Shinigami: The Eight Tricks At The Beginning, They Call Me The God Of Magic

Chapter 75

75. Shouting Injustice To The Fourth Division (Third)

After Yamada Kiyosuke left.

Unohana Retsu is about to say goodbye:

“Then I’ll take this time too…

“and many more.

Guan Yue raised his hand to interrupt, raised his chin and looked out the window.

“Is the wind outside comfortable?”


Unohana Retsu’s pupils shrank, as if realizing something, she put her hand on the handle of the knife and stared at the window with a cautious expression.

But, five seconds passed.

There was no response.

Seeing this, Unohana Retsu glanced suspiciously at Guan~yue.

“…If I don’t come out, I’ll go to Hadō on No. 91.

Guan Yue couldn’t hold his face, and decided to be tough.

Reiatsu was surging all over his body, and the atmosphere became tense.

When Unohana Retsu was about to dissuade him, the window opened with a snap, two figures were lying on the window, one of them took off the Kabuto hat of the black cloak, and said with a wry smile:

“Even though I’ve known each other for a while, I still can’t help but marvel at the fact that after using the Forbidden Technique equivalent to more than 30 times, there is still such a level of Reiatsu. How did you discover us?

“Me and Tessai are wearing my secret Reiatsu isolation cloak. 33

“…Your Excellency Urahara, it’s so tiring, can we go in and talk? To be honest, the walls of the Fourth Division are so slippery that I can barely stand.

Tessai Tsukabishi looks like a serious and rigid uncle, he feels more like a tough guy who is good at punching people with his fists than Kidō, but no amount of tough guy can change the fact that his face is blue and he is about to fall.

“Hold on, Tessai, if you fall you’ll be found.”

Urahara Kisuke hurriedly climbed into the house and pulled the burly man in with all his strength.

In the end, the two of them lay on the ground without any image, gasping for breath.

Guan Yue and Unohana Retsu just silently watched them play tricks.

“Urahara, haven’t you been discovered?”

“Yeah, Mr. Guan Yue and Captain Unohana, I think it’s okay, at least…”

Urahara Kisuke suddenly lost his smile and said with a serious face:

“You should have the patience to allow me to argue. 99

“…Excuse me?”

Unohana Retsu stared at him and asked:

“At this point, you who are considered sinners still dare to appear here. I did not take action immediately, which constitutes dereliction of duty, but rather than this, I would like to hear your opinion on the current situation of those who have been harmed by you. view of the state.

“…I’m innocent, so you probably won’t believe it, right?”

Urahara Kisuke rubbed his messy hair, feeling more complicated.

“Yes, this matter is strictly related to me. In the early years, I conducted an experiment on soul strengthening, and concluded that in order to completely achieve leap-forward strengthening, it is necessary to use external force to break the existing container and promote the existing The container is reorganized under the action of external force and becomes a larger container.

“After thinking about it, only the power of emptiness is most suitable, so I created a substance that can break the boundaries and give the power of Shinigami Hollow, and I named it ‘Hōgyoku’.

“But after I made it, I realized the danger of it, and after trying all kinds of methods, I couldn’t destroy it, so I had to seal it up… But I don’t know who is doing the trick, he used Shinigami’s The spirits carried out large-scale experiments and planted them on my head.

“You said framed? Could it be that the relevant information found in the research tower is fake?”

“…Those are indeed the experimental materials about Hollow, but they are not my research materials. I destroyed all the materials on hand a few years ago.”

Guan Yue asked: “Urahara, I remember that the chief commander arranged for the Chief Kidō and Tsukabishi to sit at the Technology Development Bureau to gather intelligence. What happened during that period?”

“Speaking of which, I may have found the reason for being framed.

Urahara Kisuke smiled wryly.

“Tessai and I went back to the Technology Development Bureau to investigate, and then when the investigators went in and out of the records, I found that the whereabouts of some members of the Fifth Division did not match the time shown in other reports, and then I began to track these suspicious people. , and eventually tracked down a research tower.

“It’s ridiculous that this research institute is actually registered under the name of the Technology Development Bureau, but I, the director, don’t know anything about it, and then I was surrounded by a group of people for some reason, and they found a lot of information about the research tower from this research tower. Hollow profile.”

“I was also told that I was reported to have killed colleagues for illegal research and attempted to destroy evidence of crimes.

……・・ Flowers 0…

“Tessai, who was with me, has also become my accomplice… but this makes sense. After all, it is difficult for me to be a captain who has just been in office for a few years. It is only reasonable to have a big kidō to cooperate with the crime.

Hearing his words, Guan Yue did not express his opinion immediately, but looked at Unohana Retsu.

“Captain Usohana, do you think his statement is credible?


Unohana Retsu frowned, was silent for a while and asked:

“Then what’s the explanation for the fact that you escaped arrest and appeared in the 6th Division area, causing Captain Kuchiki and his son, Vice-Captain Cang Chun to be injured?”

“That’s up to me.


Tessai Tsukabishi pushed his glasses and said solemnly:

“It’s not that we resisted arrest, but we were ambushed on the way to Room 46 for interrogation. Someone killed all the executives. We had to chase after them to prove our innocence. It disappeared, but instead I bumped into Kuchiki Cang Chun’s vice-captain who ran out of control.”

“Then, Captain Kuchiki Silver Bell arrived at the first time and discovered our existence.

“At this point, we all realized that we can no longer be led by the backstage, and decided to hide first, turn from light to dark, and observe the situation, especially to catch the backstage.

“It’s a pity that the other party has hidden too deep, so far nothing has been gained. Your Excellency Urahara considered that the fourth division might not be able to relieve the Hollow of the injured, so he had to hide in the team building, trying to find an opportunity to bring these people to a safe place. In a hidden place, use Lord Urahara’s unique healing method to save their lives.

“I, Tessai Tsukabishi, dare to risk my life for this remark, and there is no lie.”

“You said you want to take their wounded to other places for treatment? You really have the guts to do such a thing under the eyes of Captain Unoka.

Guan Yue had a look of admiration on his face.

Cold sweat broke out on Urahara Kisuke’s head.

“…No no no, Tessai said it inappropriately, I actually wanted to discuss it privately with Captain Unoka! 35

Unohana Retsu just smiled at him.

As if to say: Do you believe me? Three.

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