Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 34: Goldy versus Blacky (Part 1)

The standoff between the six Servants, each on high alert, was quickly broken.

It was broken by Archer and Berserker.

The Black Knight stared chillingly at Archer, who stood on a street lamp.

In contrast, the Golden Heroic Spirit locked onto the Black Knight's gaze with precise accuracy. His crimson eyes showed no doubt or confusion, only a pure killing intent as he looked down on Berserker.

"Who permitted you to gaze upon me? You mad dog!"

For someone of lowly status to cast such a dirty and contemptuous gaze upon someone of noble birth was an unbearable humiliation. In Archer's eyes, the insolent Berserker was even less forgivable than Rider, who claimed himself to be king.

However, to Shinji's ears, this statement could be bluntly translated as, "What are you looking at? Blacky."

The Black Knight remained silent, continuing to meet Archer's gaze with his scarlet eyes, as if saying, "What are you going to do about it, Goldy?"

Archer narrowed his eyes, emanating a tremendous killing intent. The floating swords and spears around him changed their direction of attack. The tips of the blades and spears were aimed directly at the highest priority target, Berserker, with a clear message — try looking at me one more time.

Berserker responded with action — go ahead and try.

The floating swords and spears around Archer changed their direction of attack. The tips of the blades and spears were aimed directly at the highest priority target, Berserker.

"Believe it or not, I'll cut you down!"

—Well, this is Shinji's imagination, but in reality, Archer said,

"At least let me enjoy your shattered form, you Mongrel!"

Accompanied by this stern declaration, the spear and sword flew through the air.

Without contact, weapons that appeared out of nowhere were launched. That is why he became Archer.

However, to the other Heroic Spirits, this method of using Noble Phantasms was extraordinary. To the Heroic Spirits, Noble Phantasms were like their own children and recklessly throwing such important weapons as stones was seen as too hasty.

Nevertheless, the destructive power was undeniably enormous.

The road surface was blown up as if a bomb had exploded, and the asphalt turned into scattered dust, covering the entire field of vision.

Everyone holds their breath.

In the hazy dust, the long black shadow flickered into view.

Berserker was still standing.

He moved his foot slightly, and the ground beneath him cracked and turned into fragmented rocks.

The spear and sword thrown by Archer, with the spear trailing slightly behind, missed the target. The sword, which should have been in front of and aimed at the target, did not cause any damage.


"Because that sword is in Berserker's hand."

"Is that guy Berserker?" Lancer whispered nervously.

Rider responded softly, "Although he lost all rationality after going berserk, he is indeed an impressive warrior."

"What exactly happened?" Waver was confused. In that round of attack and defense, no Master had seen the process clearly in the blink of an eye.

"Why? Don't you understand?" Rider watched with relish but didn't forget to answer the Master's question. "That black one effortlessly caught the sword flying towards him and used it to deflect the subsequent spear."

The seemingly simple description revealed Berserker's formidable strength and his response to Archer's boastful words—don't believe it!

Noble Phantasms only become the exclusive weapons of their respective Heroic Spirits. Even if they end up in the hands of other Heroic Spirits, they cannot be used flexibly. Being able to accurately repel the spear that was chasing right after it with a non-native Noble Phantasm, he demonstrated a skill that was hard to believe.

However, Archer was not astonished, but furious. All expressions vanished from his handsome face, leaving only a chilling killing intent frozen at zero degrees.

"How dare you touch my treasure with your filthy hands? Do you want to die that badly? You mongrel!"

Radiance shimmered once again around Archer. Surrounding his majestic countenance, a new set of 16 Noble Phantasms suddenly appeared behind him.

Not only were there spears and swords, but also axes, hammers, spears, and some strange and grotesque weapons whose purposes and nature were unknown.

All weapons were polished to a mirror-like brightness and exuded immense magical power. Each weapon embodied an undeniable sense of mystery; they were truly Noble Phantasms.

"How is this possible?"

Waver unintentionally uttered these words, and the other Servants and Masters shared the same thought.

A Heroic Spirit's Noble Phantasm is not limited to just one; some Heroic Spirits also conceal three or four superweapons of comparable power. However, there is a limit to the number of Noble Phantasms one can possess.

The golden Archer, upon using his Noble Phantasms, released them one by one like an endless arsenal, using them all at once. Moreover, since his battle with Berserker, he has never used the same Noble Phantasm twice.

Among these 16 Noble Phantasms, one caught Shinji's attention.

It was a sickle-blade with a dark handle made of unknown wood and a curved silver blade resembling a crescent moon. There were no additional decorations on the entire Noble Phantasm, making it inconspicuous compared with the surrounding magnificent weapons.

Shinji noticed this solely because this particular Noble Phantasm was identical to that of the Noble Phantasms he possessed.

The true name of the Noble Phantasm was Harpe, also known as the Sickle of the Serpent Hunter. It was forged by Hephaestus, one of Olympus's twelve gods. Perseus used it to sever the head of Medusa, who had transformed into a monster, and Shinji also used it to destroy the physical body of Zouken Matou.


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