Shining Marvel Saints

Vol 2 Chapter 409: Giving Back Fun Facts on the Gemstone Road

After finishing speaking, Le Xia waved his hand, and a red light fell instantly, covering the blue space gem in the US team's box.

Then, as if the camera was reversed, the space stone split and multiplied rapidly, and it returned to the appearance of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube in a short while.

"Okay, done, now you can put it back."

After putting the Cosmic Rubik's Cube back, Le Xia waved again, and the lock of the cabinet that was cut by Iron Man's finger laser before was restored to its original state.

"Let's go, where is the next stop?"

After listening to Le Xia's words, the US team was obviously taken aback, and then said dully, "2012, New York."

"OK," Le Xia looked down at his watch, "Let's go."

Whoosh! The two disappeared in an instant, and then appeared together in a small alley, surrounded by construction waste scattered on the ground, as well as some smashed and scrapped vehicles.

Well, this alley is the alley in Avengers IV, where Tony, Captain America, Hulk, and Ant-Man Strong appeared when they crossed over.

The US team even felt that Tony was sitting in the scrapped car looking at him with a sad face, but unfortunately, this was just an illusion.

"There are two here, the time gem is better, the Loki scepter of the soul gem..."

Captain America looked at Le Xia worriedly.

When you do many things by yourself, you don’t feel worried at all, but if someone around you is more reliable than you, you will involuntarily trust and rely on him.

The US team is like this now, the more I look at Le Xia, the more I feel that the other party should be my captain.

"That's easy to say, but there should be three here."

Le Xia used the Reality Gem on the Holy Grail again to create a carrier scepter for the Mind Gem, and then the two of them took the scepter to Stark Tower, where the time-space American team lay on their stomachs.

Because of time travel, it is not long before Captain America defeats Captain America in this time and space, and goes to the next stop with Tony in 1970, and the unconscious Captain America has not been found yet.

Standing beside the downed Captain America, Le Xia gestured with the scepter, not knowing where to put it.

"By the way, this Mi Guo's buttocks are really sexy!"

Le Xia was thinking while making gestures, how about using this thing as a support to support the scepter?

Captain America looked at Le Xia with a warning face. Although this person is not me, he is indeed me. It’s fine if I don’t see it. I’m standing here now. If you dare to do this, I will definitely follow you Desperate!

"Okay, then just put it here."

Le Xia shrugged, and threw the scepter directly beside the lying Captain America, and then the two quickly evacuated.

In the Sanctuary of New York, when the two arrived, the Supreme Magician Gu Yi was sitting on the roof drinking tea.

"Have you come back so soon? It seems that your operation is going well."

Gu Yi took a leisurely sip of tea, and the moment he raised his head, his expression froze for an instant.

"You are…"

Le Xia stepped forward, clasped his fists and saluted.

"Hello, Mage Gu Yi, please take care of me when we meet for the first time. I am from the earth, and I am from the Celestial Dynasty. Speaking of which, we are still fellow villagers."

The magician's lair is Karma Taj in Kathmandu, on the other side of the Himalayas, and Le Xia comes from the Celestial Dynasty on this side of the mountain, all of which belong to Asia. . .

"Hello," Gu Yi also clasped his fists in salute, and at the same time the energy on his body was quickly mobilized, as if he wanted to use this to find out Le Xia's origin.

Le Xia saw through Gu Yi's behavior at a glance, but he didn't take it seriously.

Before, if you didn't have six infinity gems, maybe you would see me through, but now, if you can see a hair of my hair, I will lose.

Sure enough, Gu Yi tried his best, but in the end he just got nothing.

"We're here to return the Time Stone, hopefully it's not too late."

As Captain America said, he took out the Time Gem from the box, and Gu Yi reached out to take it, and put it back into the Eye of Agamotto, the pendant on his chest.

But then, Gu Yi raised his head to look at Captain America again.

"There is another space gem, what are you going to do?"

"Space Gem? We have already..."

Before the US team finished speaking, they realized that they were wrong. What Gu Yi was talking about was not the reality gem sent to 1970, but the gem that fell to Loki in the Stark Industrial Building and was stolen by him. The one that went.

Although the US team didn't personally experience that scene, he knew it clearly.

"Yes, if the space gem is not brought back, there will be problems with the timeline of this world, then my trip will be in vain, so..."

While the US team clenched the hammer tightly, they looked at Le Xia unconsciously again.

Unexpectedly, Le Xia spread his hands and shook his head, "Actually, you don't need to be anxious about this matter. Even if Loki ran away with the infinite gems, it doesn't matter, it's just a new timeline."

"But we came back to send gems to restore the timeline, otherwise why would we come back, and what if Loki is here..."

Le Xia directly interrupted the US team, "You don't really intend to restore the timeline to the original one, do you? If this is the case, then... what about Thanos?"

Le Xia's words stunned Captain America's question.

That's right, what about Thanos? You must know that the Thanos who appeared after they snapped their fingers in the future, the guy who finally killed Tony Stark and had to sacrifice himself to die together, came from this time and space.

So if you really want to restore the timeline to the original one, wouldn't you also want to resurrect the Thanos of this world?

"No, no, this is absolutely not possible."

Thanos can't be resurrected no matter what. Finally, the Avengers gathered all the horses and killed him at the expense of Tony. How could he ask for trouble and resurrect him.

Didn't wake up!

"So, UU Reading Since Thanos is here, you can no longer justify yourself, so what does it matter if you let Loki go?"

Le Xia shrugged, "And then again, I'm actually quite concerned about Loki's experience after he escaped."

It's a pity that Loki's episodes haven't been launched yet, so it's said to be coming soon? Really been waiting.


After struggling for a while, Midea had no choice but to give up.

"With Loki, just let him go. Anyway, there is still Thor and everyone in this world, so it's okay to let Loki go."

Since the US team chose to compromise, they began to prepare for the next stage of the journey, which is also the last stop of this journey, in 2014, Asgard.

But before setting off, Le Xia suddenly said to the US team.

"For the power gem, just leave it to me. I'm very good at pouring liquid into a woman's body. It should be done in half an hour. You have to be patient."

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