Shining Marvel Saints

Chapter 41: parker exposed

Halfway across the bridge, after seeing hundreds of cars, Gwen finally recognized a black Mercedes belonging to the Osborne Group from the traffic.

Glancing at the man in the car, Gwen confirmed his identity.

"That's the car. That's the person Dr. Connors is looking for. The serum is on him. I went to talk to him."

After Gwen finished speaking, he walked towards the car. Parker watched from a distance as Gwen knocked down the window of the car, and then said something to the man in the suit in the back seat.

Ah San in the suit had a disdainful expression, and waved his hand casually to send Gwen away.

Gwen was angry, and pulled the car window and shouted loudly, "Sir, Dr. Conners said that this serum can't be used in human trials, you can't do this, you are denying human rights and life Irresponsible!"

Ah San didn't bother to talk to Gwen at all, so she turned her head and signaled the driver to roll up the window.

Gwen put her arm directly into the car window and grabbed Ah San's clothes, "Sir, please hand over the serum, otherwise I won't let go."

The window was rolled up by the driver, and Gwen's arm hurt from the glass, but she never thought of giving up. If she couldn't get the serum back today, she would just hang on here.

Ah San's skirt was caught, and the serum happened to be in the inner pocket of the skirt. In order to prevent Gwen from taking it away indiscriminately, he took out the serum, held it up to a distance and said viciously to Gwen.

"This serum does not belong to Connors, but to the Osborne Group. We have the right to use it anywhere. Miss, please don't make trouble for no reason, otherwise, I will call the police."

Gwen saw the serum and wanted to grab it, but her body was stuck in the car window, so she couldn't reach it.

"You are an intern of Dr. Connors. I should have met you. You know that I have the right to disqualify you as an intern, and it may even affect your application for university. For the sake of your studies, I advise you the best Just be sensible."

Gwen bit her lips tightly. She didn't expect that the other party would threaten her with her studies. This undoubtedly touched her weakness. If she couldn't go to a good university, her hard work over the past ten years would be in vain.

However, even so, Gwen didn't flinch. She shook her head and said firmly, "Sir, no matter what you say or do, I have to take the serum back today."

"Then there's no other way," Ah San reached out and took out the phone from his pocket, and started to press keys, "I'll notify the personnel department now..."

Whoosh! A white spider silk flew from a distance, passed straight through the gap of the car window, and accurately stuck to the serum in Ah San's hand.

Ah San felt a blur in front of her eyes, and the spider silk pulled the serum and flew out of the car window, and landed in the hands of a disguiser squatting on the guardrail in the distance.

Parker had already changed into the Spider-Man uniform. At this moment, he was crouching on the railing beside the bridge like a pervert, holding the lizard serum in his hand, and looking at the lights of the street lamps beside the road.

"Miss over there, can you explain to me what this is? I passed by and heard you say that it is a dangerous thing. If it is, then I will take it away. The dangerous thing is still It’s better not to take it around casually.”

"Spah Edman!" Gwen turned her head and looked at Parker in surprise. She didn't know the identity of the man in the hood, but the voice was familiar to her. She also developed a sense of trust in Spider-Man.

"It's a serum under development. There are great hidden dangers. Mr. Spider-Man, please don't hand it back to him. He will use it for illegal experiments."

The people in the traffic jam had heard the quarrel between Gwen and Ah San, and they didn't take it seriously at first, but the appearance of Spider-Man immediately caught everyone's attention.

Many people got out of the car to watch, and even some younger ones started to gather around here.

The charm of idols is huge, face-based or something, the most loving.

"It turned out to be like this, well, I see, everyone!" Waving to the crowd, Parker shouted into the car window, "My friend, I took the things first, if you want to find If you come back, please go to the New York City Police Department to pick it up, if they agree with you to take it back. You don't have to thank me, goodbye!"

He raised his hand to show respect to the car, and Parker fell backwards. By the time the spectators rushed to the guardrail and looked down, Parker's figure had disappeared.

After quickly changing back into his clothes in the dark under the bridge, Parker took advantage of the chaos and climbed up from the other end of the bridge, crossing the road to Gwen's side.

"Gwen? What are you doing here?" Parker pretended to meet Gwen by chance, and stepped forward to help her pull her arm out of the car window.

"It's very late, why don't you go home, I'll see you off!"

After Parker finished speaking, he took out the skateboard directly, and after helping Gwen stand up, he kicked off and slid out.

Ah San stared blankly at the two people who disappeared, and froze for no reason, what happened just now?

On the way back, Gwen didn't say a word, just staring blankly at the road ahead.

While manipulating the skateboard to nimbly shuttle through the traffic, Parker raised his head and couldn't help are you thinking? I saw the serum was taken away by Spider-Man just now. Didn't he say that he would send it to Is it the police station? That Dr. Lata's plan failed, and we have completed Dr. Connors' explanation. "

Gwen turned her head, narrowed her eyes and said, "You are Spider-Man!"

Parker was unsteady on his feet and almost hit the opposite car.

"No, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand, Spider-Man, didn't Spider-Man leave just now? Many people have seen it."

The speed of the skateboard slowed down unconsciously, Parker explained calmly.

"Le Xia has already admitted that he is Bennu Huihuo. I thought you were just his assistant at first, but I didn't expect that you turned out to be Spider-Man. Don't deny it, I recognize your voice."

Gwen directly exposed Parker's lie, and Parker was a little at a loss.

'I didn't expect you, Le Xia, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, to betray G Ming. '

On the roof of the Osborne Building, Le Xia sneezed for no reason, and Dr. Lizard on the opposite side found a gap to counterattack and swept him out with a tail.

After such a long attack just now, Le Xia's physical strength was a bit overwhelming. Although his will to fight was still strong, his fists and feet seemed to be filled with lead. His movements gradually slowed down, and his strength was not as strong as it was at the beginning. up.

On the other hand, Dr. Lizard, with his strong stamina, he is still alive and well after being beaten up. Judging by his posture, he will be fine even if he hits ten more times.

After Le Xia, who was swept away by the lizard's tail, hit the wall and stopped, his whole body seemed to be falling apart, and his body was almost reaching its limit.

Seeing Dr. Lizard walking over with a smile, Le Xia knew that if there was no miracle, the grass on his grave would be as tall as next year.

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