Shining Marvel Saints

Chapter 5: Injustice

After coming out of the study, Le Xia climbed up to the roof of the orphanage by himself. When he couldn't fall asleep after reading "Wulin Biography", he thought about going up to the roof.

Looking up at the stars all over the sky, there are clusters of stars in the sky, and these star clusters form constellations.

To the rest of the world, these constellations represent galaxies, distant and unknown.

People speculate that there may be aliens in the galaxy. Although these aliens have actually visited the earth long ago, most people don't know it.

But for Le Xia, who is about to become a saint, these constellations will be his power amplifier.

The power of a saint comes from its own small universe, but each saint has a guardian constellation. The saint's small universe will communicate with the guardian constellation, and draw power from the constellation to continuously strengthen the realm of the small universe and improve its own strength.

Therefore, the guardian constellation is very important to a saint, it determines the upper limit of the energy of this small universe.

There are a total of 88 constellations in the sky, and there are 88 corresponding saints.

The most powerful ones are naturally the twelve constellations near the zodiac, corresponding to twelve gold saints, then twenty-four silver saints and forty-eight bronze saints.

(There are also four constellations of Saint Seiya which are said to have not been compiled by the original author Che Tian.)

Le Xia didn't know which zodiac sign she would be corresponding to. If she could choose, of course it would be the twelve zodiac signs.

The golden holy clothes are shining, the white cloak is flying, holding the helmet and letting the hair be blown into waves by the wind, standing at a 45-degree angle under the fire clock in the sanctuary, looking up at the starry sky, with blue melancholy like the Mediterranean in his eyes, accompanied by the BGM The theme song "Globe" of Pluto's Zodiac chapter is absolutely cool.

If it's not gold, silver is also fine. The altar seat, giant baron seat, and Perseus seat are also acceptable. The Ophiuchus that may evolve is even better.

But don't be a crane, let Ye Nashen's low-waist hot pants unbuttoned look very cool, but as a man wearing it, it would be too embarrassing and hot-eyed.

However, judging by the color and material of the holy cloth box, most of the clothes inside should be bronze holy cloth.

The Bronze Saint Cloth is the Bronze Saint Cloth, anyway, it is picked up, it is better than nothing. Although the defense is weaker, but after evolving to the sacred clothes, everyone is more handsome than others.

Fantasizing about how she would put on the holy clothes and pretend to be in front of the Avengers, Le Xiamei almost blew out her nose bubbles.

Drum, pedal, pedal! The sound of hurried footsteps sounded in the alley downstairs.

Le Xia came back to his senses, looked for the direction of the footsteps, and saw a figure running forward in a panic in the alley below.

Not long after the figure ran past, there was a sound of messy footsteps from behind, and two people who were obviously much taller chased them out of the darkness.

"This **** can run quite well."

"Quick, don't let her get away!"

Seeing the two of them running past quickly, Le Xia frowned.

The law and order at night in the United States has always been criticized by people, and the situation in Queens, where the majority of poor people live, is even more serious.

Due to the proliferation of guns and the chaos of law and order, the city's day and night are completely different worlds.

Queens at night is a gangster's paradise, theft, drugs, robbery, rape, kidnapping, murder, there are only things you can't think of, nothing they dare not do.

Every time Le Xia went to work, she would return to the orphanage before eight o'clock, if it was later, it would be unsafe.

It is now close to midnight, which is the time when criminals are at their most rampant.

The three people who ran past under the nose just now are likely to be a criminal activity. Two old men chased a little old woman at night. Could it be a game?

I will never play again, and I will never play on the street again...

In the past, Le Xia would definitely stay away when encountering such a thing. If he didn't have the ability to save people, he would honestly report to the police from a distance.

Criminals in the United States all have guns. Isn’t it an honor to be a martyr directly if you rush up and help?

But Le Xia is different now. While the small universe on the Saint Cloth Box instilled Le Xia with the Saint Seiya training system, it also subtly instilled him with the Saint Seiya's creed and philosophy.

"Guard the love and justice on the earth!"

While acquiring the ability of a saint, he will also shoulder the mission of a saint.

This is a mandatory question that cannot be violated.

Le Xia has not yet fully become a true saint warrior, he will not blindly challenge enemies that he cannot defeat, and of course he will not sit idly by the evil that happens in front of him.

After confirming that there was no one following behind, Le Xia stood up, walked out of the orphanage along the wall, and chased after them in the direction of several people.

In the dark alley, the desperate woman finally got into a dead end, but it was too late to change the way. The two men chasing her had already blocked the entrance of the alley.

"Hoo! I see where you are going, hoo! You bitch!"

Two men, one tall and one short, panted and chased to the entrance of the alley. Seeing that it was a dead end and the woman had nowhere to escape, they had triumphant smiles on their tired faces.

"1000 knives are in hand."

The tall one took out a butterfly knife, the blade reflected the dim light at the street intersection, and the scared woman's legs went limp.

"First... sir! No, please! Don't hurt me!"

The woman was tired and frightened, her legs had no strength to support herself, and she slowly slid to the ground against the wall.

"Don't worry, we won't hurt you, UU Reading" The tall man slowly stepped forward with a knife in his mouth, with a fierce smile on his lips, "You are worth 1,000 dollars, how can I be willing to hurt you Woolen cloth."

Walking to the side of the woman, the tall man slowly bent down and gestured at her face with the blade.

"Ma'am, I advise you to be obedient and not to resist, so that you will suffer less flesh and blood. Hehe..."

Waving his hand behind him, the tall man shouted, "David, come here quickly, take this back, we can call it a day."


There was a muffled sound behind him, and the tall man turned his head sharply, and accidentally cut the woman's skin with the tip of the knife in his hand, causing a shrill scream.


The sudden scream startled the tall man, but what made him more angry was what happened behind him.

The short David was already limp to the ground. Behind him stood a thin figure holding a blood-stained brick.

"Shit! You are courting death."

The tall one got angry when he saw it. The other party covered his face. Since he didn't dare to show his face, he couldn't be a policeman.

Either way, being tall won't make things easier for the other party, let him see how powerful the Russian Mafia is.

As soon as the two exchanged hands, the tall one realized from his opponent's unfamiliar movements and consciousness that this kid was a novice in fighting, and he just learned a little superficially from somewhere.

Such people are much taller, and most of them are dead.

Le Xia dodged two stabs in a hurry, and couldn't help sighing in his heart, it really is easier said than done, and there is still a long way to go before he wants to turn the combat experience instilled into his brain by the small universe of the Saint Cloth Box into his own fighting consciousness. Way to go.

(Thank you for your support and encouragement, don't stop!)

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