Shining Marvel Saints

Vol 2 Chapter 380: Roar!

Hulk's character design is that as the anger increases, the strength will continue to increase, and there is no upper limit in theory.

And Le Xia chose Hulk to be the guardian of the Taurus Palace, so naturally he didn't deprive him of this ability, and even slightly strengthened it.

The current Hulk is like a berserker who fights with anger, and he can accumulate anger points when he is beaten.

However, after the anger gauge is full, instead of directly bursting into rage, it will open the next stage of anger gauge while improving the physical fitness.

So as long as Vostagg can't kill Hulk with absolute power at once, then his attack will make Hulk stronger little by little.

This is the so-called what doesn't kill me makes me stronger.

In fact, from the very beginning, Vostagg never thought of killing Hulk directly with absolute strength.

Because after becoming a **** fighter and gaining powerful power, what Vostagg wants is a close battle, and so far, no one can make him experience this kind of head-to-head combat better than Hulk pleasure.

It's just that although Hulk is strong, he is still too weak for a **** fighter.

So Vostagg needs to make Hulk stronger, so strong that he can fully exert his strength as a **** fighter.

"Otherwise, how would I know how strong I am now!"


The answer to Vostagg was an earth-shattering roar.

After the transformation, the Hulk basically can't speak human language. He communicates only by roaring, and his expression only has a wicked smile.

In this regard, he is really far behind the tree figure Groot in the Silver Guardian.

The human Groot can still say "I am Groot" in a nutshell, and he can also play game consoles. Although he is rebellious after rebirth, his IQ is absolutely online.

It's not like the Hulk, just roar, roar, roar, and then go crazy.

But now, Vostagg's wish has been fulfilled. Under his uncompromising efforts, Hulk has finally grown into a towering tree, an existence that can compete with him only by physical strength.

"Hahaha, that's right. In this way, I don't need to keep it anymore. Come on, big green-skinned monster, let's have a good battle between men."

Boom boom boom!

The sound of piling-like bombardment continued to resound in this land of hills, and the nearby hills, which were manifested by infinite gems, were in bad luck in an instant.

Although Hulk's speed is not fast, after his strength is improved, the explosive power of his legs can provide him with super power, so he can keep up with Vostagg's speed just by bouncing.

So, after the two broke out completely, countless hilltops were smashed every second, and countless deep pits appeared on the ground every second.

If this space hadn't been strengthened by infinite gemstones, just like the sanctuary of the zodiac under the will of the gods, there is no way to be completely destroyed, then this place would have been scattered by the attacks of the two.

Even the planets under the earth, like the planet Le Xia fought against Thanos before, will become a group of meteorites scattered in the universe.

But now, these worries don't exist, and it's enough for the two of them to hit each other with full horsepower.

Male on top of male, meet male on top!

In the Pope's Hall, Le Xia sighed again when he saw that Hulk was tied with the giant monster among the **** fighters with his physical strength alone.

"As early as the first time we met, I felt that the settings of Hulk and Saint Xiaoqiang were very similar. One uses the power of gamma rays, and the other uses the power of the small universe. These can be regarded as the original power of the universe."

"And this Hulk still has the abnormal attribute that he can't die, and the more he is injured, the stronger he gets. This is simply as good as Seiya."

Such a Hulk doesn't even need Le Xia to specially use the Saint Seiya Possession Card for him, or give him other abilities, it is enough to be promoted to the role of a palace guard.

How strong would it be if he was given a golden holy garment and the ability of a Taurus.

Are Taurus weak? Of course not weak at all.

Not to mention the basic configuration of the large-body Lightspeed Fist, a large-area AOE skill such as a giant horn is also a powerful attack that can directly kill a saint below silver to scum.

Not to mention the energy attack ults 'Titan Nova' and 'Titan Burst' inherited from LC's senior Hasgart.

Using these two tricks, it's like playing with the earth-shaking galaxies and destruction.

Taurus is actually a powerful constellation with both physical and energy attacks, dare you believe it.

It's a pity that this zodiac sign is the same as Cancer, and is not welcomed by Chetian, so there is a setting that Alrudiba will be horned 100% of the time.

Originally a good brother, he just became a weak chicken in gold.

And now, Hulk is about to inherit Hasgart's will and come to rectify the name of Taurus.

After more than ten minutes of frenzied bombardment, as far as the eye can see, basically all the hilltops have been smashed, and the entire land has become a plain area, and there are bottomless chasms everywhere on the ground. .

Vostagg and Hulk stood separately on both sides of a gap. Both of them had scars and bruises on their bodies, but the expressions on their faces were not tired, but a little excited.

"I your growth is very good, and I played very well in this battle!"

Vostagg wiped off the dust from his beard with a smile, Hulk on the opposite side responded with a sentence not to be outdone.


"It seems that we have the same idea. If we change the time, I will definitely fight with you here until the sky is dark and the earth is dark, until the end of the world."

Vostagg shook his head, "Unfortunately, we are not here just to compete with you this time, but to win this sanctuary and break your earth."

As Vostagg spoke, the fighting in Aries had subsided.

"Look, my companion has achieved staged success, and if I am left too far behind, he will laugh at me, so..."

Vostagg took off the two huge wheel scythes in his hand again.

"Let's end the fight quickly."

On the opposite side, Hulk frowned suddenly when he heard Vostagg's words, but then put away his offensive posture, crossing his hands in front of his chest.

This is a very common posture, both men and women like to do it, and men do it to make them look tall and straight, while women do it to make them look big.

However, in Hulk's growth history, there has never been such a pose. He is most used to clenching his fists on both sides of his body, and then roaring to the sky.

So this pose doesn't belong to Hulk at all.

However, when he realized that Vostagg had given up hand-to-hand combat and was about to open up, Hulk chose this posture that he had never used before.

Because at this moment, the effect of the Taurus Gold Saint Seiya Possession Card was activated.

The whole Hulk turned into a faint golden color.


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