricks At The Beginning, They Call Me The God Of Magic

Chapter 32

32. More And More Like A Cultivator

Guan Yue didn’t care whether Urahara Kisuke could pass the captain’s exam.

It’s hard to live with a genius with a higher IQ than Aizen in the district captain’s exam.

Instead of worrying about his future, it is better to focus on how to improve your own strength.

“I didn’t get the ‘Eight Magic Skills’ for a long time, and most of them stayed at the stage of ‘just tasting it’. After all, not every one can combine what I have learned like [Tongtianlu], and quickly form a mature set of skills. combat system.”

“Therefore, the easiest and most direct way to improve your strength is to develop the other seven different techniques like you did with [Tongtianlu]. You don’t need to be able to integrate into the combat system, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t have lethality. At least you have to tap into their potential value. This is also a kind of accumulation in disguise for me.”

“It’s arguably what I’m missing the most right now.”

The ‘Maggot Nest’ is located in the northwest of the second division’s building, surrounded by a huge moat in the center.

Since it is built underground, in addition to the nickname of ‘Maggot Nest’, there is also an official name called ‘Underground Special Threshold’.

Guan Yue sat cross-legged on the top of the cliff at the top of the entrance, as if he was practicing sword meditation, without a trace of anxiety, just quietly thinking about his shortcomings and planning the next practice.

He can already be indifferent to what the future holds.

It doesn’t matter if it changes or doesn’t change.

Creatures have an innate thirst for power, which, in Shiro Ichigo’s words, is ‘instinct’.

People who are happy because of breathing probably don’t exist.

But the spiritual satisfaction of eating is the norm.

Compared with pure food, strength… is the food that can best satisfy the survival instinct.


Guan Yue put his hands together.

A fiery red Reiatsu is wrapped around the right hand, and a blue Reiatsu is wrapped around the left.

Then inhale slowly.

The sound of breathing was light, but he took this breath for three minutes.

The spirits in the atmosphere are also inhaled into the body along with the air. When the spiritualization circulation system of [Liu Ku Xian Thief] is activated, these spirits will be transported to every corner of the body.

If someone is watching, they will find that Guan Yue’s skin is actually shining brightly, as clear as bright jade. Under the light, the blood vessels are clearly visible, and the spirits are flowing in them, making the blood vessels also show a silvery blue.

If this bystander was a Quincy of the Invisible Empire, he would be even more astonished, because this form of expression is as much as 70% similar to the ‘blood suit’ they used to strengthen the body!

The remaining 30 percent is too passive.

The real blood suit is a highly subjective technology. It needs to be as organized, smooth, and concentrated as the circuit lines, forming a complete operating system, rather than simply injecting the spirit into the blood vessels.

“…It works, this way is feasible.”

Guan Yue felt the warmth of his body as if immersed in a hot spring, his pores were opened, and his energy was extremely energetic, even to the point of being called “abnormal”.

He is doing experiments.

Now that he has decided to enhance himself in all aspects by cultivating the remaining ‘Eight Wonders’ and enrich the skills he has learned, he will fill in the weakest fundamental part of himself as a ‘false Master Kidō’.

Then naturally come up with a reasonable learning method, so as not to delay the learning efficiency.

The solution Guan Yue came up with is ‘combination use’.

Use the ‘Eight Magic Skills’ that you are good at to control the ‘Eight Magic Skills’ that you are not good at.

It seems to be more difficult and complicated than a single application, but in fact… these are all innate techniques, equivalent to special abilities, and the nature of the practice of combining the two acquired skills is completely different.

It’s a little more thoughtful to use.

Sometimes, what is lacking is not proficiency, but a very special feeling.

It’s like something that feels the same.

This situation has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that once you catch it, there will be earth-shaking changes. The disadvantage is just the opposite.

Maybe that’s the difference between a genius and a mere mortal?

Guan Yue also didn’t complain about why the system didn’t increase his proficiency when he renovated the “Eight Magic Skills”, after all, it wasn’t a problem for him.

No, it has been overcome.

“At the same time, use the red hand that modifies the body and the blue hand that modifies the soul, and activate the [Liu Library Immortal Thief], using a large number of spirits inhaled in the body to adjust the structure chain of the spirit body, and develop in the direction of Arrancar .”

“In this way, not only will the training in the early stage of [Double Hands] be settled, but also a physical ability comparable to or even surpassing that of Arrancar…”

Guan Yue is quite satisfied.

At the same time, I felt more and more like I was cultivating immortals.

Imitating the Quincy’s blood outfit with the “eight wonders”, and then transforming himself with reference to Arrancar’s body structure, to cultivate a body that is indestructible.

“But having said that, the efficiency of simply absorbing the spirits is still a bit poor. Maybe I can add the method of [restricting the spirits] to serve the spirits.”

“Since you want to refer to Arrancar’s spiritual body structure, you might as well refer to the virtual growth route.”

“Use the soul rich in high-density Reiatsu as food, swallow it with the spiritual method, and then use [Liku Immortal Thief] to help absorb it completely.”

“Finally, [Double Full Hands] will take over and use this part of the spiritual power to adjust the structural chain of the spiritual body.”

This triangular structure has to be said to be quite perfect.

Each of them is actually a little lacking, but the advantages of each of them can just replace the shortcomings of other different techniques. The combination is a perfect connection, maximizing the benefits!

“Soul… Then do I want to eat Szayel Aporro? But after eating him, my Zanpakutō plan to break the limit will not progress so fast, Zanpakutō is the most obvious change after absorbing the virtual Reiatsu, wait… not right .”

Guan Yue suddenly remembered something.

Shinigami’s Zanpakutō prototype, sealed state, is made of countless Shinigami souls, let alone where the two house Wang Yue got so many Shinigami souls.

But it can be seen from his approach that sealed state is essentially a collection of countless souls.

So here comes the question… If you inject more souls into Zanpakutō, can you expand the potential of Zanpakutō just like expanding the computer space?

Then continue to do the sword meditation and carve the essence of your own soul into it, can you convert this part of potential into ‘performance’?

“And compared to Reiatsu on the surface, to reverse the essence of the soul, starting from the soul is the most thorough way to break the limit… Arrancar’s Zanpakutō is also a form of compressing his core… part of his soul into a sword, in other words… using Void souls can also be made into Zanpakutō, which can be liberated.”

Thinking of this, Guan Yue’s heart pounded.

He felt as if he had found a way to bring himself back.

But that’s not the point.

The key point is that the nature of ‘Juewu’ is relatively special, with strong compatibility and strong plasticity, which means that on the basis of Zanpakutō itself, it can be transformed by using virtual souls or even souls with Shinigami qualifications, or by smelting it. Describe it more appropriately?

It is said that Shinigami’s Ultimate is a fusion of itself and Zanpakutō, but now Guan Yue sees another way.

A path that allows Zanpakutō to practice as well.

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